Is ISO TS 16949 related to ISO 9001 ?
Correct Answer
A. Yes, it is based on ISO 9001 and has more details for automotive companies.
ISO TS 16949 is related to ISO 9001 because it is based on ISO 9001 and provides additional requirements specifically tailored for automotive companies. ISO TS 16949 incorporates the core principles of ISO 9001 while also addressing the unique needs and challenges of the automotive industry. It includes more specific guidelines and requirements related to product safety, continuous improvement, defect prevention, and supply chain management in the automotive sector. Therefore, the correct answer is that ISO TS 16949 is based on ISO 9001 and provides more details for automotive companies.
In ISO TS 16949, what does TS stand for ?
Correct Answer
The "TS" in ISO TS 16949 stands for "Technical Specification." This standard is a quality management system specifically developed for the automotive industry. It outlines the requirements for the design, development, production, and installation of automotive-related products. The inclusion of "TS" in the title signifies that this standard is a technical specification rather than a full international standard like ISO 9001.
How detailed are ISO TS recommendations ?
Correct Answer
A. Quite detailed: they mention analysis of claims from the field, how to make a control plan, how to deal with NG parts.
ISO TS recommendations are quite detailed as they provide specific guidelines on various aspects such as analyzing claims from the field, creating a control plan, and handling non-conforming parts. This level of detail suggests that the recommendations go beyond generic standards and offer specific instructions for companies to follow.
On which theme could ISO TS requirements be reinforced ?
Correct Answer
A. Pre-production /pre-series phase and ramp-up phase are mentionned only slightly.
ISO TS requirements could be reinforced on the theme of pre-production / pre-series phase and ramp-up phase. This is because these phases are only mentioned slightly, indicating that there may be a need to emphasize and strengthen the requirements related to these stages. The building of a control plan is mentioned very shortly, suggesting that it may not require additional reinforcement. The use of FMEA is not mentioned at all, indicating that it may not be a focus area for ISO TS requirements. Therefore, the correct answer is that the pre-production / pre-series phase and ramp-up phase are mentioned only slightly.
For a company who wants to be ISO TS 16949 certified, which items or subjects should be reviewed by internal audits ?
Correct Answer
D. At least its internal processes as stated by their process map,but process audit and product audit should be conducted as well
For a company to be ISO TS 16949 certified, it is important to review at least its internal processes as stated by their process map. However, conducting both process audits and product audits is also necessary. This is because auditing the products ensures customer satisfaction, while auditing the industrial process ensures that the quality of the product is a result of a good process. Therefore, a comprehensive internal audit should include a review of the internal processes, as well as process and product audits.
Which of the following answers describes best the ideal purpose of internal audit ?
Correct Answer
C. Internal audits are conducted to check conformity to internal procedures, and also to find opportunities for improvement
Internal audits are conducted to check conformity to internal procedures and also to find opportunities for improvement. This means that the purpose of internal audits is not only to ensure that the organization is following its own established procedures but also to identify areas where the procedures can be enhanced or optimized. By conducting these audits, the organization can identify any deviations from its internal procedures and take corrective actions to improve its overall performance and efficiency. Compliance with ISO TS requirements may be a part of the internal audit process, but it is not the sole or ideal purpose.
Are measurables important to deploy quality?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Yes they are, as they should reflect customer satisfaction and be split down to the process and explained to the workers
C. Yes they are, as they enable to measure progress and results of action plans
Measurables are important to deploy quality because they serve as indicators of customer satisfaction and allow for the evaluation of progress and results of action plans. By breaking down the measurables into specific processes and explaining them to workers, it ensures that everyone understands the expectations and can work towards achieving them. Additionally, measuring progress helps identify areas for improvement and allows for adjustments to be made to ensure the quality of the product or service.
As regards ISO TS 16949 and general quality standards, is it important for a company to have a chart describing its organization ?
Correct Answer
C. Yes, because it shows the role of everyone and the importance given to quality inside the company
Having a chart describing the organization is important for a company, regardless of the number of employees. It helps to show the role of everyone within the company and emphasizes the importance given to quality. This chart provides a clear understanding of the hierarchy, responsibilities, and reporting structure, ensuring that everyone is aware of their roles and how they contribute to maintaining quality standards.
The plant I am auditing has 200 employees.
They have a Main Performance Indicator Matrix, reviewed monthly by the board, of 54 indicators
Correct Answer
B. Main performance indicators should not be more than 20 for any middle size company, otherwise it is too complicatde to follow. It may include, cost, environment, health and safety.
The given answer is correct because it states that main performance indicators should not exceed 20 for a middle-sized company. This is because having too many indicators can make it difficult to track and monitor performance effectively. The indicators may include factors such as cost, environment, health, and safety, which are crucial aspects for any organization. Additionally, the answer mentions that there should be only one indicator linked to return on investment, highlighting the importance of measuring financial performance.
Which of the following is amongst the primary element of total quality management?
Correct Answer
D. All of the above
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that focuses on meeting customer requirements by involving all employees in continuous improvement processes. It emphasizes the importance of customer satisfaction, employee involvement, and process efficiency. Therefore, all three options - customer-focused, total employee involvement, and process-centered - are primary elements of TQM.