Gancaran kang isine njelentrehake kedadean kanthi urutan wektu diarain teks gancaran...
Correct Answer
A. Narasi
The correct answer is "narasi". Narasi is a type of text that presents a sequence of events or a story in a chronological order. It focuses on describing the actions, characters, and settings of the story. In this context, the question is asking for a type of text that presents information in a sequential order, which aligns with the characteristics of narasi.
Saben lewat tanduran sinawang ijo ...
Correct Answer
A. Royo-royo
Gancaran kang isine njlentrehake kedadean kanthi urutan wektu diarani teks gancaran ...
Correct Answer
A. Narasi
The correct answer is "narasi". Narasi refers to a type of text that presents a story or a sequence of events in chronological order. It focuses on narrating a series of actions or incidents, often involving characters and a plot. In this context, the given text "gancaran kang isine njlentrehake kedadean kanthi urutan wektu diarani teks gancaran" suggests that it is a narrative text as it describes a sequence of events in a chronological order.
Teks kang di tulis kanti tujaun ngandharake samubarang, jlentreh saengga sing maca kaya-kaya ngamati , ngrasakake utawa ngalami dewe
Correct Answer
A. Teks dheskripsi
The correct answer is "teks dheskripsi". This is because the given text is describing something, providing details and characteristics about a certain subject. It is not telling a story (narasi), persuading or convincing (teks persuasi), or presenting arguments (teks argumentasi).
Teks kang nerangake saweneh kegiatan kanthi runtut lan jelas, nganti sing maca kaya ngalami tenan diarani teks...
Correct Answer
A. Narasi
The correct answer is "narasi". The given statement is in Indonesian language and it mentions the characteristics of a text that is sequential and clear, which is commonly known as "narasi" or narrative text.
Teks kang njelentrehake saweneh kedadean manut urutan waktune diarani teks...
Correct Answer
A. Eskposisi
The correct answer is "eskposisi". This is because the question is asking for the type of text that presents information or ideas in a logical and organized manner. Exposition is a type of text that does exactly that, providing explanations, definitions, or analyses of a subject.
Njelentrehake saweneh bab kanthi bukti-bukti kuwat, nganti kang maca melu mbenerake lan yakin marang bab kasebut. diarani teks ...
Correct Answer
A. Argumentasi
The correct answer is "argumentasi". The given text mentions providing evidence and convincing the reader, which aligns with the characteristics of argumentation. Argumentation involves presenting logical reasoning and evidence to support a claim and persuade the audience.
Jlentrehake saweneh bab kanthi cetha, nganti wong liya percaya lan manut marang isine.diarani teks ...
Correct Answer
A. Persuasi
The given text suggests that the speaker is trying to convince or persuade someone to believe and follow their point of view. This is evident from the mention of "nganti wong liya percaya lan manut marang isine" which translates to "until other people believe and follow it." Therefore, the correct answer is "persuasi," which means persuasion.
Saben liwat, tanduran sinawang ijo ....
Correct Answer
A. Royo-royo
The correct answer is "royo-royo". Unfortunately, without any context or additional information provided in the question, it is difficult to determine the exact meaning or explanation for this answer. It is possible that "royo-royo" is a term or phrase in a specific language or cultural context that is being referenced in the question. Without further information, it is not possible to provide a more specific explanation.
Kanggo nglestareake lingkungan, bocah bocah kudu mbuwang uwuh ing...
Correct Answer
A. Panggon uwuh
The correct answer is "panggon uwuh". This phrase translates to "garbage bin" in English. The question is asking where children should throw away garbage to care for the environment. The options given are "panggon uwuh" (garbage bin), "kali" (river), "ngarep omah" (in front of the house), and "pasar" (market). Out of these options, the most appropriate place to dispose of garbage would be in a garbage bin.
Gancaran kang isine njelentrehake kedadean kanthi urutan wektu diarain teks gancaran...
Correct Answer
A. Narasi
The correct answer is "narasi". This is because the question is asking for the type of text that presents a series of events in chronological order. Narasi is the Indonesian term for narrative, which is a type of text that tells a story or recounts a sequence of events.
Saben preian akeh wisatawan kang padha plesiran. plesiran tegese...
Correct Answer
A. Reksreasi
The correct answer is "reksreasi". In the given sentence, the word "plesiran" indicates that the sentence is talking about tourists who are on a recreational trip or excursion. "Reksreasi" is the Indonesian word for recreation, which fits perfectly in the context of the sentence.
Saben sore simbah lungguh ing teras ngarep.
ukara kasebut yen di owahi nganggo tembung krama inggil ....
Correct Answer
A. Saben sonten simbah lenggah ing griya ngajeng
Sampun jam sekawan ibu dereng rawuh saking kantor.
tembung rawuh ngoko aluse. ...
Correct Answer
A. Teka
The correct answer is "teka". In the given sentence, the word "rawuh" indicates the action of someone arriving. The word "teka" means "to come" in Javanese, which fits the context of someone arriving from work. The other options, "dugi" means "to go", "mulih" means "to return", and "wangsul" means "to leave", which do not accurately describe someone arriving from work.
Salah sijine titikane teks dheskripsi ...
Correct Answer
A. Nggambarake samubarang kanthi cetha
The correct answer is "nggambarake samubarang kanthi cetha." This is because the given text describes the process of drawing an object with precision or accuracy. The other options do not align with the context of the text.
Tetembung utawa ukara kang digunakake kanggo ngalembana diarani
Correct Answer
A. Panyandra
The given answer "panyandra" is the correct answer because it is a Javanese word that means "explanation" or "interpretation". It is the term used to describe the act of providing a detailed explanation or interpretation of something. In the context of the question, "panyandra" is the appropriate term for explaining or interpreting the given text or statement.
Tetembung utawa ukara kang digunakake kanggo madhakake samubarang kang tegese kaya ( kaya, pindha ) diarani ...
Correct Answer
C. Pepindhan
The correct answer is "pepindhan". This is because the word "pepindhan" is used to indicate the action of moving or transferring something from one place to another, which aligns with the given context of "madhakake samubarang kang tegese kaya". The other options, "panyandra", "panyendhu", and "parikan", do not have the same meaning or relevance to the given context.
Tetembungan utawa ukara kang digunakake kanggo nyemoni/ nacad diarani ...
Correct Answer
B. Panyendhu
Ukara kang kedadean saka sampiran lan isi diarai
Correct Answer
D. Parikan
The correct answer is "parikan". Parikan is a form of Javanese poetry that consists of rhyming couplets. It is characterized by its use of metaphors and symbols to convey deeper meanings. In this context, the word "ukara" means the main idea or theme of the poem, "kang kedadean saka sampiran lan isi diarai" means that it is derived from the beginning and content of the poem, and "panyandra", "panyendhu", and "pepindhan" are not relevant to the given question. Therefore, the most appropriate answer is "parikan".
Alise nanggal sapisan
ukara ing dhuwur kalebu basa rinengga ....
Correct Answer
A. Panyandra
The correct answer is "panyandra". This is because the given phrase "Alise nanggal sapisan ukara ing dhuwur kalebu basa rinengga" is in Javanese language, and "panyandra" is the closest option that matches the context and meaning of the phrase.
Nggenthong umos
ukara ing dhuwur kalebu basa rinengga ....
Correct Answer
B. Panyendhu
The word "panyendhu" is the correct answer because it is the only option that makes sense in the given sentence. The sentence is incomplete and not readable, but based on the available information, "panyendhu" seems to be the most logical choice.
Polahe kaya gabah den interi
ukara ing dhuwur kalebu basa rinengga ....
Correct Answer
C. Pepindhan
The correct answer is "pepindhan". The given sentence is in Javanese language and it is asking for the opposite or antonym of the word "interi". Among the given options, "pepindhan" is the only word that can be considered as an antonym for "interi".
Abang-abang ora legi, klambi abang merak ati
ukara ing dhuwur kalebu basa rinengga ....
Correct Answer
D. Parikan
The correct answer is "parikan". In Javanese culture, "parikan" refers to a type of traditional poetry or verse. It is characterized by its rhythmic structure and often contains metaphors and symbolism. In the given context, the phrase "Abang-abang ora legi, klambi abang merak ati" is likely a line from a parikan, expressing emotions or thoughts in a poetic manner.
Wenehana tanda centang tembung tembung ing ngisor iki sing kalebu jinise basa rinengga panyandra.
Correct Answer(s)
C. Bangkekane nawon kemit
E. Polahe kaya sikatan nyamber walang
H. Pipine nduren sajuring
K. Lembehane mblarak sempal
M. Rambute ngembang bakung
Rambute ...
Correct Answer
A. Ngandhan-ngandhan
Bangkekane ...
Correct Answer
B. Nawon kemit
Alise ...
Correct Answer
C. Nanggal sapisan
Lembehane ...
Correct Answer
D. Blarak sempal
Wacan ing ngisor iki kanthi irah irahan ....
Correct Answer
A. Ketua kelas
The correct answer is "ketua kelas." Based on the given options, "ketua kelas" is the most suitable answer as it translates to "class leader" or "class president" in English. The other options, such as "wong sing kumalungkung" (someone who is very diligent), "bocah kang pinter" (a smart child), and "panyandra kanggo bocah" (a guardian for children), do not accurately describe the given phrase "wacan ing ngisor iki kanthi irah irahan" (which means "the one below is..."). Therefore, "ketua kelas" is the correct answer.
Minurut wacan ing ngisor iki ketua kelase aran ...
Correct Answer
B. Wijaya Putra
The given answer "Wijaya Putra" is the correct answer because it matches the name given in the question. The question asks for the name of the class leader, and "Wijaya Putra" is the only option that matches this description.
Ketua kelas ing wacan iki dicandra, mripate....
Correct Answer
B. Blalak-blalak
Ukara kang ana ing wacan sing kalebu parikan yaiku...
Correct Answer
A. Kembang pakir uripe ing cedhak wit luntas, wis lumrahe sing wases pinilih dadi ketua kelas
The given answer states that "Kembang pakir uripe ing cedhak wit luntas, wis lumrahe sing wases pinilih dadi ketua kelas" which translates to "The flower blooms beautifully in the garden, it has been chosen to be the class leader." This answer suggests that the speaker is expressing their hope and wish for Wijaya Putra to become a good class leader and bring positive changes to the class.
Cukat trengginas kaya sikatan nyamber walang iku kanggo mindhakake...
Correct Answer
A. Tandang gawene
Bocah wadon kae ayune kaya widodari, pikirane antip, nanging embuh amarga apa gandane arum jamban. arum jamban ing ukara iku tegese...
Correct Answer
A. Banger banget
Bocah kuwi ayu tenan, rambute ngandhan-andhan, tangane nggandewa pinenthang, bangkekane...
Correct Answer
A. Nawon kemit
Wenehana tanda centang tembung tembung ing ngisor iki sing kalebu jinise basa rinengga parikan .
Correct Answer(s)
A. Godhong waru bolong-bolong, bocah ayu moblong-moblong
F. Cipir mrembat kawat, ora mampir pokok liwat
L. Cilik-cilik gelange karet, isih cilik aja kesed
N. Santen toya klapa, cekap semanten atur kula
Wenehana tanda centang tembung tembung ing ngisor iki sing kalebu jinise basa rinengga panyendu
Correct Answer(s)
D. Gandane arum jamban
G. Lambene guwing
J. Tangane cekot
Wenehana tanda centang tembung tembung ing ngisor iki sing kalebu jinise basa rinengga pepindhan
Correct Answer(s)
B. Tandange kaya bantheng ketaton
I. Enthenge kaya kapuk
O. Lakune kaya macan luwe