Izumitelj tiskarskog stroja zvao se:
Correct Answer
D. Johannes Guttenberg
Johannes Guttenberg is the correct answer because he is known as the inventor of the printing press. He revolutionized the way books were produced by developing a movable type system, making the mass production of books possible. His invention had a significant impact on the spread of knowledge and the accessibility of books, leading to a major shift in communication and the dissemination of information.
Prva tiskana knjiga u Hrvatskoj jest:
Correct Answer
C. Misal po zakonu rimskog dvora
The correct answer is "Misal po zakonu rimskog dvora". This answer is correct because "Misal po zakonu rimskog dvora" is a historical document that is considered to be the first printed book in Croatia. It was printed in 1483 in the city of Senj. The Misal is a liturgical book containing prayers and texts for the celebration of Mass. It holds great significance in Croatian cultural and literary history as it marks the beginning of printing in the country.
Humanizam se javlja u:
Correct Answer
C. Italiji
Humanizam se javlja u Italiji. Humanizam je kulturni i intelektualni pokret koji je nastao u 14. i 15. veku u Italiji. Ovaj pokret je bio usmeren ka obnovi i proučavanju klasične grčke i rimske kulture, kao i ka razvoju ljudskih potencijala, intelekta i kreativnosti. U Italiji su se javili mnogi poznati humanisti poput Dantea, Petrarka i Mikelanđela, koji su bili ključni u širenju humanističkih ideja i vrednosti.
Tko je naslikao Mona Lisu?
Correct Answer
B. Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci is the correct answer because he is widely recognized as the artist who painted the Mona Lisa. His skill and technique in capturing the enigmatic smile and intricate details of the painting have made it one of the most famous and iconic artworks in the world.
Tko je prvi dosao do zakljucka da se Zemlja okrece oko Sunca? (heliocentricno ucenje)
Correct Answer
B. Nikola Kopernik
Nikola Kopernik je prvi dosao do zakljucka da se Zemlja okrece oko Sunca. On je bio poljski astronom i matematicar koji je objavio svoje heliocentricno ucenje u svojoj knjizi "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium" 1543. godine. Pre Kopernika, vecina ljudi je verovala u geocentricni model koji je tvrdio da je Zemlja centar svemira. Kopernikova teorija je imala veliki uticaj na razvoj nauke i promenila je nacin na koji smo shvatili nase mesto u svemiru.
Svoja zapazanja o ljudima i dogadjajima Marko Polo ovjekovjecio je u svojoj knjizi:
Correct Answer
B. Cuda svijeta
Marko Polo je svoja zapazanja o ljudima i događajima ovjekovječio u svojoj knjizi "Čuda svijeta".
Prvi moreplovac koji je doplovio do Indije zvao se:
Correct Answer
D. Vasco da Gama
Vasco da Gama is the correct answer because he was the first explorer to successfully sail from Europe to India. He made this voyage in 1497-1498, opening up a direct sea route to the lucrative spice trade in the East. Christopher Columbus, Bartholomeu Dias, Fernando Magellan, and Amerigo Vespucci were all notable explorers, but they did not reach India on their voyages.
Talijanski pomorac Kristofor Kolumbo na otkrivanje zapadnog puta za Indiju krenuo je s tri broda, Nina, Pinta i:
Correct Answer
C. Santa Maria
Christopher Columbus, an Italian sailor, set out to discover a western route to India with three ships: Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria.
Koji moreplovac je prvi oplovio svijet i dokazao da je Zemlja okrugla? (poginuo na Filipinima)
Correct Answer
A. Fernando Magellan
Fernando Magellan is the correct answer because he was the first explorer to circumnavigate the world and provide evidence that the Earth is round. Although he died in the Philippines during the voyage, his crew completed the journey and proved his theory correct.
Koji konkvistador je uništio drzavu Azteka u danasnjem Meksiku?
Correct Answer
B. Hernando Cortez
Hernando Cortez is the correct answer because he was the conquistador who destroyed the Aztec Empire in present-day Mexico. Cortez led an expedition to Mexico in 1519 and with the help of indigenous allies, he defeated the Aztec ruler Montezuma II and captured the capital city of Tenochtitlan in 1521. This event marked the end of the Aztec civilization and the beginning of Spanish colonization in the region. Francisco Pizarro was another conquistador who conquered the Inca Empire in South America, while Fernando Magellan and Christopher Columbus were explorers who made significant voyages but did not directly contribute to the downfall of the Aztec Empire.
Koji ocean postaje srediste prometa i trgovine nakon velikih geografskih otkrica?
Correct Answer
C. Atlantski ocean
After the great geographical discoveries, the Atlantic Ocean became the center of trade and commerce. This is because the European explorers, such as Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, and Ferdinand Magellan, used the Atlantic Ocean as their main route to reach new lands and establish trade routes. The discovery of the Americas and the colonization efforts led to a significant increase in maritime trade and the establishment of powerful European empires. Therefore, the Atlantic Ocean became the focal point of global trade and commerce during this period.
Koja biljka nije dosla u Europu iz Amerike?
Correct Answer
E. Maslina
The olive tree (maslina) is the correct answer because it is native to the Mediterranean region, including Europe, Asia, and Africa. It has been cultivated in Europe for thousands of years and was already present before the discovery of the Americas. On the other hand, potatoes (krumpir), corn (kukuruz), sunflowers (suncokret), and tobacco (duhan) were all introduced to Europe from the Americas after Christopher Columbus's voyages.
Koja biljka nije dosla u Ameriku iz Europe?
Correct Answer
D. Rajcica
Rajčica nije došla u Ameriku iz Europe.
Sultan Osman ujedinio je krajem 13. stoljeća turska plemena:
Correct Answer
C. U Maloj Aziji
Sultan Osman united Turkish tribes in Anatolia (Mala Azija) at the end of the 13th century.
Najbolja vojska svog doba bili su:
Correct Answer
A. Janjicari
The correct answer is janjicari. Janjicari were elite infantry units in the Ottoman Empire during the 15th and 16th centuries. They were known for their exceptional skills in combat, discipline, and loyalty to the empire. They played a crucial role in the expansion and success of the Ottoman military during their time.
Osmanski feudalci zvali su se:
Correct Answer
C. Spahije
The correct answer is "spahije." In the context of feudalism, spahije refers to a class of feudal lords or nobles in the Ottoman Empire. They held significant power and were responsible for governing certain territories. The term "raja" refers to the common people or subjects, "janjicari" are foot soldiers, and "akindzije" are craftsmen. However, it is important to note that without further context, it is difficult to provide a comprehensive explanation.
Koji osmanski sultan je zauzeo Bizantsko Carstvo i Bosnu?
Correct Answer
B. Mehmed II. Osvajac
Mehmed II. Osvajac is the correct answer because he was the Ottoman Sultan who successfully conquered both the Byzantine Empire and Bosnia. Mehmed II is famously known for capturing Constantinople in 1453, which marked the end of the Byzantine Empire. He also expanded the Ottoman Empire's territory into southeastern Europe, including Bosnia. His military campaigns and conquests solidified the Ottoman Empire as a major power in the region during his reign.
Koji hrvatsko-ugarski kralj je uveo poreznu reformu da svi stalezi placaju porez i stajacu vojsku cime se uspješno branio od Osmanlija?
Correct Answer
D. Matija Korvin
Matija Korvin, also known as Matthias Corvinus, was a Croatian-Hungarian king who implemented a tax reform that required all social classes to pay taxes. He also established a standing army, which helped successfully defend against the Ottoman Empire. This reform aimed to strengthen the kingdom's defense capabilities and ensure a fair distribution of the tax burden among the population.
Koji hrvatski ban je poginuo 1493. godine na Krbavskom polju?
Correct Answer
B. Emerik Derencin
Koji hrvatski ban je uspjesno ratovao protiv Osmanlija, a poginuo je kod Korenice:
Correct Answer
B. Petar Berislavic
Petar Berislavić is the correct answer because he was a Croatian ban who successfully fought against the Ottoman Empire. He died in battle near Korenica. Nikola Šubić Zrinski was also a Croatian ban who fought against the Ottomans, but he died in the Battle of Szigetvár, not at Korenica. Emerik Derenčin and Toma Erdödy were not bans and there is no historical evidence of them fighting against the Ottomans.
Koji hrvatsko-ugarski kralj je nesretno poginuo na Mohackom polju 1526. godine?
Correct Answer
E. Ludovik II.
Ludovik II. is the correct answer because he was the Croatian-Hungarian king who tragically died in the Battle of Mohács in 1526. This battle was a significant event in the history of Central Europe as it marked the beginning of Ottoman dominance in the region. Ludovik II.'s death in this battle had a profound impact on the political and territorial situation of Croatia and Hungary.
Tko je postao novi hrvatsko-ugarski kralj nakon Mohacke bitke 1526. godine?
Correct Answer
B. Ferdinand Habsburski
Ferdinand Habsburski became the new Croatian-Hungarian king after the Battle of Mohács in 1526. This battle resulted in the defeat of the Hungarian forces against the Ottoman Empire, and it led to the partitioning of the Kingdom of Hungary. Ferdinand, who was a member of the powerful Habsburg dynasty, claimed the throne and became the ruler of the western part of Hungary, including Croatia. He played a crucial role in the consolidation of Habsburg power in the region and the defense against Ottoman expansion.
Koji hrvatski vojni zapovjednik je branio utvrdu Klis od Osmanlija?
Correct Answer
D. Petar Kruzic
Petar Kruzic is the correct answer because he was a Croatian military commander who defended the fortress of Klis against the Ottoman Empire. He played a significant role in the defense of Klis during the Ottoman siege in the 16th century. His leadership and bravery in the face of the enemy made him a prominent figure in Croatian history.
Koja pobjeda je oznacila kraj osmanskih osvajanja u Hrvatskoj:
Correct Answer
B. Kod Siska
The correct answer is "kod Siska". This victory marked the end of Ottoman conquests in Croatia.
Kako se zvao porez koji su plaćali nemuslimanski narodi?
Correct Answer
C. Harac
The correct answer is "harac". Harac refers to the tax that non-Muslim populations had to pay. This tax was imposed by the Ottoman Empire on non-Muslim subjects as a form of tribute or protection money. It was a way for the empire to exert control and generate revenue from non-Muslim communities.
Koji crkveni red je imao vaznu ulogu u ocuvanju katolicke vjere na osvojenim podrucjima?
Correct Answer
D. Franjevci
The Franciscans played an important role in preserving the Catholic faith in the conquered territories. They were known for their missionary work and their commitment to spreading the teachings of the Catholic Church. They established numerous missions and churches in the newly conquered areas, converting the local population to Catholicism. The Franciscans also played a significant role in education and intellectual development, contributing to the preservation and dissemination of Catholic knowledge and doctrine.