Latihan Soal Bab Hakikat Ilmu Kimia

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| By Ridho
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 2,556
Questions: 9 | Attempts: 2,574

Latihan Soal Bab Hakikat Ilmu Kimia - Quiz

Soal-soal ini adalah latihan untuk menghadapi UH 1. silahkan di jawab pilihan jawaban yang paling benar. Selamat mencoba!

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    1. Teknik memanaskan bahan menggunakan tabung reaksi dan penjepit adalah …  

    • A.

      A. Tangan memegang penjepit dan ditekan, dipanaskan di atas nyala api

    • B.

      B. Tangan kiri memegang penjepit dan tangan kanan memegang tabung reaksi

    • C.

      C. Tangan memegang ujung penjepit, dipanaskan dan tabung sambil digetarkan

    • D.

      D. Tangan memegang penjepit, tabung dipanaskan langsung pada nyala api

    • E.

      E. Tangan memegang penjepit, dipanaskan sambil digetarkan dan mulut tabung reaksi ke arah yang aman

    Correct Answer
    E. E. Tangan memegang penjepit, dipanaskan sambil digetarkan dan mulut tabung reaksi ke arah yang aman
    The correct answer is E because it is the safest method of heating a substance using a test tube and clamp. By holding the clamp, the person can control the movement and positioning of the test tube while heating it. The test tube is heated while being gently shaken or tapped to ensure even distribution of heat and prevent the substance from boiling over or splattering. Additionally, the person ensures that the mouth of the test tube is directed away from themselves and others to prevent any potential accidents or injuries.

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  • 2. 

    2. Langkah pertama dalam melakukan penelitian adalah….

    • A.

      A. Menyusun kerangka

    • B.

      B. Merumuskan hipotesis dan tujuan

    • C.

      C. Merumuskan masalah

    • D.

      D. Mengumpulkan data

    • E.

      E. Menganalisis data

    Correct Answer
    C. C. Merumuskan masalah
    The correct answer is C. Merumuskan masalah. In conducting research, the first step is to formulate a clear and specific research problem. This involves identifying the scope and nature of the problem, as well as determining the objectives and goals of the research. By formulating a research problem, researchers can define the focus of their study and develop appropriate research questions and hypotheses. This step is crucial as it sets the foundation for the entire research process and helps guide the collection and analysis of data.

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  • 3. 

    3. Pertolongan pertama yang harus diberikan saat tangan terkena bahan kimia berbahaya adalah …

    • A.

      A. Tangan diberi pasta gigi

    • B.

      B. Meniup sampai kering

    • C.

      C. Tangan dialiri air terus-menerus

    • D.

      D. Tangan diberi alkohol konsentrasi tinggi

    • E.

      E. Tangan dilap dengan kertas tisu

    Correct Answer
    C. C. Tangan dialiri air terus-menerus
    The correct answer is C. Tangan dialiri air terus-menerus. When the hand is exposed to hazardous chemicals, the first aid that should be given is to continuously flush the hand with water. This helps to remove the chemical from the skin and dilute it, reducing the risk of further damage or absorption into the body. Applying toothpaste, blowing until dry, using high-concentration alcohol, or wiping with tissue are not appropriate first aid measures for chemical exposure.

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  • 4. 

    4. Berikut ini yang bukan termasuk dalam sistematika penulisan laporan ilmiah adalah…

    • A.

      A. Pendahuluan

    • B.

      B. Teori

    • C.

      C. Eksperimen

    • D.

      D. Pembahasan

    • E.

      E. wawancara

    Correct Answer
    E. E. wawancara
    The question asks for something that does not belong in the systematic writing of a scientific report. The options A, B, C, and D are all components that are typically included in the systematic structure of a scientific report. However, option E, "wawancara" (interview), is not a part of the systematic structure of a scientific report. Therefore, option E is the correct answer.

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  • 5. 

    5. Perhatikan gambar berikut! Sifat symbol untuk gambar dibawah ini adalah….

    • A.

      A. Radioaktif

    • B.

      B. Mudah meledak

    • C.

      C. Sangat beracun

    • D.

      D. Korosif

    • E.

      E. Mudah terbakar

    Correct Answer
    D. D. Korosif
    The symbol in the picture indicates that the substance is corrosive. Corrosive substances have the ability to destroy or damage other materials or living tissues through chemical reactions. Therefore, option D is the correct answer.

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  • 6. 

    6. Pernyataan manakah yang benar? (nomor atom O=8, F=9, Ne=10)

    • A.

      A. 18O dan 19F mempunyai jumlah neutron yang sama. 

    • B.

      B. 14C dan 14N adalah isotop karena nomor massanya sama

    • C.

      C. 18O2- mempunyai jumlah electron yang sama dengan 20Ne

    • D.

      D. A dan B benar

    • E.

      E. A dan C benar

    Correct Answer
    A. A. 18O dan 19F mempunyai jumlah neutron yang sama. 
    The correct answer is A. 18O dan 19F mempunyai jumlah neutron yang sama. This statement is correct because both oxygen-18 (18O) and fluorine-19 (19F) have the same number of neutrons, which is 10. The number of neutrons in an atom is determined by subtracting the atomic number (which represents the number of protons) from the atomic mass (which represents the total number of protons and neutrons). In this case, both 18O and 19F have an atomic mass of 18 and 19 respectively, and since their atomic numbers are 8 and 9, it means they both have 10 neutrons.

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  • 7. 

    Unsur  55Mn25  memiliki elektron, proton dan neutron berturut turut adalah . . . .  

    • A.

      A. 25, 25, 30

    • B.

      B. 25, 25, 55

    • C.

      C. 25, 30, 25

    • D.

      D. 30, 25, 25

    • E.

      E. 30,25, 55

    Correct Answer
    A. A. 25, 25, 30
    The isotope 55Mn25 has 25 electrons because the atomic number of manganese (Mn) is 25, which represents the number of electrons in a neutral atom. It has 25 protons because the atomic number also represents the number of protons. The atomic mass of 55Mn is 55, so it has 30 neutrons (55 - 25 = 30). Therefore, the correct answer is A. 25, 25, 30.

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  • 8. 

    Jika unsur Ni memiliki nomor atom 28 dan nomor massa 59, ion Ni2+ memiliki jumlah proton, elektron dan neutron berturut turut adalah . . . .  

    • A.

      A. 30, 28, 31

    • B.

      B. 28, 26, 59

    • C.

      C. 28, 26, 31

    • D.

      D. 26, 28, 59

    • E.

      E. 26, 28, 31

    Correct Answer
    C. C. 28, 26, 31
    The atomic number of an element represents the number of protons in its nucleus. Since the atomic number of Ni is 28, the ion Ni2+ would have 28 protons. The number of electrons in an ion is determined by the charge of the ion, which in this case is 2+. Therefore, there would be 2 fewer electrons than protons, resulting in 26 electrons. The mass number of an element represents the total number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus. Since the mass number of Ni is 59, and we already know that there are 28 protons, the number of neutrons can be calculated by subtracting the number of protons from the mass number: 59 - 28 = 31 neutrons. Therefore, the correct answer is C. 28, 26, 31.

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  • 9. 

    9. Manakah unsur dibawah ini yang termasuk kedalam isobar?

    • A.

      A.  168O dan 188O

    • B.

      B. 168O dan 146C

    • C.

      C. 147N dan 136C

    • D.

      D. 146C dan 147N

    • E.

      E. 136C dan 147N

    Correct Answer
    D. D. 146C dan 147N
    The elements 146C and 147N are considered isobars because they have the same mass number but different atomic numbers. Isobars are atoms of different elements that have the same mass number but different atomic numbers, meaning they have different numbers of protons. In this case, carbon-146 (146C) has 6 protons and nitrogen-147 (147N) has 7 protons, but they both have a mass number of 146, which is the sum of protons and neutrons.

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  • Current Version
  • Mar 20, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Nov 12, 2018
    Quiz Created by
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