Disebut daun lengkap apabila mempunyai...
Correct Answer
D. Lamina, Petiolus, Vagina (pelepah)
A complete leaf is referred to as "daun lengkap" when it has all three parts: lamina, petiolus, and vagina (pelepah). The lamina is the flat, expanded part of the leaf that is responsible for photosynthesis. The petiolus is the stalk that attaches the lamina to the stem. The vagina or pelepah is the sheath-like structure that surrounds the base of the petiolus where it connects to the stem. Therefore, a leaf is considered complete when it possesses all these three parts.
Disebut acutus apabila ujung daun ...
Correct Answer
A. Runcing
The correct answer is "runcing" because the word "acutus" means sharp or pointed in Latin. Therefore, when it is mentioned that the tip of the leaf is "acutus," it implies that the tip is sharp or pointed, which is synonymous with the word "runcing" in Indonesian.
Ujung daun yang berduri bisa disebut...
Correct Answer
D. Mucronatus
The correct answer is "mucronatus" because "mucronatus" refers to a leaf tip that is sharp and pointed, often with a small spine or projection. This is in contrast to the other options: "acutus" means pointed, but without the presence of a spine or projection; "obtusus" means blunt or rounded; "rotundatus" means rounded; and "truncatus" means truncated or cut off. Therefore, "mucronatus" is the most appropriate term to describe a leaf tip that is sharp and has a spine or projection.
Apa nama ilmiah dari tepi daun...
Correct Answer
A. Margo Folli
Arah tumbuh batang yang tegak lurus bisa disebut...
Correct Answer
B. Erectus
The term "erectus" refers to something that is upright or standing straight. In the context of plant growth, a stem that grows straight and upright without bending or leaning can be described as "erectus". This term is commonly used in botanical terminology to describe the growth habit of certain plants.
Bagian akar corpus radicis sama arti dengan...
Correct Answer
C. Batang akar
The correct answer is "batang akar". The term "bagian akar corpus radicis" refers to the main body or central part of the root. "Batang akar" translates to "root stem" or "root trunk", which accurately describes the main body of the root. The other options, such as "leher akar" (root neck), "ujung akar" (root tip), "cabang-cabang akar" (root branches), and "serabut akar" (root fibers), do not accurately represent the main body of the root.
Bagian akar yang letaknya paling ujung, terdiri atas jaringan yang berguna untuk melindungi ujung akaryang masih muda dan lemah yaitu...
Correct Answer
E. Tudung akar
The correct answer is "tudung akar" because it is mentioned in the question that this part of the root is located at the very tip and consists of tissue that protects the young and weak root tip. "Tudung akar" translates to "root cap" in English, which is a protective layer of cells found at the tip of the root.
Bunga dapat disebut bunga lengkap apabila...
Correct Answer
C. Mempunyai stamen, pistillum, corolla, calix
A flower can be called a complete flower if it has all four main parts: stamen, pistil, corolla, and calyx. The stamen is the male reproductive organ that produces pollen, the pistil is the female reproductive organ that contains the ovary, the corolla is the petals that attract pollinators, and the calyx is the sepals that protect the flower bud. Having all these parts is essential for a flower to be considered complete.
Bunga dapat disebut bunga sempurna apabila...
Correct Answer
D. Mempunyai stamen dan pistilum
A flower can be called a perfect flower if it has both stamen and pistil. Stamen is the male reproductive organ of a flower, which produces pollen, while pistil is the female reproductive organ, which contains the ovary, style, and stigma. Having both stamen and pistil allows the flower to produce both male and female gametes, enabling sexual reproduction. This is why a flower with stamen and pistil is considered a perfect flower.
Stamen bisa disebut dengan...
Correct Answer
A. Benang sari
Stamen bisa disebut dengan benang sari karena stamen merupakan bagian dari bunga yang menghasilkan serbuk sari. Serbuk sari ini dihasilkan oleh benang sari yang terdapat di bagian tengah bunga. Benang sari berfungsi untuk menghasilkan sel sperma yang akan dibuahi oleh sel telur pada putik bunga. Jadi, benang sari adalah istilah yang tepat untuk menyebut stamen.