Al-Qur'an diturunkan oleh Allah SWT melalui perantara makalikat . . .
Correct Answer
A. Jibril
The correct answer is Jibril. Jibril is the angel who is believed to have brought the revelations of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad. He is considered one of the most important angels in Islamic tradition and plays a significant role in delivering messages from Allah to the prophets.
Dalam Al-Qur'an Al-Ma'un merupakan urutan surah yang ke . . . .
Correct Answer
B. 107
The correct answer is 107. This is because Al-Ma'un is the 107th surah in the Quran.
Lafal di bawah merupakan bacaan surah al-maun ayat . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Tiga
The given answer "tiga" is correct because it is the only option that completes the sentence "Lafal di bawah merupakan bacaan surah al-maun ayat tiga." This means that the correct answer is option three, which is "tiga."
Orang yang berbuat riya akan masuk . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Neraka
Orang yang berbuat riya akan masuk neraka karena riya adalah perbuatan yang dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh pujian atau pengakuan dari orang lain, bukan karena niat yang ikhlas untuk beribadah kepada Tuhan. Perbuatan riya dianggap sebagai bentuk kemunafikan dan kebohongan, yang bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai agama. Oleh karena itu, orang yang berbuat riya akan mendapatkan hukuman di neraka sebagai akibat dari perbuatannya.
Nama surah al-maun diambil dari ayat ....
Correct Answer
D. Tujuh
The correct answer is "tujuh". The question is asking about the source of the name of Surah Al-Maun. In this case, the name is derived from verse seven of the Surah.
Surah al-Maun diturunkan setelah surah . . . .
Correct Answer
A. Al-Takatsur
Surah al-Maun was revealed after Surah Al-Takatsur.
Ciri orang yang mendustakan kecuali ...
Correct Answer
B. Menyantuni anak yatim
Orang yang mendustakan kecuali menyantuni anak yatim adalah seseorang yang tidak mempercayai atau tidak menghargai kecuali ketika ia memberikan bantuan atau perhatian kepada anak yatim. Ini menunjukkan bahwa orang tersebut mungkin tidak memiliki empati atau perhatian terhadap orang lain kecuali ketika mereka berhubungan dengan anak yatim. Hal ini juga dapat menunjukkan bahwa mereka mungkin menggunakan bantuan kepada anak yatim sebagai cara untuk memperoleh pujian atau penghargaan dari orang lain.
Balasan bagi orang yang tidak shalat adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
B. Neraka
The correct answer is "neraka" which means hell in English. This answer suggests that the consequence for someone who does not pray is to go to hell. This aligns with the belief in many religious traditions that prayer is a fundamental practice and neglecting it can lead to negative consequences in the afterlife.
Al-Qur'an oleh umat Islam dijadikan sebagai . . . .
Correct Answer
B. Pedoman
The correct answer is "pedoman" because the Qur'an is considered as a guide by Muslims. It provides them with moral, ethical, and spiritual guidance, as well as teachings on how to live a righteous life. Muslims believe that the Qur'an contains the words of Allah and follow its teachings in various aspects of their lives, including personal conduct, family life, social interactions, and worship. The Qur'an serves as a source of guidance and direction for Muslims, helping them navigate through life's challenges and make decisions in accordance with their faith.
Surah Al-Ma'un menjelaskan tentang tanda-tanda orang yang mendustakan . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Agama
Surah Al-Ma'un is a chapter in the Quran that highlights the signs of those who deny religion. It emphasizes the importance of performing acts of kindness and fulfilling the basic needs of others, such as feeding the poor and helping the orphans. This chapter condemns those who neglect these duties and prioritize their own interests over the welfare of others. Therefore, the correct answer is "agama" (religion), as the Surah discusses the behavior and characteristics of individuals who deny the importance of religious teachings and fail to fulfill their obligations towards others.
Surat Al-Ma'un diturunkan di . . . .
Correct Answer
Surah Al-Ma'un is a chapter from the Quran and it was revealed in Makkah. Makkah is the holy city in Saudi Arabia where the Prophet Muhammad received the majority of the revelations of the Quran. The context and themes of Surah Al-Ma'un also align with the early Makkan period, addressing the importance of kindness, charity, and social responsibility. Therefore, it can be concluded that Surah Al-Ma'un was revealed in Makkah.
Al-Ma'un artinya. . . .
Correct Answer
barang-barang yang berguna
The correct answer is "barang-barang yang berguna". This answer is correct because "Al-Ma'un" in Arabic means "barang-barang yang berguna" in Indonesian, which translates to "useful items" or "things that are useful" in English.
Surat Al-Ma'un terdiri dari berapa ayat
Correct Answer
Surat Al-Ma'un terdiri dari tujuh ayat.
Dalam surat Al-Ma'un diceritakan tentang orang-orang yang mendustakan . . . .
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "agama". The explanation for this answer is that in the Surah Al-Ma'un, it is mentioned about people who deny or reject religion. The Surah highlights the importance of performing acts of kindness and fulfilling the basic needs of others, which are integral parts of practicing one's religion. Therefore, the answer "agama" aligns with the context of the Surah.
Celakalah orang-orang yang sholat, yaitu bagi orang yang . . . .
Correct Answer
lalai terhadap sholatnya
The given correct answer is "lalai terhadap sholatnya". This answer is appropriate because it completes the sentence and provides a fitting description of the people being referred to. It indicates that those who are negligent or careless in performing their prayers are the ones who are unfortunate.
Diantara isi surat Al-Ma'un, Alloh melarang . . . . anak yatim
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "menghardik". In the context of the given question, the letter Al-Ma'un in the Quran, Allah prohibits "menghardik" or mistreating the orphaned children. This implies that it is forbidden to treat orphans harshly or disrespectfully.
Dibawah ini adalah salah satu ayat surat Al-Ma'un ayat . . . .
Correct Answer
The given answer "enam" is the Indonesian word for "six". However, without the full question or context of the sentence, it is not possible to provide a complete explanation.
Beramal hanya karena ingin mendapatkan pujian manusia dinamakan . . . .
Correct Answer
The correct answer for the given question is "riya". Riya refers to the act of performing good deeds or acts of worship with the intention of seeking praise or recognition from other people rather than solely for the sake of pleasing Allah or doing good. It is considered a form of showing off and insincerity in one's actions, as the intention behind the act is not purely for the sake of Allah.
Surah al-Maun termasuk golongan surah . . . .
Correct Answer
Surah al-Maun is classified as Makkiyah because it was revealed in Makkah during the early period of Prophet Muhammad's prophethood. Makkiyah surahs generally focus on fundamental beliefs, moral teachings, and the call to monotheism. They often address the challenges faced by the early Muslim community in Makkah, such as persecution and rejection by the Quraysh tribe. The content and themes of Surah al-Maun align with the characteristics of Makkiyah surahs, making it a correct classification.
Jika tanwin atau nun sukun bertemu dengan huruf "Alif", maka hukum bacaannya disebut . . . .
Correct Answer
When the tanwin or nun sukun meets the letter "Alif", the reading rule is called Idzhar.