Perhatikan pilihan jawaban berikut!
Bersifat eksternal terhadap individu
Bersifat kontraktual
Memaksa individu
Bersifat umum atau tersebar meluas dalam suatu masyarakat
Mendahulukan kepentingan pribadi
Yang merupakan ciri-ciri fakta sosial menurut Emile Durkheim adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. 1, 3, 4
The correct answer is 1, 3, 4. This is because according to Emile Durkheim, social facts are external to individuals, meaning they exist outside of individual consciousness and are imposed on individuals by society. They are also general or widespread in a society, meaning they are shared by a large number of individuals. Additionally, social facts are coercive, meaning they exert pressure or influence on individuals to conform to social norms and values.
Metode yang mengutamakan bahan atau hasil pengamatan yang sukar diukur dengan angka-angka atau ukuran-ukuran yang matematis disebut ….
Correct Answer
B. Kualitatif
Metode yang mengutamakan bahan atau hasil pengamatan yang sukar diukur dengan angka-angka atau ukuran-ukuran yang matematis disebut kualitatif.
Sosiologi adalah suatu ilmu yang mempelajari tindakan sosial pendapat tersebut dikemukakan oleh ….
Correct Answer
B. Max Weber
Max Weber is the correct answer because he is known for his contributions to the field of sociology. He believed that sociology should focus on understanding the subjective meanings that individuals attach to their actions. Weber's work emphasized the importance of social action, rationalization, and the role of religion in society. His ideas continue to be influential in sociological research and theory.
Metode yang dimulai dengan kaidah-kaidah yang berlaku umum untuk kemudian dipelajari dalam keadaan yang khusus disebut metode ….
Correct Answer
A. Deduktif
Metode yang dimulai dengan kaidah-kaidah yang berlaku umum untuk kemudian dipelajari dalam keadaan yang khusus disebut metode deduktif. Dalam metode ini, peneliti menggunakan kaidah-kaidah umum atau teori yang sudah ada untuk menghasilkan hipotesis atau prediksi yang kemudian diuji melalui pengamatan atau eksperimen dalam keadaan khusus. Hasil dari pengamatan atau eksperimen tersebut kemudian digunakan untuk menguji kebenaran atau validitas dari hipotesis atau prediksi yang telah diajukan.
Pembahasan suatu masalah tidak mempersoalkan baik atau buruknya tetapi bertujuan untuk menjelaskan masalah tersebut secara mendalam, merupakan ciri sosiologi yaitu ….
Correct Answer
E. Nonetis
The correct answer is "Nonetis". The question is asking for a characteristic of sociology, and the answer "Nonetis" fits this description. "Nonetis" refers to the objective and value-neutral nature of sociology, which means that it does not judge or evaluate whether something is good or bad, but instead aims to provide a deep understanding and explanation of the problem.
Sosiologi bersifat kategoris, artinya sosiologi ….
Correct Answer
B. Mempelajari apa yang terjadi bukan apa yang seharusnya terjadi
Sociology is a categorial discipline, which means it focuses on studying what actually happens in society rather than what should happen. It aims to understand and analyze social phenomena based on empirical evidence and observations, rather than normative or idealistic perspectives. Sociology seeks to explain and interpret social behavior, structures, and patterns, and does not prioritize finding solutions to specific problems or focusing solely on macro-level theories.
Perhatikan ciri berikut!
Sadar bahwa mereka merupakan satu kesatuan
Berinteraksi melalui media komunikasi
Adanya sistem tindakan bersama yang bersifat swasembada
Merupakan suatu sistem hidup bersama yang menimbulkan kebudayaan
Pernyataan yang merupakan ciri masyarakat menurut Soerjono Soekanto adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. 1 dan 4
The characteristics mentioned in statements 1 and 4 align with Soerjono Soekanto's definition of a society. These characteristics include the awareness of being a unified entity and the existence of a shared system of action that is self-sufficient. Additionally, living together as a community leads to the development of culture. Therefore, statements 1 and 4 accurately represent the characteristics of a society according to Soerjono Soekanto.
Masyarakat merupakan setiap kelompok manusia yang telah hidup dan bekerja bersama cukup lama sehingga mereka dapat mengatur diri mereka dan menganggap diri mereka sebagai satu kesatuan sosial dengan batas-batas yang dirumuskan dengan jelas. Merupakan definisi masyarakat menurut ….
Correct Answer
A. Ralp Linton
The correct answer is Ralph Linton. This is because Ralph Linton is mentioned as one of the authors who provided a definition of society or masyarakat in Indonesian. The other options, Paul B Horton, Max Weber, Talcott Parson, and Soerjono Soekanto, are not mentioned in the given information and therefore cannot be considered as the correct answer.
Istilah masyarakat berasal dari bahasa Arab, yaitu syaraka yang berarti ….
Correct Answer
A. Ikut serta
The correct answer is "Ikut serta." The term "masyarakat" is derived from the Arabic word "syaraka," which means "to participate" or "to join in." Therefore, "ikut serta" accurately reflects the meaning of "masyarakat" in this context.
Sosiologi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari hubungan antara manusia dalam kelompok-kelompok, definisi tersebut merupapakan pendapat dari ….
Correct Answer
C. Roucek dan Warren
Roucek dan Warren adalah orang-orang yang memberikan pendapat bahwa sosiologi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari hubungan antara manusia dalam kelompok-kelompok.
Revolusi industri ditandai dengan terjadinya perubahan besar dalam ….
Correct Answer
A. Cara produksi
The Industrial Revolution was characterized by significant changes in the way goods were produced. This included the introduction of new technologies, such as steam power and machinery, which revolutionized the production process and increased efficiency. These changes led to the development of factories and mass production, replacing traditional methods of production. Therefore, the correct answer is "Cara produksi" or "Production methods."
Tokoh yang disebut sebagai Bapak sosiologi adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. Auguste Comte
Auguste Comte is considered the "Father of Sociology" because he coined the term sociology and was the first to establish it as a separate academic discipline. He believed that sociology should use scientific methods to study society and social behavior. Comte's work laid the foundation for the development of sociology as a distinct field of study, making him a significant figure in the history of sociology.
Masyarakat adalah sekumpulan manusia yang secara relatif mandiri, yang hidup bersama-sama cukup lama, yang mendiami suatu wilayah tertentu, memiliki kebudayaan yang sama dan melakukan sebagian besar kegiatan dalam kelompok itu. Merupakan definisi masyarakat menurut ….
Correct Answer
B. Paul B Horton
The correct answer is Paul B Horton because he is the author of the book "Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach" which is a widely used textbook in sociology. Therefore, it can be inferred that Paul B Horton is likely to provide a reliable definition of society in his book.
Pengetahuan dalam sosiologi berdasarkan pada observasi terhadap fakta dan akal sehat. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sosiologi bersifat ….
Correct Answer
C. Empiris
The question is asking about the nature of sociology based on observation of facts and common sense. The correct answer, "empiris," aligns with this description as it refers to knowledge that is based on observation and experience rather than theory or speculation.
Sosiologi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari struktur sosial dan proses-proses sosial, termasuk perubahan-perubahan sosial. Merupakan definisi sosiologi menurut ….
Correct Answer
C. Selo Soemardjan dan Soelaeman Soemardi
Selo Soemardjan dan Soelaeman Soemardi adalah penulis buku "Sosiologi Suatu Pengantar" yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1953. Buku ini menjadi salah satu referensi penting dalam studi sosiologi di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa definisi sosiologi menurut Selo Soemardjan dan Soelaeman Soemardi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari struktur sosial dan proses-proses sosial, termasuk perubahan-perubahan sosial.
Max Weber merupakan tokoh sosiologi yang berasl dari ….
Correct Answer
D. Jerman
Max Weber adalah seorang tokoh sosiologi yang berasal dari Jerman.
Sosologi memperhatikan bentuk dan pola-pola peristiwa dalam masyarakat, dan bukan wujudnya yang kongkret. Hal ini menunjukkan hakikat sosiologi yaitu ….
Correct Answer
C. Ilmu pengetahuan yang abstrak
Sociology focuses on the forms and patterns of events in society, rather than their concrete manifestations. This suggests that sociology is an abstract science, as it deals with concepts and theories rather than tangible objects or phenomena. It is concerned with understanding the social world and the relationships between individuals and groups, rather than prescribing how society should be. Therefore, the answer "Ilmu pengetahuan yang abstrak" (abstract science) is the most fitting choice.
Verstehen merupakan konsep yang dikemukakan oleh ….
Correct Answer
B. Max Weber
Max Weber adalah orang yang mengemukakan konsep Verstehen. Verstehen adalah pemahaman yang mendalam tentang tindakan dan motivasi individu dalam masyarakat. Weber berpendapat bahwa untuk memahami tindakan sosial, kita harus memahami makna subjektif yang diberikan individu pada tindakan tersebut. Ia menganggap bahwa masyarakat terdiri dari individu-individu yang memiliki motivasi dan tujuan yang berbeda-beda, sehingga penting untuk memahami perspektif mereka dalam memahami tindakan sosial.
Masyarakat merupakan bagian dari alam dan bahwa metode-metode penelitian empiris dapat dipergunakan untuk menemukan hukum-hukumnya. Merupakan pendapat dari aliran ….
Correct Answer
B. Positivisme
The correct answer is Positivisme. Positivisme is a philosophical approach that believes in the use of empirical research methods to discover the laws governing society. It views society as a part of nature and seeks to apply scientific principles to social phenomena. This aligns with the statement that "Masyarakat merupakan bagian dari alam dan bahwa metode-metode penelitian empiris dapat dipergunakan untuk menemukan hukum-hukumnya" (Society is a part of nature and empirical research methods can be used to discover its laws).
Abad berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan yang ditandai dengan berbagai macam penemuan di bidang ilmu pengetahuan, disebut dengan ….
Correct Answer
C. Abad pencerahan
The given question asks for the term used to describe the era of scientific advancements and discoveries. The correct answer is "Abad pencerahan" which translates to "Enlightenment era". This term refers to the period in history, particularly in Europe, where there was a significant increase in scientific knowledge, reason, and intellectual thinking. It was characterized by the emergence of new ideas, critical thinking, and the questioning of traditional beliefs. The term "Abad pencerahan" accurately captures the concept of a time of enlightenment and progress in the field of science.
Sosiologi adalah suatu ilmu yang mempelajari fakta sosial, merupakan definisi sosiologi menurut ....
Correct Answer
C. Emile Durkheim
Emile Durkheim is the correct answer because he is one of the founding fathers of sociology and his definition of sociology aligns with the given statement. Durkheim believed that sociology is the study of social facts, which are external to individuals and have a coercive power over them. He emphasized the importance of studying social facts as a way to understand and explain social phenomena. Therefore, his definition of sociology as the study of social facts fits with the statement that sociology is the study of social facts.
Sosiologi adalah suatu ilmu yang mempelajari tentang hubungan dan pengaruh timbal balik antara aneka macam gejala-gejala sosial, merupakan definisi sosiologi menurut ....
Correct Answer
E. Pitirim Sorokin
Pitirim Sorokin is the correct answer because he is known as one of the prominent sociologists who made significant contributions to the field of sociology. He developed the theory of social and cultural integration, which emphasized the study of social phenomena and their interrelationships. Sorokin's work focused on understanding the complex relationships and influences between various social phenomena, which aligns with the definition of sociology provided in the question.
Berikut ini merupakan penyebab terjadinya gejolak sosial di Amerika yang mendorong perkembangan ilmu sosiologi di sana, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
E. Meningkatnya perhatian terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat
The given options suggest various factors that contributed to the social unrest in America and the development of sociology, such as the influx of immigrants, rapid population growth, the emergence of new industrial cities, and the complexity of social issues. However, the increasing concern for the welfare of society is not a cause of social unrest but rather a response to it. Therefore, it cannot be considered as a reason for the development of sociology in America.
Benua tempat lahirnya sosiologi adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Eropa
Sociology was born in Europe. This is because the discipline of sociology originated in the 19th century in Europe, particularly in France, Germany, and England. Sociologists such as Auguste Comte, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber laid the foundations of sociology in Europe through their theories and research. They were influenced by the social changes and industrialization happening in Europe at that time. Therefore, Europe is considered the birthplace of sociology.
Upaya yang dirintis oleh Auguste Comte dalam mempelopori lahirnya sosiologi yang sebelumnya dianggap sebagai hal yang mustahil adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Penelitian terhadap masyarakat
Auguste Comte mempelopori lahirnya sosiologi melalui upaya penelitian terhadap masyarakat. Dalam usahanya untuk membangun ilmu sosiologi, Comte mengemukakan konsep positivisme sosial yang menekankan pentingnya penelitian ilmiah terhadap masyarakat. Ia berpendapat bahwa melalui penelitian yang sistematis dan objektif, kita dapat memahami hukum-hukum sosial yang mengatur kehidupan masyarakat. Dengan demikian, penelitian terhadap masyarakat menjadi langkah awal dalam pengembangan sosiologi sebagai ilmu pengetahuan yang mandiri.
Munculnya kalangan baru dalam masyarakat yaitu para pemilik modal yang disebut kaum kapitalis dan para pekerja pabrik yang disebut kaum buruh disebabkan oleh ....
Correct Answer
A. Revolusi industri
The emergence of a new class in society, namely the capitalist class (owners of capital) and the working class (factory workers), was caused by the industrial revolution. This revolution brought about significant changes in the economy, society, and technology, leading to the development of factories and the mass production of goods. As a result, a new class structure emerged, with capitalists who owned the means of production and workers who sold their labor for wages. The industrial revolution transformed the economic and social landscape, giving rise to these new classes in society.
Dalam menanggapai kasus kehamilan di luar nikah di kalangan remaja yang dapat dilakukan oleh sosiologi sesuai dengan ciri non etis adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Mencari penyebab mengapa kasus tersebut terjadi dengan tidak memberikan penilaian
The correct answer suggests that sociology can approach cases of teenage pregnancy out of wedlock by seeking the reasons why such cases occur without passing judgment. This approach aligns with the non-ethical characteristic of sociology, as it focuses on understanding and analyzing social phenomena without imposing moral judgments or blaming family institutions. Instead, it aims to identify the underlying causes of the issue, which can contribute to developing effective solutions and prevention strategies.
Dalam menanggapai kasus tawuran antar pelajar yang dapat dilakukan oleh sosiologi sesuai dengan ciri empiris adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Berusaha mengumpulkan data melalui penelitian mengapa kasus tersebut terjadi
Sociology, as an empirical science, focuses on gathering data and conducting research to understand the causes and factors behind social phenomena such as student brawls. By collecting data and conducting research, sociologists can analyze the underlying reasons behind such cases and propose potential solutions. This approach is based on the principles of empirical research, which involve observing, collecting, and analyzing data to draw conclusions and make informed decisions.
Selalu berusaha untuk menyusun abstraksi dari hasil pengamatan merupakan ciri sosiologi yaitu ....
Correct Answer
A. Teoritis
The correct answer is "teoritis". This is because sociology involves the study of society and social behavior, and one of its characteristics is to constantly strive to form abstractions or theories based on observations. Theoretical frameworks and concepts are used in sociology to understand and explain social phenomena and patterns.
Sosiologi merupakan ilmu pengetahuan umum, artinya ....
Correct Answer
C. Mempelajari gejala umum pada umat manusia
Sociology is a general science that studies various aspects of human beings and society. It focuses on understanding and analyzing common phenomena that occur among human beings, rather than comparing specific issues or studying what should happen in society. Sociology aims to provide a broad understanding of human behavior and social interactions by examining common patterns and trends in society.