Dolphins breath through their ________
Dolphins are mammals and breathe air into their lungs, just like we do. Dolphins cannot breathe under water like fish can as they do not have gills.
What is a shark’s skeleton made of?
Correct Answer
B. Cartilage
Sharks have skeletons made of cartilage and connective tissue. Cartilage is flexible and durable, yet is about half the normal density of bone.
What are the main categories of sea life?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Swimmers (Nekton)
B. Creatures on the sea floor (Benthos)
D. Floaters (Zooplankton)
Marine animals are divided into three groups: zooplankton, nekton, and benthos. Zooplankton are drifting animals. Nekton are the free swimmers and probably the largest portion of familiar animals found in the ocean belong to this class. The third type of sea animal spends its entire life on or in the ocean bottom. This group of marine animals is called the benthos.
The octopus has three hearts. True or False ?
Correct Answer
A. True
Octopuses have three hearts; a systemic heart that circulates blood round the body and two branchial hearts that pump it through each of the two gills
Seahorse eggs are:
Correct Answer
C. Carried by the male until they hatch
Male seahorses give birth by releasing their young offspring into the water once the eggs hatch
On average, a shark can lose as many as 20,000 – 30,000 teeth over the course of their lifetime.
Correct Answer
A. True
The amount of teeth a shark can lose over its lifetime does depend upon the species. The sharks that have several hundred teeth in their jaws will lose more teeth overall than the sharks that only have a dozen teeth. So, amazingly, a shark can go through about 30,000 to 50,000 teeth over the span of its life
Sea turtles drink a lot of seawater. How does it get rid of the excess salt in its body?
Correct Answer
D. By crying
n the process of laying eggs scientists have observed tears coming out of turtle's eyes. However, that doesn't mean sea turtles are crying. The tear is a result of a process through which turtles get rid of the excess of sea salt.
The world's ________ fish is the whale shark, which can grow to 40 feet long and weigh an average of 20 tons.
Correct Answer
largest, biggest
Despite their tremendous size and intimidating appearance, whale sharks are commonly docile and approachable. Whale sharks are filter feeders and sieve plankton through their gills for much of their nourishment. They also sieve squid, krill, and small fish.
True or False? Polar oceans are too cold to be home to animals?
Correct Answer
B. False
Yet despite these inhospitable conditions, the Arctic Ocean is teeming with life. Great polar bears roam the Arctic ice and swim the Arctic seas. Supporting these top predators is a complex ecosystem that includes plankton, fish, birds, seals, walruses, and even whales.
What do walruses use their large tusks for?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Digging up clams.
C. Hauling themselves out of the water.
D. Defensive weapon for protection from polar bears or killer whales.
Both male and female walruses have long ivory tusks, although the tusks of the males tend to be longer and thicker than those of females. The tusks are the walrus' very long upper canine teeth, and they grow to an average length of about 36 cm / 14 inches, but they can grow as long as 100 cm / 39 inches in males.
All 17 species of penguins are found exclusively in the ________ Hemisphere.
Correct Answer(s)
All penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere, though it is a common myth that they all live in Antarctica. In fact, penguins can be found on every continent in the Southern Hemisphere.
Which of these marine animals are facing a high risk of extinction in the near future ?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Blue Whale
C. Green Sea Turtle
E. Dugong
Like other large whales, blue whales are threatened by environmental change including habitat loss and toxics. Blue whales can also be harmed by ship strikes and by becoming entangled in fishing gear.
Worldwide, the green turtle continues to be hunted and its eggs harvested. Much of that is for human consumption, but trade of turtle parts remains a profitable business. Uncontrolled coastal development, vehicle traffic on beaches, and other human activities have directly destroyed or disturbed sea turtle nesting beaches.
Dugongs are threatened by sea grass habitat loss or degradation because of coastal development or industrial activities that cause water pollution.