- Fasilitas footnote dan endnote, jika footnote akan tercetak dibagian footer halaman, dan endnote berada dibawah paragraf terakhir sebuah halaman. Semua fasilitas endnote dan footnote aktif jika diklik menu ....
Correct Answer
B. B. References
The correct answer is "b. References." The question is asking about the menu where the active features for endnotes and footnotes can be found. The References menu in Microsoft Word typically contains options for managing citations, creating a table of contents, and working with footnotes and endnotes. Therefore, it is the most likely menu where the active features for endnotes and footnotes can be accessed.
- Kombinasi perintah keyboard untuk menambah footnote pada dokumen Microsoft Word adalah …
Correct Answer
E. E. ALT + CTR + F
The correct combination of keyboard commands to add a footnote in Microsoft Word is ALT + CTR + F.
Pembuatan daftar isi secara otomatis pada Microsoft Word terdapat pada group ....
Correct Answer
B. B. Table of Contents
The correct answer is b. Table of Contents. Microsoft Word has a feature that allows users to automatically generate a table of contents for their document. This feature makes it easier for readers to navigate through the document and find specific sections or chapters. By using heading styles, users can mark the different sections of their document, and then Word can automatically create a table of contents based on those headings. This saves time and effort compared to manually creating and updating a table of contents.
Sebelum melakuan pembuatan Daftar Isi Otamatis maka setiap hurup/kaliamat yang ingin dimasukan kedalam daftar isi perlu ditentukan.
Correct Answer
D. D. Styles Heading
The correct answer is "d. Styles Heading". In order to create an automatic table of contents, it is necessary to define the different heading styles used in the document. These heading styles can include different font types, sizes, and weights, but the most important aspect is that they are designated as headings. By using heading styles, the document can be structured and organized, allowing the automatic table of contents to accurately reflect the different sections and subsections within the document.
Page setup berfungsi untuk…
Correct Answer
A. A. Mengatur halaman
The correct answer is "a. Mengatur halaman" which means "to set up the page" in English. This feature allows users to adjust various aspects of the page layout, such as margins, orientation, paper size, and headers/footers. It is commonly used in word processing software to ensure that the document is formatted correctly before printing or sharing.
Setelah kita melakukan perubahan terhadap isi dokumen, maka daftar isi perlu untuk dirubah, untuk melakukan perumbah otomatis dalam daftar isi yang sudah kita buat perlu melakukan.
Correct Answer
A. A. References - Update Table
After making changes to the document, the table of contents needs to be updated. To automatically update the table of contents that we have created, we need to use the "References - Update Table" option.
Jenis huruf yang digunakan dalam pembuatan Surat Resmi, salah satunya adalah
Correct Answer
A. A. Times New Roman, Arial, Century Ghotic
The correct answer is a. Times New Roman, Arial, Century Ghotic. These are commonly used fonts in official letter writing. Times New Roman is a classic serif font that is widely accepted for formal documents. Arial is a clean and modern sans-serif font that is easy to read. Century Ghotic is a decorative font that adds a touch of elegance to the letter. These fonts are chosen for their professionalism and readability, making them suitable for official correspondence.
Salah satu fungsi mailing adalah
Correct Answer
D. D. Membuat surat masal
The correct answer is d. Membuat surat masal. Mailing functions include creating mass emails or newsletters to send to a large number of recipients. This can be useful for businesses or organizations that need to communicate with a large audience at once. Creating mass emails allows for efficient and effective communication, saving time and effort compared to individually sending emails to each recipient.
Cara untuk membuat table secara otomatis dengan klik …
Correct Answer
D. Insert – table - tentukan jumlah baris dan kolom secara drag
The correct answer is "Insert - table - tentukan jumlah baris dan kolom secara drag" because it states that by inserting a table and then specifying the number of rows and columns by dragging, the table can be created automatically. This option provides a clear and direct method for creating a table with a specific number of rows and columns.
Perintah Split Cell berfungsi untuk ….
Correct Answer
C. Membagi tabel
The correct answer is "membagi tabel". The command "Split Cell" is used to divide a table into multiple cells. This can be useful when you want to split a large table into smaller sections or when you want to separate data within a single cell into multiple cells.
Perintah Split Cell berfungsi untuk ….
Correct Answer
C. Membagi tabel
The correct answer is "membagi tabel". The Split Cell command in a table allows users to divide a single cell into multiple cells. This is useful when there is a need to divide a large cell into smaller cells to accommodate more data or to create a more organized layout in the table. By splitting a table, users can easily manage and manipulate the data within each individual cell separately.
Pembuatan judul tabel terkadang memerlukan beberapa sel yang harus digabung menjadi satu dan merubah perataannya menjadi rata tengah. Pengaturan tersebut menggunakan fungsi ....
Correct Answer
C. C. Merge & Center
The correct answer is c. Merge & Center. When creating a table, sometimes it is necessary to combine multiple cells into one and change the alignment to center. The Merge & Center function allows for this by merging the selected cells and centering the content within the merged cell. This helps to create a visually appealing and organized table.
Custom ini merupakan tempat pengaturan fasilitas yang akan ditampilkan pada quick access toolbar yang lokasinya berada di samping office button . Untuk menambahkan dan menghapus tombol-tombol yang ditempatkan di Customize Ribbon pada MS Word dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan kotak dialog….
Correct Answer
A. A. Word Option
The correct answer is a. Word Option. Word Option is the location where users can customize the ribbon in MS Word by adding or removing buttons. It is accessed through a dialog box and allows users to personalize their quick access toolbar.
Fasilitas word option Bagian jendela yang digunakan untuk mempercepat akses terhadap sebuah tombol perintah adalah….
Correct Answer
B. B. Quick Access Toolbar
The Quick Access Toolbar is a feature in a software program that allows users to access commonly used commands or functions quickly and easily. It is typically located at the top of the window, above the ribbon or menu bar. By placing frequently used commands on the Quick Access Toolbar, users can save time and increase productivity by avoiding the need to navigate through multiple menus or ribbons to find the desired command.
Fungsi yang digunakan untuk mencari nilai rata-rata adalah ..................
Correct Answer
The correct answer is AVERAGE. The AVERAGE function is used to calculate the average value of a set of numbers. It adds up all the numbers in the set and then divides the sum by the count of the numbers. This function is commonly used in data analysis and statistics to find the central tendency of a dataset.
Pada menu finish & merge pada mailing terdapat sub menu apa
Correct Answer
E. E. C dan D Benar
The correct answer is e. C dan D Benar. This means that both options C (Print documents) and D (Edit Individual Documents) are correct submenus in the finish & merge menu in mailing.
Manakah yang tidak termasuk dalam menu mailings
Correct Answer
A. A. Table of contens
The correct answer is "a. Table of contents." The other options (b. Labels, c. Envelopes, d. Address block, and e. Insert merge field) are all features commonly found in the mailings menu. However, a table of contents is not typically included in the mailings menu as it is more commonly used in documents such as reports or books to provide an organized list of sections or chapters.
Selain pada mailings sendiri, kita bisa membuat database pada program lain yaitu
Correct Answer
C. C. Microsoft excel
Microsoft Excel is a widely used program that allows users to create and manage databases. It provides various features and tools that make it easy to organize and analyze data. With Excel, users can create tables, sort and filter data, perform calculations, and generate reports. Therefore, it is a suitable program for creating databases, in addition to mailings.
Fungsi dari submenu Envelopes pada menu mailings adalah
Correct Answer
C. C. Membuat amplop
The Envelopes submenu in the Mailings menu is used to create envelopes. This feature allows users to easily generate envelopes for mailing purposes.
Ekstensi file pada Microsoft Power Point adalah……
Correct Answer
E. E .ppt
The correct answer is e .ppt. The file extension for Microsoft Power Point is .ppt. This extension is used for Power Point presentation files.
Untuk menghapus efek animasi pada Menu Animation dapat mengklik tombol…..
Correct Answer
A. A Delete
To remove the animation effect on the Menu Animation, the user can click on the "Delete" button. This button is likely designed to delete or remove the selected animation from the menu.
Untuk mencetak halaman aktif pada Ms Word digunakan perintah Current Page pada dialog print. Sedangkan untuk mencetak halaman tertentu digunakan dialog ...
Correct Answer
E. E. A dan B Bener
The correct answer is e. "A dan B Bener" because to print the active page in MS Word, the "Current Page" command is used in the print dialog. And to print a specific page, the "Pages" command is used, followed by writing the page number to be printed.
- Pada Microsoft Excell, Langkah untuk mengubah ukuran kertas adalah
Correct Answer
A. A. Page layout,Page Setup
The correct answer is a. Page layout, Page Setup. In Microsoft Excel, to change the paper size, you need to go to the Page Layout tab and click on the Page Setup group. From there, you can select the desired paper size from the options available.
Menu Page Number pada aplikasi program MS. Word digunakan untuk membuat …
Correct Answer
C. C. Penomoran halaman
The Menu Page Number pada aplikasi program MS. Word is used for adding page numbers to a document. This feature allows users to easily number the pages in their document, making it easier for readers to navigate through the content. By selecting this option from the menu, users can choose where they want the page numbers to appear, whether it's at the top or bottom of the page, and customize the format and style of the page numbers. This helps in organizing the document and providing a professional look to it.
Untuk mencetak seluruh halaman pada Ms Word digunakan perintah print digunakan dialog ...
Correct Answer
B. B. Print All Pages
The correct answer is b. Print All Pages. This option is used to print all the pages in the Microsoft Word document. It is different from the other options because it does not involve selecting specific pages or customizing the print range. Instead, it prints every page in the document.
Kombinasi perintah keyboard untuk melakukan Percetakan ( Print) pada dokumen Microsoft Word adalah …
Correct Answer
D. D. CTR + P
The correct answer is CTR + P. This keyboard combination is used to perform the Print function in Microsoft Word.
Untuk bisa melihat hasil dari membuat surat masal kita bisa menggunakan menu apa pada mailings
Correct Answer
C. C. Preview result
To see the results of creating a mass letter, we can use the "Preview result" option in the mailings menu. This option allows us to view how the letter will appear before sending it out, ensuring that everything is formatted correctly and any errors are caught before it is sent. It is an important step in the mailing process to ensure the professionalism and accuracy of the letter.
Lembar kerja Ms-Excell dikenal dengan sebutan...
Correct Answer
B. B Worksheet
A worksheet in MS Excel is a single sheet within a workbook where data can be entered, calculated, and analyzed. It is the primary working area in Excel where users can input and manipulate data. The term "worksheet" is commonly used to refer to this specific feature in Excel.
Page setup berfungsi untuk…
Correct Answer
A. A. Mengatur halaman
Page setup berfungsi untuk mengatur halaman dalam dokumen. Dengan menggunakan fitur ini, pengguna dapat mengatur ukuran kertas, orientasi (potret atau lanskap), margin, dan tata letak halaman lainnya. Pengaturan ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengatur tampilan dan format dokumen agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka sebelum mencetak atau membagikan dokumen tersebut.
- Pada menu page setup terdapat bagian Orientation, berfungsi untuk mengatur orientasi atau layout pada pencetakan, lalu jika kita ingin mencetak dokumen dengan posisi kertas horizontal kita perlu memilih.
Correct Answer
C. C. Landscape
The correct answer is "c. Landscape". In the page setup menu, the orientation option allows us to set the layout or orientation for printing. If we want to print the document with a horizontal paper position, we need to select the landscape option. The landscape orientation will adjust the paper layout to be wider than it is tall, allowing for a horizontal printout.
- Agar Dokumen Tidak Dapat Dibuka Orang Lain Untuk tujuan tertentu biasanya seseorang memproteksi agar dokumennya hanya dapat dibuka oleh orang-orang tertentu yang diperbolehkannya, untuk tujuan keamanan. Misalnya file pekerjaan, file tugas penting, maka kita perlu melakuaka.
Correct Answer
A. A. Protect Document, pilih Encrypt with Password
The correct answer is a. Protect Document, pilih Encrypt with Password. This option allows the user to protect the document by encrypting it with a password. This means that only those who have the password will be able to open and access the document, providing an extra layer of security and ensuring that it cannot be opened by unauthorized individuals.
Kumpulan beberapa cell pada microsot excel disebut….
Correct Answer
E. Range
A range in Microsoft Excel refers to a collection of multiple cells that are selected together. It allows for performing operations or applying formatting changes to multiple cells simultaneously. This can be useful when working with a large amount of data or when needing to perform calculations or formatting changes across a specific group of cells.
- Agar Dokumen Dapat Dibuka, Namun Tidak Dapat Disalin oleh Orang Lain maka kita erlu melakukan.
Correct Answer
B. B. Protect Document, pilih Restrict Editing centang Allow only this type of editing in the document pilih Filling in forms
The correct answer is b. By selecting "Protect Document" and choosing "Restrict Editing," we can limit the type of editing allowed in the document. By checking "Allow only this type of editing in the document" and selecting "Filling in forms," we ensure that others can open the document but cannot copy its contents. This option provides the necessary protection to prevent others from copying the document.
Ikon “Undo” berfungsi ….
Correct Answer
E. Membatalkan pengerjaan
The correct answer is "membatalkan pengerjaan" which means "to cancel the action". In the context of the given options, the "Undo" function is used to reverse or undo the previous action or changes made in a document or file. This feature is commonly found in software applications and allows users to revert back to the previous state before the action was performed.
Untuk menembah garis dalam Excel, perintah yang diklik pada menu Insert adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. Insert Sheet Rows
The correct answer is "Insert Sheet Rows". This option is selected from the Insert menu in Excel to add new rows to the worksheet. By choosing this command, users can insert a new row above the selected row or rows, shifting the existing rows down. This option is useful when there is a need to add more data or information to the worksheet without overwriting or deleting any existing content.
- Function dari Ms. Excel yang digunakan untuk menghitung jumlah karakter/text adalah
Correct Answer
The LEN function in Ms. Excel is used to calculate the length of a text or a string of characters. It counts the number of characters in a cell, including spaces and punctuation marks. This function is useful when you need to determine the length of a text for various purposes, such as data validation or formatting.
Function dari Ms. Excel yang digunakan untuk menghitung number dari suatu interval dengan kondisi yang diinginkan adalah ....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is A. COUNTIF. This function in Microsoft Excel is used to count the number of cells within a specified range that meet a certain condition or criteria. It allows users to count cells based on a single condition or multiple conditions using logical operators such as equal to, not equal to, greater than, less than, etc. This function is useful for analyzing data and extracting specific information from a range of cells.
Yang digunakan untuk mengurutkan data dari A-Z adalah
Correct Answer
A. A. sort ascending
The correct answer is a. sort ascending. Sorting data in ascending order means arranging it from the lowest value to the highest value, in alphabetical or numerical order. This can be done using various algorithms or functions in programming or spreadsheet software, such as Excel.
Yang digunakan untuk mengurutkan data dari Z - A adalah
Correct Answer
B. B. sort descending
The correct answer is "b. sort descending". This option refers to the process of arranging data in a reverse order, from highest to lowest or from Z to A in alphabetical order. In this case, it is used to sort the data in a descending order.
Ekstensi yang digunakan pada Ms.Excel adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. *.exl
The correct answer is *.exl because it is the file extension used for Microsoft Excel files. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program used for creating and manipulating data in the form of tables. The file extension *.exl indicates that the file is compatible with Microsoft Excel and can be opened and edited using the software.
Animasi pengaturan slide pada saat ditampikan disebut...
Correct Answer
A. Efek transisi
The correct answer is "efek transisi" because it refers to the animation or visual effects that are applied to slides when they are being displayed in a presentation. These effects help to enhance the visual appeal and smooth transition between slides, making the presentation more engaging and professional.
Kita dapat memberikan background pada presentasi MS Powerpoint 2007 melalui fitur....
Correct Answer
E. Design
The correct answer is "Design". In MS Powerpoint 2007, the Design feature allows us to give a background to our presentation. This feature enables us to choose from a variety of pre-designed templates and themes that can enhance the visual appeal of our slides. It helps in creating a consistent and professional look for our presentation by providing options for colors, fonts, and layouts.
File presentasi yang dicetak lebih dari satu slide dalam satu halaman disebut....
Correct Answer
A. Handouts
Handouts are printed presentations that contain more than one slide per page. They are often used for distributing copies of a presentation to the audience, allowing them to follow along and take notes. Handouts are a convenient way to provide a condensed version of the slides and can be customized to include additional information or space for notes.
Tempat meletakkan file-file yang diperlukan oleh website adalah….
Correct Answer
C. Hosting
The correct answer is "Hosting". Hosting refers to the location where all the necessary files for a website are stored. It is a service provided by a hosting provider that allows individuals or organizations to make their website accessible on the internet. The hosting provider allocates space on a server to store the website's files, including HTML, CSS, images, and other media. When a user accesses the website, the files are retrieved from the hosting server and displayed on their device.
Di bawah ini yang merupakan aplikasi web browser, yaitu….
Correct Answer
D. Google chrome
The correct answer is Google Chrome because it is the only option listed that is a web browser. Google, Yahoo, and YouTube are search engines, while Windows Explorer is a file management tool.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan up date data...
Correct Answer
A. Memperbaharui data
The correct answer is "memperbaharui data" which means "updating data" in English. This term refers to the process of making changes or modifications to existing data in order to keep it current and accurate. It involves revising or adding new information, correcting errors, and ensuring that the data reflects the most recent and relevant information available.
Untuk penulisan rumus jumlah di sel B2 dengan sel C2 yang benar di bawah ini adalah
Correct Answer
B. =Sum(B2:C2)
The correct answer is =Sum(B2:C2). This formula will sum the values in cells B2 and C2. The ":" symbol is used to indicate a range of cells, so B2:C2 represents all the cells between B2 and C2, inclusive. The Sum function adds up the values in the specified range, giving the desired result.
Fungsi untuk perhitung Nilai terendah menggunakan perintah ……….
Correct Answer
E. Min
The correct answer is "Min". The function "Min" is used to calculate the lowest value in a set of numbers. It is commonly used in mathematical and statistical calculations to find the minimum value in a dataset.