Kewirausahaan berasal dari kata ……..
Correct Answer
A. Entrepreunership
The correct answer is "Entrepreunership." This term refers to the act of starting and running a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of making a profit. It involves identifying opportunities, organizing resources, and taking initiative to bring a new product, service, or process to the market. Entrepreneurs are individuals who engage in entrepreneurship and are known for their innovation, creativity, and willingness to take risks.
Ancaman Pesaing baru atau partner pemasok, konsumen atau seseorang yang bisa diajak kerjasama merupakan wirausaha, menurut pandangan seorang ……….
Correct Answer
A. Businessman
The correct answer is businessman because they are the ones who are most likely to view threats from new competitors or partners in the business world. As a businessman, they are constantly assessing the market and looking out for potential threats or opportunities for collaboration. They understand the dynamics of the business environment and the potential impact that new competitors or partners can have on their business. Therefore, they are more likely to have a perspective on this matter compared to other professions such as investors, economists, psychologists, or the general public.
Yang merupakan sasaran kewirausahaan adalah …….
Correct Answer
B. Para pengusaha kecil dan koperasi
The correct answer is "Para pengusaha kecil dan koperasi." This answer suggests that the target of entrepreneurship is small business owners and cooperatives. These are individuals or groups who engage in business activities and contribute to the economy. By focusing on small business owners and cooperatives, entrepreneurship aims to support and promote economic growth at the grassroots level.
Manakah yang tidak termasuk manfaat wirausaha…..
Correct Answer
B. Para pengusaha kecil dan koperasi
The given options are all potential benefits of entrepreneurship except for "Para pengusaha kecil dan koperasi" which translates to "Small business owners and cooperatives." This option does not represent a benefit of entrepreneurship but rather a group of individuals who are already engaged in entrepreneurship. The other options mention benefits such as increasing the number of quality entrepreneurs, developing diligent and productive work skills, setting an example for the community, and avoiding consumerism and wastefulness.
Pendidikan wirausaha yang mempunyai peran sangat dominant dalam menghasilkan manusia bermutu, karenanya pendidikan wirausaha diberikan kepadanya ….
Correct Answer
D. Sekolah-sekolah lanjutan
Pendidikan wirausaha diberikan kepada sekolah-sekolah lanjutan karena pada tingkat ini, siswa telah memiliki pengetahuan dasar dan keterampilan yang lebih matang. Dengan memberikan pendidikan wirausaha di tingkat sekolah-sekolah lanjutan, diharapkan siswa dapat mengembangkan keterampilan wirausaha mereka dan siap untuk memasuki dunia kerja atau memulai usaha sendiri setelah lulus.
Faktor-faktor yang berperan dalam membuka dan menerapkan minat untuk berwirausaha disekolah yang pertama adalah menyangkut ……
Correct Answer
E. Aspek-aspek kepribadian para siswa sendiri
The factors that play a role in opening and implementing an interest in entrepreneurship in schools are related to the personal aspects of the students themselves. This suggests that the individual characteristics, traits, and attitudes of the students themselves are important in fostering and developing an interest in entrepreneurship. It implies that factors such as motivation, self-confidence, risk-taking ability, and creativity are significant in shaping entrepreneurial aspirations and actions among students.
Sebenarnya yang menjadi dasar agar berminat menjadi wirausaha adalah ……
Correct Answer
E. Mental yang sudah melekat pada dirinya
The correct answer is "Mental yang sudah melekat pada dirinya". This suggests that the underlying basis for being interested in becoming an entrepreneur is having a mindset or mentality that is already ingrained in the individual. This implies that a person who is naturally inclined towards entrepreneurship, who possesses the necessary qualities and characteristics, is more likely to be interested in becoming an entrepreneur.
Kegiatan dasar wirausaha adalah …….
Correct Answer
A. Memproduksi barang
The correct answer is "Memproduksi barang" because one of the basic activities of entrepreneurship is the production of goods. Entrepreneurs identify opportunities in the market and create products to fulfill those needs. By producing goods, entrepreneurs are able to add value to the market and generate profits. This activity is essential for the success of any business venture.
Sikap tidak tergantung pada orang lain adalah …….
Correct Answer
B. Komitmen tinggi
The correct answer is "Komitmen tinggi" which translates to "high commitment" in English. This answer suggests that not relying on others is a result of having a strong commitment. This implies that individuals who are committed to their goals and responsibilities are less likely to depend on others and are more self-reliant.
Seorang wirausahawan bertanggung jawab terhadap nasib dan tujuan yang hendak dicapai , disebut ….
Correct Answer
E. Destiny
A wirausahawan is responsible for determining and working towards their own destiny or fate. They have the power to shape their own future and achieve their goals. This aligns with the concept of destiny, which refers to a predetermined course of events or a future outcome that is believed to be inevitable.
Rasa percaya pada diri sendiri dapat menumbuhkan sikap …..
Correct Answer
C. Kemandirian
Rasa percaya pada diri sendiri dapat menumbuhkan sikap kemandirian. Ketika seseorang memiliki keyakinan yang kuat pada kemampuan dan potensi dirinya, ia cenderung lebih percaya bahwa ia mampu mengatasi berbagai tantangan dan mengambil keputusan sendiri tanpa terlalu bergantung pada orang lain. Sikap kemandirian ini mendorong seseorang untuk mengambil inisiatif, mengelola waktu dan sumber daya dengan baik, serta mengembangkan kemampuan problem-solving yang lebih baik.
Disiplin dan berani diantaranya karena adanya pengetahuan dan pengalaman. Pengatahuan bisa diperoleh dari …..
Correct Answer
E. Bangku pendidikan formal/non formal
The correct answer is "Bangku pendidikan formal/non formal". This answer suggests that knowledge and experience can be obtained through formal and non-formal education. Formal education refers to education obtained in schools, colleges, or universities, while non-formal education refers to learning experiences outside of the formal education system, such as workshops, seminars, or vocational training. Both types of education provide individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to be disciplined and courageous.
Setiap usaha yang dilakukan oleh wirausahawan yang berhasil selalu diawali dengan ……
Correct Answer
A. Perencanaan yang matang
Every successful entrepreneurial endeavor always starts with careful planning. Planning is essential for setting goals, identifying resources needed, and outlining the steps to achieve those goals. Without a well-thought-out plan, entrepreneurs may struggle to make informed decisions, allocate resources effectively, and respond to unexpected challenges. Planning helps entrepreneurs anticipate potential obstacles and develop strategies to overcome them, increasing the chances of success. It also provides a roadmap for the business, ensuring that efforts are focused and aligned with the overall vision. Therefore, a solid and thorough planning process is crucial for any entrepreneur starting a venture.
Modal utama sebuah usaha tidak hanya berupa materi, akan tetapi juga …..
Correct Answer
B. Keyakinan
Keyakinan adalah modal utama dalam sebuah usaha karena tanpa keyakinan yang kuat, seseorang akan sulit untuk menghadapi tantangan dan mengambil risiko yang diperlukan dalam menjalankan usaha. Keyakinan juga membantu seseorang untuk tetap optimis dan bertahan ketika menghadapi kegagalan atau kesulitan dalam usaha. Selain itu, keyakinan juga mempengaruhi cara seseorang berpikir dan bertindak, sehingga dapat memengaruhi kesuksesan usaha tersebut.
Sikap berdedikasi pada nilai yang diyakini adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. Komitmen tinggi
Having a high commitment means being dedicated and devoted to one's beliefs and values. This implies that the individual is willing to put in the necessary effort and work hard to achieve their goals. It also suggests that they are disciplined and confident in their abilities. Therefore, having a high commitment is the most suitable answer to the question.