In your own words, what is Safeguarding?
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DSL stands for
DSL stands for Designated Safeguarding Lead. This role is typically found in educational settings and is responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of children and young people. The Designated Safeguarding Lead is the person who takes the lead in dealing with any safeguarding concerns or issues that arise, and they are responsible for coordinating and liaising with other professionals and agencies to ensure that appropriate actions are taken to protect children from harm. The term "Designated Safeguard Lead" is not a correct acronym for DSL and is not commonly used in this context.
Please select the statements that are true:
Correct Answer(s)
A. It could happen here
B. Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility
D. Safeguarding is of paramount concern to everyone in the school community
The given answer is correct because it includes statements that are true. "It could happen here" acknowledges the possibility of safeguarding incidents occurring in the school community. "Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility" highlights the shared responsibility of all individuals in ensuring the safety and well-being of others. "Safeguarding is of paramount concern to everyone in the school community" emphasizes the importance and priority given to safeguarding within the school community.
I can take identifiable pictures of students even if I don't have permission from parents for ASDAN evidencing.
Correct Answer
B. False
It does not matter what the reason is, you need to check you have permission before taking a photograph.
The school recognises that mobile phones can be used inappropriately and compromise the safety of our students. Tick the true statements:
Correct Answer(s)
B. There are designated times and areas in the school away from students where phones can be used
C. Unless given permission, phones should not be on your person in the class
E. You can use your phone to contact school or use as a sat nav if you have prior permission.
The school has a mobile phone policy which is found on the school website.
On Social Media you can
Correct Answer(s)
B. Say you work for Solihull Council
C. Be subject to disciplinary measures if you bring the school into disrepute
The correct answer is "Say you work for Solihull Council, be subject to disciplinary measures if you bring the school into disrepute." This answer highlights that on social media, it is acceptable to mention your employment with Solihull Council. However, if you engage in actions that bring the school into disrepute, disciplinary measures can be taken against you. This implies that there are certain guidelines and expectations regarding professional conduct on social media platforms, especially when it comes to representing your workplace.
I cannot accept parents, school children or ex-pupils as ‘friends’ on my personal social networking, or give out my personal phone number without first informing the Principal.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true because it is important for teachers to maintain appropriate boundaries with their students and their families. Accepting parents, school children, or ex-pupils as friends on personal social networking platforms can blur the lines between personal and professional relationships, potentially compromising the teacher's role and creating conflicts of interest. Similarly, giving out personal phone numbers without informing the Principal can lead to unwanted contact or boundary violations. By adhering to these guidelines, teachers can maintain professionalism and prioritize the well-being and safety of their students.
How can you contact parents? Select the correct responses:
Correct Answer(s)
B. School email address
C. Class Dojo
D. School phones
F. Home school diary
You can contact parents through various means such as using the school email address, Class Dojo, school phones, and the home school diary. These methods provide effective communication channels between teachers and parents to discuss student progress, share important updates, and address any concerns or queries.
A child on a school trip has a serious injury and requires an ambulance. What is the correct procedure?
Correct Answer
C. Phone for an ambulance, then school who will contact parents
Injuries can be time dependent, so phoning for an ambulance is a priority. You are also best placed to describe where you are, and can take advice on what to do from health care professionals. The ambulance service never criticise for a false call out. The school will contact parents on your behalf. Parents are likely to be emotional and take up time when you can be helping the injured or supervising other children.
The DBS is maintained to ensure safer recruitment practices are in place and followed to check suitability of all staff and volunteers who work with children, and all staff and volunteers must have a current DBS. What does DBS stand for?
Correct Answer
Disclosure Barring Service, Disclosure and Barring Service
The correct answer is "Disclosure Barring Service, Disclosure and Barring Service." The DBS is a system in place to ensure safer recruitment practices for individuals working with children. It is responsible for conducting checks to assess the suitability of staff and volunteers. All individuals working with children are required to have a current DBS check.
All school staff must read and signed that you have read Keeping Children Safe in Education Pt1.
Correct Answer
A. True
The given correct answer is True because it states that all school staff must read and sign that they have read Keeping Children Safe in Education Pt1. This implies that it is a mandatory requirement for all school staff to be familiar with the guidelines and regulations outlined in Keeping Children Safe in Education Pt1, ensuring the safety and well-being of children in the educational environment.
Recording injuries - tick which is true
Correct Answer(s)
A. You must not take photographs of children in order to capture evidence of an injury whether accidental or non-accidental.
B. Taking a photograph could be perceived as contributing to possible abuse.
C. Only a police doctor or hospital can take photographs of injuries.
D. You must use a body map drawing to record where the injury is located and provide a description on the concern recording form.
E. You cannot lift clothing, etc. to look for injuries or marks.
Taking photographs of children to capture evidence of an injury, whether accidental or non-accidental, is not allowed. This is because taking a photograph could be seen as contributing to possible abuse. Only a police doctor or hospital is authorized to take photographs of injuries. Instead of photographs, it is recommended to use a body map drawing to record the location of the injury and provide a description on the concern recording form. Additionally, it is not permissible to lift clothing or any other items to look for injuries or marks.
Tick the signs below which are proof of abuse:
Correct Answer
I. None of the above. They are indicators, and should be discussed with the DSL, but not proof.
The signs mentioned in the question are indicators of possible abuse, but they are not definitive proof. These signs, such as significant changes in behavior, extreme emotions, aggressive behavior, suspicious bruises, lack of self-esteem, self-injury or harm, depression, and age-inappropriate sexual behavior, should be discussed with the DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) to further investigate and gather more information. It is important to gather additional evidence and information before concluding that abuse has occurred.
Abuse of a child is sometimes missed because care givers can believe indicators of possible abuse (eg behaviour, mood, injury) relate to the child’s disability and do not need further exploration, or communication difficulties prevent the child from expressing the abuse.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true because caregivers can sometimes overlook signs of child abuse due to the child's disability. They may attribute behavioral changes, mood swings, or injuries to the child's condition rather than considering the possibility of abuse. Additionally, communication difficulties can make it challenging for the child to express their experiences of abuse, further complicating the identification of such cases.
Dealing with disclosures. What statements would be acceptable when talking to a young person who is disclosing abuse or an issue?
Correct Answer(s)
B. 'I am sorry to hear that happened to you, would you like to discuss it?'
D. 'Who hit you'
G. 'When did it take place'
H. 'I can't promise I will not tell anyone, I will talk to people who can help'
This is a difficult question, as some of our young people struggle to express themselves without giving closed questions or choices when answering and would be incapable of having a conversation with the type of open ended questions needed to satisfy the 'no leading rule'. Professional judgement is needed.
Dealing with disclosure
If a child is freely recalling events, the response should be to listen, rather than to stop the child; questioning must be limited to confirming factual accuracy required eg:
•who are the people involved
•what has actually happened
•when and where did any incident occur
•How does that make you feel.
If the child has an injury but no explanation is volunteered, it is acceptable to enquire how the injury was sustained.
If you can, write down the incident immediately afterwards and record it on the school recording system - 'MyConcern' for Merstone and the paper based system for Forest Oak. Do not discuss it with your class team or colleges and if you believe the issue is serious, tell a DSL immediately.
When recording, record facts. Record what the child says in their own words and what actions the member of staff has done - ie passed information to DSL. Please record the impact on the young person / others (This helps with the MASH referral process), and when adding professional opinion, mark it as such.
Correct Answer
A. Check to state you understand
The correct answer is to listen to the child when they are freely recalling events and to limit questioning to confirming factual accuracy. If the child has an injury but does not provide an explanation, it is acceptable to inquire about how the injury was sustained. It is important to record the incident immediately afterwards using the appropriate recording system and not discuss it with colleagues. If the issue is serious, it should be reported to a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) immediately. When recording, it is important to stick to facts, record the child's words and actions taken by staff, and note the impact on the child and others.
I have read and understand Keeping Safe in Education part 1
Correct Answer
A. Yes
The given correct answer is "Yes." This suggests that the person has read and understood Part 1 of Keeping Safe in Education.