HO (Hinderordonnantie) adalah...
Correct Answer
C. Surat izin ganngguan
HO (Hinderordonnantie) adalah surat izin gangguan.
Berikut ini sumber modal usaha dari modal internal adalah, kecuali....
Correct Answer
E. Pinjaman dari perorangan
The given options describe different sources of internal capital for a business. Tabungan sendiri refers to using personal savings, setoran dari pegang saham refers to capital injections from shareholders, menjual barang yang kurang produktif refers to selling unproductive goods, menjual barang yang menguntungkan refers to selling profitable goods. Pinjaman dari perorangan refers to loans from individuals, which is not a source of internal capital but rather external financing.
Letak usaha dikatakan strategis bila...
Correct Answer
E. Benar semua
A strategic location for a business is one that meets all the mentioned criteria. Being close to raw materials ensures easy access and reduces transportation costs. Being close to the market allows for quick delivery and better customer service. Cheap transportation costs help in reducing overall expenses. Having supportive facilities such as infrastructure, utilities, and services further enhance the business's efficiency and productivity. Therefore, all the mentioned factors contribute to a strategic business location.
Barang good in proces adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Barang dalam proses produksi
The correct answer is "Barang dalam proses produksi". This refers to goods that are currently in the production process and have not yet been completed or finished. These goods are still undergoing various stages of production and are not yet considered as finished products.
Raw material adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Bahan baku
The correct answer is "Bahan baku" because raw material refers to the basic materials or substances that are used in the production of goods. These materials are usually unprocessed or minimally processed and are transformed into finished products through manufacturing processes.
Untuk dapat melaksanakan seleksi pada calon-calon pegawai dengan sebaik-baiknya, maka perlu terlebih dahulu diketahui keterangan yang lengkap tentang....
Correct Answer
E. Sistem dan tujuan adanya seleksi
To carry out the selection of candidates for employees effectively, it is necessary to have a complete understanding of the system and purpose of the selection process. This includes knowing the methods and criteria used in the selection, as well as the objectives and goals of the selection. Understanding the system and purpose of the selection process helps ensure that the right candidates are chosen for the job and that the selection process aligns with the organization's needs and goals.
Bagi suatu industri, persediaan yang ada yaitu...
Correct Answer
B. Bahan baku dan barang jadi
The correct answer is "Bahan baku dan barang jadi". This answer is correct because it states that the inventory for an industry consists of both raw materials and finished goods. Raw materials are the materials that are used to produce the final product, while finished goods are the products that have been completed and are ready to be sold or distributed. Including both raw materials and finished goods in the inventory is important for the industry to ensure that they have enough materials to continue production and enough finished goods to meet customer demand.
Tempat kegiatan usaha yang akan digunakan sedapat mungkin diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga ..
Correct Answer
A. Dapat menimbulkan suasana yang menyenangkan
The correct answer is "Dapat menimbulkan suasana yang menyenangkan" because it suggests that the place of business should be arranged in such a way that it creates a pleasant atmosphere. This is important as a pleasant atmosphere can contribute to increased productivity and employee satisfaction.
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi didalam penetapan tempat usaha adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali...
Correct Answer
A. Pasar
The factors that influence business location decisions include market demand, availability of skilled labor, transportation facilities, supporting factors, and capital. However, the one factor that is not included in the given options is "Pasar," which translates to "Market" in English. Market demand plays a crucial role in determining the success of a business, as it determines the potential customer base and the demand for the products or services offered. Therefore, market analysis is an essential factor in choosing the right business location.
Masa berlaku SIUP untuk perusahaan besar adalah...
Correct Answer
A. 5 tahun
The correct answer is 5 tahun because SIUP (Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan) is a trading business license issued in Indonesia. It is valid for a period of 5 years for large companies. This license is required for companies to legally operate their trading activities in the country.
Manfaat utama adanya perizinan usaha bagi pemerintah daerah adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Untuk mendorong perkembangan usaha
The main benefit of business licensing for local governments is to encourage business development. By requiring businesses to obtain licenses, the government can ensure that businesses are operating legally and meeting certain standards. This can attract investment, create job opportunities, and stimulate economic growth in the area. Licensing also allows the government to regulate businesses and protect consumers, ensuring fair competition and preventing unhealthy competition. Additionally, licensing fees can provide a source of revenue for the government, contributing to the local economy.
Dibawah ini merupakan aspek-aspek yang sangat penting dalam pengadaan bahan baku yaitu...
Correct Answer
C. Jalan dan transportasi
Jalan dan transportasi merupakan aspek yang sangat penting dalam pengadaan bahan baku karena dapat mempengaruhi efisiensi dan kelancaran proses pengiriman bahan baku dari pemasok ke tempat produksi. Jika jalan dan transportasi tidak memadai, maka akan sulit untuk mengirimkan bahan baku tepat waktu, yang dapat menyebabkan keterlambatan dalam produksi dan mengganggu rantai pasokan. Selain itu, jalan yang baik juga diperlukan untuk memastikan keamanan dan keberlanjutan pengiriman bahan baku.
Apabila keterangan-keterangan yang dikemukakan dalam laporan pelaksanaan kegiatan usaha disusun dalam urutan yang memperhatikan adanya kegiatan yang saling menunjang maka dapat dikatakan bahwa laporan tersebut...
Correct Answer
C. Akurat
The given answer is "Akurat" because when the information in a report on business activities is organized in a way that considers the interrelated and supporting activities, it ensures that the report is accurate. This means that the information presented is reliable, precise, and free from errors or biases.
Bahan selain bahan baku yang berfungsi sebagai pelengkap yaitu bahan...
Correct Answer
C. Pembantu
Bahan selain bahan baku yang berfungsi sebagai pelengkap adalah bahan pembantu. Bahan pembantu digunakan untuk membantu proses pembuatan suatu produk atau untuk meningkatkan kualitas atau rasa produk tersebut. Bahan pembantu tidak menjadi bahan utama dalam produk, tetapi memiliki peran penting dalam proses produksi.
Bahan-bahan mentah, fasilitas kantor, dan produksi serta peralatan termasuk sumberdaya...
Correct Answer
E. Logistik
Logistik adalah sumber daya yang mencakup bahan-bahan mentah, fasilitas kantor, produksi, dan peralatan yang diperlukan untuk mengatur dan mengelola aliran barang dan jasa dari pemasok ke konsumen. Dalam konteks ini, logistik berperan penting dalam memastikan tersedianya bahan baku, mengatur produksi, dan mengatur pengiriman produk kepada konsumen.
Ingin memeningkatkan pertumbuhan usaha dan meningkatkan imbalan untuk pemilik usaha adalah…
Correct Answer
A. Tujuan
The correct answer is "tujuan" (goal). In order to improve business growth and increase rewards for business owners, it is important to have clear goals and objectives. These goals provide direction and purpose for the business, guiding decision-making and actions towards achieving desired outcomes. By setting specific goals, businesses can focus their efforts and resources on areas that will drive growth and increase profitability.
Mencatat alat-alat perlengkapan perusahaan dan kegiatan-kegiatan usaha kedalam buku-buku administrasi adalah .... administrasi
Correct Answer
E. Manfaat
The correct answer is "manfaat". In this context, "manfaat" refers to the benefits or advantages of recording the company's equipment and business activities in administrative books. By keeping a record of these things, the company can track its assets, monitor its operations, and make informed decisions. The "manfaat" of administrative bookkeeping is to ensure efficient management and organization of the company's resources.
Penerimaan pegawai sampai penggajian, promosi, mutasi insentif, hukuman dan pensiun, hal ini bisa dilakukan oleh...
Correct Answer
A. Personalia
Personalia is the correct answer because it refers to the department or function responsible for managing various aspects of employee administration, such as recruitment, salary, promotion, transfer, incentives, punishment, and retirement. This department handles all personnel-related matters within an organization, ensuring that employees are properly hired, compensated, and managed throughout their employment lifecycle.
Untuk meningkatkan kreatifitas, inovasi, prestasi, dan keterampilan kerja pegawai di dalam perusahaan adalah.... sumber daya manusia.
Correct Answer
B. Pengelolaan
The correct answer is "Pengelolaan". Pengelolaan refers to the management or administration of resources, including human resources, in order to improve creativity, innovation, achievement, and job skills of employees within a company. This involves effectively organizing, planning, coordinating, and controlling various aspects of the organization to achieve its goals and objectives.
Jika administrasi keuangan dikelola dengan baik, perusahaan akan memperolah informasi yang tepat mengenai...
Correct Answer
E. Penjualan, pemasaran, utang piutang, persediaan barang dagangan
When financial administration is managed well, a company will obtain accurate information regarding sales, marketing, accounts receivable and payable, as well as inventory of goods for sale.
Unsur yang melekat dan secara langsung terlibat pada produk yang bersangkutan adalah..
Correct Answer
B. Bahan
The answer "Bahan" (materials) is the correct answer because materials are an essential component of a product. They are directly involved in the creation and production of the product. Without the necessary materials, it would not be possible to manufacture the product. Therefore, materials are an inherent and integral part of the product.
Salah satu tujuan mutasi adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Meningkatkan kerjasama antar karyawan
Mutasi adalah perpindahan atau perubahan posisi kerja karyawan dalam suatu organisasi. Salah satu tujuan mutasi adalah meningkatkan kerjasama antar karyawan. Dengan memindahkan karyawan ke posisi yang berbeda, mereka dapat bekerja dengan orang-orang yang berbeda dan belajar untuk bekerja sama dengan baik. Ini juga dapat membantu dalam membangun hubungan yang lebih baik antara karyawan, meningkatkan komunikasi dan kolaborasi di antara mereka, dan akhirnya meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas tim.
Izin yang pertama kali dibuat uuntuk mendirikan usaha baru adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Izin usaha dari RT
Izin usaha dari RT refers to the first permit that needs to be obtained in order to establish a new business. This permit is typically issued by the local neighborhood association or the neighborhood head (RT) and is essential for starting a business in a specific area. It is important to obtain this permit as it ensures that the business is compliant with local regulations and has the necessary approval from the community.
Izin gangguan dalam pendirian usaha disebut...
Correct Answer
HO stands for "Hak Opname" in Indonesian, which translates to "Operating Permit" in English. This refers to the permit required to establish and operate a business in Indonesia. Therefore, the correct answer is HO.
Badan yang menurus perizinan mengenai keselamatan makanan adalah...
Correct Answer
BPOM is the correct answer because it stands for Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan, which translates to the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency. BPOM is responsible for regulating and ensuring the safety of food products in Indonesia. They conduct inspections, issue licenses, and monitor the production, distribution, and labeling of food products to protect public health.
Analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan menyangkut hal berikut ini kecuali...
Correct Answer
B. Sanitasi
The question asks for an analysis of environmental impacts, and all the options provided are related to environmental impacts except for "Sanitasi" (Sanitation). Sanitation is more related to public health and hygiene rather than environmental impacts.
Modal usaha dibagi menjadi dua iyaitu, kecuali...
Correct Answer
E. Modal bank dan modal infestasi
The correct answer is "Modal bank dan modal infestasi". The other options provided in the question are not valid classifications of business capital. Internal and external, modal sendiri and pinjaman, uang and barang, and modal aktif and modal pasif do not represent different types of business capital. However, "Modal bank dan modal infestasi" refers to two distinct sources of business capital - bank capital and investment capital.
Fasilitas disebut juga dengan...
Correct Answer
C. Sarana dan pra sarana
The correct answer is "sarana dan pra sarana". The term "fasilitas" refers to facilities or amenities that are provided to fulfill a certain purpose or need. "Sarana" means facilities or resources, while "pra sarana" means pre-facilities or preliminary facilities. Therefore, the answer "sarana dan pra sarana" encompasses both the main facilities and the preliminary facilities that are provided for a specific purpose.
Menetapkan tempat usaha perlu dibangun diwilayah yang...
Correct Answer
A. Strategis
The correct answer is "strategis". When establishing a business location, it is important to choose a strategic location that offers advantages and benefits. A strategic location is one that provides easy access to customers, suppliers, and transportation routes. It may also refer to a location that is in close proximity to competitors or complementary businesses. By selecting a strategic location, businesses can maximize their potential for success and growth.
Analisis jabatan harus memperhatikan, kecuali...
Correct Answer
E. Kedekatan kekeluargaan
Job analysis should consider various factors such as education level, work experience, appropriate job evaluation, job transfers, and promotions. However, the factor that should not be considered is the proximity to family. Family relationships should not be a determining factor in job analysis as it may lead to favoritism or bias in decision-making processes. Job analysis should focus on objective criteria that are relevant to the job requirements and performance.
Merekrut karyawan termasuk kedalam...
Correct Answer
A. Mengelola SDM
The correct answer is "mengelola SDM" because it means managing human resources. Recruiting employees is a part of managing human resources as it involves the process of selecting and hiring suitable candidates for a job position.
Merekrut tenaga kerja atau kriyawan yang paling perlu diperhatikan adalah...
Correct Answer
E. Keahlian yang dimiliki
When recruiting employees, the most important factor to consider is their skill set. This is because having the necessary skills for the job ensures that the employee can perform their tasks effectively and contribute to the success of the business. While education, work experience, proximity to the workplace, and personal characteristics are also important, without the required skills, the employee may not be able to fulfill their job responsibilities adequately. Therefore, prioritizing the skills possessed by potential candidates is crucial in the recruitment process.
Jalann dan jembatan termasuk kealam …
Correct Answer
B. B. prasarana
The correct answer is "b. prasarana". This is because "jalann dan jembatan" (roads and bridges) are considered as infrastructure or facilities that support transportation and connectivity. Prasarana refers to the physical structures and systems that are necessary for the functioning of a society or organization.
Lokasi usaha yang terletak di dekat terminal akan cocok untuk usaha...
Correct Answer
E. Menjual manisan
The location of a business near a terminal would be suitable for selling sweets or candies. This is because terminals are often busy places with a lot of foot traffic, and people may be looking for quick and convenient snacks to enjoy while they wait for their transportation. Selling sweets would cater to this demand and potentially attract customers who are looking for a sweet treat on the go.
Contoh usaha agraris adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Pertanian sawah
Pertanian sawah merupakan salah satu contoh usaha agraris yang mencakup kegiatan pertanian yang dilakukan di lahan sawah. Usaha ini melibatkan penanaman dan budidaya tanaman pangan seperti padi, jagung, dan kedelai. Pertanian sawah memanfaatkan air irigasi untuk mengairi lahan sawah dan membutuhkan pemeliharaan yang intensif. Usaha ini menjadi penting karena dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pangan masyarakat serta menjadi sumber pendapatan bagi petani.