Surat yang isinya mengenai perdagangan atau perniagaan yang dibuat oleh perusahaan untuk dikirim kepada para langganannya adalah surat….
Correct Answer
A. Niaga
The correct answer is "Niaga" because the question is asking for the type of letter that is related to trade or business and is sent by a company to its customers. "Niaga" is the Indonesian word for "business" or "commerce," indicating that it is the appropriate choice for this scenario.
Surat yang isinya mengenai perdagangan atau perniagaan yang dibuat oleh perusahaan untuk dikirim kepada para langganannya adalah surat….
Correct Answer
A. Niaga
The correct answer is "Niaga" because the question is asking for the type of letter that is related to trade or business and is sent by a company to its customers. "Niaga" means commerce or trade in Indonesian, so a surat niaga would be a business letter.
Surat niaga dibuat dengan tujuan ....
Correct Answer
C. Untuk kepentingan bisnis
A surat niaga is a business letter or commercial letter that is written for business purposes. It is typically used to communicate with clients, customers, suppliers, or other business entities. The purpose of a surat niaga is to discuss business matters such as sales, purchases, orders, inquiries, complaints, or any other relevant business-related topics. Therefore, the correct answer "Untuk kepentingan bisnis" means "For business purposes" and accurately reflects the purpose of a surat niaga.
Surat pesanan atas barang atau jasa, baik yang ditawarkan maupun tidak, berdasarkan penawaran dan pemesanan menyanggupi untuk membayarnya adalah pengertian dari ....
Correct Answer
B. Order
The correct answer is "Order". An order refers to a request for goods or services, whether they are offered or not, based on an agreement to pay for them. It is a formal document that outlines the details of the requested items and the agreed-upon terms of payment.
Surat Niaga bersifat ......
Correct Answer
D. Resmi
The correct answer is "Resmi" because Surat Niaga refers to official business correspondence or letters that are used for formal purposes. These letters are usually exchanged between organizations, government bodies, or individuals in a professional setting. Therefore, the adjective "resmi" (official) best describes the nature of Surat Niaga.
Surat usaha memperkenalkan barang atau jasa dengan maksud untuk menjualnya disebut....
Correct Answer
B. Surat penawaran
A surat penawaran is a letter used to introduce and promote a product or service with the intention of selling it. It is a formal communication that provides details about the product or service, its benefits, and pricing. The purpose of a surat penawaran is to persuade the recipient to consider purchasing the offered product or service.
Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam penulisan surat pesanan...
Correct Answer
C. Menyebutkan jenis dan jumlah pesanan
The correct answer is "Menyebutkan jenis dan jumlah pesanan" because when writing a purchase order letter, it is important to clearly mention the type and quantity of the items being ordered. This helps to avoid any confusion or mistakes in the order.
Dibawah ini merupakan macam-macam surat niaga, kecuali....
Correct Answer
D. Surat Edaran
The given options are all types of business letters except for "Surat Edaran." Surat penagihan is a collection letter used to request payment from customers. Surat penolakan pesanan is a letter used to reject an order. Surat konfirmasi pesanan is a letter used to confirm an order. Surat Pengaduan is a complaint letter. However, Surat Edaran is not a type of business letter.
Pernyataan keluhan/ pengaduan yang disampaikan calon pembeli atas ketidaksesuaian pesanannya (harga, mutu, kuantitas) disebut....
Correct Answer
E. Klaim
Klaim refers to the complaint or grievance expressed by a prospective buyer regarding the discrepancy in their order (price, quality, quantity). It is the term used to describe the act of making a claim or seeking compensation for the dissatisfaction with the product or service received.
Surat yang dikirimkan oleh calon pembeli kepada calon penjual dengan maksud meminta keterangan mengenai sesuatu barang/jasa yang diinginkan disebut .......
Correct Answer
B. Surat permintaan penawaran
A surat permintaan penawaran is a letter sent by a potential buyer to a potential seller to request information about a desired product or service. This letter is used to inquire about the availability, price, and other details of the product or service. It is a formal way of expressing interest in making a purchase and gathering necessary information before making a decision.
Dibawah ini yang bukan merupakan hal-hal yang harus dicantumkan saat menyusun surat permintaan penawaran adalah ......
Correct Answer
C. Kesulitan yang diperoleh saat membeli
Untuk keterangan lebih rinci, silahkan menghubungi kami. Kami akan melakukan demonstrasi pemakaian alat secara Cuma-Cuma tanpa suatu ikatan. Kami menjamin pelayanan purna jual, baik yang berupa pelayanan teknis maupun pengadaan suku cadang. Kalimat tersebut merupakan bagian dari isi surat…
Correct Answer
C. Penawaran
The given statement mentions about providing a demonstration of using the tool without any obligation. It also guarantees after-sales service and the provision of spare parts. This indicates that the statement is part of a sales offer or a quotation, which is commonly known as "Penawaran" in Indonesian.
Selain itu, kami juga minta keterangan tentang syarat-syarat pembayaran dan penyerahan barang serta diskon yang akan Saudara berikan. Kalimat tersebut merupakan bagian dari isi surat….
Correct Answer
D. Permintaan penawaran
The given sentence is asking for information about payment terms, delivery of goods, and discounts. This indicates that the letter is requesting a quotation or a price quote. Therefore, the correct answer is "Permintaan penawaran" which translates to "Request for quotation" in English.
Dalam surat pesanan biasanya pembeli menyebutkan cara pembayaran yang akan dilakukan dengan istilah COD. Maksud COD adalah….
Correct Answer
E. Pembayaran dilakukan setelah barang diterima
COD adalah singkatan dari "Cash on Delivery" yang berarti pembayaran dilakukan secara tunai setelah barang diterima.
Surat dari calon penjual yang ditujukan kepada calon pembeli yang berisi informasi berbagai hal tentang perusahaan, produk barang atau jasa, serta keterangan-keterangan lain yang diharapkan mampu menarik perhatian calon pembeli agar memesan produk atau jasa tersebut adalah….
Correct Answer
B. Surat penawaran
The given correct answer for this question is "Surat penawaran". A surat penawaran is a letter from a potential seller to a potential buyer that contains information about the company, products or services, and other details that are expected to attract the attention of the potential buyer to order the products or services. This type of letter is commonly used in business to initiate a potential transaction or partnership.
1. Kop Surat
2. Tempat dan Tanggal pembuatan surat
3. Pembuka
4. isi
5. Penutup
Keterangan diatas merupakan ..... surat niaga
Correct Answer
C. Susunan surat niaga
The given answer "Susunan surat niaga" is correct because the list provided in the question describes the structure or arrangement of a business letter. The first item "Kop Surat" refers to the letterhead, the second item "Tempat dan Tanggal pembuatan surat" refers to the place and date of the letter's creation, the third item "Pembuka" refers to the opening of the letter, the fourth item "isi" refers to the content of the letter, and the fifth item "Penutup" refers to the closing of the letter. Therefore, the answer accurately identifies the arrangement of a business letter.
Salah satu fungsi surat permintaan penawaran adalah….
Correct Answer
E. Untuk memilih barang terbaik sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keuangan
Surat permintaan penawaran digunakan untuk memilih barang terbaik sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keuangan. Dalam surat ini, perusahaan atau individu mengajukan permintaan kepada pemasok untuk memberikan penawaran harga dan informasi terkait barang atau jasa yang mereka butuhkan. Dengan meminta penawaran dari beberapa pemasok, mereka dapat membandingkan harga, kualitas, dan fitur yang ditawarkan untuk memilih barang yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan anggaran mereka.
Surat yang dibuat oleh penjual atau pedagang (kreditur) yang berisi peringatan/mengingatkan pihak pembeli (debitur) untuk membayar sejumlah uang atas barang-barang yang dibeli disebut surat ....
Correct Answer
E. Surat tagihan
The correct answer is "Surat tagihan". A surat tagihan is a letter or invoice sent by a seller or trader (creditor) to remind the buyer (debtor) to pay a certain amount of money for the purchased goods. It serves as a formal request for payment and is commonly used in business transactions to ensure timely payment from the buyer.
Beberapa alasan dibuatnya surat pengaduan adalah, kecuali….
Correct Answer
A. Barang kiriman datang tepat pada waktunya
The given answer is incorrect because it states that the reason for making a complaint letter is when the package arrives on time. However, a complaint letter is typically written when there is an issue or problem with the package, such as it arriving late, being damaged, or not meeting the requested specifications.
Apabila seseorang mempunyai kewajiban atas pembelian barang, namun sampai tanggal jatuh tempo tidak dapat melakukan pembayaran karena sesuatu hal yang memaksa, maka sebaiknya yang bersangkutan menyampaikan surat……
Correct Answer
C. Penangguhan pembayaran
If someone is unable to make a payment for a purchase by the due date due to unavoidable circumstances, it is advisable for them to submit a "Penangguhan pembayaran" or a payment deferment letter. This letter will inform the recipient about the delay in payment and provide an explanation for the delay. It is a formal way of requesting an extension for the payment deadline.
Dalam surat penawaran biasanya penjual mencantumkan sifat penawaran. Kalimat yang berbunyi “Penawaran ini hannya berlaku salama persediaan masih ada”, merupakan bentuk penawaran….
Correct Answer
E. Terbatas
The sentence "Penawaran ini hanya berlaku selama persediaan masih ada" indicates that the offer is limited and only valid as long as the stock is available. Therefore, the correct answer is "Terbatas" which means "Limited" in English.