Disa nga praktikat qe ndikojne pozitivisht ne pune jane?
Correct Answer
A. Përshtatshmeria e karriges suaj
The correct answer is "Përshtatshmeria e karriges suaj" because having a comfortable chair can positively impact your work by providing proper support and reducing discomfort or pain. A comfortable chair can improve your posture, increase productivity, and prevent fatigue. It is important to have a chair that is adjustable and ergonomic to promote good posture and overall well-being during work.
Dallo cilin Antivirus e kemi permendur si te mundshem per ta perdorur?
Correct Answer
C. Option 3
Tavolina e punes, sipas rekomandimeve duhet te jete e gjere dhe e thelle se paku:
Correct Answer
C. C) 160 cm dhe e thelle 80 cm
According to the recommendations, the work table should be wide and deep at least 160 cm and 80 cm respectively.
Cili pohim eshte i sakte per Sigurimin e perdorimit te kabllove dhe prizave?
Correct Answer
A. Duhet te kemi kujdes gjate perdorimit te kabllove dhe kabllove vazhduese
The correct answer is "Duhet te kemi kujdes gjate perdorimit te kabllove dhe kabllove vazhduese." This answer states that we need to be careful when using cables and extension cords. It emphasizes the importance of being cautious and mindful of how we handle and use these electrical devices to ensure safety.
Qka paraqet figura ne vazhdim?
Correct Answer
B. Lidhjen e Firewallit me trafikun e rrjetave
The figure in question represents the connection between the Firewall and network traffic. It suggests that the Firewall is responsible for managing and controlling the flow of network traffic, ensuring that it is secure and adheres to the specified rules and policies. The figure may illustrate the various components and processes involved in this connection, such as the inspection of incoming and outgoing traffic, the application of security measures, and the enforcement of access controls.
Masat parandaluese qe duhet te marrim kunder humbjes se shenimeve:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Sigurimi i informacioneve
B. Ruajtja e Password-it
C. Perdorimi i UPS-it
D. Krijimi i kopjeve rezerve (Backup-eve)
The correct answer is a list of preventive measures that should be taken against the loss of data. These measures include ensuring the security of information, storing passwords securely, using an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) to protect against power outages, and creating backup copies of data. By implementing these measures, the risk of losing important data can be minimized.
Qka paraqet Mobbing-u apo Ngacmimi Virtual?
Correct Answer
B. Dukuria e ngacmimit te nje individi apo grup njerzish ne menyre virtuale
Kopjimi rezerve apo Backup-i paraqet?
Correct Answer
A. Pas prishjes se harddiskut humbin shenimet, per kete duhet te kemi kopje rezerve te te dhenave ne kompjuter, dhe e perdorim Backu-in
After the hard drive failure, data can be lost. To prevent this, it is necessary to have a backup of the data on the computer, and we use Backup. Backup serves for data preservation but its usage is not necessary in the field of technology.
Google Docs eshte?
Correct Answer
A. Backup
Google Docs is a cloud-based platform that allows users to create, edit, and store documents online. It provides a backup feature that automatically saves and syncs documents across devices, ensuring that users do not lose their work in case of device failure or accidental deletion. This feature makes Google Docs a reliable tool for backing up important files and documents.
McAfee eshte
Correct Answer
D. Antivirus
McAfee is an antivirus software. It is designed to detect, prevent, and remove malicious software, such as viruses, worms, Trojans, and malware, from a computer system. McAfee provides real-time protection by scanning files and programs for any suspicious activity or code. It also offers additional features like web protection, email protection, and firewall to enhance the overall security of the system.