- Od ponuđenog, sajt društvenog umrežavanja je:
Correct Answer
B. Facebook
Facebook is a social networking site that allows users to connect with friends, family, and acquaintances, share updates, photos, and videos, and engage in various online activities. It is a popular platform for communication, networking, and sharing content, making it a well-known example of a social networking site.
Kietzmann je predstavio metodu saća (honeycomb framework) koja:
Correct Answer
B. Definiše 7 segmenata društvenih medija
The correct answer is "Definiše 7 segmenata društvenih medija." This is because Kietzmann's honeycomb framework defines 7 segments of social media, which are identity, conversations, sharing, presence, relationships, reputation, and groups.
- Koliko ima faktora koji motivišu korisnike da kreiraju i uređuju sadržaje na webu?
Correct Answer
A. 4 - tehnološki, socijalni, ekonomski i institucionalni
The correct answer is 4 - tehnološki, socijalni, ekonomski i institucionalni. This answer suggests that there are four factors that motivate users to create and edit content on the web: technological, social, economic, and institutional factors. These factors encompass various aspects such as the availability of technology, the influence of social interactions, the potential economic benefits, and the support provided by institutions.
Od ponuđenog, saradnički društveni projekat (collaborative project) je:
Correct Answer
B. Wiki
Wiki is the correct answer because it is a collaborative project where users can contribute and edit content collectively. It is an online platform that allows users to create, edit, and link web pages easily. Wikipedia, one of the most well-known examples of a wiki, is a free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Users can collaborate and share knowledge on various topics, making it a prime example of a collaborative project. Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are not primarily focused on collaborative content creation and editing like Wiki.
- Šta je čet (chat)?
Correct Answer
D. Sistem za razmenu instant poruka
A chat (čet) is a system for exchanging instant messages between users. It allows users to communicate with each other in real-time, sending and receiving messages instantly. This type of system is commonly used for online communication, allowing individuals or groups to have conversations and share information quickly and efficiently.
- Po Kaplan-u i Haenlein-u koliko osnovnih tipova društvenih medija postoji:
Correct Answer
C. 6
The correct answer is 6. According to Kaplan and Haenlein, there are six basic types of social media. These include collaborative projects, blogs and microblogs, content communities, social networking sites, virtual game worlds, and virtual social worlds. Each type has its own characteristics and purposes, allowing users to interact and share information in different ways.
- Od ponuđenog, zajednica društvenog sadržaja (content communities) je:
Correct Answer
C. Youtube
YouTube is a content community because it allows users to create, upload, and share their own videos with others. It provides a platform for individuals and creators to express themselves, share their interests, and connect with a community of like-minded individuals. Users can subscribe to channels, comment on videos, and engage with other users through likes and shares. YouTube fosters a sense of community by facilitating interaction and collaboration among its users, making it a prime example of a content community.
- Web 3.0 se drugačije naziva i:
Correct Answer
D. Read, write & execute web
Web 3.0 is often referred to as "Read, write & execute web" because it represents the evolution of the internet where users can not only consume information (read) and contribute content (write), but also interact with web applications and execute tasks within the web environment. This term highlights the increased interactivity, collaboration, and functionality of the internet in Web 3.0.
Zajedničko za društvene i tradicionalne medije:
Correct Answer
A. Mogućnost dostizanja kruga aktivnih korisnika manjeg ili većeg obima
Both social and traditional media have the ability to reach a large number of active users, regardless of the size. They also share the characteristic of being able to easily reuse information. However, publishing information in both types of media requires significant resources. Additionally, the information published is cheap and accessible to anyone.
- Šta od ponuđenog pripada svetu društvenih igara (virtual game world)?
Correct Answer
C. World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft is the correct answer because it is a virtual game world. It is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) where players can create characters and explore a vast virtual world, complete quests, and interact with other players. It is specifically designed as a virtual game world, unlike the other options listed which are social media platforms or online communities.
- Šta je tačno:
Correct Answer
B. Kod društvenih medija komunikacija je tipa „više ka više“, a kod tradicionalnih tipa „1 na 1“ i „1 na više“
The correct answer is that in traditional media, communication is more of a "one-to-one" or "one-to-many" type, while in social media, communication is more of a "many-to-many" type. This means that in traditional media, information is typically disseminated from one source to many recipients, whereas in social media, information can be shared and exchanged among multiple users. This highlights the interactive and participatory nature of communication in social media platforms.
- Šta je tačno:
Correct Answer
A. Online društvena mreža nije virtuelna zajednica nije sajt društvenog umrežavanja
The correct answer is "Online društvena mreža nije virtuelna zajednica nije sajt društvenog umrežavanja". This means that an online social network is not a virtual community and also not a social networking site.
- Cilj društvene mreže:
Correct Answer
C. Održanje i jačanje veza izmedju članova
The goal of a social network is to maintain and strengthen relationships between members. This can be achieved through various means such as communication, sharing updates, and connecting with others who have similar interests. By providing a platform for members to interact and engage with each other, social networks aim to foster and enhance relationships, ultimately creating a sense of community and connection among its users.
- Forum je:
Correct Answer
D. Sistem za razmenu poruka tipa 1 ka svima
The correct answer is "Sistem za razmenu poruka tipa 1 ka svima" because it refers to a system that allows messages to be exchanged from one user to multiple users. This type of messaging system is commonly used in group chats or broadcast messaging, where one user can send a message to multiple recipients simultaneously.
Elektronska pošta je:
Correct Answer
B. Sistem razmene poruka tipa 1 na 1, ili 1 na više
Elektronska pošta refers to email, which is a system for exchanging messages between individuals or groups of individuals. It allows for one-to-one communication or one-to-many communication, making it a system for exchanging messages of type 1 to 1 or 1 to many.
- Servis za postavljanje, pretraživanje, gledanje, preuzimanje i komentarisanje određene vrste sadržaja je:
Correct Answer
A. Zajednica društvenih sadržaja (content communities)
A content community is a service that allows users to post, search, view, download, and comment on a specific type of content. This type of service typically focuses on a particular topic or interest, such as photography, music, or cooking. Users can engage with the community by sharing their own content, interacting with others through comments and discussions, and accessing a wide range of content related to the community's theme. This type of platform fosters collaboration and sharing among users who have similar interests or passions.
- Wiki je:
Correct Answer
B. Sistem web strana otvorenim za uređivanje
Wiki je sistem web strana otvorenim za uređivanje. Ovo znači da korisnici mogu uređivati i doprineti sadržaju na tim stranicama. Wiki stranice su obično kolektivni projekti na kojima korisnici mogu dodavati, izmenjivati i brisati informacije. Ova otvorenost omogućava saradnju i deljenje znanja među korisnicima.
- Blog se uglavno koristi kao:
Correct Answer
A. Servis za društveno umrežavanje
A blog is primarily used as a platform for social networking, where individuals can connect with others, share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences. It allows users to create and maintain their own personal or professional profiles, interact with other users through comments and messages, and build a network of connections. While a blog can also serve as a means of short information sharing, a messaging service, or a learning platform, its main purpose is to facilitate social networking.
Šta je tačno :
Correct Answer
A. Online prijateljstvo često se bazira na offline prijateljstvu
The correct answer is "Online prijateljstvo često se bazira na offline prijateljstvu." This means that online friendships often have their foundation in offline friendships. This suggests that people who are already friends in real life are more likely to form and maintain friendships online.
- Skup internet aplikacija koje su izgrađene na ideološkim i tehnološkim osnovama web 2.0 tehnologija koje omogućavaju kreiranje i razmenu korisnički generisanog sadržaja je definicija:
Correct Answer
A. Društvenih medija
Društveni mediji su skup internet aplikacija koje su izgrađene na ideološkim i tehnološkim osnovama web 2.0 tehnologija. Oni omogućavaju korisnicima da kreiraju i razmenjuju korisnički generisani sadržaj. Ovo uključuje platforme kao što su Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube i mnoge druge. Društveni mediji su postali ključni deo našeg svakodnevnog života i omogućavaju nam da se povežemo i komuniciramo sa drugim ljudima širom sveta.
- Koja se mreža klasifikuje kao microblog platforma:
Correct Answer
C. Twitter
Twitter is classified as a microblog platform because it allows users to post short messages or "tweets" of up to 280 characters. Unlike other social media platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn, Twitter's main focus is on real-time updates and quick, concise communication. MySpace, on the other hand, is not considered a microblog platform as it is primarily a social networking site for sharing music and connecting with friends.
- Avatar je:
Correct Answer
C. Grafička predstava korisnika (člana)
Avatar je grafička predstava korisnika (člana) na online društvenoj mreži. To je slika ili ilustracija koja predstavlja osobu ili identitet korisnika na mreži. Avatari se koriste kao vizualni identifikatori i omogućavaju korisnicima da se predstave na mreži na način koji im odgovara.
Mashup je:
Correct Answer
A. Kombinacija više društvenih medija
A mashup is a combination of multiple social media platforms. It refers to the integration of different sources of content or data from various social media sites into one cohesive platform or application. This allows users to access and interact with content from different social media platforms in one place. Mashups often involve combining features or functionalities from different sites to create a new and unique user experience.
- Šta od ponuđenog pripada virtuelnom društvenom svetu (virtual social world)?
Correct Answer
A. Second Life
Second Life is the correct answer because it is a virtual social world where users can create avatars, interact with others, and explore virtual environments. It is a platform that allows people to socialize, participate in activities, and even conduct business in a virtual setting. Unlike other options like Google+, World of Warcraft, and Facebook, Second Life specifically focuses on creating a virtual social experience for its users.
- Blog je:
Correct Answer
A. Web sajt kod koga se sadržaj prikazuje u hronološkom redu obrnutom od kreiranog
The correct answer is "Web sajt kod koga se sadržaj prikazuje u hronološkom redu obrnutom od kreiranog." This explanation states that a blog is a website where content is displayed in reverse chronological order, meaning that the most recent posts are shown first.
- Društvena mreža je:
Correct Answer
D. Društvena struktura koja je određena društvenim interakcijama između individua, grupa, organizacija ili kompletnih društava
A social network is a social structure determined by social interactions between individuals, groups, organizations, or entire societies.
- Dobra komunikacija između članova na društvenoj mreži je bitna jer:
Correct Answer
C. Se na taj način povećava zadovoljstvo članova i zadržavanje na mreži
Good communication between members on a social network is important because it increases member satisfaction and retention on the network.
- Šta se nalazi u osnovi svih sajtova društvenih mreža:
Correct Answer
C. Prikazivanje stranice profila
The correct answer is "Prikazivanje stranice profila" because it states that the feature of displaying a profile page is at the core of all social media websites. This explanation highlights the importance of profile pages in social media platforms, as they serve as a representation of an individual or entity on the platform and allow others to view their information, posts, and activities.
- Šta je kritična komponenta sajta društvenih mreža?
Correct Answer
D. Javno prikazivanje veza
Javno prikazivanje veza je kritična komponenta sajta društvenih mreža jer omogućava korisnicima da vide i prate veze koje drugi korisnici imaju sa njima. Ovo je važno jer omogućava korisnicima da vide svoju mrežu kontakata i da se povežu sa drugim korisnicima koji imaju slične interese ili veze. Javno prikazivanje veza takođe može uticati na reputaciju korisnika, jer drugi korisnici mogu ocenjivati ili komentarisati ove veze.
- Za ostvarivanje kvalitetnije komunikacije na društvenim mrežama upotreba izvora informacija velike pouzdanosti je:
Correct Answer
C. Bitno
For achieving better communication on social media, it is important to use sources of information that are highly reliable. This means that the credibility and accuracy of the information being shared play a significant role in enhancing the quality of communication on social media platforms. By relying on trustworthy sources, individuals can ensure that the information they share is accurate, which in turn fosters more meaningful and reliable interactions with others on social media.
- Servis slanja privatnih i javnih poruka drugim članovima društvene mreže:
Correct Answer
D. Ne spada u obaveznu uslugu
The explanation for the given correct answer is that sending private and public messages to other members of the social network is not a mandatory service. It is up to each user to decide whether they want to add that feature to their profile or not.
- Društvena mreža u okviru koje članovi komuniciraju preko avatara spadaju u?
Correct Answer
D. Višekorisničke virtuelne društvene mreže
The correct answer is "Višekorisničke virtuelne društvene mreže". This is because the question asks about a social network where members communicate through avatars, which indicates a virtual environment. Additionally, the term "višekorisničke" suggests that it is a multi-user platform. Therefore, the answer "Višekorisničke virtuelne društvene mreže" accurately describes a social network where members communicate through avatars.
- Web servisi koji omogućavaju da se kreira javni ili polujavni profil kao celovit sistem, naziva se:
Correct Answer
A. Sajt društvenih mreža
A web service that allows the creation of a public or semi-public profile as a comprehensive system is referred to as a social networking site.
- Google + spada u:
Correct Answer
C. Društvenu mrežu opšteg tipa baziranu na profilu
Google+ spada u društvenu mrežu opšteg tipa baziranu na profilu. To znači da korisnici mogu da kreiraju svoje profile, dodaju informacije o sebi i povežu se sa drugim korisnicima. Google+ takođe omogućava deljenje sadržaja poput fotografija, video zapisa i statusa, ali je naglasak na povezivanju korisnika putem profila i interakciji na osnovu zajedničkih interesa ili veza.
- Koliko različitih tipova društvenih mreža postoji?
Correct Answer
D. 5
There are five different types of social networks.
- Korisnički kreirane društvene mreže su:
Correct Answer
C. Društvene mreže koju korisnik kreira prema svojim potrebama uz pomoć odgovarajućeg alata
Korisnički kreirane društvene mreže su mreže koje korisnik sam kreira prema svojim potrebama uz pomoć odgovarajućeg alata. Ovo znači da korisnik ima mogućnost da samostalno definiše strukturu, funkcionalnosti i pravila mreže kako bi zadovoljio svoje specifične zahteve i ciljeve. Ove mreže mogu biti prilagođene za različite svrhe, kao što su profesionalne mreže, edukativne mreže ili mreže za zajedničko deljenje interesa.
- Teoretičari koji YouTube smatraju društvenom mrežom navode ga kao primer društvene mreže:
Correct Answer
C. Bazirane na sadržaju
The correct answer is "Bazirane na sadržaju" because YouTube is a platform that is primarily focused on sharing and consuming content. Unlike other social media platforms that are more profile-based or user-created, YouTube is known for its vast collection of videos and channels where users can upload, watch, and engage with various types of content. It is considered a social network because users can interact with each other through comments, likes, and shares, but its main emphasis is on content rather than personal profiles.
- LinkedIn spada u:
Correct Answer
A. Specijalizovanu mrežu baziranu na profilu
LinkedIn je specijalizovana mreža bazirana na profilu jer je fokusirana na profesionalno umrežavanje i povezivanje ljudi na poslovnom nivou. Na LinkedIn-u korisnici mogu kreirati svoje profesionalne profile, dodavati informacije o svojoj karijeri, obrazovanju i veštinama, povezivati se sa kolegama, poslodavcima i drugim profesionalcima iz svoje industrije. Ova platforma omogućava korisnicima da se promovišu, pronalaze poslovne prilike, razmenjuju ideje i stiču znanje iz svoje oblasti. Stoga se može zaključiti da je LinkedIn specijalizovana mreža bazirana na profilu.
- U kontekstu društvenih mreža, SNS je skraćenica:
Correct Answer
B. Social Network Sites
In the context of social media, SNS stands for Social Network Sites. This refers to online platforms or websites that allow individuals to create profiles, connect with others, and share content. Examples of popular social network sites include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Prednost sajtova društvenih mreža u odnosu na offline upravljanje društvenom mrežom je to što:
Correct Answer
C. Su veze između članova eksplicitno kreirane
The advantage of social media sites over offline management of social networks is that the connections between members are explicitly created. This means that users have control over who they connect with and can choose to establish relationships with specific individuals. Unlike offline management, where connections may be more implicit or based on proximity, social media allows for explicit creation and visibility of connections between members. Additionally, social media platforms support various types of connections, allowing for a diverse range of relationships to be formed.
- Nedostatak sajtova društvenih mreža je:
Correct Answer
D. Što predstavljaju samo parcijalnu sliku nečijeg društvenog umrežavanja
Social media websites only represent a partial picture of someone's social networking because they only show a limited view of their activities and connections.
- Izdvojiti nestruktuirani format podataka:
Correct Answer
A. Pdf
The correct answer is "Pdf" because it is the only option mentioned in the given list that represents an unstructured data format. PDF stands for Portable Document Format, which is a file format used to present and exchange documents in a manner independent of software, hardware, and operating systems. Unlike JSON, Xlsx, and Csv, which are structured data formats, a PDF file does not have a specific organization or predefined format for its data.
- Koja od navedenih licenci za publikovanje otvorenih podataka je sa najopštijim pravima (podaci mogu da se koriste, menjaju i distribuiraju bez ikakvih ograničenja):
Correct Answer
C. Public Domain Dedication Licence
The Public Domain Dedication Licence allows for the broadest rights for publishing open data. With this licence, the data can be used, modified, and distributed without any restrictions. This means that there are no limitations on how the data can be used, allowing for maximum freedom and flexibility in its usage.
- Otvoreni podatak i sadržaj može svako slobodno da:
Correct Answer
C. Koristi, menja i deli u bilo koju svrhu
The correct answer is "Koristi, menja i deli u bilo koju svrhu." This means that anyone is free to use, modify, and distribute the open data and content for any purpose, whether it is for commercial or non-commercial use. There are no restrictions on the usage, modification, and distribution of the data and content.
- Ako resurs na web-u ima tri zvezdice, po 5 star open data to znači da:
Correct Answer
A. Koristi ne-vlasničke formate
The correct answer is that the resource uses non-proprietary formats. This means that the resource is not using formats that are owned or controlled by a specific company or organization. Instead, it is using formats that are open and can be accessed and used by anyone. This promotes interoperability and allows for greater accessibility and sharing of the data.
- Common Crawl je:
Correct Answer
C. Neprofitna organizacija koja se zalaže za to da baze sa indeksima weba budu otvorene (open data)
Common Crawl is a non-profit organization that advocates for making web index databases open and accessible as open data.
- RDF-a je:
Correct Answer
B. Primer specifikacije koja se koristi za umetanje podataka u web stranice
RDF-a je primer specifikacije koja se koristi za umetanje podataka u web stranice.
- Web servisi pomoću kojih se pristupa podacima koji se nalaze u udaljenim bazama podataka su:
Correct Answer
D. RESTfull
RESTful web services allow access to data that is stored in remote databases. They use the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST) to provide a standardized way of accessing and manipulating resources over the internet. RESTful web services use HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to perform operations on the data. This makes it easier for different systems to communicate and exchange data. CSV, Microdata, and JSON are data formats, not web services, so they are not the correct answer.
- DBPEDIA predstavlja:
Correct Answer
A. Struktuirane podatke ekstrahovane iz Wikipedije
DBPEDIA represents structured data extracted from Wikipedia. It is a project that aims to extract structured information from Wikipedia and make it available as linked data. This means that the information from Wikipedia is transformed into a structured format that can be easily queried and linked to other data sources. DBPEDIA allows for the integration of Wikipedia data with other datasets, enabling more advanced analysis and applications.
- Pojam kojim se označava odsustvo autorskih i srodnih ograničenja bilo nepostojanjem ili odricanjem svih takvih uslova je:
Correct Answer
B. Javno vlasništvo
Javno vlasništvo se odnosi na odsustvo autorskih i srodnih ograničenja na određeni sadržaj. To znači da je taj sadržaj dostupan svima i može se koristiti, kopirati, distribuirati ili menjati bez ikakvih ograničenja. Javno vlasništvo može biti primenjeno na različite vrste sadržaja, kao što su knjige, muzika, slike ili softver. Ova opcija se često koristi u kontekstu otvorenog pristupa informacijama i podržava slobodno deljenje i korišćenje sadržaja.