Oznaciti tacna tvrdjenja aplikativnog softvera:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Se oslanja na sistematski softver
D. Ima specificnu svrhu prema potrebama korisnika
The correct answer is "Se oslanja na sistematski softver,Ima specificnu svrhu prema potrebama korisnika". This is because the statement "Se oslanja na sistematski softver" suggests that the application software relies on system software to function properly. The statement "Ima specificnu svrhu prema potrebama korisnika" indicates that the application software is designed with a specific purpose to meet the needs of the user.
Oznaciti tacna tvrdjenja sistemskog softvera:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Cine programi na niskom nivou
D. Omogucava rad sa racunarskom opremom
The correct answer is "Cine programi na niskom nivou" and "Omogucava rad sa racunarskom opremom" because system software consists of low-level programs that interact with the computer hardware and enable the functioning of computer systems. It does not necessarily include web applications or rely on application software.
Pre izrade softvera potrebno je sprovesti analizu sistema koja podrazumeva
Correct Answer(s)
C. Razlaganje problema na potprobleme
D. Utvrdjivanje veza izmedju potproblema
The correct answer is "Razlaganje problema na potprobleme, Utvrđivanje veza između potproblema". This is because before software development, it is necessary to analyze the system, which involves breaking down the main problem into subproblems and determining the relationships between them. This allows for a better understanding of the problem and helps in designing an effective solution.
Sinteza resenja problema podrazumeva:
Correct Answer
B. Integracija parcijalnih resenja potproblema
The correct answer is "integracija parcijalnih resenja potproblema" which translates to "integration of partial solutions of subproblems" in English. This means that the synthesis of the problem solution involves combining the partial solutions of subproblems into a comprehensive solution. This process requires understanding the problem, breaking it down into smaller subproblems, and determining the relationships between these subproblems in order to integrate their solutions effectively.
Pri izradi softvera
Correct Answer(s)
B. Mora se voditi racuna o neovlascjenoj upotrebi sistema
D. Mora se voditi racuna o kvalitetu proizvoda
The correct answer is "Mora se voditi racuna o neovlascjenoj upotrebi sistema, Mora se voditi racuna o kvalitetu proizvoda." In software development, it is important to consider both the quality of the product being developed and the unauthorized use of the system. This means ensuring that the software meets high standards of functionality, reliability, and performance, while also implementing security measures to prevent unauthorized access or misuse of the system. Both aspects are crucial for delivering a successful and secure software product.
Oznaciti tacna tvrdjenja:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Kupac narucuje softver i finansira njegov razvoj
D. Razvojni tim projektuje softver
The given answer is correct because it states that the customer orders the software and funds its development, and the development team designs the software. This aligns with the typical software development process where the customer or client provides the requirements and financial support, while the development team is responsible for designing and creating the software based on those requirements.
Clanovi razvojnog tima su:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Projekant
B. Analiticar
The correct answer is Projekant and Analiticar because they are both members of the development team. The Projekant is responsible for designing and planning the project, while the Analiticar is responsible for analyzing and gathering requirements. Both roles are crucial in the development process and work closely together to ensure the successful execution of the project.
Proces razvoja softvera podrazumeva
Correct Answer
B. Skup zadataka koje treba obaviti da bi se napravio softverski proizvod
The correct answer is "skup zadataka koje treba obaviti da bi se napravio softverski proizvod" (a set of tasks that need to be performed to create a software product). This answer accurately describes the process of software development, which involves a series of tasks and activities that need to be completed in order to create a software product. It implies that software development is a systematic process that requires planning, analysis, design, coding, testing, and deployment.
Zivotni ciklus softvera obuhvata faze:
Correct Answer
A. Od analize zahteva do odrzavanja
The correct answer is "od analize zahteva do odrzavanja" which translates to "from requirements analysis to maintenance" in English. This explanation suggests that the software lifecycle encompasses the phases starting from analyzing the requirements of the software to its maintenance. It implies that the process begins with understanding and analyzing the needs and specifications of the software and continues until the software is regularly updated and maintained to meet the changing requirements and fix any issues that may arise.
Oznaciti faze u procesu razvoja softvera
Correct Answer(s)
B. Odrzavanje sistema
C. Analizu zahteva
The correct answer is "odrzavanje sistema, analizu zahteva". These two phases are commonly included in the software development process. "Odrzavanje sistema" refers to the maintenance phase, which involves making updates, fixing bugs, and ensuring the software continues to function properly after it has been deployed. "Analizu zahteva" refers to the requirements analysis phase, where the needs and expectations of the software users are identified and documented. These two phases are crucial in ensuring the software remains effective and meets the desired objectives.
U procesu razvoja softvera faza analiza i definisanje zahteva podrazumeva
Correct Answer(s)
B. Intenzivna saradnja sa kupcem i korisnicima
D. Utvrdjivanje interakcije sistema sa okruzenjem
The correct answer is "intenzivna saradnja sa kupcem i korisnicima" and "utvrdjivanje interakcije sistema sa okruzenjem". In the software development process, the phase of analysis and requirements definition involves actively collaborating with the customer and users to understand their needs and expectations. It also involves determining how the system will interact with its environment, ensuring that it functions properly in its intended context. These activities are crucial for gathering accurate requirements and ensuring the successful development of the software.
U procesu razvoja softvera, faza "projektovanje sistema" podrazumeva:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Izbor arhitekture sistema komponenata algoritama
C. Izradu plana resenja prema postavljenim zahtevima
The phase "system design" in software development involves selecting the architecture of the system's components and algorithms, as well as creating a solution plan based on the specified requirements. This phase does not necessarily involve intensive collaboration with the customer and user, but rather focuses on making decisions regarding the system's structure and functionality.
U procesu razvoja softvera, faza "implementacija programa" podrazumeva:
Correct Answer
A. Izradu programskog koda
The correct answer is "Izradu programskog koda" which means "Development of source code" in English. In the software development process, the implementation phase refers to the actual coding and programming of the software based on the design and requirements specified in the previous phases. This involves writing the source code using a programming language and translating the design into a working program. It is a crucial step in turning the software design into a functional product.
U procesu razvoja softvera fasa testiranje podrazumeva:
Correct Answer
B. Nalazenje i ispravljanje gresaka
The correct answer is "nalazenje i ispravljanje gresaka" (finding and fixing errors). In the software development process, the testing phase involves identifying and rectifying any mistakes or bugs in the software. This is an essential step to ensure that the software functions as intended and meets the requirements of the customer and users. It helps in improving the quality and reliability of the software before its final release.
U procesu razvoja softvera, faza "isporuka sistema" podrazumeva:
Correct Answer(s)
C. Obuka korisnika
D. Instaliranje softvera u radnom okruzenju
The phase "isporuka sistema" in the software development process refers to the delivery of the system to the end users. This includes two main activities: training the users on how to use the software effectively (obuka korisnika) and installing the software in the working environment (instaliranje softvera u radnom okruzenju). The other options, nalazenje i ispravljanje gresaka (finding and fixing errors) and odrzavanje sistema (system maintenance), are not specifically related to the delivery phase, but rather to the ongoing support and maintenance of the software after it has been delivered.
U procesu razvoja softvera faza održavanje sistema podrazumeva:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Ispravljanje gresaka posle isporuke
C. Unapredjivanje sistema
The correct answer is "ispravljanje gresaka posle isporuke" and "unapredjivanje sistema." In the software development process, the maintenance phase involves fixing any errors or bugs that occur after the software is delivered to the users. This includes identifying and resolving issues, making necessary updates or modifications, and ensuring the smooth functioning of the system. Additionally, the maintenance phase also includes improving the system by implementing enhancements or new features based on user feedback or changing requirements.
Modelovanje procesa razvoja softvera omogucava:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Da opis sistema svi ucesnici procesa razumeju na isti nacin
C. Nalazenje nedoslednosti u sistemu u ranoj fazi
Modelovanje procesa razvoja softvera omogućava da opis sistema svi učesnici procesa razumeju na isti način. Takođe, omogućava i pronalaženje nedoslednosti u sistemu u ranoj fazi. Ovo je važno jer nedoslednosti u sistemu mogu dovesti do problema i grešaka kasnije u razvoju softvera. Modelovanje procesa takođe može omogućiti brži razvoj bez izrade obimne dokumentacije, jer modeli mogu biti efikasan način za komunikaciju i razumevanje između učesnika projekta.
Označiti tradicionalne metode:
Correct Answer(s)
C. Spiralni model
D. V model
The question asks to identify traditional methods, and the correct answer is Spiralni model and V model. Both Spiralni model and V model are traditional software development models that have been widely used in industry. These models follow a sequential approach and emphasize on planning, design, and testing phases. They are considered traditional because they have been around for a long time and have been used in various software development projects.
Oznaciti agilne metode razvoja softvera:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Xp
C. Scrum
The correct answer is Xp, Scrum. These are both agile software development methodologies. XP (Extreme Programming) is a software development framework that focuses on delivering high-quality software quickly by emphasizing collaboration, feedback, and continuous improvement. Scrum, on the other hand, is a framework that enables teams to work together effectively to develop complex products. It emphasizes flexibility, adaptability, and iterative development. Both XP and Scrum are widely used in the industry and have proven to be effective in delivering software projects efficiently.
Osobine kaskadnog modela u procesu razvoja softvera
Correct Answer(s)
A. Veoma visok nivo apstrakcije
B. Ne podrzava povratne sprege ka ranijim fazama razvoja
The correct answer is "veoma visok nivo apstrakcije" and "ne podrzava povratne sprege ka ranijim fazama razvoja". The cascade model in software development is characterized by a very high level of abstraction, meaning that it focuses on breaking down the development process into distinct and sequential phases. This model does not support feedback loops to earlier stages of development, which means that once a phase is completed, it is difficult to go back and make changes. This model does not represent an improvement over the V model, as they are different approaches to software development.
Osobine V modela procesa razvoja softvera su:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Omogucava povratne sprege
C. Omogucava verifikaciju i validaciju
The correct answer is "Omogucava povratne sprege, Omogucava verifikaciju i validaciju." The V model of software development is known for its ability to provide feedback loops, allowing for continuous improvement and refinement of the software. It also enables verification and validation processes to ensure that the software meets the desired requirements and quality standards. These characteristics make the V model a valuable and effective approach in software development.
Osobine faznog razvoja softvera
Correct Answer(s)
B. Softver se isporucuje u delovima
D. Istovremeno postoje 2 sistema: razvojni i produkcioni
The given answer suggests that the characteristics of phased software development include the delivery of software in parts and the existence of two systems simultaneously: the development system and the production system. This implies that phased software development is a process where software is developed and delivered incrementally, allowing for continuous improvements and updates while maintaining separate environments for development and production.
Osobine inkrementalnog razvoja softvera su:
Correct Answer(s)
C. Svaka nova verzija dodaje nove funkcionalnosti
D. Projektni tim moze da ima relativno mali broj clanova
Inkrementalni razvoj softvera se odlikuje time da se softver razvija u malim iteracijama, pri čemu se svaka nova verzija dodaje nove funkcionalnosti. Ovo omogućava postepeno poboljšanje softvera i prilagođavanje promenama zahteva korisnika. Takođe, inkrementalni razvoj omogućava da projektni tim ima relativno mali broj članova, jer se posao može podeliti na manje delove koji se razvijaju nezavisno. Ove osobine omogućavaju fleksibilnost i brže isporučivanje softvera.
Osobine iterativnog razvoja softvera su:
Correct Answer(s)
A. U svakoj verziji isporucuje se ceo sistem sa unapredjenim funkcijama
C. Postoji mogucnost rane obuke korisnika
The correct answer is "u svakoj verziji isporucuje se ceo sistem sa unapredjenim funkcijama, postoji mogucnost rane obuke korisnika". This answer is correct because it states that in each version of the software, the entire system is delivered with improved functionalities. It also mentions that there is the possibility of early user training, which is a characteristic of iterative software development.
Osobine prototipskog modela procesa razvoja softvera su:
Correct Answer(s)
C. Izrada prototipova omogucava brzo generisanje sistema
D. Prototipovi ne moraju da budu ukljuceni u finalni proizvod
Prototyping is a software development process that involves creating prototypes of the final product. One of the key characteristics of prototyping is that it allows for the quick generation of the system. This means that prototypes can be developed rapidly, enabling faster iterations and feedback. Additionally, prototyping does not necessarily require that the prototypes be included in the final product. This flexibility allows for experimentation and refinement without committing to specific design choices. Therefore, the given answer correctly states that prototyping enables fast system generation and that prototypes do not have to be included in the final product.
Osobine transformacionog modela procesa razvoja softvera su:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Podrzava automatsko modelovanje procesa razvoja
C. Formalna specifikacija se transformacijama prevodi u softver za tesiranje
The given correct answer states that the transformation model of software development supports automatic modeling of the development process and translates formal specifications into software for testing. This means that the model allows for the automatic creation of a development process model and converts formal specifications into software that can be used for testing purposes. This suggests that the transformation model streamlines the development process and ensures that the software meets the specified requirements.
Osobine spiralnog modela procesa razvoja softvera su:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Velika slozenost modela
B. Vodi racuna o projektnim rizicima
The spiral model of software development is characterized by its high complexity and its focus on managing project risks. This model is not specifically designed for the development of small and simple systems. Additionally, the estimation of costs can be challenging due to the use of a user prototype.
Osobine RUP metode procesa razvoja softvera
Correct Answer(s)
B. Daje preporuke za razvoj, ali nista ne zahteva
D. Proces razvoja se formira selekcijom elemenata RUP-a
The correct answer suggests that the RUP method of software development provides recommendations for development but does not impose any requirements. The process of development is formed by selecting elements from RUP.
Agilne metode su nastale
Correct Answer
D. Kao otpor tradicionalnim metodama modelovanja
Agile methods were developed as a resistance to traditional modeling methods. This suggests that the traditional methods may have been ineffective or lacking in some way, leading to the need for an alternative approach. Agile methods aim to address the limitations of traditional methods by emphasizing flexibility, collaboration, and iterative development. By resisting the traditional methods, agile methods seek to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the development process.
Označiti osnovne principe agilnog razvoja
Correct Answer(s)
B. Saradnja sa kupcem se vise vrednuje od ugovorenih angazmana
C. Primenljiv sofver se vise vrednuje od detaljne dokumentacije
The basic principles of agile development prioritize valuing processes and tools over individuals and interactions, collaboration with the customer over contractual agreements, applicable software over detailed documentation, and adherence to a plan over reacting to changes. In this case, the correct answer is "collaboration with the customer is valued more than contractual agreements" and "applicable software is valued more than detailed documentation." This means that in agile development, the focus is on actively involving and working closely with the customer throughout the development process and delivering functional software rather than excessive documentation.
Ekstremno programiranje
Correct Answer(s)
A. Koriste uglavnom srednji i manji razvojni timovi
D. Podrazumeva kratke iteracije koje daju koristan rezultat na ustrb dokumentacije
The correct answer is "Koriste uglavnom srednji i manji razvojni timovi,Podrazumeva kratke iteracije koje daju koristan rezultat na ustrb dokumentacije." This is because Extreme Programming (XP) is known for its focus on small to medium-sized development teams. It emphasizes frequent iterations and delivering working software quickly, prioritizing practical results over extensive documentation. This approach allows for greater flexibility and adaptability in the development process.
Obavezne prakse u ektremnom programiranju
Correct Answer(s)
A. Programiranje u paru
D. Kolektivna svojina sistema u razvoju
The correct answer is programiranje u paru and kolektivna svojina sistema u razvoju. This is because these two practices are commonly associated with Extreme Programming (XP). Pair programming involves two developers working together on the same code, which helps improve code quality and knowledge sharing. Kolektivna svojina sistema u razvoju refers to the idea that the entire team takes ownership and responsibility for the development of the system, promoting collaboration and shared decision-making. The other options, nepostovanje standarda kodiranja and slozen dizajn sistema, are not specific to XP and do not align with its principles.
Prednosti ekstremnog programiranja su:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Dobar softver po prihvatljivoj ceni
C. Prijatna radna atmosfera
The given answer states that the advantages of extreme programming include good software at an acceptable cost and a pleasant working atmosphere. This implies that extreme programming can deliver high-quality software without incurring excessive expenses, and it promotes a positive and enjoyable work environment.
Skup zahteva koji softverski proizvod treba da ispuni predstavlja rezultat
Correct Answer
B. Intenzivne saradnje analiticara zahteva sa naruciocima
The correct answer is "intenzivne saradnje analiticara zahteva sa naruciocima" which translates to "intensive collaboration between requirements analysts and customers". This suggests that the result of the software product's requirements analysis is achieved through close collaboration between the analysts and the customers. This collaboration ensures that the software product meets the needs and expectations of the customers.
Cena otklanjanja iste greske najvisa je ako se ona otkrije u:
Correct Answer
C. Fazi odrzavanja
The highest cost of fixing the same error occurs during the maintenance phase. This is because during this phase, the software has already been developed and deployed, and any changes or fixes require additional effort and resources. Additionally, identifying and fixing errors during the maintenance phase may also disrupt the functioning of the software and cause downtime or inconvenience to users. Therefore, it is more cost-effective to detect and address errors during the earlier stages of software development, such as the writing or design phase, to minimize the impact and cost of fixing them.
Cilj analize zahteva je da precizno utvrde:
Correct Answer
A. Ponasanja koja kupac ocekuje od softvera ne vodeci racuna o realizaciji
The correct answer is "ponasanja koja kupac ocekuje od softvera ne vodeci racuna o realizaciji". This means that the goal of requirement analysis is to accurately determine the behaviors that the customer expects from the software without considering the implementation details. In other words, the focus is on understanding the desired functionality and user experience rather than how it will be achieved in the software system.
Tokom analize zahteva obavljaju se sledece aktivnosti:
Correct Answer
D. Prikupljanje zahteva 4231
During the requirements analysis, various activities are performed to gather, validate, model, and specify the requirements. The given answer "Prikupljanje zahteva 4231" translates to "Requirements Gathering 4231" in English. This suggests that the activity of gathering requirements is performed as the fourth step during the analysis process.
Označiti tačna tvrđenja koja se odnose na analizu koje softverski proizvod treba da ispuni
Correct Answer(s)
A. Zahtevi se definisu u terminologiji narucioca
C. Rezultat analize je SSZ (specifikacija softverskog zahteva)
The correct answer is "zahtevi se definisu u terminologiji narucioca, rezultat analize je SSZ (specifikacija softverskog zahteva)". This means that the requirements for the software product are defined in the terminology of the customer, and the result of the analysis is the SSZ (software requirement specification).
U fazi analize zahteva, koriste se sledece tehnike prikupljanja zahteva:
Correct Answer(s)
C. Ucenje posla od korisnika
D. Razgovor
The correct answer is "Ucenje posla od korisnika, Razgovor". These techniques are used in requirements analysis to gather information about the user's job and have conversations with them. By learning about the user's job and having discussions with them, analysts can understand their needs and requirements more effectively. This helps in developing a better understanding of the user's perspective and ensures that the final product meets their expectations.
U fazi analize zahteva koriste se sledeće tehnike prikupljanja zahteva
Correct Answer(s)
A. Upoznavanje sa postojecim sistemom
B. Pregled raspolozive dokumentacije
The correct answer is "upoznavanje sa postojecim sistemom, pregled raspolozive dokumentacije" because these techniques are commonly used in the analysis phase to gather requirements. By familiarizing oneself with the existing system, one can understand its functionalities and limitations, which helps in identifying the requirements for the new system. Additionally, reviewing the available documentation provides insights into the system's architecture, business rules, and user requirements. These techniques lay the foundation for a comprehensive understanding of the requirements and ensure that the new system meets the needs of the stakeholders.
Postoje sledece vrste zahteva koje softverski sistem treba da ispuni:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Procesna organicenja
D. Funkcionalni zahtevi
The correct answer is "procesna organicenja, funkcionalni zahtevi". This means that the types of requirements that a software system needs to meet are "procesna organicenja" (process constraints) and "funkcionalni zahtevi" (functional requirements). Process constraints refer to limitations or restrictions on the software development process, such as time constraints or resource limitations. Functional requirements, on the other hand, define the specific functions or features that the software system should have in order to meet the needs of the users or stakeholders.
Zahtevi u pogledu kvaliteta softvera odnose se na
Correct Answer(s)
B. Performanse sistema
C. Bezbednost sistema
The requirements regarding software quality refer to the performance and security of the system. This means that the software should be able to perform efficiently and effectively, meeting the desired performance standards. Additionally, it should also ensure the security of the system, protecting it from any potential threats or vulnerabilities. These requirements are essential in ensuring that the software meets the desired quality standards and provides a reliable and secure system for its users.
Prema prioritetima, zahtevi se klasifikuju u sledece kategorije:
Correct Answer
C. Sustinski, pozeljni i opcioni
According to the given information, requirements are classified into the following categories: essential, desirable, and optional. These categories determine the priority or importance of the requirements. "Essential" refers to the requirements that are crucial and must be fulfilled. "Desirable" refers to the requirements that are preferred or wanted but not necessary. "Optional" refers to the requirements that are not required and can be implemented if resources allow. This classification helps in prioritizing and managing the requirements based on their significance.
Vrste prototipova zahteva su
Correct Answer(s)
B. Ilustrativni prototip
C. Evolutivni prototip
The correct answer is ilustrativni prototip and evolutivni prototip. These types of prototypes are used to illustrate or demonstrate the functionality and design of a product or system. Ilustrativni prototip focuses on visual representation and user interface, while evolutivni prototip involves iterative development and refinement of the prototype based on user feedback and requirements. Both types help stakeholders and users to better understand and evaluate the final product before its actual implementation.
Oznaciti osobine ilustrativnog prototipa zahteva:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Ne mora se voditi racuna o kvalitetu i efikasnosti
C. Razvija se radi boljeg upoznavanja sa problemima
The correct answer is "ne mora se voditi racuna o kvalitetu i efikasnosti" and "razvija se radi boljeg upoznavanja sa problemima". This means that the illustrative prototype does not need to prioritize quality and efficiency, and it is developed in order to gain a better understanding of the problems.
Označiti osobine evolutivnog prototipa zahteva
Correct Answer(s)
A. Ulazi u konacni proizvod
D. Mora se voditi racuna o kvalitetu, efikasnosti, proveri gresaka
The correct answer is "ulazi u konacni proizvod,mora se voditi racuna o kvalitetu, efikasnosti, proveri gresaka". This means that the characteristics of an evolutionary prototype include being incorporated into the final product and the need to ensure quality, efficiency, and error checking. It implies that the prototype is not just a temporary solution but plays a crucial role in the development of the final product.
Oznaciti metode za modelovanje zahteva koje softver treba da ispuni:
Correct Answer(s)
A. ER dijagrami
C. Konacni automati
ER dijagrami and Konacni automati are both methods for modeling requirements that software needs to fulfill. ER dijagrami, or Entity-Relationship diagrams, are used to represent the relationships between entities in a system. This helps in identifying the data requirements and relationships between different components of the software. On the other hand, Konacni automati, or Finite State Machines, are used to model the behavior of a system by defining a set of states and transitions between them. This helps in understanding the sequence of actions and events that the software should follow.
Osnovni elementi na ER dijagramu su
Correct Answer(s)
A. Relacije
C. Eniteti
The correct answer is "relacije, eniteti". This is because ER diagrams are used to represent the relationships between entities in a database. The "relacije" (relationships) represent how the entities are connected or related to each other, while the "eniteti" (entities) represent the objects or concepts that exist in the database. The other options, "tragovi" (traces) and "linija zivota" (life lines), are not basic elements of an ER diagram and do not accurately represent the structure or purpose of the diagram.
Oznaciti tacna tvrdjenja koja se odnose na modelovanja zahteva metodom tragova dogadjaja:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Zahtev se dekomponuje na scenarije za koje se zatim prave tragovi
D. Zbog velikog broja dijagrama metod se koristi samo za kljucne zahteve
The given answer states that the requirement is decomposed into scenarios, for which traces are then created. Additionally, it mentions that the method is used only for key requirements due to the large number of diagrams involved. This explanation highlights the key points mentioned in the answer without explicitly stating that it is the correct answer.
Označiti tačna tvrđenja koja se odnose na modelovanje zahteva metodom konačnih automata
Correct Answer(s)
A. Definisu se promene u ponasanju sistema usled pojave nekih dogadjaja
B. Automati se mogu naci u odredjenom broju stanja
The correct answer includes two statements. The first statement is that the method of finite automata defines changes in the behavior of a system due to the occurrence of events. This means that the method focuses on capturing how the system responds to different events or inputs. The second statement is that automata can be found in a certain number of states. This implies that the behavior of the system can be represented by a finite number of states, which simplifies the modeling process.