Koja je skracenica za upravljanje bazom podataka?
Correct Answer
The correct answer is DBMS. DBMS stands for Database Management System, which is a software system that allows users to create, manipulate, and manage databases. It provides an interface for users to interact with the database, perform queries, and ensure data integrity and security. SDBM, DMSB, and DBSM are not valid abbreviations for database management systems.
Kada imamo jedan atribut onda je to - prost ključ, a kada imamo grupu atributa onda je to - složen ključ?
Correct Answer
A. True
When we have only one attribute, it is considered a simple key. However, when we have a group of attributes, it is considered a composite key. Therefore, the statement that when we have one attribute it is a simple key, and when we have a group of attributes it is a composite key, is true.
Funkcionalnost veze moze biti:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Jedan-prema-jedan
B. Jedan-prema--vise
D. Vise--prema--vise
The functionality of a relationship can be categorized into four types: one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many, and many-to-one. In a one-to-one relationship, each record in one table is related to only one record in another table. In a one-to-many relationship, each record in one table can be related to multiple records in another table. In a many-to-many relationship, multiple records in one table can be related to multiple records in another table. In a many-to-one relationship, multiple records in one table are related to only one record in another table.
Relaciona baza podataka je kolekcija vremenski ne promenljivih relacija?
Correct Answer
B. False
A relational database is a collection of related tables or relations that store data. These tables can be updated and modified over time, making them subject to change. Therefore, the statement that a relational database is a collection of time-invariant relations is false.
Termin "nula vrednost" se koristi da označi poznatu vrijednost za neki atribut ili primenljivo svojstvo za neki objekat ili vezu koje predstavlja tabela ?
Correct Answer
B. False
The term "nula vrednost" is not used to indicate a known value for an attribute or applicable property for an object or relationship represented in a table. Therefore, the correct answer is False.
Kako se naziva presjek reda i kolone?
Correct Answer
A. Celija
The correct answer is "Celija" because a cell is the intersection point of a row and a column in a table or spreadsheet. It is the smallest unit of data in a table and can contain various types of information such as text, numbers, or formulas. Cells are used to organize and manipulate data in a structured manner.
Izvestaj je efikasan način predstavljanja podataka u organizovanom formatu?
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true because an izvestaj, which means report in Serbian, is an efficient way of presenting data in an organized format. Reports provide a structured and concise overview of information, making it easier for the audience to understand and analyze the data. By presenting data in a systematic manner, reports enable efficient communication and decision-making within an organization.
Upiti nam omogucavaju da postavljate pitanja o podacima u tabeli baze podataka
ili drugim upiti za izvlacenje informacija?
Correct Answer
A. True
Upiti nam omogućavaju da postavljamo pitanja o podacima u tabeli baze podataka ili da koristimo druge upite za izvlačenje informacija. This statement confirms that queries allow us to ask questions about the data in a database table or use other queries to extract information.
Koji od sledecih pojmova NIJE dio prozora dizajna upita?
Correct Answer
A. Data type
The term "Data type" is not a part of the query design window. In query design, the user defines the fields, criteria, and logical operators (such as "Or") to retrieve specific data from a database. The data type refers to the type of data that can be stored in a field, but it is not directly related to the design of the query itself.
Koji od sledecih pojmova nije objekat baze podataka?
Correct Answer
A. Design View
Design View is not an object in a database, but rather a view or mode in a database management system (DBMS) that allows users to design or modify the structure of the database. It is a visual interface that enables users to create, edit, and manage the tables, queries, forms, and reports in the database. While tables, queries, forms, and reports are all objects in a database, Design View is a tool or feature within the DBMS.
Koji tip podataka se koristi za polje "Ime i Prezime"?
Correct Answer
A. Text
The correct answer is Text. In this question, the field "Ime i Prezime" is asking for a person's name and surname. The Text data type is commonly used for storing alphanumeric characters, such as names, in a database.
Koji je prvi korak pri kreiranju nove baze podataka?
Correct Answer
A. Planiranje tabela
The first step in creating a new database is planning the tables. This involves determining what data needs to be stored, identifying the different entities and their attributes, and designing the structure of the tables to ensure efficient storage and retrieval of the data. This step is crucial as it lays the foundation for the entire database and ensures that it meets the requirements and objectives of the project.
Koji tip podataka se koristi za polje "PLATA"?
Correct Answer
A. Curency
The correct answer is "Currency." This is because the field "PLATA" refers to salary or payment, which is typically represented in a specific currency format. Therefore, the appropriate data type to use for this field is "Currency."
Koji objekti se mogu koristiti za kreiranje forme?
Correct Answer
A. Tabele i upiti
Objekti koji se mogu koristiti za kreiranje forme su tabele i upiti. Tabele se koriste za pohranjivanje podataka, dok se upiti koriste za izdvajanje i manipulaciju tim podacima. Kombinacija ova dva objekta omogućava korisnicima da kreiraju forme koje prikazuju odabrane podatke iz tabela na željeni način.
U upitu "IMENA KOJA POCINJU NA SLOVO K", koja komanda ce ispisati imena koja počinju slovom "K"?
Correct Answer
A. Like "K*"
The correct answer is "Like 'K*'" because the "LIKE" keyword in SQL is used to search for a specified pattern in a column. In this case, the pattern is "K*", which means it will match any string that starts with the letter "K" followed by any number of characters. This command will retrieve all the names that begin with the letter "K".
Koja vrsta polja se "inkrementira" automatski?
Correct Answer
A. AutoNumber
AutoNumber is a data type in databases that automatically increments a unique number for each new record added to a table. This means that when a new record is inserted, the AutoNumber field will automatically generate a unique number for that record. This can be useful for creating primary keys or tracking the order in which records were added to a table.
Koje polje se pojavljuje kao kvadratić u tabeli?
Correct Answer
A. Yes/No Field
The correct answer is "Yes/No Field." A Yes/No Field is a data type in a database that allows for the storage of Boolean values, such as true or false, yes or no. In a table, this field is often represented as a small square or checkbox that can be checked or unchecked.
Koji simbol se moze koristiti za pronalazenje zapisa kada poznajete samo dio unosa polja?
Correct Answer
A. *
The symbol "*" is commonly used as a wildcard character in computer programming and database queries to represent any number of characters or unknown values. In this context, it can be used to search for records when you only know a partial input of a field. By using "*", you can match and retrieve all records that contain the partial input, regardless of the unknown characters or values that follow it.
Baza podataka je uredjeni skup entiteta i relacionih veza izmedju njih?
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement is true. A database is an organized collection of data, which consists of entities (such as tables, records, or objects) and their relationships (such as foreign keys or associations). These relationships define how the entities are connected or related to each other within the database. Therefore, a database can be considered as an ordered set of entities and their relational connections.
U kom modelu je baza podataka predstavljena usmjerenim grafovima?
Correct Answer
A. Mreznom modelu
In the network model, the database is represented by directed graphs. This means that the relationships between entities in the database are represented by arrows indicating the direction of the relationship. This model allows for complex relationships between entities, as each entity can have multiple relationships with other entities.
Koji od ciljeva se nastoje postici koristenjem bate podataka?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Fizicka nezavisnost podataka
B. Logicka nezavisnost podataka
C. Cuvanje integriteta
The goals that can be achieved by using a database include physical independence of data, logical independence of data, and maintaining data integrity. Physical independence refers to the ability to make changes to the physical storage or organization of data without affecting the applications that use the data. Logical independence refers to the ability to make changes to the logical structure of the data without affecting the applications that use the data. Maintaining data integrity ensures that the data remains accurate, consistent, and valid throughout its lifecycle.
Baza podataka ne dozvoljava da vise korisnika istovremeno pristupa podacima?
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement is false. Databases are designed to allow multiple users to access data simultaneously. This is achieved through various mechanisms such as concurrency control and locking mechanisms. These mechanisms ensure that data integrity is maintained and that multiple users can access and modify data without conflicts or inconsistencies. Therefore, it is incorrect to say that databases do not allow multiple users to access data at the same time.
Koji su slojevi arhitekture baze podataka?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Fizicka razina
C. Globalno-logicka razina
D. Lokalno-logicka razina
The correct answer is the physical level, global-logical level, and local-logical level. These are the layers or levels of the database architecture. The physical level deals with the actual storage and retrieval of data on the physical devices. The global-logical level focuses on the overall structure and organization of the database, including the relationships between different entities. The local-logical level pertains to the specific implementation and design of individual databases or subsets of the overall database.
Uvodjenje baze podataka u neku ustanovu ili radnju se dijeli u PET faza:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Analiza podataka
B. Modelovanje podataka
C. Implementacija
D. Testiranje
F. Odrzavanje
The correct answer is the sequence of phases in introducing a database into an institution or business. It starts with analyzing the data, followed by modeling the data, implementing the database, testing it, and then maintaining and controlling the data. This sequence ensures a systematic approach to successfully incorporating a database into an organization.
Testiranje baze podataka se odnosi na _________?
Correct Answer
A. Razvijanje prototipova baze
Testiranje baze podataka se odnosi na razvijanje prototipova baze.
Implementacija se odnosi na fizicku realizaciju baze na racunaru i u tom procesu se baza puni podacima?
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement states that "Implementacija se odnosi na fizicku realizaciju baze na racunaru i u tom procesu se baza puni podacima?" which translates to "Implementation refers to the physical realization of the database on a computer and in this process, the database is filled with data?" This statement is true because implementation does involve the actual creation and setup of a database on a computer, and during this process, the database is populated with data.
Kako se definise relacija?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Podskup Dekartovog proizvoda
B. Skup n--torki
The correct answer is "Podskup Dekartovog proizvoda, Skup n--torki". A relation is defined as a subset of the Cartesian product of two sets, where each element in the subset is an ordered pair consisting of an element from each set. This subset is also known as a relation. Therefore, a relation can be defined as a subset of the Cartesian product, which consists of ordered pairs or n-tuples.
Atribut A relacije R je funkcionalno zavisan od atributa B relacije R ako je funkcionalno zavisan od atributa B, a nije funkcionalno zavisan ni od jednog pravog pod skupa atributa B?
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because it states that attribute A of relation R is functionally dependent on attribute B if it is functionally dependent on attribute B and is not functionally dependent on any proper subset of attribute B. This contradicts the definition of functional dependency, which states that attribute A is functionally dependent on attribute B if attribute A is determined by attribute B, meaning that attribute A uniquely determines attribute B. Therefore, the correct answer is false.
Atribut A relacije R je funkcionalno zavisan od atributa B relacije R ako i samo ako dve n-torke relacije R imaju istu A vrijednost onda moraju imati istu B vrijednost!
Correct Answer
A. True
This statement is true. It states that attribute A of relation R is functionally dependent on attribute B of relation R if and only if two tuples of relation R have the same A value, they must also have the same B value. This means that the value of attribute B can be determined uniquely by the value of attribute A.
Komande za definisanje podataka u QUEL su:
Correct Answer(s)
The given correct answer lists the commands for defining data in QUEL. These commands include DESTROY, CREATE, INDEX, MODIFY, and DEFINE VIEW. Each of these commands serves a specific purpose in defining and manipulating data in the QUEL language. The commands allow for the creation and modification of tables, indexes, and views, as well as the deletion of data. These commands are essential for managing and organizing data within a QUEL database.
Upitni jezik koji predstavlja direktnu implementaciju relacionog racuna n-torki je:________ , a upitni jezik koji je razvio IBM i koji predstavlja implementaciju relacionog racuna domena preko specificne "dvodimenzionalne" sintakse koja je vrlo bliska korisniku je:________
Correct Answer(s)
Sta sve omogucava operacija pogled u bazi podataka?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Da se isti podaci prikazuju na razlicite nacine
B. Jedan stepen zastite
C. Ostvarivanje logicke nezavisnosti programa i podataka
The operation of a database view allows the same data to be displayed in different ways, providing flexibility in how the data is presented. It also provides a level of protection by allowing limited access to the underlying data, reducing the risk of unauthorized modifications. Additionally, it enables the achievement of logical independence between programs and data, allowing changes to the database structure without affecting the programs that use it.
Da li se vier (virtualna operacija pogled) moze koristiti kao bilo koja druga relacija u sistemu?
Correct Answer
A. True
The given correct answer is "True". This means that the virtual operation view can be used as any other relation in the system. This implies that the virtual operation view has the same functionalities and capabilities as other relations in the system, allowing it to be manipulated and used in various operations and queries.
Koje su operacije za odrzavanje baze podataka?
Correct Answer(s)
The correct answer is UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT. These are all operations used for maintaining a database. UPDATE is used to modify existing data in a table, DELETE is used to remove data from a table, and INSERT is used to add new data into a table. These operations are essential for keeping a database up to date and managing the data within it.
Relacija R je u 2NF(Drugoj Normalnoj Formi) ako i samo ako je u 3NF i ako svi njeni ne kljucni atributi ne tranzitivno funkcionalno zavise od primarnog kljuca?
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because a relation R is in 2NF if and only if it is in 3NF and all its non-key attributes are fully functionally dependent on the primary key. The statement in the question is incorrect as it states that the non-key attributes should transitively depend on the primary key, whereas in 2NF they should not have any transitive dependencies.
Relacija R je u BoyceCodovoj Normalnoj Formi(BCNF) ako i samo ako su sve determinante u relaciji i kandidati za ________
Correct Answer
The given statement suggests that a relation R is in Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF) if and only if all the determinants in the relation are candidate keys. In other words, for a relation to be in BCNF, every determinant should be able to uniquely determine all the attributes in the relation. This ensures that there are no partial dependencies or functional dependencies on non-key attributes. Therefore, the correct answer is "Kljuc,kljuc,key" which refers to the candidate keys in the relation.
Koje su funkcije za dobijanje SUM(sumarnih informacija)?
Correct Answer(s)
The functions mentioned in the answer (SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT) are used to obtain sum, average, minimum, maximum, and count of the given data respectively. These functions are commonly used in data analysis and calculations to summarize and understand the data. The functions MUL and DECREASE are not used for obtaining sum or summary information, so they are not included in the correct answer.
Digitalna slika ""realnog dijela svijeta"", koja je od značaja za informacioni sistem je
Correct Answer
B. Model-objekat
A digital image of a "real part of the world" that is significant for an information system is a model-object. This means that the image represents a specific object or entity in the real world, and it is used as a model or representation within the information system. This could be, for example, a 3D model of a building or a virtual representation of a product. The model-object is important for the information system as it allows for visualization, analysis, and manipulation of the real-world object in a digital environment.
Ako svaki atribut koji nije ključni, potpuno funkcionalno zavisi od primarnog ključa, relacija se nalazi u:
Correct Answer
A. 2NF(DrugaNormalnaForma)
In the given question, it is stated that every attribute that is not a key is functionally dependent on the primary key. This condition is a characteristic of the Second Normal Form (2NF) in database normalization. In 2NF, all non-key attributes are dependent on the entire primary key, meaning that there are no partial dependencies. Therefore, the correct answer is 2NF (DrugaNormalnaForma).
Atribut ili skup atributa cije vrijednosti jednoznacno odredjuju primjerak entiteta zadanog tipa naziva se ________
Correct Answer
kandidat za ključ,kandidatzaljuč,kandidat za kljuc
The correct answer is "kandidat za ključ". In the context of entity types, an attribute or a set of attributes whose values uniquely determine an instance of that entity type is called a "kandidat za ključ" in Croatian.
Atribut koji jedinstveno identifikuje neku n-torku u relaciji naziva se ________
Correct Answer
The attribute that uniquely identifies a tuple in a relation is called a "kljuc" or "ključ" in Serbian.
Ternarne veze se uspostavljaju izmedju:
Correct Answer
A. Izmedju 3 tipa entiteta
Ternary relationships are established between three types of entities. This means that there are three different types of entities involved in the relationship.
Prikaz dizajna tablice(DesignView) sadrži sljedeće elemente:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Naziv polja
B. Vrstu podataka
D. Opis
E. Svojstva polja
The correct answer is "Naziv polja, Vrstu podataka, Opis, Svojstva polja". In the DesignView of a table, you can see the name of the field, the data type of the field, a description of the field, and the properties of the field. These elements provide important information about the structure and characteristics of the table's fields.
Dizajn, dodavanje i brisanje polja, izmjena svojstava polja i sl. postupci su koje obavljamo u _____________ prikazu tablice (view).
Correct Answer
A. Prikazu Dizajna (Design View)
In the given question, the options provided are "Prikazu Dizajna (Design View)" and "Prikazu podatkovne tablice (Datasheet View)". The question is asking about the actions performed in a particular view of a table. The correct answer is "Prikazu Dizajna (Design View)" because in the Design View of a table, we can design, add and delete fields, modify field properties, and perform other design-related tasks. Datasheet View, on the other hand, is used to view and edit the actual data in the table. Therefore, the actions mentioned in the question are performed in the Design View of the table.
Osnovni objekat baze podataka koji sadrži podatke i koji je temelj za izradu svih ostalih objekata je:
Correct Answer
A. Tabela
The correct answer is "Tabela" (Table). In a database, a table is the basic object that contains data and serves as the foundation for creating other objects such as queries, forms, and reports. Tables organize data into rows and columns, allowing for efficient storage and retrieval of information. They provide the structure and define the relationships between different data elements in a database.
Polje "PREZIME" u nekoj tablici možemo definisati kao primarni ključ?
Correct Answer
B. False
The field "PREZIME" in a table cannot be defined as a primary key because a primary key must be a unique identifier for each record in the table, and it cannot contain duplicate or null values. The "PREZIME" field is most likely a field that contains last names, which can have duplicate values and may also be null in some cases. Therefore, it cannot be a primary key.