A partir da teoria da Seleção Natural de Darwin, os organismos que têm mais chances de sobrevivência são:
Correct Answer
B. Os mais bem adaptados
Based on Darwin's theory of Natural Selection, the organisms that have the best chances of survival are those that are most well adapted to their environment. This means that they have traits and characteristics that allow them to effectively compete for resources, avoid predators, and reproduce successfully. Being well adapted means that an organism is able to thrive in its specific ecological niche, increasing its chances of survival and passing on its advantageous traits to future generations.
Existem alguns fatores que facilitam o estudos dos cientistas referente a evolução dos seres vivos, que podemos chamar de testemunhos da evolução, ou seja, evidencias que comprovam o processo de evolução das espécies. Uma das evidencias mais importante para esse estudo são os:
Correct Answer
A. Fósseis de animais que já existiram no planeta
The correct answer is "Fósseis de animais que já existiram no planeta". Fossils of animals that have existed in the past provide tangible evidence of the evolution of species. By studying these fossils, scientists can gather information about the characteristics and traits of ancient organisms, allowing them to trace the evolutionary history of different species. Fossils provide a direct link to the past and serve as a crucial tool in understanding the process of evolution.
Durante os seus estudos, o cientista Darwin realizou cruzamentos com diversas variedades, derivadas da espécie selvagem de pombo Columbia Livia, selecionando indivíduo com as variações que tinha interesse. A esse processo chamamos de seleção artificial. Um outro exemplo de seleção artificial seria:
Correct Answer
A. O desenvolvimento das várias variedades de cães
The development of various dog breeds is an example of artificial selection. Similar to Darwin's work with pigeons, humans have selectively bred dogs over generations to create specific traits and characteristics that are desired. This process involves choosing individuals with desirable traits and breeding them together, resulting in offspring that inherit those traits. Over time, this has led to the development of a wide variety of dog breeds with distinct appearances, temperaments, and abilities.
Imagine uma pessoa que treinou na academia e adquiriu uma musculatura definida. Segundo a teoria do uso e desuso e da transmissão das características adquiridas, o filho dessa pessoa deveria nascer com músculos definidos também. O cientista que criou essa teoria se chama:
Correct Answer
A. Lamarck
According to the theory of use and disuse and the inheritance of acquired characteristics, an individual who trains in the gym and develops defined muscles would pass on these traits to their offspring. This theory is known as Lamarckism, named after the scientist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck who proposed it. Lamarckism suggests that traits acquired during an organism's lifetime can be inherited by future generations, which is different from Darwin's theory of natural selection.
O uso de inseticidas vem promovendo o surgimento de insetos mais resistentes a esses produtos químicos. Marque a alternativa que explica esse processo de acordo com a teoria de SELEÇÃO NATURAL
Correct Answer
A. Os organismos que já nasceram resistentes ao inseticida não são afetados e os que não nasceram com essa resistência tão forte acabam morrendo, sobrevivendo assim os mais aptos.
The correct answer explains that the use of insecticides promotes the emergence of insects that are more resistant to these chemicals. According to the theory of natural selection, organisms that are already born resistant to the insecticide are not affected, while those that are not born with strong resistance end up dying, thus allowing the survival of the fittest. This explanation aligns with the principles of natural selection, where advantageous traits are favored and passed on to future generations, leading to the evolution of populations.
Os tipos de teorias evolutivas mais conhecidas são:
Correct Answer
A. Fixismo ( onde tudo sempre foi assim e não se modifica); Lamarckismo (Lei do uso e desuso e transmissão das características); Darwinismo ( Seleção natural); Neodarwinismo ( teoria moderna evolutiva)
The correct answer includes the four most well-known evolutionary theories: Fixism, Lamarckism, Darwinism, and Neodarwinism. Fixism is the belief that everything has always been the same and does not change. Lamarckism is based on the idea of the inheritance of acquired characteristics through the use and disuse of traits. Darwinism refers to the theory of natural selection proposed by Charles Darwin. Neodarwinism is a modern evolutionary theory that combines Darwin's ideas with the understanding of genetics.
A moderna teoria evolutiva ou Neodarwinismo considera alguns fatores que Darwin não abordou para explicar a variabilidade genética dos seres vivos, ou seja, a diversas diferenças entre as espécies. Esses fatores são:
Correct Answer
A. Mutação, reprodução sexuada e o acaso.
The modern evolutionary theory, also known as Neodarwinism, considers mutation, sexual reproduction, and chance as factors that Darwin did not address to explain the genetic variability of living beings. These factors contribute to the diverse differences observed between species. Selection natural refers to the process by which certain traits are favored and passed on to future generations, leading to adaptation and evolution. The law of use and disuse and the transmission of characteristics are not considered as factors in the modern evolutionary theory.
1ª questão sobre a primeira lei de Mendel – Universidade de Fortaleza (Unifor) – Um estudante, ao iniciar o curso de Genética, anotou o seguinte:
I. Cada caráter hereditário é determinado por um par de fatores e, como estes se separam na formação dos gametas, cada gameta recebe apenas um fator do par
II. Cada par de alelos presentes nas células diplóides separa-se na meiose, de modo que cada célula haplóide só recebe um alelo do par
III. Antes da divisão celular se iniciar, cada molécula de DNA se duplica e, na mitose, as duas moléculas resultantes se separam, indo para células diferentes
A primeira lei de Mendel está expressa em:
Correct Answer
B. B) II, somente
The correct answer is b) II, only. This is because the statement in option II accurately represents Mendel's first law, also known as the law of segregation. This law states that each pair of alleles segregates or separates during the formation of gametes, so that each gamete receives only one allele from each pair. Option I is incorrect because it does not fully represent Mendel's first law, as it does not mention the segregation of alleles. Option III is incorrect because it refers to the process of DNA replication and separation during mitosis, which is not directly related to Mendel's first law.
Faculdades Unidas Católicas de Mato Grosso (FUC-MT) – Cruzando-se ervilhas verdes vv com ervilhas amarelas Vv, os descendentes serão:
Correct Answer
C. C) 50% Vv, amarelas; 50% vv, verdes
When crossing green peas (vv) with yellow peas (Vv), the offspring will have a 50% chance of being Vv and yellow, and a 50% chance of being vv and green. This is because the yellow pea has one dominant allele (V) and one recessive allele (v), while the green pea has two recessive alleles (vv). Therefore, when the two are crossed, there is an equal chance of inheriting either the dominant or recessive allele from the yellow pea parent.
Sabe-se que, em determinada raça de gatos, a pelagem preta uniforme é condicionada por um gene dominante B e a pelagem branca uniforme, pelo seu alelo recessivo b. Do cruzamento de um casal de gatos pretos, ambos heterozigotos, espera-se que nasçam:
Correct Answer
A. Desconsidere essa