1. Ciri-ciri tumbuh dewasa secara fisik dibawah ini, kecuali....
Correct Answer
E. E. Bertanggung jawab
The given question is asking for the characteristic of physical growth during adulthood, except for one. Options A, B, C, and D are all physical changes that occur during adulthood such as increasing height, voice changes, growth of vital organs, and the growth of sideburns in males. Option E, "Bertanggung jawab" (being responsible), is not a physical characteristic but rather a behavioral trait. Therefore, option E is the correct answer as it does not relate to physical growth.
2. Ciri-ciri dewasa berikut ini, kecuali....
Correct Answer
E. E. Membalas kejahatan dengan kejahatan
The given question asks for the characteristic of adulthood that is not included in the options. The options include patience, self-confidence, respecting time, and living in truth. The option "E. Membalas kejahatan dengan kejahatan" means "Responding to evil with evil." This option does not represent a characteristic of adulthood as it promotes a negative and harmful behavior rather than positive traits like patience, self-confidence, and respecting time.
3. Contoh kedewasaan dalam hubungan dengan orang lain, kecuali...
Correct Answer
C. C. Egois
An example of maturity in relationships with others is shown by being willing to be friends with anyone, forgiving others, being independent, and prioritizing the happiness of others. However, being selfish or egoistic goes against the idea of maturity in relationships as it involves prioritizing one's own needs and desires over the needs and desires of others. Therefore, option C is the correct answer.
4. Perkataan “Don’t ask what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” Adalah pesan dari Presiden....
Correct Answer
B. B. John F Kennedy
The correct answer is B. John F Kennedy. This quote is a famous line from Kennedy's inaugural address in 1961. It emphasizes the importance of civic duty and encourages citizens to prioritize what they can contribute to their country rather than focusing solely on what their country can do for them. Kennedy's presidency was known for promoting public service and inspiring a sense of collective responsibility among Americans.
5. Pada usia remaja, emosi memiliki peran penting, pada usia ini emosi yang timbul adalah....
Correct Answer
B. B. Cepat berubah dalam waktu yang relatif singkat
During adolescence, emotions play a crucial role and tend to change rapidly within a relatively short period of time. This is due to the hormonal changes, brain development, and social factors that adolescents experience during this stage of life. These changes can lead to mood swings, intense emotions, and unpredictable reactions. Therefore, option B, "Cepat berubah dalam waktu yang relatif singkat" (changing quickly in a relatively short time), is the correct answer.
6. Kisah kejutan manusia ke dalam dosa terdapat dalam....
Correct Answer
D. D. Kejadian 3 :1-24
The correct answer is D. Kejadian 3 :1-24. This passage in the book of Genesis describes the story of Adam and Eve's disobedience to God's command not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It explains how they were tempted by the serpent and how they ultimately gave in to the temptation, leading to the introduction of sin into the world.
7. Tindakan seorang ibu yang menjepit bola lonceng merupakan bukti dari nilai-nilai....
Correct Answer
A. A. Kasih
The action of a mother clamping a bell is evidence of love.
8. Setelah bersaksi tentang Kristus, Stefanus mati sebagai Martir dengan cara....
Correct Answer
E. E. Dirajam batu
Stefanus mati sebagai martir dengan cara dirajam batu.
9. “The buck stops here” artinya saya bertanggung jawab atas kesalahan yang diperbuat anak buah saya, ucapa tersebut dilontarkan oleh....
Correct Answer
A. A. Theodore Roosevelt
"The buck stops here" is a famous phrase that means taking responsibility for one's actions and decisions. It implies that the person saying it will not pass the blame onto others. This phrase was famously used by President Theodore Roosevelt, indicating that he took full responsibility for the actions of his subordinates. Therefore, the correct answer is A. Theodore Roosevelt.
10. Agama Kristen mengajarkan bahwa keselamatan hanya dapat diperoleh melalui....
Correct Answer
B. B. Iman kepada Tuhan Yesus
The correct answer is B. Iman kepada Tuhan Yesus. This is because in Christianity, salvation is believed to be obtained through faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the savior of humanity. Christians believe that Jesus' death and resurrection provide forgiveness for sins and eternal life for those who have faith in him. This belief in Jesus as the central figure of salvation is a fundamental teaching in Christianity.
11. Kasih pada sahabat merupakan jenis kasih....
Correct Answer
C. C. Storge
Storge refers to the type of love that is based on familial or affectionate love, such as the love between family members or close friends. It is a deep and unconditional love that is built on trust, familiarity, and shared experiences. This type of love is often characterized by a sense of comfort, security, and loyalty towards the person. It emphasizes the importance of nurturing and caring for the well-being of others, and it is often seen as a long-lasting and stable form of love.
12. Tokoh Reformasi Kristen Protestan adalah....
Correct Answer
A. A. Marthin Luther
The correct answer is A. Marthin Luther. Marthin Luther is a prominent figure in the Protestant Reformation. He was a German theologian and religious reformer who challenged the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church in the 16th century. Luther's Ninety-Five Theses, which criticized the sale of indulgences, sparked a movement that led to the establishment of Protestantism as a separate branch of Christianity. Luther's ideas emphasized the authority of scripture and the belief in salvation through faith alone, which became foundational principles of Protestant theology.
13. “Khesed” dari bahasa Ibrani diterjemahkan sebagai....
Correct Answer
A. A. Cinta Kasih
The word "Khesed" is translated from Hebrew as "Cinta Kasih" in Indonesian. This translation accurately captures the meaning of "Khesed" which refers to a deep and unconditional love and kindness towards others. The word "Cinta Kasih" encompasses the idea of love and compassion, making it the most suitable translation for "Khesed" in this context.
14. Kisah “Hachiko” anjing kepunyaan Prof Ueno, adalah salah satu contoh dari....
Correct Answer
B. B. Kesetiaan
The story of "Hachiko" the dog owned by Prof Ueno is a well-known example of loyalty. Hachiko showed unwavering loyalty to his owner even after his owner's death, waiting for him at the train station every day for years. This story highlights the deep bond of loyalty between a dog and its owner, making "kesetiaan" (loyalty) the correct answer.
15. Gereja-gereja Kristen umumnya Mengakui Tritunggal, Yaitu Allah Bapa, Allah Anak, dan Allah Roh Kudus, terdapat dalam Kitab....
Correct Answer
E. E. Matius 28 :19
The correct answer is E. Matius 28:19 because this verse in the book of Matthew is commonly referred to as the "Great Commission" where Jesus instructs his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. This verse is often cited as evidence for the belief in the Trinity, which is the belief in the three persons of God: the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit.
16. Roh Kudus berfungsi sebagai berikut....
Correct Answer
E. E. Semua benar
Roh Kudus berfungsi sebagai penolong, pemimpin, penghibur, dan teman. Ini berarti bahwa Roh Kudus memiliki banyak peran dan fungsi yang berbeda dalam kehidupan orang percaya. Roh Kudus membantu dan menolong orang percaya dalam berbagai cara, memimpin mereka dalam kebenaran dan kehidupan yang benar, menghibur mereka dalam kesulitan dan penderitaan, dan menjadi teman setia yang selalu hadir dalam setiap aspek kehidupan mereka.
17. Pertumbuhan rohani manusia sangat dipengaruhi oleh :
Correct Answer
A. A. Relasi manusia dengan Tuhan
The growth of one's spirituality is greatly influenced by their relationship with God. This suggests that the individual's connection, faith, and devotion to a higher power play a significant role in their spiritual development. This answer implies that the bond between humans and God is crucial for nurturing and enhancing one's spiritual journey.
18. Cara yang hendak diambil Raja Salomo untuk mengatasi dua perempuan yang rebutan anak adalah....
Correct Answer
C. C. Membelah anak menjadi dua
The correct answer is C. Membelah anak menjadi dua. This is because in the story of King Solomon and the two women who claimed to be the mother of the same child, King Solomon suggested cutting the baby in half as a way to determine the true mother. He knew that the real mother would never agree to harm her child and would rather give up her claim to save the baby's life.
19. Berbuat baik kepada orang lain adalah tanda dewasa menurut aspek....
Correct Answer
A. A. Sosial
Doing good to others is a sign of maturity in the social aspect. This means that being mature in social relationships involves being kind and helpful to others. It shows that one is able to understand and consider the feelings and needs of others, and is willing to contribute positively to the well-being of society.
20. Karya Kepelbagaian Allah mencakup....
Correct Answer
E. E. Semua Benar
The correct answer is E. Semua Benar (All of the above). This means that the diversity of Allah's creation includes all of the options mentioned in the question, including race, ethnicity, gender, and religion. This suggests that Allah's creation is diverse and encompasses all aspects of human identity and belief.
21. Peristiwa yang merupakan peringatan bagi manusia untuk tidak bersifat congkak adalah peristiwa....
Correct Answer
B. B. Peristiwa menara Babel
The correct answer is B. Peristiwa menara Babel. The Tower of Babel was a biblical event where humanity became prideful and attempted to build a tower to reach the heavens. God then confused their languages, causing them to scatter across the earth. This event serves as a reminder for humans not to be arrogant and to acknowledge their limitations.
22. Pengikut Kristus haruslah dapat dikenal melalui Buah Roh, yang terdapat dalam kitab....
Correct Answer
C. C. Galatia 5 :22-23
The correct answer is C. Galatia 5:22-23 because this passage specifically mentions the "Fruit of the Spirit" which refers to the qualities that should be evident in the lives of followers of Christ. These qualities include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Therefore, this passage is directly related to the question about how followers of Christ should be recognized through the Fruit of the Spirit.
23. Perbedaan yang paling mendasar antara manusia dengan ciptaan Allah yang lain adalah....
Correct Answer
E. E. Akal budi
The most fundamental difference between humans and other creations of Allah is their ability to reason and have intellect. While other creations may have physical differences, different organs, or instincts, it is the human's capacity for rational thought and moral decision-making that sets them apart. This unique ability allows humans to understand and reflect upon the world around them, make choices based on logic and reason, and have a sense of right and wrong.
24.”Aku adalah jalan Kebenaran dan Hidup” maksud kata-kata Yesus itu adalah....
Correct Answer
E. E. Yesus adalah satu-satunya jalan keselamatan
The phrase "Aku adalah jalan Kebenaran dan Hidup" is translated as "I am the way, the truth, and the life" in English. This statement by Jesus implies that he is the only path to salvation and eternal life. Therefore, the correct answer is E, which states that Jesus is the only way to salvation.
25. Inti dosa manusia adalah....
Correct Answer
A. A. Manusia ingin sama dengan Allah
The correct answer is A. Manusia ingin sama dengan Allah. This answer suggests that the inherent sin of humans is their desire to be equal to God. This aligns with the concept of original sin in Christianity, where humans are believed to have fallen from grace due to their desire to be like God. This desire for equality with God is seen as a rebellion against God's authority and a rejection of their own inherent limitations as created beings.
26. Akibat dosa yang berpengaruh pada kaum perempuan adalah....
Correct Answer
E. E. Akan mengalami kesakitan pada waktu persalinan
The correct answer is E. Akan mengalami kesakitan pada waktu persalinan. This is because the question asks about the consequences of sin on women. The pain during childbirth is often seen as a consequence of the original sin in many religious beliefs and cultural traditions. Therefore, this answer aligns with the understanding that women will experience pain during childbirth as a result of sin.
27. Penganut Agama Yahudi berusaha mencari keselamatan hanya dapat diperoleh melalui....
Correct Answer
A. A. Maut
The correct answer is A. Maut. This suggests that the followers of Judaism believe that salvation can only be obtained through death. This may be based on the belief in an afterlife or the idea that death is a release from the struggles and challenges of earthly life. It is important to note that this belief may vary among different sects or interpretations of Judaism.
28. Kesaksian Kitab Roma 6 :23, menyatakan bahwa upah dosa adalah....
Correct Answer
A. A. Maut
The correct answer is A. Maut (Death). According to the testimony of Romans 6:23, it states that the wages of sin is death. This means that sin leads to spiritual and eternal death, separating individuals from God's presence. The verse emphasizes the consequence of sin and the need for salvation through Jesus Christ to overcome the punishment of death.
29. Menyediakan waktu secara khusus untuk bersekutu dengan Allah, ini arti dari....
Correct Answer
A. A. Retret
The correct answer is A. Retret. Retret refers to setting aside a specific time to commune with Allah. It involves withdrawing from daily activities and seeking solitude to focus on spiritual reflection, prayer, and meditation. It is a time of spiritual renewal and deepening one's connection with Allah.
30. Nilai yang menangani kelakuan baik atau buruk manusia disebut nilai....
Correct Answer
B. B. Moral
The correct answer is B. Moral. Moral values refer to the principles or standards of behavior that govern what is considered right or wrong in a society. They determine what is morally acceptable or unacceptable and guide individuals in making ethical decisions. Moral values are concerned with distinguishing between good and bad behavior, and they play a crucial role in shaping human conduct and interactions with others.
31. Nilai mengandung harapan, cita-cita, dan suatu keharusan sehingga nilai memiliki sifat ideal. Nilai diwujudkan dalam bentuk Norma sebagai landasan manusia dalam bertindak. Ini adalah sifat-sifat nilai, yaitu....
Correct Answer
C. C. Bersifat Normatif
The given passage states that values contain expectations, aspirations, and obligations, making them ideal. Values are manifested in the form of norms, which serve as the foundation for human actions. This implies that values have a normative nature, meaning they provide guidance and standards for behavior. Therefore, option C, "Bersifat Normatif" (Normative), is the correct answer.
32. Mampu menempatkan diri dalam hubungan yang baik dengan orang lain adalah kemampuan untuk bertumbuh secara....
Correct Answer
D. D. Sosial
Being able to establish good relationships with others is a social skill. This skill allows individuals to interact effectively, communicate, and cooperate with others. It involves understanding and responding to the emotions, needs, and perspectives of others. Developing social skills enables personal growth and enhances one's ability to navigate social situations, build connections, and maintain healthy relationships with others.
33. Sikap emosi yang benar sesuai dengan teladan Yesus adalah....
Correct Answer
A. A. Marah terhadap dosa, penuh kasih kepada manusia
The correct answer is A. Marah terhadap dosa, penuh kasih kepada manusia. This is because Jesus showed righteous anger towards sin, but at the same time, He displayed love and compassion towards sinners. He taught forgiveness and redemption, emphasizing the importance of loving one another and treating others with kindness and understanding.
34. Salomo mengajarkan bahwa permulaan pengetahuan adalah....
Correct Answer
E. E. Takut akan Tuhan
The correct answer is E. Takut akan Tuhan. This suggests that according to Salomo, the beginning of knowledge is the fear of God. This implies that having reverence and respect for God is essential in gaining knowledge and wisdom. It implies that a person who acknowledges and fears God is more likely to be open to learning and understanding.
35. Iman akan terus akan mengalami proses pertumbuhan seumur hidup, karena Iman....
Correct Answer
A. A. tidak pernah selesai
Iman akan terus mengalami proses pertumbuhan seumur hidup karena iman tidak pernah selesai. Ini berarti bahwa iman adalah suatu perjalanan yang terus berkembang dan membutuhkan perhatian dan upaya terus-menerus. Iman tidak bisa dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang sudah selesai atau tercapai, tetapi harus terus diperkuat dan diperdalam melalui pengalaman, pengetahuan, dan hubungan dengan Tuhan. Dengan demikian, iman akan terus tumbuh dan berkembang sepanjang hidup seseorang.
36. Tidak egois, berpikir objektif, realistis, dan bertanggung jawab, adalah ciri dari....
Correct Answer
C. C. Pribadi dewasa
The given answer, C. Pribadi dewasa, is the correct answer because the characteristics mentioned in the question - tidak egois, berpikir objektif, realistis, dan bertanggung jawab - are all traits of a mature person. Being mature means being selfless, thinking objectively and realistically, and taking responsibility for one's actions. Therefore, C. Pribadi dewasa is the most appropriate choice among the given options.
37. Orang yang mengenal Allah dengan benar akan mengasihi Allah dan sesamanya. Hakekat kasih adalah....
Correct Answer
A. A. Pengorbanan
The correct answer is A. Pengorbanan. This is because the question states that those who truly know Allah will love Him and others. The essence of love is sacrifice, which is the meaning of pengorbanan in Indonesian.
38. Status baru yang dikerjakan oleh Roh Kudus, dimana seseorang berhak menjadi Ahli Waris, adalah....
Correct Answer
A. A. Pengudusan
The correct answer is A. Pengudusan. Pengudusan refers to the process of sanctification or being made holy by the Holy Spirit. It is a new status that allows someone to become an heir or inheritor of God's promises and blessings. This process involves the cleansing and purifying of one's heart and mind, enabling them to live a life that is set apart for God's purposes.
39. Dalam kepelbagian Roh Kudus mempersatukan orang percaya di seluruh dunia menjadi....
Correct Answer
C. C. Satu tubuh Kristus
The correct answer is C. Satu tubuh Kristus. This answer suggests that the Holy Spirit unites believers worldwide into one body, which is the body of Christ. This concept is often mentioned in the Bible, particularly in passages such as 1 Corinthians 12, where believers are compared to different parts of the body, all working together and connected by the Holy Spirit. This unity emphasizes the importance of community and fellowship among believers, regardless of their geographical location or cultural background.
40. Allah mengajarkan kualitas moral melalui....
Correct Answer
B. B. Sepuluh Hukum
Allah mengajarkan kualitas moral melalui Sepuluh Hukum. The Ten Commandments, also known as the Decalogue, are a set of biblical principles that serve as a moral code of conduct for believers. These commandments were given by Allah to Prophet Moses on Mount Sinai and they encompass various aspects of moral behavior such as honoring one's parents, not committing murder or adultery, and not stealing or bearing false witness. By following these commandments, individuals can cultivate and uphold moral values in their lives as instructed by Allah.