Spiritul antreprenorialse este caracteristic persoanelor:
Correct Answer
D. Receptive, adaptabile la schimbări, care văd oportunități când ceilalți văd probleme;
The correct answer states that entrepreneurial individuals are receptive and adaptable to changes, and they see opportunities when others see problems. This implies that they are open-minded, flexible, and have a positive mindset towards challenges and changes. They are able to identify potential opportunities in difficult situations and are willing to take risks.
Antreprenoriatul este o activitate :
Correct Answer
D. Toate răspunsurile sunt corecte.
The correct answer is "toate răspunsurile sunt corecte" which means "all answers are correct" in English. This is because entrepreneurship can involve all three activities mentioned: manufacturing, execution of works, and provision of services.
Capacitatea antreprenorului de a continua în ciuda obstacolelor şi instabilităţii se numeşte:
Correct Answer
B. Încredere;
The correct answer is "Încredere". In the context of the question, the ability of an entrepreneur to continue despite obstacles and instability is referred to as "Încredere" which means "confidence" in English. Confidence plays a crucial role in entrepreneurship as it allows individuals to believe in their abilities, make decisions, take risks, and persist in their endeavors. It helps entrepreneurs overcome challenges and setbacks, maintain a positive mindset, and stay focused on their goals.
La trăsăturile unui antreprenor fără succes NU se atribuie:
Correct Answer
C. Responsabilitatea;
The correct answer is "responsabilitatea" (responsibility). This means that the traits of an unsuccessful entrepreneur do not include responsibility.
Republica Moldova întreprinderea cu numărul de angajaţi cuprins între 10 şi 49 de persoane se atribuie la:
Correct Answer
B. întreprindere mică;
The correct answer is "întreprindere mică" because the question is asking about a company with a number of employees between 10 and 49. In the context of the given options, "întreprindere mică" refers to a small enterprise, which typically has a smaller number of employees compared to medium or large enterprises.
Printre motivele importante ce stau la baza lansării afacerii proprii se enumără:
Correct Answer
D. Toate sunt corecte;
The correct answer is "toate sunt corecte" because all of the reasons listed are important motivations for starting one's own business. These reasons include the desire for additional financial gain, the opportunity for professional self-fulfillment, and the desire to be one's own boss.
Care pot fi posibilele bariere în calea iniţierii unei afaceri:
Correct Answer
B. Piaţa potenţială e prea mică, iar cheltuielile de lansare sunt mari;
The correct answer is "piaţa potenţială e prea mică, iar cheltuielile de lansare sunt mari." This means that one possible barrier to initiating a business is when the potential market is small, meaning there may not be enough customers to sustain the business, while the costs of starting the business are high. In this situation, the business may struggle to generate enough revenue to cover the initial expenses, making it difficult to establish and maintain the business successfully.
Primul pas în inițierea unei afaceri este:
Correct Answer
C. Selectarea ideii viabile de afaceri;
The first step in initiating a business is to select a viable business idea. This means identifying a concept or opportunity that has the potential to be successful and profitable. Without a viable business idea, it would be difficult to proceed with the other steps such as identifying a business partner, developing a business plan, and determining the necessary capital. Selecting a viable business idea lays the foundation for the entire business venture and sets the direction for future actions and decisions.
Activitatea de întreprinzător este reglemntată de:
Correct Answer
D. Către stat;
The correct answer is "Către stat" because the activity of an entrepreneur is regulated by the state. The state sets laws, regulations, and policies that govern the conduct of business activities, including licensing requirements, taxation, labor laws, and other regulations. Entrepreneurs are required to comply with these regulations and fulfill their obligations towards the state, such as paying taxes, obtaining necessary permits and licenses, and following the legal framework set by the government.
Antreprenorul desfășoară acel gen de activitate care:
Correct Answer
A. știe să facă, poate și îî place;
The correct answer is "știe să facă, poate și îi place" because it implies that the entrepreneur engages in activities that they know how to do, are capable of doing, and enjoy doing. This suggests that they have the necessary skills and expertise in their chosen field, making them more likely to succeed in their business ventures. Additionally, enjoying their work can provide motivation and drive for the entrepreneur to persevere and overcome challenges that may arise.
Antreprenorii sunt persoane care găsesc oportunităţi acolo unde majoritatea văd doar probleme.
Correct Answer
A. True
Entrepreneurs are individuals who have the ability to identify opportunities in situations where most people only see problems. They possess a unique mindset and skillset that allows them to think creatively and find innovative solutions to challenges. By recognizing potential in difficult circumstances, entrepreneurs are able to create successful businesses and make a positive impact on society.
Deseori juriştii şi banchirii recomandă mai degrabă cumpărarea unei întreprinderi decât iniţierea unei afaceri noi.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement suggests that lawyers and bankers often advise people to buy an existing company rather than starting a new business. This could be because buying an existing company can provide certain advantages such as an established customer base, existing infrastructure, and proven business processes. Additionally, it may be less risky and time-consuming compared to starting a business from scratch. Therefore, the correct answer is true.
Oamenii iniţiază o afacere dintr-un singur motiv – posibilitatea asigurării unui venit stabil (îmbogăţirea).
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement suggests that people start a business for only one reason, which is to ensure a stable income and get rich. However, this is not entirely true. While making money is a common motivation for starting a business, there are also other reasons such as pursuing a passion, being their own boss, creating something new, or making a positive impact on society. Therefore, the statement is false as it oversimplifies the motivations behind starting a business.
Pentru a deschide o francisă este destul un capital minim.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement suggests that opening a franchise requires only a minimum capital. However, this is not necessarily true as opening a franchise typically involves significant financial investment, including franchise fees, equipment costs, and ongoing royalties. Therefore, the correct answer is false.
Întreprinderile Micului Business activează doar ca persoane juridice.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false. Small businesses can operate as both legal entities and natural persons. In many cases, small businesses are operated by individuals as sole proprietorships or partnerships, where the business and the owner are considered the same legal entity. This allows for more flexibility and simplicity in terms of legal and financial obligations. Therefore, small businesses can operate as both legal entities and natural persons.
Desfăşurarea activităţii în bază de patentă necesită înregistrarea de stat şi obţinerea licenţei.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because the correct answer is that the activity based on a patent requires state registration and obtaining a license.
Un factor determinant la stabilirea gospodăriei ţărăneşti este faptul că o astfel de gospodărie efectuează producerea, prelucrarea primară şi desfacerea doar a produselor agricole proprii.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true because it states that a peasant household only produces, processes, and sells its own agricultural products. This implies that they do not rely on external sources for their agricultural activities, which is a key factor in determining the establishment of a peasant household.
Întreprinderea indivifuală acţionează în procesul de activitate drept persoană juridică (are statut de persoană juridică).
Correct Answer
B. False
An individual enterprise does not have the status of a legal entity. This means that it does not have the same rights and responsibilities as a legal entity, such as the ability to enter into contracts or sue and be sued. Instead, it is considered an extension of the individual owner and operates under their personal liability. Therefore, the correct answer is false.
Certificatul de înregistrare a întreprinderii se eliberează nemijlocit directorului întreprinderii.
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement is true. According to the statement, the certificate of registration of the enterprise is issued immediately to the director of the enterprise. This implies that the director of the enterprise is directly involved in the process of obtaining the certificate of registration.
Activitatea de întreprinzător este sursa de venit doar pentru întreprinzătorii desfăşoară o astfel de activitate.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because the activity of an entrepreneur can be a source of income not only for the entrepreneurs themselves, but also for their employees and other individuals involved in the business. Entrepreneurs create job opportunities and contribute to the economy by generating income and wealth for a wider range of people, not just themselves.
Actele necesare pentru înregistrarea unei gospodării țărănești sunt:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Actul de constituire;
B. Actul de proprietate asupra lotului;
F. Contractului de vânzare/cumpărare sau arendă pentru adresa juridică sau lotul de pămînt;
H. Chitanța de achitare a taxei de înregistrare;
The necessary documents for registering a rural household are the act of establishment, the property deed for the plot of land, the contract of sale/purchase or lease for the legal address or plot of land, and the receipt of payment for the registration fee.
Actele de constituire a persoanei juridice sunt:
Correct Answer(s)
C. Certificatul de înregistrare;
D. Extrasul din registrul de stat;
E. Adeverința de atribuire a codurilor statistice;
I. Decizia fondatorilor de la CÎS;
J. Decizia privind înregustrarea persoanei juridice, de la CÎS;
The correct answer includes the necessary documents for the establishment of a legal entity. These documents are the certificate of registration, extract from the state register, certificate of allocation of statistical codes, decision of the founders from the Central Register of Legal Entities (C&I), and decision regarding the registration of the legal entity from the C&I. These documents are important for proving the legal existence and registration of the entity, as well as for fulfilling legal requirements and obligations.