Indonesia adalah sebua negara yang menganut sistem pemerintahan ....
Correct Answer
C. Demokrasi
Indonesia adalah sebuah negara yang menganut sistem pemerintahan demokrasi. Dalam sistem demokrasi, kekuasaan politik berada di tangan rakyat dan diwujudkan melalui pemilihan umum untuk memilih para pemimpin negara. Pemerintahan demokrasi juga memberikan kebebasan berpendapat, berorganisasi, dan berpartisipasi dalam proses politik kepada warga negara. Sebagai negara demokrasi, Indonesia memiliki parlemen yang terdiri dari anggota yang dipilih oleh rakyat dan pemimpin negara yang dipilih melalui pemilihan umum.
Berikut ini adalah tujuan pembentukan negara republik Indonesia menurut alenia ke 4 pembukaan UUD 1945, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
B. Mempersatukan nusantara menjadi satu bangsa
The correct answer is "Mempersatukan nusantara menjadi satu bangsa." This answer is incorrect because one of the main objectives of the formation of the Republic of Indonesia, according to the fourth paragraph of the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, is to unite the archipelago into one nation. Therefore, this answer is the exception to the stated objectives.
Berikut ini adalah yang termasuk lembaga legislatif di negara Indonesia adalah ....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is MPR, DPR, and DPD. MPR stands for Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (People's Consultative Assembly), DPR stands for Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (People's Representative Council), and DPD stands for Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (Regional Representative Council). These three institutions are part of the legislative branch in Indonesia. MPR is the highest legislative institution and is responsible for amending the constitution, DPR is the lower house responsible for making laws, and DPD represents the regions and ensures regional interests are taken into account in the legislative process.
Anggota MPR terdiri dari seluruh anggota ....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is DPR because Anggota MPR (Member of People's Consultative Assembly) consists of all members of DPR (People's Representative Council). DPD (Regional Representative Council) is a separate legislative body in Indonesia, while Menteri (Minister) and MK (Constitutional Court) are not part of the MPR.
Rakyat Indonesia untuk pertama kalinya melaksanakan pemilihan presiden dan wakil presiden secara langsung pada tanggal ....
Correct Answer
A. 5 Juli 2004
This answer is correct because it states the correct date when the Indonesian people first directly elected their president and vice president. This marked a significant milestone in the democratic process of Indonesia.
Kepala negara dan kepala pemerintahan negara republik Indoensia adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Presiden
The correct answer is "Presiden" because in a republic country like Indonesia, the head of state and head of government is the President. The President is responsible for leading the government, making important decisions, and representing the country both domestically and internationally.
Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) adalah lembaga legislatif yang berwenang untuk ....
Correct Answer
C. Membuat undang-undang
Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) is the legislative institution in Indonesia that has the authority to make laws. Making laws is one of the primary functions of a legislative body, and it is crucial for maintaining order and governance in a country. The DPR represents the voice of the people and is responsible for creating legislation that reflects the needs and aspirations of the society. By making laws, the DPR plays a vital role in shaping the legal framework of the country and ensuring that the rights and interests of the citizens are protected.
Tugas dan wewenang DPR adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
B. DPR bersama-sama dengan pemerintah membuat APBN
DPR tidak memiliki tugas dan wewenang untuk membuat APBN bersama-sama dengan pemerintah. Tugas dan wewenang DPR adalah mengajukan rancangan undang-undang, bersama-sama dengan pemerintah menetapkan undang-undang, dan menetapkan Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara (APBN).
Hak yang dimiliki DPR untuk mengadakan penyelidikan mengenai masalah tertentu yang disampaikan secara tertulis kepada ketua DPR dinamakan hak ....
Correct Answer
B. Angket
Angket is the correct answer because it refers to the right of the DPR (People's Consultative Assembly) to conduct an investigation on specific issues that are submitted in writing to the Chairman of the DPR. Angket is a form of inquiry or investigation that allows the DPR to gather information and evidence related to certain problems or controversies. It is a mechanism for the DPR to exercise its oversight function and hold the government accountable for its actions.
Badan yang bertugas untuk memeriksa pengelolaan dan tanggung jawab tentang keuangan negara adalah .....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is BPK. BPK stands for Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan, which is the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia. It is responsible for examining and assessing the management and accountability of state finances. BPK plays a crucial role in ensuring transparency and accountability in the financial management of the country.
Pengadilan yang tertinggi di negara Republik Indonesia adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Mahkamah Agung
The correct answer is Mahkamah Agung. The Mahkamah Agung is the highest court in the Republic of Indonesia. It has the authority to hear and decide on appeals from lower courts and has the power to interpret laws and regulations. The Mahkamah Agung plays a crucial role in ensuring the proper application of justice and upholding the rule of law in the country.
Komisi Yudisial bertugas dan berwenang mengusulkan pengangkatan ....
Correct Answer
C. Hakim Agung
The correct answer is "Hakim Agung." Komisi Yudisial is responsible for proposing the appointment of Hakim Agung, who are the judges in the highest court in the country. They hold the highest judicial authority and are responsible for making decisions on important legal matters.
BPK mempunyai fungsi rekomendasi yaitu ....
Correct Answer
C. Memberikan pertimbangan kepada presiden dan DPR
BPK (Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan) has the function of providing recommendations to the president and DPR (People's Consultative Assembly). This means that BPK plays a role in giving advice or suggestions to the president and DPR regarding financial matters or other related issues. The recommendations given by BPK are aimed at assisting the decision-making process of the president and DPR in order to ensure the proper management of state finances.
Hak budget adalah hak DPR untuk menentukan ....
Correct Answer
A. Anggaran
The correct answer is "Anggaran" because the term "hak budget" refers to the right of the DPR (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, the Indonesian parliament) to determine the budget. This implies that the correct answer is related to financial matters, and "anggaran" translates to "budget" in English. The other options, such as "undang-undang" (laws), "pasal-pasal" (articles), and "otonomi daerah" (regional autonomy), do not directly relate to the concept of budgeting.
Presiden, wakil presiden, dan para menteri merupakan penyelenggara pemerintahan ....
Correct Answer
D. Pusat
The correct answer is "Pusat." The question is asking about the roles of the president, vice president, and ministers in the government. The word "penyelenggara" suggests that they are responsible for organizing or managing the government. "Pusat" means center or central, which implies that they are the central or main authority in the government. Therefore, the correct answer is "Pusat."
Memegang kekuasaan tertinggi atas Angkatan Darat, Angkatan Laut, dan Angkatan Udara adalah merupakan wewenang presiden sebagai kepala ....
Correct Answer
B. Pemerintahan
The correct answer is Pemerintahan. The explanation for this is that the president holds the highest authority over the Army, Navy, and Air Force, which are all part of the government's administration. As the head of the government, the president has the power to make decisions and give orders regarding these military branches.
Hak presiden untuk membatalkan tuntutan pidana setelah diadili dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
C. Amnesti
Amnesti adalah hak presiden untuk membatalkan tuntutan pidana setelah diadili. Dalam hal ini, presiden memiliki wewenang untuk memberikan pengampunan kepada seseorang yang telah dihukum atau sedang menjalani proses hukum. Dengan memberikan amnesti, presiden memutuskan untuk menghapuskan atau menghapuskan tuntutan pidana yang telah dijatuhkan kepada seseorang, sehingga mereka tidak lagi dianggap bersalah atau dihukum atas tindakan tersebut.
Presiden dalam menjalankan tugas pemerintahannya dibantu oleh ....
Correct Answer
D. Menteri
The President is assisted by ministers in carrying out the duties of the government. Ministers are appointed by the President to oversee specific areas of government administration, such as finance, defense, education, etc. They play a crucial role in advising the President, implementing policies, and managing their respective ministries. Gubernur refers to the Governor, who is the head of a province in Indonesia. DPR and MPR are legislative bodies, not directly involved in assisting the President in his duties.
Pelimpahan wewenang dari pemerintah atau kepala instansi yang lebih atas kepada pejabat di daerah merupakan asas ....
Correct Answer
B. Dekosentrasi
Dekosentrasi adalah prinsip yang mengatur pelimpahan wewenang dari pemerintah atau kepala instansi yang lebih tinggi kepada pejabat di daerah. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kekuasaan dan tanggung jawab kepada pemerintah daerah dalam mengelola urusan pemerintahan di wilayahnya. Dengan demikian, pejabat di daerah memiliki otonomi dalam pengambilan keputusan dan pelaksanaan kebijakan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan karakteristik daerahnya.
Berikut ini yang tidak termasuk kepala daerah adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Jaksa Agung
Jaksa Agung tidak termasuk kepala daerah karena perannya berbeda dengan kepala daerah. Jaksa Agung adalah pejabat yang bertanggung jawab atas penegakan hukum dan kejaksaan di tingkat nasional, sedangkan kepala daerah seperti Gubernur, Bupati, dan Walikota merupakan pejabat yang memimpin pemerintahan di tingkat daerah.
Kepala daerah di tingkat kota adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Walikota
The correct answer is "Walikota". In the context of the question, "Kepala daerah di tingkat kota" translates to "The regional leader at the city level". Out of the given options, "Walikota" is the most suitable answer as it refers to the mayor, who is the head of the local government in a city. The other options, such as "Bupati" (regent), "Camat" (sub-district head), and "Gubernur" (governor), are not applicable in this context as they represent different levels of government or administrative divisions.
Pejabat yang mempunyai tugas dan kewajiban membantu kepala daerah dalam menyusun kebijakan daerahnya adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Sekretaris daerah
The correct answer is Sekretaris daerah. The Sekretaris daerah is responsible for assisting the head of the region in formulating regional policies. They are in charge of coordinating and implementing policies, managing administrative affairs, and providing advice and recommendations to the head of the region. They play a crucial role in supporting the local government in making informed decisions and ensuring effective governance at the regional level.
Berikut ini yang tidak termasuk kementerian negara adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Menteri Kenegaraan
The correct answer is "Menteri Kenegaraan" because it is not a term commonly used for a government ministry in Indonesia. The other options, Menteri Negara Koordinator, Menteri Departemen, and Menteri Nondepartemen, are all terms that refer to different types of government ministries in Indonesia.
Mahkamah Agung merupakan pengadilan tertinggi di negara RI yang berkedudukan di ....
Correct Answer
B. Ibu kota negara
The correct answer is "Ibu kota negara." The Supreme Court is the highest court in the Indonesian legal system and is located in the capital city of the country. It serves as the final appellate court for all cases in Indonesia.
Presiden sebagai kepala pemerintahan bertugas untuk hal-hal berikut ini, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
D. Membuat Undang-Undang dasar
The President, as the head of government, is responsible for leading the cabinet, appointing and inaugurating ministers, and dismissing ministers. However, the President does not have the authority to make constitutional laws. This power lies with the legislative branch of government, which is responsible for creating and amending the constitution.