Fungsi lapisan otot di small intestine adalah untuk
Correct Answer
C. Membantu pergerakan peristalsis
The correct answer is "membantu pergerakan peristalsis". The function of the muscle layer in the small intestine is to aid in the movement of peristalsis. Peristalsis is the coordinated contraction and relaxation of the muscles in the digestive tract, which helps to propel food and waste materials through the intestines. The muscle layer in the small intestine contracts and relaxes in a wave-like motion to push the contents forward, allowing for efficient digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Jika pesakit mengalami penurunan paras glukosa dalam darah,liver akan melakukan proses ini untuk menaikkan paras glukosa
Correct Answer
C. Glycogenolysis
When a patient experiences a decrease in blood glucose levels, the liver will perform the process of glycogenolysis to increase glucose levels. Glycogenolysis is the breakdown of glycogen, which is a stored form of glucose in the liver and muscles, into glucose molecules. This process allows the liver to release glucose into the bloodstream, thereby raising blood glucose levels and providing energy to the body.
Penyerapan semula potassium dan asid amino dan renal tubules adalah melalui proses
Correct Answer
D. Facilitate diffusion
Facilitate diffusion is the process through which substances move across a cell membrane with the help of transport proteins. In the context of the given question, facilitate diffusion is the most suitable explanation for the absorption of potassium and amino acids in the renal tubules. This is because these substances are moving from an area of higher concentration (tubules) to an area of lower concentration (blood) with the assistance of specific transport proteins.
Kenyataan ini adalah benar mengenai aqueous humor kecuali
Correct Answer
A. Di hasilkan oleh ciliary muscle
The correct answer is "di hasilkan oleh ciliary muscle" (produced by the ciliary muscle). This is because the aqueous humor is not produced by the ciliary muscle, but rather by the ciliary processes in the ciliary body. The aqueous humor is a clear fluid that fills the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye, helping to maintain the shape of the eye and providing nutrients to the surrounding tissues. It is not directly related to the ciliary muscle's function in adjusting the shape of the lens for focusing.
Sosiologi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari
Correct Answer
D. Hubungan antara manusia dalam kelompok-kelompok
Sociology is the study of relationships between individuals within groups. It focuses on understanding how humans interact, communicate, and form connections within various social groups. This field of study examines the dynamics, structures, and processes that shape these relationships, including the roles, norms, and values that influence individuals' behavior within a group setting. By studying these group dynamics, sociologists gain insights into social phenomena, such as social inequality, social change, and the impact of institutions on individuals and communities.
Fungsi Utama institusi keluarga adalah untuk
Correct Answer
A. Memperolehi keperluan asas individu
The main function of the family institution is to obtain basic needs for individuals. This means that the family is responsible for providing the essential necessities such as food, shelter, clothing, and other basic needs to its members. Families work together to ensure that everyone's basic needs are met, creating a sense of security and well-being within the family unit. This function is crucial for the survival and overall development of individuals within the family.
Tingkah laku yang dibenarkan dan di amalkan di kalangan masyarakat adalah
Correct Answer
C. Norma
Norma refers to the accepted standards of behavior within a society. It is the set of rules or guidelines that govern how individuals should behave in certain situations. These norms are widely accepted and practiced by the majority of the community. They provide a sense of order and help to maintain social harmony.
Didikan berasaskan kepada sikap lemah lembut tetapi tegas dengan anak-anak merujuk kepada merujuk kepadacara didikan
Correct Answer
B. Demokratik
Based on the given information, the correct answer is "demokratik". This is because the approach described involves being gentle yet firm with children, which aligns with the principles of democratic parenting. In democratic parenting, parents encourage open communication, involve children in decision-making, and respect their autonomy while still setting boundaries and providing guidance. This approach promotes a balance between nurturing and discipline, allowing children to develop independence and critical thinking skills.
Encik A seorang pemain bola sepak terpaksa menyesuaikan keadaan baru selepas kakinya di potong akibat kemalangan jalan raya.Proses ini merujuk kepada
Correct Answer
A. Resosialisasi
The correct answer is "resosialisasi". Resosialisasi refers to the process of readjusting and adapting to a new social environment or situation. In this case, Encik A, a football player, had to adapt to a new condition after his leg was amputated due to a road accident. He would need to go through the process of resosialisasi to learn how to live and function in society with his new circumstances.
Encik M mengadu diarrhea selama beberapa haru disertai dengan kekejangan abdomen.Keadaan ini menunjukkan beliau mengalami
Correct Answer
B. Hyponatrremia
The symptoms described, including diarrhea and abdominal cramps, suggest that the individual may be experiencing hyponatremia. Hyponatremia is a condition characterized by low levels of sodium in the blood, which can occur as a result of excessive fluid loss through diarrhea. This can lead to symptoms such as abdominal cramps and electrolyte imbalances. Hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, and hypomagnesemia are all conditions that involve deficiencies in potassium, calcium, and magnesium respectively, but they may not be the most likely explanation given the symptoms described.
Encik Z telah di diagnoskan mengalami diabetic keton acodisis dan Doktor mengarahkan pemberian potassium chloride.Tanggungjawab jururawat dan pemberian potassium chloride ialah
Correct Answer
D. Larutkan ubat dengan 500ml normal saline dan berikan infusi intravena
The correct answer is to dissolve the medication with 500ml of normal saline and administer it intravenously. This is because diabetic ketoacidosis is a serious condition that requires immediate treatment. Potassium chloride is commonly used to correct potassium imbalances, which can occur in diabetic ketoacidosis. Administering the medication intravenously ensures that it is delivered directly into the bloodstream for faster and more effective absorption. Dissolving it with normal saline helps maintain the patient's fluid balance and prevents further electrolyte imbalances.
Semasa prosedur STO perawat mestilah membuang jahitan yang kedua terlebih dahulu.Tujuan tindakan ini di lakukan adalah untuk
Correct Answer
C. Memastikan luka telah bercantum
The correct answer is "memastikan luka telah bercantum" which means "to ensure that the wound has healed." During the STO procedure, it is important for the nurse to remove the second stitch first to assess if the wound has properly healed and to ensure that the wound edges have been properly approximated. This step helps in determining if the wound is ready for further care and reduces the risk of complications such as infection.
Tindakan kejururawatan yang utama ke atas pesakit yang mengalami komplikasi renjatan selepaspembedahan adalah dengan
Correct Answer
D. Memberi cecair intravena untuk mengekalkan patensi intravena
The main nursing action for a patient experiencing postoperative shock complications is to provide intravenous fluids to maintain intravenous patency. This is important because shock can lead to decreased blood volume and inadequate tissue perfusion, and intravenous fluids can help restore and maintain blood volume. By providing intravenous fluids, the nurse can help support the patient's cardiovascular system and prevent further complications associated with shock.
Tujuan melakukan pemerhatian tanda vital setiap jam bagi pesakit yang telah menjalani surgery di bawah general anaesthesia pada 6 jam pertama adalh untuk mengesan
Correct Answer
C. Pendarahan
The purpose of monitoring vital signs every hour for patients who have undergone surgery under general anesthesia in the first 6 hours is to detect bleeding.
Apakah penyiasatan yang di lakukan untuk mengdiagnosis bacterial endocardiatis?
Correct Answer
A. Blood Culture
Blood culture is the correct answer for diagnosing bacterial endocarditis. Bacterial endocarditis is an infection of the inner lining of the heart chambers and valves, usually caused by bacteria. Blood culture involves taking a sample of blood and incubating it in a culture medium to allow any bacteria present in the bloodstream to grow. By identifying the specific bacteria causing the infection, appropriate antibiotics can be prescribed for treatment. Blood culture is a standard diagnostic test for bacterial infections, including bacterial endocarditis. Electrocardiogram (ECG) is a test used to evaluate the electrical activity of the heart, urine culture & sensitivity is used to diagnose urinary tract infections, and blood aspartate transaminase is a liver enzyme test.
Batuk yang produktif bagi pesakit acute pulmonary oedema di cirikan dengan
Correct Answer
D. Pink frothysputum
The productive cough in patients with acute pulmonary edema is characterized by pink frothy sputum. This is due to the presence of blood in the sputum, which gives it a pink color. The frothy texture is caused by the mixing of air with the fluid in the lungs. This symptom is commonly seen in acute pulmonary edema, which is a condition characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the lungs.
Rheumatic fever adalah inflamasi sistemik pada tisuperantara di sebabkan oleh
Correct Answer
D. Streptococcus beta hemolytic group A
Rheumatic fever is a systemic inflammation of the connective tissues caused by Streptococcus beta hemolytic group A bacteria. This bacterium is known to cause various infections, including strep throat. When left untreated, strep throat caused by this bacterium can lead to the development of rheumatic fever. Rheumatic fever can affect different parts of the body, including the heart, joints, skin, and brain. It is important to diagnose and treat strep throat promptly to prevent the onset of rheumatic fever.
Manifestasi klinikal yang di alami oleh pesakit acute myocardial infarction adalah
Correct Answer
C. Sakit dada dengan tiba-tiba dan berpanjangan
The correct answer is "sakit dada dengan tiba-tiba dan berpanjangan". This is because acute myocardial infarction, also known as a heart attack, is characterized by sudden and prolonged chest pain. The other options mentioned, such as frontal headache and difficulty sleeping at night, are not typically associated with acute myocardial infarction.
Gelombang T di dalam electrocardiogram(ECG) menunjukkan
Correct Answer
D. Ventricular repolarization
The T wave in an electrocardiogram (ECG) represents ventricular repolarization. This is the phase of the cardiac cycle where the ventricles relax and recharge after contracting during ventricular depolarization. The T wave represents the electrical recovery of the ventricles, as they prepare for the next contraction. It is important to note that the T wave is only visible in leads that have a good view of the ventricles, such as leads V2-V6.
Analgesik yang di berikan kepada pesakit dengan acute myocardial infarction adalah
Correct Answer
D. MorpHine sulpHate
Morphine sulphate is the correct answer for providing analgesics to patients with acute myocardial infarction. Acute myocardial infarction, also known as a heart attack, is a severe condition that causes intense chest pain. Morphine sulphate is a potent opioid analgesic that can effectively relieve severe pain, including the chest pain experienced during a heart attack. It works by binding to opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord, reducing the perception of pain. Other options like pethidine, mafenamic acid, and aethylsalicylic acid may have analgesic properties, but they are not commonly used or recommended for treating the intense pain associated with acute myocardial infarction.
Tujuan senaman pada anggota yang lumpuh bagi kes cerebral vascular accident adalah untuk
Correct Answer
A. Mengelakkan kontraktur
The purpose of exercise for individuals with a cerebral vascular accident (stroke) is to prevent contractures. Contractures are a tightening or shortening of muscles, tendons, or other tissues, which can lead to stiffness and immobility in the affected joints. Regular exercise helps to maintain range of motion, flexibility, and muscle strength, preventing contractures from developing. This is particularly important for individuals with a stroke, as they may experience muscle weakness or paralysis on one side of the body. By engaging in exercises and movements, they can prevent the development of contractures and maintain functional mobility.
Tujuan stress test di lakukan bagi pesakit post myocardiacinfarction ialah untuk mengesan
Correct Answer
D. Fungsi jantung yang maksima
The purpose of a stress test for patients post myocardial infarction is to assess the maximum functioning of the heart. This test helps determine the heart's ability to handle physical activity and stress, as well as identify any potential abnormalities or limitations in its function. By measuring the heart's response to exercise, doctors can evaluate its overall health and make appropriate recommendations for treatment or further testing.
Punca Utama berlakunya pendarahan di otak yang mengakibatkan cerebral vascular accident ialah
Correct Answer
A. Hypertension
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is the main cause of cerebral vascular accidents, which result in bleeding in the brain. When blood pressure is consistently elevated, the blood vessels in the brain can become weakened and damaged, leading to the rupture of blood vessels and bleeding. This can result in a stroke or cerebral hemorrhage, causing damage to brain tissue and potentially leading to long-term complications or even death. Therefore, hypertension is considered the primary cause of cerebral vascular accidents.
Apakah jenis supplements yang dapat mengurangkan risiko fracture bagi pesakit osteoporosis
Correct Answer
A. Vitamin D dan kalsium
Vitamin D dan kalsium adalah jenis suplemen yang dapat mengurangi risiko patah tulang bagi pasien osteoporosis. Vitamin D membantu tubuh menyerap kalsium, yang penting untuk kesehatan tulang. Kekurangan vitamin D dan kalsium dapat menyebabkan tulang menjadi rapuh dan rentan terhadap patah tulang. Oleh karena itu, mengonsumsi suplemen vitamin D dan kalsium dapat membantu menjaga kepadatan tulang dan mengurangi risiko patah tulang pada pasien osteoporosis.
Rawatan konservatif untuk pesakit yang mengalami tuberculosis di bahagian lumbar vertebra ialah dengan
Correct Answer
B. Memasangkan plaster jacket
The correct answer is "memasangkan plaster jacket". In cases of tuberculosis affecting the lumbar vertebra, a plaster jacket may be used as part of conservative treatment. This jacket helps to immobilize and support the affected area, promoting healing and preventing further damage. It can also help to relieve pain and discomfort, allowing the patient to rest and recover. Other treatment options such as medication, high protein diet, and encouraging rest between activities may also be part of the overall treatment plan, but the plaster jacket specifically addresses the support and immobilization needed for the lumbar vertebra.
Puan M berusia 40 tahun menghidapi Rheumathoid Arthritis,gangguan yang sering di alami oleh beliau pada waktu pagi ialah
Correct Answer
A. Joint stiffness
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation in the joints. Joint stiffness is a common symptom experienced by individuals with this condition, especially in the morning. This stiffness can make it difficult to move the affected joints and may improve as the day goes on. Therefore, joint stiffness is a likely symptom that Puan M experiences due to her Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Tujuan pemasangan soft collar selepas pembedahan torticollis ialah
Correct Answer
D. Menetapkan alignment kepala yang betul
The purpose of using a soft collar after torticollis surgery is to maintain proper alignment of the head. This is important in order to correct the abnormal positioning of the head and neck that is characteristic of torticollis. By keeping the head in the correct alignment, the soft collar helps to support the healing process and prevent further complications. It does not directly reduce pain, maintain muscle stretching, or reduce swelling in the neck.
Apakah tujuan non weight bearing bagi pesakit septic arthritis yang menjalani rawatan konservatif?
Correct Answer
C. Mengurangkan tekanan ke atas sendi yang terlibat
Non weight bearing adalah suatu kondisi di mana pasien dilarang untuk menempatkan beban pada sendi yang terlibat. Tujuan dari non weight bearing adalah untuk mengurangi tekanan yang diberikan pada sendi yang terinfeksi (septic arthritis) sehingga memungkinkan sendi tersebut untuk sembuh dengan lebih cepat. Dengan mengurangi tekanan pada sendi yang terlibat, risiko kecacatan sendi dapat dikurangi.
Tindakan kejururawatan untuk mengurangkan risikoinfeksi bagi pesakit osteosarcoma yang baru menerima rawatan kemoterapi adalah dengan
Correct Answer
A. Menghadkan bilangan pelawat
Limiting the number of visitors is a nursing intervention that can help reduce the risk of infection for patients with osteosarcoma who have just received chemotherapy. By limiting the number of visitors, the potential exposure to infectious agents is minimized, reducing the risk of infection for the patient. This intervention helps to create a controlled and clean environment for the patient, which is crucial in preventing infections.
Komplikasi yang boleh berlaku jika kepatahan di bahagian neck of femur ialah
Correct Answer
B. Avascular necrosis
Avascular necrosis is a potential complication that can occur if there is a fracture in the neck of the femur. This condition refers to the death of bone tissue due to a lack of blood supply. When a fracture occurs in the neck of the femur, it can disrupt the blood flow to the bone, leading to avascular necrosis. This can result in pain, limited range of motion, and eventually the collapse of the bone. It is important to diagnose and treat this condition promptly to prevent further complications and preserve the function of the hip joint.
Manifestasi klinikal ini di tunjukkan oleh pesakit yang mengalami fat embolism di sebabkan fracture femur
Correct Answer
B. Kesukaran bernafas dan hipoksia
The given answer, "kesukaran bernafas dan hipoksia" (difficulty breathing and hypoxia), is a correct explanation for the clinical manifestation described in the question. It states that the patient is experiencing fat embolism due to a femur fracture, which can lead to difficulty breathing and a decrease in oxygen levels in the body (hypoxia). This can occur because fat emboli can block blood vessels in the lungs, leading to respiratory distress and inadequate oxygenation.
Encik A mengalami right tibial fracture,beliau mengadu numbness and tingling sensation di jari kaki kanannya setelah pemasangan Plaster of Paris .Keadaan ini adalah di sebabkan oleh
Correct Answer
B. Tekanan pada saraf
The numbness and tingling sensation in the right foot after the placement of Plaster of Paris is likely caused by pressure on the nerves. The plaster may be compressing the nerves in the leg, leading to reduced blood flow and nerve function, resulting in the numbness and tingling sensation.
Pengurusan konservatif bagi pesakit bagi pesakit yang mengalami stable clavicle fracture adalah dengan
Correct Answer
B. Memakaikan arm sling selama 3 minggu
The correct answer is "memakaikan arm sling selama 3 minggu" because for patients with stable clavicle fracture, conservative management involves immobilizing the affected arm with an arm sling for a period of 3 weeks. This helps to support the fracture site and promote healing.
Tujuan melakukan bronchography ke atas pesakit yang mengalami gangguan di system pernafasan ialah
Correct Answer
D. Mengesan bronchiol obstruction
Bronchography is a medical procedure used to detect bronchiol obstruction, which is a blockage in the bronchioles, the small airways in the lungs. By performing bronchography, doctors can visualize the bronchial tree and identify any obstructions or abnormalities in the bronchioles. This information is crucial for diagnosing and treating respiratory conditions that may be causing breathing difficulties in the patient. Therefore, the purpose of performing bronchography on a patient with respiratory system disorders is to detect bronchiol obstruction.
Kehadiran Udara di ruang pleural akibat kecederaan di kenali sebagai
Correct Answer
D. Pneumothorax
Pneumothorax is the correct answer because it refers to the presence of air in the pleural space, which can occur as a result of injury. Emphysema is a lung condition characterized by the destruction of the air sacs, not related to injury. Haemothorax refers to the presence of blood in the pleural space, not air. Emphysema is a misspelling of the correct term "emphysema."
Tujuan mengembangkan cuff pada thracheostomy tube adalah untuk
Correct Answer
D. Menyekat udara keluar daripada masuk melalui sekeliling canula
The purpose of developing a cuff on a tracheostomy tube is to block air from entering or exiting through the area around the tube. This helps to maintain proper ventilation and prevent air leakage, ensuring that the patient receives adequate oxygenation. Additionally, the cuff acts as a barrier to prevent food or other substances from entering the trachea, reducing the risk of aspiration.
Tindakan segera ke atas pesakit jika chest tube tercabut ialah
Correct Answer
D. Tutup incision dengan pressure dressing
In the event of a chest tube being dislodged, the immediate action should be to cover the incision with a pressure dressing. This is important to prevent air from entering the pleural space and causing a pneumothorax. By applying a pressure dressing, the incision site is sealed off, minimizing the risk of complications. Providing oxygen through a mask may be necessary, but it is not the immediate action to take in this situation. Informing the doctor promptly is important, but it is not the immediate action to address the dislodged chest tube. Placing the patient in a Fowler's position may be beneficial for respiratory comfort, but it is not the immediate action to take in this situation.
Berikut adalah tujuan meletakkan pesakit dalam baringan semi Fowler`s selepas prosedur tracheostomy kecuali
Correct Answer
D. Supaya lubang tracheostomy tidak tertutup
The correct answer states that the purpose of placing the patient in a semi Fowler's position after a tracheostomy procedure is to prevent the tracheostomy hole from closing. This position helps to keep the airway open and allows for proper ventilation. By elevating the head and upper body, gravity helps to maintain the patency of the tracheostomy site and prevent any obstruction or closure.
Tindakan kejururawatan ke atas pesakit dengan kecederaan dada yang mengadu sakit semasa batuk ialah dengan
Correct Answer
C. Menasihatkan pesakit supaya splint dadanya
Splinting the chest can provide support and stability to the injured area, reducing pain and preventing further damage. This can be particularly helpful for patients with chest injuries who experience pain during coughing, as splinting can help minimize movement and strain on the injured muscles or ribs. By advising the patient to splint their chest, healthcare professionals can help alleviate discomfort and promote healing in patients with chest injuries.