Primitive su podeljene u:
Correct Answer
B. 4 klasa
There are a total of 4 classes in which the primitives are divided.
Celija kod ATM Sistema je velicine:
Correct Answer
C. 53 bajta
The size of a cell in an ATM system is 53 bytes.
Prvi sloj osi modela:
Correct Answer
C. Fizicki sloj
The given options represent different layers of the OSI model. The OSI model is a conceptual framework that standardizes the functions of a communication system into seven different layers. The physical layer, which is the correct answer, is the lowest layer in the model. It deals with the physical transmission of data, such as the electrical or optical signals that are used to transmit data over a physical medium, like cables or wireless connections. This layer is responsible for converting digital data into a format that can be transmitted over the physical medium and vice versa.
Drugi sloj osi modela:
Correct Answer
B. Sloj veze
The correct answer is "Sloj veze" because it is the layer responsible for establishing and maintaining communication between devices on a network. It handles tasks such as addressing, error detection and correction, and flow control. The link layer also defines protocols for accessing the physical medium, such as Ethernet or Wi-Fi.
Promena jednog sloja u OSI modelu:
Correct Answer
A. Nema uticaja na ostale slojeve sto omogucava da se promena mrezne konfiguracije izvrsi bez promene
na ostalim slojevima
The correct answer states that a change in one layer of the OSI model does not affect the other layers, allowing for a change in network configuration without affecting the other layers. This means that modifications can be made to the network without disrupting the functionality of the other layers.
Primitive su:
Correct Answer
D. Zahtev, indikacija, odgovor i potvrda
The given answer "zahtev, indikacija, odgovor i potvrda" is the correct one because these words are all related to communication or interaction. "Zahtev" means request, "indikacija" means indication, "odgovor" means response, and "potvrda" means confirmation. These words suggest a process of exchanging information or messages between two or more parties. The other options provided in the question, such as "otkaz" (cancellation), "prekid" (interruption), and "alternativna ruta" (alternative route) do not fit into this context of communication.
ATM je mreza sa:
Correct Answer
C. Komutacijom celija
ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) is a network that uses cell switching. In this type of network, data is divided into fixed-size cells and transmitted through the network. Each cell contains a header with information about its destination and order. This allows for efficient and fast transmission of data, as cells can be routed independently and in parallel. Therefore, the correct answer is "komutacijom celija" (cell switching).
Transportni sloj OSI modela:
Correct Answer
D. Odredjuje koji je tip veze potrebno upostaviti i po potrebi vrsi segmentaciju podataka u datagramu
The correct answer is that the Transport layer of the OSI model determines the type of connection that needs to be established and performs data segmentation into datagrams if necessary. This layer is responsible for ensuring reliable and efficient communication between devices by controlling flow and detecting errors, as well as establishing, terminating, and maintaining connections. It does not handle physical transmission of bits or logical addressing and routing.
Koji referentni model je standardizovan od ISO?
Correct Answer
The correct answer is OSI. The ISO (International Organization for Standardization) has standardized the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) reference model. This model is a conceptual framework that standardizes the functions of a communication system into seven layers, allowing different systems to communicate with each other. X.25, TCP/IP, and ATM are all networking protocols or technologies, but they are not the referent model standardized by ISO.
Virtuelna veza izmedu parnjak (peer) celina u OSI modelu ostvarena je:
Correct Answer
A. Parnjak protokolima
The correct answer is "parnjak protokolima." In the OSI model, a virtual connection between peer entities is established using protocols. These protocols define the rules and procedures for communication between the peer entities at the same layer in the model. This ensures that data can be exchanged reliably and efficiently between the peers. The other options, such as services provided by higher layers or lower layers, do not accurately describe how the virtual connection is established in the OSI model.
Koji od navedenih standarda se odnosi na fizicki sloj?
Correct Answer
A. RS-232
RS-232 is the correct answer because it is a standard that defines the physical and electrical characteristics of the interface between data terminal equipment and data communication equipment. It specifies the voltage levels, signal timing, and connector pinouts for serial communication between devices. TCP/IP, OSI, and IPХ are not standards that specifically relate to the physical layer of communication.
Fizicki sloj OSI modela:
Correct Answer
A. Bavi se prenosom bitova izmedju dva uredjaja
The physical layer of the OSI model is responsible for the transmission of bits between two devices. It deals with the actual physical connection and the electrical, mechanical, and functional specifications for the physical medium used for communication. This layer ensures that the bits are transmitted accurately and reliably from one device to another.
X 25 je standard za:
Correct Answer
B. Interfejs između DTE i DCE
The correct answer is "interfejs između DTE i DCE" because X.25 is a standard protocol used for communication between data terminal equipment (DTE) and data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE). It defines the interface and procedures for packet-switched networks and provides error correction and flow control mechanisms.
Prema OSI modelu sloj N na jednoj masini komunicira sa:
Correct Answer
C. Slojem N na drugoj masini
According to the OSI model, each layer communicates with its corresponding layer on another machine. Therefore, in this case, layer N on one machine communicates with layer N on the other machine.
Nabroj tri mrezne arhitekture:
Correct Answer
A. OSI, TCP/IP, X 25
The given answer lists three network architectures: OSI, TCP/IP, and X 25. These are all well-known and widely used network architectures. OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) is a conceptual framework that standardizes the functions of a communication system into seven different layers. TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is a set of protocols used for communication on the internet and other networks. X 25 is a packet-switched network protocol that was widely used in the past for connecting remote devices over long distances.
Pristupom mrezi preko aplikacije bavi se:
Correct Answer
D. Aplikacioni sloj
The correct answer is the application layer. The application layer is responsible for providing services and protocols that enable user applications to access the network. It deals with tasks such as email, file transfer, web browsing, and other application-specific functions. It interacts directly with the user and provides a platform for applications to communicate with the network.
Protokol cine:
Correct Answer
D. Sintaksa, semantika i vremenski redosled
The correct answer is "sintaksa, semantika i vremenski redosled." This answer suggests that when it comes to protocols, the order of events and the syntax (grammar) of the protocol are important, but equally important is the meaning or semantics behind the protocol. All three elements - syntax, semantics, and order of events - play a role in defining and understanding protocols.
Pranjak celine (peer) su:
Correct Answer
A. Isti slojevi na razlicitim masinama
The correct answer is "isti slojevi na razlicitim masinama" which means "same layers on different machines" in English. This suggests that Pranjak and Celine are referring to the layers of something (possibly software or network architecture) that are the same on different machines. This implies that they are discussing the consistency of layers across multiple machines, rather than the proximity or combination of layers on the same machine.
Osi referentni model je:
Correct Answer
C. Podloga za definisanje standard za povezivanje heterogenih mreza
The correct answer is "Podloga za definisanje standard za povezivanje heterogenih mreza" (The basis for defining standards for connecting heterogeneous networks). The OSI reference model is a conceptual framework that standardizes the functions of a communication system into seven different layers. It provides a common language for different vendors and manufacturers to ensure compatibility and interoperability between different network technologies. The model helps in understanding how data is transmitted over a network and allows for easier troubleshooting and development of network protocols.
Sedmi sloj OSI referentni modela je:
Correct Answer
A. Aplikacioni sloj
The correct answer is "Aplikacioni sloj" (Application layer). The application layer is the topmost layer in the OSI reference model. It is responsible for providing network services to end-user applications, such as email, web browsing, and file transfer. This layer interacts directly with the user and provides a means for accessing network resources and services. It is responsible for the communication protocols and interfaces used by applications to access the network.
ATM je:
Correct Answer
A. Mreza koja omogucava asinhroni prenos govora, podataka I video zapisa
The correct answer is "Mreza koja omogucava asinhroni prenos govora, podataka I video zapisa." This option states that an ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) network allows for the asynchronous transmission of voice, data, and video. This aligns with the definition and purpose of an ATM network, making it the correct answer choice.
Glavna karakteristika fizičkog sloja je :
Correct Answer
B. Mehanicka, elektricna, funkcionalna i proceduralna
The main characteristic of the physical layer is its mechanical, electrical, functional, and procedural aspects. This means that the physical layer deals with the physical components and processes involved in data transmission, including the physical medium used for transmission. It also ensures reliability and immunity to errors in data transmission.
Navesti funkciju aplikacionog sloja:
Correct Answer
A. Omogucava aplikacionom procesu da pristupi OSI okruzenju
The correct answer is "omogucava aplikacionom procesu da pristupi OSI okruzenju." This function of the application layer allows the application process to access the OSI environment. The application layer is responsible for providing services and protocols that enable communication between applications on different devices. It allows applications to establish, manage, and terminate connections with other applications over a network. This layer also handles tasks such as data encryption, compression, and formatting for transmission.
Kod stafetnog prenosa ramova:
Correct Answer
C. Korekcije gresaka I kontrola protoka se izvrsava na strani prijemnika
The correct answer is that error correction and flow control are performed on the receiving side. This means that any errors in the transmitted frames are corrected and the flow of data is regulated at the receiving end of the transmission. This ensures that the data received is accurate and that the transmission is optimized for efficient data transfer.
Kod stafetnog prenosa ramova:
Correct Answer
C. Korekcije gresaka I kontrola protoka se izvrsava na strani prijemnika
The correct answer is that error correction and flow control are performed on the receiver side. This means that the receiver is responsible for detecting and correcting errors in the transmitted data, as well as managing the flow of data to ensure that it is received correctly and in the proper order. This approach allows for more efficient and reliable communication, as errors can be corrected before they impact the integrity of the data and flow control ensures that the receiver can handle the incoming data at its own pace.
Konverzijom u standardni format podataka bavi se:
Correct Answer
B. Prezentacioni sloj
The correct answer is the Prezentacioni sloj (Presentation Layer). The presentation layer is responsible for converting the data into a standard format that can be understood by the receiving system. It handles tasks such as data encryption, compression, and formatting. This layer ensures that the data is properly formatted and presented to the application layer for further processing.
SDU je skracenica za:
Correct Answer
D. Service Data Unit
SDU is an acronym that stands for Service Data Unit. In networking, a Service Data Unit refers to a block of data that is passed between different layers of a communication protocol. It contains the payload data as well as the necessary control information for transmission. This term is commonly used in the context of protocols like Ethernet, where data is divided into smaller units called frames, and each frame includes a Service Data Unit. Therefore, the correct answer is Service Data Unit.
Koji sloj obezbedjuje dijalog izmedju aplikacija?
Correct Answer
C. Sloj sesije
The correct answer is "Sloj sesije" (Session layer). The session layer provides dialog control between applications. It establishes, manages, and terminates communication sessions between two or more applications. This layer ensures that data is delivered in the correct order and handles any errors or interruptions in the communication. It also handles authentication and authorization processes for the session.
Servis se formalno specificira preko:
Correct Answer
C. Primitiva
The correct answer is "Primitiva." In the context of the question, a service is formally specified through primitives. Primitives are basic operations or functions that allow communication between different layers or components of a system. They define the actions that can be performed on a service and the parameters required for those actions. So, in order to formally specify a service, one would use primitives to define the specific operations and functionalities of that service.
Skup slojeva I protokola naziva se:
Correct Answer
B. Slojevita arhitektura
The correct answer is "Slojevita arhitektura" (Layered architecture). This term refers to the organization of network protocols and layers into a hierarchical structure. In a layered architecture, each layer has a specific function and interacts with adjacent layers to provide a complete network communication. This approach allows for modular design, easy troubleshooting, and the ability to replace or upgrade individual layers without affecting the entire system.
ICI je skracenica od:
Correct Answer
B. Interface Control Information
The correct answer is "Interface Control Information" because ICI is commonly used as an abbreviation for Interface Control Information. This term refers to the information that is needed to control the interface between different systems or components. It includes specifications, protocols, and other details that are necessary for the smooth operation and communication between interfaces.
Virtuelno kolo se uspostavlja kod
Correct Answer
B. Servisa sa uspostavom veze
The correct answer is "Servisa sa uspostavom veze". This means that a virtual circuit is established when using a connection-oriented service. In a connection-oriented service, a dedicated path is established between the sender and receiver before any data transfer occurs. This allows for reliable and ordered delivery of data, as the connection is maintained throughout the entire communication session.
PDU je skracenica za:
Correct Answer
C. Protocol Data Unit
PDU is an acronym for Protocol Data Unit. A Protocol Data Unit refers to a block of data that is transmitted over a network. It is the smallest unit of data that is exchanged between network devices. PDU contains control information and user data, and it is used to encapsulate data at different layers of the network protocol stack.
Datagram je tip servisa u kome
Correct Answer
D. Nema uspostave veze
A datagram is a type of service where there is no establishment of a connection. In a datagram service, there is no need for a connection setup or termination. This means that data can be sent without any prior arrangement or agreement between the sender and receiver. Datagram service is commonly used in network protocols like UDP (User Datagram Protocol), where data is sent in individual packets without any guarantee of delivery or order.
Pravila o konverzaciji N slojeva na razlicitim masinama se naziva
Correct Answer
B. Protokol N-tog sloja
The correct answer is "Protokol N-tog sloja." The given options are all related to the conversation rules of N layers on different machines. However, the term "Protokol N-tog sloja" specifically refers to the protocol of the Nth layer. A protocol is a set of rules and procedures that govern the communication between devices in a network. Therefore, it is the most appropriate term to describe the conversation rules of the Nth layer.
Sloj mreze je u OSI modelu:
Correct Answer
C. Treci sloj
The correct answer is "Treci sloj" which translates to "Third layer" in English. This answer refers to the third layer of the OSI model, which is the Network layer. This layer is responsible for the transmission of data packets over the network, including routing and addressing. It ensures that data is properly delivered from one network device to another.
X.25 je standard za:
Correct Answer
B. Paketsku komutaciju
X.25 je standard za paketsku komutaciju. Ovaj standard se koristi za prenos podataka preko javnih telekomunikacionih mreža. Paketska komutacija se odnosi na prenos podataka u obliku paketa, gde se podaci dele na manje delove i svaki deo se šalje zasebno preko mreže. Ovaj način komutacije omogućava efikasniji prenos podataka i bolje iskorišćenje mrežnih resursa.
Na slici je prikazana:
Correct Answer
A. CHAP autentifikacija
The correct answer is CHAP authentication. The image shows different types of authentication methods, and CHAP authentication is one of them. CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) is a secure method of authentication that uses a three-way handshake process. It involves the exchange of a challenge from the server to the client, a response from the client, and a verification by the server. This process ensures that the client's identity is verified and prevents unauthorized access to the network.
Standart IEEE802.11 definise nacin povezivanja racunara kod:
Correct Answer
C. Bezicnih mreza
The correct answer is "Bezicnih mreza" because the question is asking about the standard IEEE802.11, which specifically defines the way computers connect in wireless networks. The other options mentioned in the question are not relevant to the IEEE802.11 standard.
Za konfigurisanje, odrzavanje I okoncavanje veze kod PPP se koristi:
Correct Answer
LCP stands for Link Control Protocol and it is used for the configuration, maintenance, and termination of a PPP connection. It is responsible for establishing and negotiating the link parameters between the two endpoints of the connection. LCP ensures that the link is functioning properly and can detect any errors or issues that might occur during the communication. It also handles the authentication process and can terminate the connection if necessary. Therefore, LCP is the correct answer for the given question.
LLC podsloj obezbedjuje:
Correct Answer
A. Funkcije koje su potrebne za uspostavu I upravljanje logickom vezom izmedju lokalnih uredjaja u mrezi
The LLC (Logical Link Control) sublayer provides functions necessary for establishing and managing logical connections between local devices in a network. It also handles error detection and management, procedures used by devices to control access to the transmission medium, and frame creation.
Drugi sloj OSI referentnog modela je:
Correct Answer
B. Sloj veze
The correct answer is "Sloj veze" (Link Layer). The Link Layer is the second layer of the OSI reference model. It is responsible for the node-to-node communication, handling the transfer of data between adjacent network nodes. It provides error detection and correction, as well as flow control and addressing. This layer is crucial in establishing and maintaining a reliable communication link between devices on a local network.
Prilikom CHAP autentifikacije, Challenge generise:
Correct Answer
C. Autentifikator
During CHAP authentication, the challenge is generated by the authenticator. The authenticator sends a random challenge to the initiator, who then uses this challenge to create a response. The response is sent back to the authenticator, who verifies it to authenticate the initiator. Therefore, the authenticator is responsible for generating the challenge in CHAP authentication.
Kada se koristi ARP (Adress resolution protocol)?
Correct Answer
C. Koristi se kada je poznata IP adresa odredista a nepoznata njegova MAC adresa
ARP se koristi kada je poznata IP adresa odredišta, ali je nepoznata njegova MAC adresa. ARP protokol omogućava da se pretraži lokalna mreža kako bi se pronašla MAC adresa odgovarajućeg uređaja sa datom IP adresom. Na taj način, ARP omogućava slanje podataka na ispravnu MAC adresu u lokalnoj mreži.
Kako se resave problem pojave sekvence bitova indikatora(oznake) u polju za informacije?
Correct Answer
D. Za resavanje problema koristi se tehnika umetanja bajtova
The correct answer is "Za resavanje problema koristi se tehnika umetanja bajtova" which means "The technique of inserting bytes is used to solve the problem of the appearance of bit sequence indicators (labels) in the information field." This suggests that the problem of bit sequence indicators in the information field is resolved by using the technique of inserting bytes.
Najcesce korisceni predstavnik dinamickih metoda pristupa transmisionom medijumu je:
Correct Answer
CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access) is the most commonly used representative of dynamic methods for accessing the transmission medium. CSMA is a protocol that allows multiple devices to share the same transmission medium by sensing whether the medium is idle before transmitting data. If the medium is busy, the device waits for it to become idle before transmitting. This method helps to avoid collisions and ensures efficient utilization of the transmission medium.
NCP se koristi za konfigurisanje PPP protokola za razlicite protokole:
Correct Answer
C. Sloja mreze
NCP (Network Control Protocol) se koristi za konfigurisanje PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) protokola na sloju mreže. PPP je protokol koji se koristi za uspostavljanje i održavanje veze između dva računara preko mreže. NCP se koristi za konfigurisanje različitih protokola koji se koriste na sloju mreže, kao što su IP (Internet Protocol), IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange) ili AppleTalk. NCP omogućava da se ovi protokoli pravilno konfigurišu i koriste tokom PPP veze.
Kod CHAP protokola lozinka se salje:
Correct Answer
A. Uopste se ne salje
The correct answer is that the password is not sent at all. This means that the password is not transmitted or communicated in any form during the CHAP protocol.
Kod PAP protokola lozinka se salje
Correct Answer
C. Kao citljiv tekst
The correct answer is "Kao citljiv tekst" because in the given statement, it is mentioned that the password is sent. When a password is sent, it is typically sent as readable text rather than encrypted or encoded. Therefore, it can be inferred that the password is sent as plain, readable text.
Zbog cega je PPP cesto koriscen kod posrednika usluga?
Correct Answer
C. Podrzava dodelu adresnog prostora, naplatu i autentifikaciju
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) is often used by service providers because it supports address allocation, billing, and authentication. This means that PPP allows for the assignment of unique IP addresses to individual users, enables the tracking and charging of usage, and provides a secure method for verifying the identity of users. These features make PPP a suitable choice for service providers who need to manage and control the allocation of resources, track usage for billing purposes, and ensure the security of their network.