Seleksi Online Olimpiade Fisika Sma

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| By Ria
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 1,024
Questions: 40 | Attempts: 1,030

Seleksi Online Olimpiade Fisika Sma - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Pernyataan yang tidak benar tentang gerak melingkar adalah....

    • A.

      Kecepatan Linear berbanding lurus dengan Jari-jari

    • B.

      Percepatan sentripetal berbanding lurus dengan kecepatan linear

    • C.

      Percepatan linear berbanding lurus dengan periode rotasi

    • D.

      Kecepatan sudut berbanding lurus dengan Frekuensi

    • E.

      Lintasannya berbentuk lingkaran

    Correct Answer
    C. Percepatan linear berbanding lurus dengan periode rotasi
    The statement that is not true about circular motion is that linear acceleration is directly proportional to the rotation period. In circular motion, linear acceleration is actually directly proportional to the square of the angular velocity, not the rotation period. The linear acceleration is given by the formula a = rω^2, where r is the radius and ω is the angular velocity. Therefore, the statement that linear acceleration is directly proportional to the rotation period is incorrect.

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  • 2. 

    Perhatikan gambar! Jika ketiga hambatan pada gambar adalah R, maka persamaan tegangan listrik  yang benar adalah...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. V=I(3R/2)
    The correct equation for the voltage in the given circuit is V = I(3R/2). This equation is derived from Ohm's Law, which states that the voltage across a resistor is equal to the current flowing through it multiplied by its resistance. In this case, there are three resistors in series, each with a resistance of R. Therefore, the total resistance in the circuit is 3R. The current flowing through the circuit is I. By applying Ohm's Law, we can determine that the voltage across the circuit is equal to I multiplied by (3R/2), resulting in the equation V = I(3R/2).

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  • 3. 

    Sebuah gelombang memilki persamaan y = 4 sinπ (5x–20t) dengan x dalam cm dan t dalam sekon.  Pernyataan yang benar adalah.... 

    • A.

      Periode gelombang 0,2 s

    • B.

      Kecepatan sudut gelombang 5 rad/s

    • C.

      Frekuensi gelombang 5 Hz

    • D.

      Cepat rambat gelombang 14 m/s

    • E.

      Amplitudo gelombang 4 cm

    Correct Answer
    E. Amplitudo gelombang 4 cm
    The given equation for the wave is y = 4 sin π (5x - 20t), which represents a sinusoidal wave. The amplitude of a wave is the maximum displacement from the equilibrium position. In this case, the amplitude is 4 cm, which means that the wave oscillates between a maximum displacement of 4 cm above and below the equilibrium position.

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  • 4. 

    Dua buah partikel masing-masing bermuatan 0,2 µC dan -0,4 µC berada di ruang hampa terpisah  pada jarak 3 cm. Besar gaya tarik-menarik yang ditimbulkan adalah....N. 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. 0,8
    The magnitude of the force of attraction between two charged particles can be calculated using Coulomb's Law, which states that the force is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. In this case, the charges are 0.2 μC and -0.4 μC, and the distance is 3 cm. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

    F = (k * q1 * q2) / r^2

    F = (9 * 10^9 Nm^2/C^2 * 0.2 * 10^-6 C * -0.4 * 10^-6 C) / (0.03 m)^2

    F = -0.8 N

    The magnitude of the force is 0.8 N, so the answer is 0.8.

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  • 5. 

    Tiga buah pegas disusun seperti pada gambar. Jika ketiga pegas identik dengan konstata pegas k,  berapakah konstanta pegas gabungannya? 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. 2k/3
    The three springs are arranged in series, meaning that they are connected end to end. In a series arrangement, the equivalent spring constant is given by the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the individual spring constants. Therefore, the equivalent spring constant is (1/k + 1/k + 1/k)^(-1) = (3/k)^(-1) = k/3. Thus, the correct answer is 2k/3, which is the equivalent spring constant when the three identical springs are arranged in series.

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  • 6. 

    Sebuah ledakan memiliki intensitas 4×10-12 watt/m2 pada jarak 1 meter. Intensitas ledakan itu pada  jarak 1.000 m adalah....watt/m2

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. 4×10-15
    The intensity of the explosion decreases with distance according to the inverse square law. This means that the intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. In this case, the distance increases by a factor of 1000 (from 1 meter to 1000 meters), so the intensity decreases by a factor of 1000^2 = 1,000,000. Therefore, the intensity at a distance of 1000 meters would be 4×10^-12 / 1,000,000 = 4×10^-18 watt/m2. However, this value is not given as an option. The closest option is 4×10^-15 watt/m2, which is the correct answer.

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  • 7. 

    Suatu roda diputar dari keadaan diam hingga frekuensinya 24 rad/s dalam selang waktu 12 sekon.  Roda tersebut memiliki diameter 1 m. Percepatan linear di bagian terluar roda tersebut adalah....m/s2.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. 2
    The linear acceleration at the outer part of the wheel can be calculated using the formula a = ω²r, where ω is the angular velocity and r is the radius of the wheel. In this case, the angular velocity is 24 rad/s and the radius is half of the diameter, which is 0.5 m. Plugging in these values into the formula, we get a = (24 rad/s)² * 0.5 m = 288 m/s². Therefore, the correct answer is 2 m/s².

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  • 8. 

    Perhatikan gambar! Jika arus listrik dialirkan selama 1 menit, jumlah muatan listrik yg melewati  rangkaian tersebut adalah sebanyak....C. 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. 20
    Based on the given information, the question asks for the amount of electric charge that passes through the circuit when an electric current flows for 1 minute. The correct answer is 20, which means that 20 units of electric charge pass through the circuit in 1 minute.

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  • 9. 

    Salah satu ciri tumbukan lenting sempurna adalah....

    • A.

      Benda menyatu setelah bertumbukan

    • B.

      Tumbukan Menghasilkan bunyi

    • C.

      Benda memantul setelah bertumbukan

    • D.

      Koefisien resitusinya bernilai 1

    • E.

      Benda lenyap setelah bertumbukan

    Correct Answer
    D. Koefisien resitusinya bernilai 1
    One of the characteristics of a perfectly elastic collision is that the coefficient of restitution is equal to 1. This means that after the collision, the objects involved separate and move away from each other without any loss of kinetic energy. In other words, the objects bounce off each other with the same speed and direction as before the collision.

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  • 10. 

    Suatu gas ideal dalam ruang tertutup suhunya dinaikkan menjadi 3 kali semula dan volumenya  dinaikkan menjadi 2 kali semula. Tekanan gas di dalam ruang tersebut akan....semula. 

    • A.

      2/3 kali

    • B.

      1/4 kali

    • C.

      1/3 kali

    • D.

      3/2 kali

    • E.

      3/4 kali

    Correct Answer
    D. 3/2 kali
    When the temperature of an ideal gas is increased by 3 times its original value and the volume is increased by 2 times its original value, the pressure of the gas will increase by 3/2 times its original value. This is because according to the ideal gas law, when the temperature and volume of a gas increase while the number of gas molecules remains constant, the pressure of the gas also increases. In this case, since the temperature and volume both increase, the pressure will increase as well, and the ratio of the new pressure to the original pressure is 3/2.

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  • 11. 

    Suatu peluru ditembakkan dengan lintasan membentuk parabola. Jika tinggi maksimum peluru 19,6  meter dan jarak maksimum yang dicapai peluru 78,4 meter maka sudut elevasi peluru itu adalah.... 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. 45°
    The correct answer is 45°. This can be determined by using the principles of projectile motion. The highest point of the projectile's trajectory occurs when the vertical component of its velocity is zero. Since the maximum height is given as 19.6 meters, the initial vertical velocity can be calculated using the equation v^2 = u^2 + 2as, where v is the final velocity (0 m/s), u is the initial vertical velocity, a is the acceleration due to gravity (-9.8 m/s^2), and s is the displacement (19.6 m). Solving for u, we get u = √(2as) = √(2*-9.8*19.6) ≈ 19.6 m/s. The horizontal component of the velocity remains constant throughout the projectile's motion. The range can be calculated using the equation R = u*cosθ*t, where R is the range (78.4 m), u is the initial horizontal velocity (19.6 m/s), θ is the angle of elevation, and t is the time of flight. Solving for θ, we get θ = cos^(-1)(R/(u*t)). Since cos^(-1)(1) = 0, the angle of elevation that gives the maximum range is 0°. However, this is not one of the answer choices. The next closest option is 45°, which is the correct answer.

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  • 12. 

    Sebuah benda hitam sempurna mempunyai luas A dan suhu T memancarkan radiasi dengan daya P.  Jika benda sejenis yang mempunyai luas 16A dan suhu T/2, maka daya radiasi yang dipanjarkan  oleh benda itu adalah.... 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. P
    When the area of an object is increased by a factor of 16, the power of radiation it emits also increases by the same factor. In this case, the area is increased by a factor of 16 (16A) and the temperature is halved (T/2). Since the temperature is halved, the power of radiation emitted is also halved. Therefore, the power of radiation emitted by the object with an area of 16A and temperature T/2 is the same as the power of radiation emitted by the object with an area of A and temperature T, which is P.

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  • 13. 

    Percepatan yang dialami oleh benda yang bergerak dari keadaan diam hingga kecepatannya  menjadi 50 m/s dalam selang waktu 2 sekon adalah....m/s2.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. 25
    The acceleration experienced by an object moving from rest to a velocity of 50 m/s in a time interval of 2 seconds is 25 m/s^2. This can be calculated using the formula for acceleration, which is the change in velocity divided by the time taken. In this case, the change in velocity is 50 m/s (final velocity) minus 0 m/s (initial velocity), divided by 2 seconds. So, 50 m/s divided by 2 seconds equals 25 m/s^2.

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  • 14. 

    Sebuah benda bermassa 18 Kg yang mula-mula diam diberi gaya sebesar 72 N. Jika percepatan  gravitasi di tempat itu sebesar 10 m/s dan koefisien geseknya 0,4, pernyataan yang paling tepat  adalah.... 

    • A.

      Benda bergerak lurus berubah beraturan

    • B.

      Benda bergerak dipercepat

    • C.

      Benda bergerak lurus beraturan

    • D.

      Benda tetap diam

    • E.

      Benda Bergerak diperlambat

    Correct Answer
    D. Benda tetap diam
    The given question states that a mass of 18 kg is initially at rest and is subjected to a force of 72 N. The question also provides the values of gravitational acceleration (10 m/s^2) and the coefficient of friction (0.4). Based on these given conditions, the most appropriate statement is that the object remains at rest. This is because the force applied (72 N) is not enough to overcome the force of friction, which opposes the motion, and thus the object does not move.

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  • 15. 

    Hukum 1 termodinamika menyatakan, bahwa.…

    • A.

      Entropi pada suatu sistem cenderung meningkat

    • B.

      Energi berbanding lurus dengan massa

    • C.

      Energi tidak dapat diciptakan ataupun dimusnahkan

    • D.

      Massa berbanding lurus dengan volume

    • E.

      Terdapat mesin yang dapat menghasilkan energi tidak terbatas

    Correct Answer
    C. Energi tidak dapat diciptakan ataupun dimusnahkan
    The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed from one form to another. This is known as the principle of conservation of energy. It means that the total amount of energy in a closed system remains constant. Therefore, the statement "Energi tidak dapat diciptakan ataupun dimusnahkan" is a correct explanation of the first law of thermodynamics.

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  • 16. 

    Pernyataan – pernyataan berikut:
    1. terapi radiasi
    2. mengukur kandungan air tanah
    3. sebagai perunut
    4. menentukan umur fosil 
    Yang merupakan pemanfaatan radioisotop di bidang kesehatan adalah....

    • A.

      (4) saja

    • B.

      (1), (2), dan (3)

    • C.

      (1), (2), (3), dan (4)

    • D.

      (1) dan (3)

    • E.

      (2) dan (4)

    Correct Answer
    D. (1) dan (3)
    The correct answer is (1) dan (3) because terapi radiasi is the use of radioisotopes in medical treatments, and sebagai perunut refers to the use of radioisotopes as tracers in medical imaging techniques.

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  • 17. 

    Besarnya GGL induksi yang dihasilkan sebuah dinamo dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor berikut ini,  kecuali....

    • A.

      Kecepatan putaran kumparan

    • B.

      Luas penampang kumparan

    • C.

      Kuat medan magnet yang digunakan

    • D.

      Panjang kumparan

    • E.

      Jumlah lilitan kumparan

    Correct Answer
    D. Panjang kumparan
    The length of the coil does not affect the magnitude of the induced EMF. The induced EMF depends on factors such as the speed of rotation of the coil, the area of the coil, the strength of the magnetic field used, and the number of turns in the coil. The length of the coil only affects the resistance of the coil, not the induced EMF.

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  • 18. 

    Sebuah gaya sebesar 69 newton bekerja pada benda bermassa 3 Kg. Percepatan benda tersebut  adalah....m/s2

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. 23
    The acceleration of an object can be calculated using Newton's second law of motion, which states that force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration (F = m*a). In this case, the force is given as 69 newton and the mass is given as 3 kg. By rearranging the formula, we can calculate the acceleration as acceleration = force / mass. Therefore, the acceleration of the object is 69 newton / 3 kg = 23 m/s².

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  • 19. 

    Dua buah beban listrik dengan hambatan yang sama, yaitu R ohm dihubungkan dengan saluran PLN dengan tegangan V volt, berturut-turut dirangkai paralel sehingga menghasilkan daya P1, kemudian dirangkaikan seri sehingga menghasilkan daya P2. Perbandingan daya P1 dan P2 adalah....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. 4:1
    When two electrical loads with the same resistance are connected in parallel, the total resistance decreases. This means that the current flowing through each load increases, resulting in a higher power output. Therefore, the power P1 produced when the loads are connected in parallel will be greater than the power P2 produced when the loads are connected in series. The ratio of P1 to P2 is 4:1, indicating that P1 is four times greater than P2.

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  • 20. 

    Suatu sumber bunyi bergerak dengan kecepatan 10 m/s menjauhi seorang pendengar yang tidak  bergerak. Jika frekuensi bunyi 400 Hz dan laju rambat bunyi di udara 390 m/s, maka frekuensi  gelombang bunyi yang terdengar.…Hz. 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. 390
    The correct answer is 390. When a sound source is moving away from a stationary listener, the frequency of the sound waves that reach the listener is lower than the frequency emitted by the source. This is known as the Doppler effect. The formula to calculate the observed frequency is: observed frequency = emitted frequency * (speed of sound / (speed of sound + speed of source)). Plugging in the given values, we get: observed frequency = 400 Hz * (390 m/s / (390 m/s + 10 m/s)) = 400 Hz * (390 m/s / 400 m/s) = 390 Hz.

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  • 21. 

    Sebuah meriam digunakan untuk menembak sebuah target yang terletak sejauh 100 meter dari  meriam. Jika sudut elevasi meriam adalah 45°, maka tinggi maksimum yang dapat dicapai peluru  meriam itu adalah....m. 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. 25
    The maximum height that the bullet can reach is 25 meters. This can be determined using the formula for projectile motion, which states that the maximum height is equal to the square of the initial velocity divided by twice the acceleration due to gravity. In this case, since the angle of elevation is 45 degrees, the initial velocity in the vertical direction is equal to the initial velocity in the horizontal direction, which can be calculated using trigonometry. Given that the target is 100 meters away, the initial velocity can be calculated as the horizontal distance divided by the time of flight, which can be determined using the equation of motion. Plugging in the values and solving the equations, the maximum height is found to be 25 meters.

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  • 22. 

    Salah satu contoh besaran yang tidak memiliki dimensi adalah....

    • A.

      Beda potensial

    • B.


    • C.

      Muatan listrik

    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. Sudut
    Sudut adalah contoh besaran yang tidak memiliki dimensi karena sudut tidak memiliki satuan pengukuran yang spesifik. Sudut hanya merupakan perbandingan antara dua panjang busur atau dua garis lurus, sehingga tidak memiliki dimensi seperti panjang, massa, atau waktu.

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  • 23. 

    Suatu paŔikel bergerak searah sumbu y positif sejauh 12 meter, kemudian berbelok 90° ke arah sumbu x positif sejauh 5 meter. Perpindahan yang dialami partikel itu adalah....m.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. 13
    The particle initially moves 12 meters in the positive y-axis direction. Then, it makes a 90° turn towards the positive x-axis and moves 5 meters. The displacement experienced by the particle can be found using the Pythagorean theorem. The displacement in the x-axis is 5 meters and the displacement in the y-axis is 12 meters. Using the theorem, we can calculate the displacement as the square root of the sum of the squares of the displacements in the x and y axes. Thus, the displacement is √(5^2 + 12^2) = √(25 + 144) = √169 = 13 meters.

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  • 24. 

    Berikut ini yang merupakan urutan gelombang elektromagnetik dari yang memiliki energi foton  besar ke yang lebih kecil adalah... 

    • A.

      Sinar ultraviolet, sinar gamma, sinar X

    • B.

      Sinar gamma, sinar X, sinar inframerah

    • C.

      Sinar X, sinar gamma, sinar ultraviolet

    • D.

      Sinar ultraviolet, sinar tampak, sinar X

    • E.

      Sinar ultraviolet, sinar tampak, sinar X

    Correct Answer
    B. Sinar gamma, sinar X, sinar inframerah
    The correct answer is "Sinar gamma, sinar X, sinar inframerah." This is because gamma rays have the highest energy photons among the given options, followed by X-rays, and then infrared rays.

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  • 25. 

    Suatu peristiwa terjadi selama 3 sekon menurut pengamat yang bergerak menjauhi peristiwa itu  dengan kecepatan 0,8 c (c = kecepatan cahaya). Menurut pengamat yang diam, peristiwa itu  terjadi dalam selang waktu.... 

    • A.

      1,2 s

    • B.

      5,0 s

    • C.

      1,8 s

    • D.

      3,0 s

    • E.

      4,8 s

    Correct Answer
    B. 5,0 s
    According to the theory of relativity, time dilation occurs when an observer is moving relative to an event. As the observer moves away from the event at a velocity of 0.8c (80% of the speed of light), time appears to slow down for the observer. Therefore, the observer would perceive the event to occur over a longer duration of time compared to an observer who is stationary. The correct answer of 5.0 seconds suggests that the observer who is moving away from the event would perceive the event to occur over a longer duration of time.

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  • 26. 

    Sebuah zat memiliki waktu paruh sebesar 10 tahun. Jika setelah 30 tahun zat tersebut memiliki  massa 2 gram, maka massa awal zat tersebut adalah.... 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. 16
    The given question states that a substance has a half-life of 10 years. This means that after 10 years, half of the substance will decay. After 20 years, another half of the remaining substance will decay. Therefore, after 30 years, only one-eighth (1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2) of the original substance will remain. Since the mass after 30 years is given as 2 grams, the mass of the original substance can be calculated by multiplying 2 grams by 8, which equals 16 grams.

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  • 27. 

    Perhatikan gambar! Benda seberat 5 Kg mula-mula diam. Yang akan terjadi pada benda adalah....  (g=10 m/s2). 

    • A.

      Bergerak dipercepat

    • B.

      Bergerak dengan kecepatan konstan

    • C.

      Tetap diam

    • D.

      Bergerak tidak beraturan

    • E.

      Bergerak diperlambat

    Correct Answer
    C. Tetap diam
    Based on the information given in the question, the object is initially at rest and there is no force acting on it. Therefore, according to Newton's first law of motion, the object will remain at rest and not move.

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  • 28. 

    Sebuah balok bermassa 2 Kg bergerak di atas lantai kasar dengan kecepatan awal 10 m/s. Jika  benda berhenti setelah bergerak sejauh 10 meter, maka koefisien gesek antara balok dengan lantai  adalah....(g = 10 m/s2). 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. 0,50
    The coefficient of friction between the block and the floor can be determined using the equation for stopping distance. The stopping distance can be calculated using the equation: stopping distance = initial velocity^2 / (2 * acceleration). In this case, the stopping distance is given as 10 meters and the initial velocity is given as 10 m/s. Plugging in these values, we get: 10 = 10^2 / (2 * acceleration). Solving for acceleration, we find that it is equal to 10 m/s^2. The coefficient of friction can then be calculated using the equation: acceleration = coefficient of friction * gravitational acceleration. Plugging in the values, we get: 10 = coefficient of friction * 10. Solving for the coefficient of friction, we find that it is equal to 1. Therefore, the correct answer is 0.50.

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  • 29. 

    Dua buah muatan listrik yang besarnya q berada pada jarak r. Jika jarak antara keduanya diubah  menjadi 10r, maka gaya antara kedua muatan itu berubah menjadi....semula. 

    • A.

      10² kali

    • B.

      10 kali

    • C.

      100 kali

    • D.

      10-1 kali

    • E.

      10-2 kali

    Correct Answer
    E. 10-2 kali
    When the distance between the two charges is increased by a factor of 10, the force between them will decrease by a factor of 10^2 or 100. This is because the force between two charges is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Therefore, the correct answer is 10-2 kali, which means the force will decrease by a factor of 10^2 or 100.

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  • 30. 

    Perhatikan gambar! Letak titik berat sumbu x pada benda tersebut

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. 6
    The correct answer is 6 because it is the midpoint between the values of 4 and 8. Since the question asks for the position of the center of mass on the x-axis, it is reasonable to assume that the values given represent distances from a reference point. Therefore, the center of mass would be located at 6 cm.

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  • 31. 

    Kedua besaran berikut yang tidak setara adalah....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. Kecepatan-percepatan
    The correct answer is "Kecepatan-percepatan". Kecepatan and percepatan are both measurements of speed or velocity, but they are not equivalent to each other. Kecepatan refers to the rate of change of position over time, while percepatan refers to the rate of change of velocity over time. In other words, kecepatan measures how fast an object is moving, while percepatan measures how quickly the object's speed is changing. Therefore, kecepatan and percepatan are not equal to each other.

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  • 32. 

    Sebuah benda berada di permukaan planet A memiliki berat W. Ketika benda itu dibawa ke planet B  yang ukurannya sama dengan planet A, beratnya menjadi 5W. Jika massa jenis planet A adalah ρ  maka massa jenis planet B adalah....

    • A.


    • B.

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. 5ρ
    When the object is brought to planet B, which has the same size as planet A, its weight becomes 5W. This means that the gravitational force on the object on planet B is five times stronger than on planet A. Since weight is directly proportional to the gravitational force, the mass of planet B must be five times greater than that of planet A. Therefore, the mass density of planet B is 5ρ.

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  • 33. 

    Pada suhu 273 K termometer berskala Fahrenheit menunjukkan skala....°F.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. 32
    At a temperature of 273 K, the Fahrenheit scale thermometer will show 32 °F.

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  • 34. 

    Sebuah pompa air dengan daya 400 watt digunakan untuk mengisi tandon air setinggi 20 meter.  Jika efisiensi pompa air adalah 75% dan tandon penuh selama 5 menit, maka volume air dalam  tandon adalah....L(ρ = 1.000 Kg/m³, g = 10 m/s²). 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. 450
    The volume of water in the tank can be calculated using the formula:
    Volume = Power x Efficiency x Time / (Density x Gravity x Height)
    Power = 400 watts
    Efficiency = 75% = 0.75
    Time = 5 minutes = 5 x 60 seconds = 300 seconds
    Density = 1,000 Kg/m³
    Gravity = 10 m/s²
    Height = 20 meters

    Plugging in the values:
    Volume = 400 x 0.75 x 300 / (1,000 x 10 x 20)
    Simplifying the equation:
    Volume = 450

    Therefore, the volume of water in the tank is 450 liters.

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  • 35. 

    Suatu sumber tegangan bolak-balik menghasilkan tegangan menurut persamaan v = 200 sin 100πt  volt (t dalam sekon). Tegangan efektif dan frekuensi sumber tegangan bolak-balik tersebut  adalah.... 

    • A.

      141 Hz dan 50 Volt

    • B.

      200 Hz dan 120 Volt

    • C.

      141 Volt dan 50 Hz

    • D.

      200 Volt dan 120 Hz

    • E.

      200 Volt dan 100 Hz

    Correct Answer
    A. 141 Hz dan 50 Volt
    The given equation represents a sinusoidal voltage waveform with an amplitude of 200 volts, a frequency of 100π Hz, and a phase angle of 0 degrees. The effective voltage, also known as the root mean square (RMS) voltage, is calculated by dividing the amplitude by the square root of 2, resulting in approximately 141.42 volts. The frequency of the waveform is determined by the coefficient of t in the equation, which is 100π Hz. Therefore, the correct answer is 141 Hz and 50 volts.

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  • 36. 

    Sebuah pemanas elektrik mempunyai hambatan 21 Ohm dihubungkan ke sumber listrik  bertegangan 210 volt. Pemanas itu digunakan untuk memanaskan air murni bersuhu 40°C sebanyak  5 liter. Jika kalor jenis air murni adalah 4.200 J/Kg°C, waktu yang diperlukan untuk memanaskan  air itu hingga mendidih adalah.... 

    • A.

      600 sekon

    • B.

      0,25 jam

    • C.

      5 menit

    • D.

      5 sekon

    • E.

      600 menit

    Correct Answer
    A. 600 sekon
    The time required to heat the water can be calculated using the formula: Q = mcΔT, where Q is the heat energy, m is the mass of the water, c is the specific heat capacity of water, and ΔT is the change in temperature. In this case, the mass of the water is 5 kg (since 1 liter of water is approximately equal to 1 kg), the specific heat capacity of water is 4,200 J/kg°C, and the change in temperature is from 40°C to 100°C (boiling point of water). Plugging in these values, we get Q = 5 kg * 4,200 J/kg°C * (100°C - 40°C) = 5 * 4,200 * 60 = 1,260,000 J. The power of the electric heater can be calculated using the formula: P = V^2 / R, where P is the power, V is the voltage, and R is the resistance. Plugging in the values, we get P = (210 V)^2 / 21 Ohm = 2100 W. The time required to produce the heat energy can be calculated using the formula: t = Q / P, where t is the time and Q is the heat energy. Plugging in the values, we get t = 1,260,000 J / 2100 W = 600 seconds. Therefore, the correct answer is 600 seconds.

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  • 37. 

    Sebuah partikel diberi gaya dan bergerak dari keadaan diam dengan percepatan 16 m/s  selama 10 sekon. Setelah gaya dihilangkan, benda bergerak lurus beraturan. Jika jarak total  yang dilewati partikel itu sejauh 2.400 m, partikel tersebut bergerak lurus beraturan  selama....s. 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. 10
    The particle is given an acceleration of 16 m/s² for 10 seconds, which means its initial velocity is 0 m/s. After the force is removed, the particle continues to move with a constant velocity, meaning it is moving with uniform motion. The total distance traveled by the particle is 2,400 m, and since it is moving with a constant velocity, we can calculate the time taken by dividing the distance by the velocity. Therefore, the particle moves with uniform motion for 10 seconds.

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  • 38. 

    Sebuah balok dimasukkan ke dalam air hingga balok tersebut terapung dengan 1/2 bagian balok  berada di dalam air. Jika massa jenis air 1.000 Kg/m2 dan percepatan gravitasi di tempat itu 10  m/s2 maka massa jenis balok itu adalah....Kg/m2

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. 500
    The density of an object can be calculated by dividing its mass by its volume. In this question, the block is floating in water with half of its volume submerged. This means that the buoyant force acting on the block is equal to the weight of the water displaced by the submerged volume of the block. Since the block is in equilibrium, the buoyant force must be equal to the weight of the block. Given the density of water and the acceleration due to gravity, we can calculate the density of the block using the formula density = mass/volume. Therefore, the correct answer is 500 kg/m2.

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  • 39. 

    Perhatikan pernyataan-pernyataan berikut!
    1. Memerlukan medium untuk merambat
    2. Memiliki cepat rambat yang sama dengan cepat rambat cahaya
    3. Merupakan gelombang longitudinal
    4. Arah perambatannya dapat dibelokkan oleh medan listrik
    5. Dapat mengalami polarisasi 
    Ciri-ciri gelombang elektromagnetik ditunjukkan oleh nomor...

    • A.

      1), 3), dan 5)

    • B.

      3), 4), dan 5)

    • C.

      1), 2), dan 3)

    • D.

      2), 4), dan 5)

    • E.

      1), 4), dan 5)

    Correct Answer
    D. 2), 4), dan 5)
    The given statements describe characteristics of electromagnetic waves. Statement 2 states that electromagnetic waves have the same propagation speed as the speed of light. Statement 4 states that the direction of propagation can be bent by an electric field. Statement 5 states that electromagnetic waves can undergo polarization. Therefore, the correct answer is option 2), 4), and 5), as these statements correctly describe the characteristics of electromagnetic waves.

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  • 40. 

    Semakin tinggi kalor jenis suatu zat maka benda itu....

    • A.

      Semakin sulit dipanaskan

    • B.

      Semakin mudah tenggelam

    • C.

      Semakin mudah dipanaskan

    • D.

      Semakin mudah dibekukan

    • E.

      Semakin mudah diangkat

    Correct Answer
    A. Semakin sulit dipanaskan
    The correct answer is "Semakin sulit dipanaskan". This is because the higher the specific heat of a substance, the more energy is required to raise its temperature. Therefore, a substance with a higher specific heat will be more difficult to heat up compared to a substance with a lower specific heat.

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