حل المشكلة هى الوصول الى الهدف او الناتج المطلوب من خلال معطيات واجراءات مرتبة منطقيا
Correct Answer
A. صح
The explanation for the correct answer is that solving a problem involves reaching the desired goal or outcome by using logical data and procedures. This means that in order to solve a problem, one needs to analyze the given information, organize it in a logical manner, and follow a systematic approach to achieve the desired result.
الخطوات والانشطة والعمليات التى ينبغى القيام للوصول الى هدف او ناتج يطلق عليها
Correct Answer
C. حل المشكلة
The correct answer is "حل المشكلة" which translates to "problem solving" in English. This answer is appropriate because it is the step or activity that follows the identification of the problem. Once a problem is identified, the next logical step is to find a solution or resolve the problem. Therefore, "حل المشكلة" is the correct answer in this context.
خرائط التدفق يتم رسمها على الكمبيوتر فقط
Correct Answer
B. خطأ
The statement "خرائط التدفق يتم رسمها على الكمبيوتر فقط" translates to "Flowcharts are only drawn on the computer." This statement is incorrect because flowcharts can also be drawn manually using pen and paper or other physical tools.
الشكل الذى يستخدم فى بداية ونهاية خرائط التدفق
Correct Answer
C. بيضاوى
The correct answer is "بيضاوى" (oval). The question is asking about the shape that is used at the beginning and end of flowcharts. In flowcharts, oval shapes are typically used to represent the start and end points of a process or program. They indicate the beginning and end of the flowchart and are used to show where the process starts and where it ends.
الخوارزمية هى اول مراحل حل المشكلة
Correct Answer
B. خطأ
رمز يستخدم للتعبير عن المقارنة واتخاذ القرار
Correct Answer
A. المعين
The word "المعين" in Arabic means "the determinant" or "the indicator." In the context of the given question, it is used to express comparison and decision-making. Therefore, it is the most appropriate term to represent the concept being described.
ترسم خرائط التدفق باستخدام اشكال هندسيه قياسيه معينه
Correct Answer
A. صح
The explanation for the given correct answer is that when drawing flowcharts, it is common practice to use specific standard geometric shapes. These shapes represent different actions, decisions, or processes in the flowchart. Using standard geometric shapes helps in creating a clear and universally understandable representation of the flow of a process or system.
اخر مراحل حل المشكلات
Correct Answer
B. توثيق البرنامج
The correct answer is "توثيق البرنامج" (Documenting the program). This is the correct answer because after identifying the problem and preparing the steps for the solution, it is important to document the program. Documenting the program involves writing down the steps, explanations, and any other necessary information related to the solution. This documentation helps in understanding and maintaining the program in the future.
يستخدم شكل المعين فى حالة سؤال له اكثر من بديل
Correct Answer
A. صح
The explanation for the correct answer is that the statement is true. The "صح" option is chosen because it indicates that the given statement is correct. The use of the term "شكل المعين" suggests that there are multiple alternatives or options, and the correct answer is one of those options.
شكل يستخدم للتعبير عن المعالجه /العمليات الحسابيه
Correct Answer
B. المستطيل
The correct answer is "المستطيل" (rectangle). A rectangle is a shape that is commonly used to represent processing or mathematical operations. It has four sides and four right angles, which make it a suitable choice for visually representing calculations or algorithms.
من مزايا خرائط التدفق انها مفيدة فى شرح البرنامج للاخرين
Correct Answer
A. صح
خرائط التدفق هي أدوات توضح تسلسل الخطوات والعمليات في برنامج معين. فهي تعرض العمليات بشكل بصري ومنظم، مما يجعلها سهلة الفهم والاستيعاب للآخرين. وبالتالي، يمكن استخدامها لشرح البرنامج للآخرين بطريقة بسيطة ومباشرة.
خرائط التدفق تستخدم اشكال ......لتمثيل بيانات حل المشكلة ما
Correct Answer
B. قياسية
خرائط التدفق تستخدم أشكال قياسية لتمثيل بيانات حل المشكلة. This means that flowcharts use standard shapes to represent problem-solving data.
توثيق البرنامج يعنى التاكد من خلو البرنامج من الاخطاء
Correct Answer
B. خطأ
التاكد من خلو البرنامج من الاخطاء يطلق عليها
Correct Answer
A. اختبار صحة البرنامج
The term "اختبار صحة البرنامج" translates to "software testing" in English. This process involves checking the program for errors and ensuring its functionality and reliability. It is an essential step in the software development life cycle to identify and fix any bugs or issues before the program is released to users. Therefore, the given answer accurately describes the process of ensuring the program's error-free operation.
الخوارزمية هى هدف يتطلب ايجاد حل له
Correct Answer
B. خطأ
The given statement is incorrect. The algorithm is not a goal that requires finding a solution. Rather, it is a step-by-step procedure or a set of rules for solving a specific problem or accomplishing a specific task.
اعداد كوب من العصير للنجم خميس الشيشينى يعتبر
Correct Answer
C. مشكلة
The correct answer is "مشكلة". This answer is chosen because the question mentions "اعداد كوب من العصير للنجم خميس الشيشينى يعتبر" which translates to "Preparing a cup of juice for the star Khamees Al-Shishini is considered..." The phrase "يعتبر" implies that there is a problem or issue related to preparing the juice, hence the correct answer is "مشكلة" which means "problem" in Arabic.
اذا عجبك الامتحان اضغط على نعم و اذا لم يعجبك اضغط على لا و يتخصم الدرجه
مع تمنياتى لكم بالنجاح و التوفيق
Correct Answer
A. نعم ومستنين باقى الامتحانات
The correct answer is "نعم ومستنين باقى الامتحانات" because it is a positive response indicating that the person liked the exam and is looking forward to the remaining exams. The other options are not relevant or do not provide a valid explanation for the correct answer.