يمكن الحصول على المعطيات اللازمة لحل اى مشكلة من خلال مرحلة تحديد المدخلات
Correct Answer
A. صح
The statement suggests that the necessary data to solve any problem can be obtained through the process of identifying the inputs. This implies that by correctly identifying and gathering the relevant information, one can effectively address and find solutions to various problems.
المرحلة التى تسبق كتابة كود البرنامج هى
Correct Answer
C. وضع خطة الحل Algorithm
Before writing the program code, the first stage is to determine the inputs and outputs of the program. However, this alone is not sufficient for writing the code. The next crucial step is to develop a plan or algorithm for solving the problem at hand. This involves breaking down the problem into smaller, manageable steps and determining the logic and sequence of operations that need to be performed. Only after the algorithm is defined can the actual coding process begin.
تعتبر الموسوعات نوع مميز من المراجع التى تقدم اهم المعلومات و الحقائق التى تتعلق بمختلف المعارف الانسانية او جزء منها
Correct Answer
A. صح
الموسوعات هي مراجع تقدم معلومات وحقائق حول مختلف المعارف البشرية أو جزء منها.
يمكن ان يحتوى المجلد الواحد على folder
Correct Answer
C. كل ماسبق
The given correct answer "كل ماسبق" means "all of the above" in English. This suggests that a single folder can contain multiple files, multiple folders, or both. Therefore, it encompasses all the options mentioned in the question, making it the correct answer.
يمكن استخدام برنامج الجداول الالكترونية فى انشاء قاعدة البيانات Database
Correct Answer
A. صح
A spreadsheet program can be used to create a database because it allows users to organize and manipulate data in a tabular format. The program provides features such as sorting, filtering, and performing calculations on the data, which are essential for managing a database. Additionally, spreadsheets can be easily shared and collaborated on, making them a convenient tool for creating and maintaining databases.
تحتوى الخلية على بيانات
Correct Answer
A. نصوص
The correct answer is "نصوص" because the question is asking about the types of data that a cell contains. "نصوص" translates to "texts" in English, which is a common type of data that can be found in a cell.
يعتبر توثيق البرنامج Documentation اخر مرحلة فى اسلوب حل المشكلات
Correct Answer
A. صح
توثيق البرنامج هو عملية وثائقية تهدف إلى توثيق وشرح وتوضيح عمل البرنامج وكيفية استخدامه وتركيبه. يعتبر توثيق البرنامج مرحلة أساسية في عملية حل المشكلات، حيث يساعد على تسهيل فهم البرنامج وتعديله وصيانته في المستقبل.
تعتبر مواقع الانترنت الاتية من محركات البحث " Search Engine " عدا الموقع
Correct Answer
A. Www.twitter.com
The given question asks to identify the website that is not considered a search engine. The options provided are www.twitter.com, www.google.com, and www.yahoo.com. Both Google and Yahoo are well-known search engines, while Twitter is a social media platform and not primarily a search engine. Therefore, the correct answer is www.twitter.com.
يمكن حفظ المصنف " WorkBook " واعتباره ملف قاعدة بيانات " Database "
Correct Answer
A. صح
The statement is correct. It states that a "WorkBook" can be saved and considered as a "Database" file. This means that the "WorkBook" can be used to store and organize data in a similar way to a traditional database.
............هى وسائط يخزن عليها جميع انواع البيانات والمعلومات
Correct Answer
B. Multimedia
Multimedia refers to the combination of different forms of media such as text, audio, video, and graphics. It is a medium that can store and display various types of data and information. This includes storing and playing back audio files, video files, images, and other multimedia content. Multimedia can be stored and accessed on various hardware devices such as computers, smartphones, tablets, and other multimedia devices. Therefore, the correct answer for this question is Multimedia.
يتكون الملف File الواحد من مجموعة من الملفات والمجلدات Folder
Correct Answer
B. خطأ
The given statement is incorrect. A file is not composed of a collection of files and folders. A file is a unit of data storage that contains information, while a folder is a container used to organize and store files and other folders. Therefore, a file cannot be made up of multiple files and folders.
ال .......... من الوسائط المتعددة
Correct Answer
A. CD-Rom
CD-ROM is the correct answer because it is a type of multimedia storage device that can store and retrieve large amounts of data, including audio, video, and software. It is commonly used for distributing software, games, and multimedia content. TV and mobile are also examples of multimedia devices, but they are not specifically referred to as "CD-ROM." The option "لاشئ" means "nothing" and does not fit the category of multimedia devices.
لحذف مجلد او ملف انقر بزر الفأرة الايمن على المجلد او الملف واختر Rename من القائمة المختصره
Correct Answer
B. خطأ
اخر مرحلة من مراحل حل المشكلة هو ..................
Correct Answer
B. توثيق المشروع
The correct answer is "توثيق المشروع" which means "documenting the project" in English. This refers to the final stage of problem-solving where the project or solution is documented, including all the steps taken, decisions made, and results achieved. Documentation is important for future reference, to ensure that the solution is well-documented and can be easily understood and replicated if needed.
شبكة الانترنت تقدم خدمات كثيرة ماعدا خدمة البحث 'Search "
Correct Answer
B. خطأ