Protokol razgranatog stabla (eng. Spanning Tree Protocol, STP) koristi se za:
Correct Answer
C. Eliminisanje redundantnih veza
The correct answer is "Eliminisanje redundantnih veza." The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is used to eliminate redundant links in a network. It ensures that there is only one active path between any two network devices to prevent loops and broadcast storms. By identifying and disabling redundant links, STP helps to maintain a loop-free topology and ensures efficient and reliable network operation.
Pravila po kojima se odvijaju komunikacije u racunarskim mrezama nazivaju se:
Correct Answer
B. Protokoli
Protokoli se odnose na pravila koja se koriste u komunikaciji u računarskim mrežama. Oni su skup standardizovanih pravila i postupaka koji omogućavaju razmenu podataka između uređaja u mreži. Protokoli definišu format i strukturu podataka, kao i način slanja, primanja i obrade podataka. Korišćenjem protokola, uređaji u mreži mogu efikasno komunicirati i razmenjivati informacije.
Uzrok gresaka u telekomunikacionim kanalima kod koga se signali iz dva nezavisna toka podataka kombinuju I stvaraju nov signal ( koji upada u frekvenciju koja je rezervisana za drugi signal) nazivaju se:
Correct Answer
G. Intermodulacioni sum
Intermodulacioni sum se odnosi na grešku u telekomunikacionim kanalima kada se signali iz dva nezavisna toka podataka kombinuju i stvaraju novi signal koji upada u frekvenciju koja je rezervisana za drugi signal. Ova greška može dovesti do ometanja i izobličenja signala, što može rezultirati lošijom kvalitetom komunikacije.
Uvodjenje klasa mreza (1981. Godina) dovelo je do:
Correct Answer
A. Odredjivanja velicine mreze na osnovu prvih bitova adrese
The introduction of network classes in 1981 led to the determination of network size based on the first bits of the address. This means that the first few bits of the IP address were used to identify the network to which the device belongs. This allowed for better organization and management of networks, as well as efficient routing of data packets. It also helped in optimizing the allocation of IP addresses and reducing the wastage of available addresses.
Sledeci Eternet mrezni uredjaji ne moraju da imaju memoriju:
Correct Answer(s)
C. Razvodnici
D. Ripiteri
Razvodnici (hubs) and ripiteri (repeaters) do not require memory because they operate at the physical layer of the Ethernet network. They simply amplify or regenerate the signal and do not make any decisions based on the data being transmitted. On the other hand, mostovi (bridges), komutatori (switches), and ruteri (routers) operate at higher layers of the network and require memory to store and process data packets.
Klase mreznih adresa su zamenjene besklasnim adresovanjem:
Correct Answer
B. 1993. Godine
In 1993, the classful addressing system was replaced with classless addressing. Classful addressing divided IP addresses into classes (A, B, C, D, and E) based on the number of network and host bits. This system was inefficient as it allocated large blocks of addresses to organizations, resulting in address wastage. Classless addressing, on the other hand, allows for more flexible allocation of IP addresses by using variable-length subnet masks. This change in addressing was necessary to accommodate the growing demand for IP addresses and to make more efficient use of the available address space.
Na sledecoj slici prikazana je topologija:
Correct Answer
C. Zvezda
The correct answer is "Zvezda" because the given options represent different network topologies. "Zvezda" refers to a star topology where all devices are connected to a central hub. This topology allows for easy management and troubleshooting as each device has its own dedicated connection to the central hub.
Termin “visestruko udmoljavanje” (eng. Multihoming) odnosi se na:
Correct Answer
D. Povezivanje racunara sa dve racunarske mreze
Multihoming refers to the process of connecting a computer to two or more computer networks simultaneously. This allows the computer to communicate with devices on multiple networks, increasing redundancy and improving network performance. Multihoming can be achieved by using multiple network cards or by connecting to multiple networks through a single network card. In this case, the correct answer is "Povezivanje racunara sa dve racunarske mreze" which translates to "Connecting a computer to two computer networks".
Eternet mreze zasnovane na kablovima sa upredenim paricama I komutatorima sledecem rezimu rada:
Correct Answer
E. Puni-dupleks
The correct answer is "Puni-dupleks." This refers to full-duplex mode, which allows for simultaneous two-way communication between devices. In full-duplex mode, data can be transmitted and received at the same time, increasing the efficiency and speed of communication in Ethernet networks.
Racunarske mreze koje koriste eternet razvodnike I kablove sa upredenim paricama koriste sledecu logicku topologiju:
Correct Answer
E. Magistrala
The correct answer is "Magistrala". This is because the question is asking about the logical topology used by computer networks that use Ethernet switches and twisted pair cables. Out of the given options, "Magistrala" is the logical topology that uses a single shared communication channel, where all devices are connected to the same cable.
Slojevit model racunarskih telekomunikacija, koji je razvila ISO organizacija, naziva se:
Correct Answer
A. Open Systems Interconnection
The correct answer is Open Systems Interconnection. The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is a conceptual framework that standardizes the functions of a communication system into seven different layers. It was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to facilitate interoperability between different computer systems and networks. The OSI model provides a structured approach to designing and implementing network protocols, allowing different devices and applications to communicate with each other effectively.
Skracenica ADSL oznacava:
Correct Answer
B. Assymetric digital subscriber line
ADSL stands for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. This technology allows for high-speed internet access over traditional copper telephone lines. The term "asymmetric" refers to the fact that the download speed is typically faster than the upload speed. This is suitable for most internet users who require faster download speeds for activities like streaming, browsing, and downloading files, while the upload speed is less important. ADSL is a widely used and popular technology for residential and small business internet connections.
Osnovni elementi opsteg modela komunikacionog sistema su:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Prenosni sistem
C. Predajnik
D. Odrediste
F. Prijemnik
G. Izvor
The basic elements of a general model of a communication system are the transmission system, transmitter, destination, receiver, and source. The transmission system refers to the medium through which the communication signals are transmitted, such as wireless or wired transmission. The transmitter is responsible for encoding and sending the information. The destination is the intended recipient of the message. The receiver decodes the information and retrieves the message. The source is the originator of the message.
Racunarske telekomunikacije predstavljaju:
Correct Answer
C. Tehnoloski napredak u ljudskoj komunikaciji
Racunarske telekomunikacije predstavljaju tehnološki napredak u ljudskoj komunikaciji. This statement suggests that computer telecommunications represent technological progress in human communication.
Uredjaj koji bi se mogao okarakterisati kao “viseportni digitalni pojacivac signala je”:
Correct Answer
B. Razvodnik
A "viseportni digitalni pojacivac signala" can be translated as a "multi-port digital signal amplifier." Out of the given options, the term "Razvodnik" translates to "splitter" in English. A splitter is a device that takes an input signal and splits it into multiple output signals, making it a suitable choice for a multi-port digital signal amplifier.
Ukoliko zelimo da podatke saljemo u manjim jedinicama, koje treba da na odrediste stignu u istom redosledu, resenje je:
Correct Answer
C. Komutacija paketa
Komutacija paketa je rešenje jer omogućava slanje podataka u manjim jedinicama, koje će stići na odredište u istom redosledu. Kod komutacije paketa, podaci se dele na manje pakete koji se zatim šalju preko mreže. Svaki paket može pratiti sopstveni put i stići na odredište nezavisno od drugih paketa. Na odredištu se paketi ponovo sastavljaju u ispravan redosled kako bi se rekonstruisali originalni podaci.
Iskljuciva disjunkcija je jedna od logickih operacija koje se koriste u radu sa Internet protokolom. Njenim koriscenjem se prvenstveno omogucava utvrdjivanje:
Correct Answer
A. Pozicija na kojoj se bitovi dva niza razlikuju
The correct answer is "Pozicija na kojoj se bitovi dva niza razlikuju" (The position at which the bits of two arrays differ). The explanation for this answer is that exclusive disjunction, also known as XOR (exclusive OR), is a logical operation that compares two bits and returns 1 if they are different and 0 if they are the same. Therefore, by using exclusive disjunction, we can determine the position or index at which the bits of two arrays differ.
Racunarske mreze koje koriste Eternet razvodnike I kablove sa upredenim paricama koriste sledecu fizicku topologiju:
Correct Answer
D. Zvezda
The correct answer is "Zvezda." In a star topology, all devices are connected to a central hub or switch. This central hub acts as a central point of communication, allowing devices to communicate with each other through the hub. This topology is commonly used in Ethernet networks as it provides a high level of scalability, flexibility, and ease of troubleshooting.
Proces koji se odvija kad TCP komunicira sa IP je:
Correct Answer
A. Inkapsulacija
When TCP communicates with IP, the process that takes place is called encapsulation. This refers to the process of adding the TCP segment into the IP datagram, which includes encapsulating the TCP data within the IP packet. This allows the TCP segment to be transmitted over the network using IP as the underlying protocol.
Protokol za razresavanje adrese (eng. Address Resolution Protocol, ARP) je protokol zaduzen za:
Correct Answer
E. Prevodjenje logickih adresa u fizicke
The correct answer is "Prevodjenje logickih adresa u fizicke" which translates to "Translation of logical addresses into physical addresses" in English. The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is responsible for mapping an IP address (logical address) to its corresponding MAC address (physical address) in a local network. ARP enables communication between devices on a network by translating logical addresses to physical addresses.
Sistem koji koristi kodove koji sadrze dovoljno redudanse da se greske na komunikacionom kanalu mogu na prijemu detektovati I ispraviti, bez ponovnog slanja, naziva se:
Correct Answer
C. Korekcija greske unapred
Korekcija greske unapred je sistem koji koristi kodove sa dovoljno redudanse da se greske na komunikacionom kanalu mogu na prijemu detektovati i ispraviti, bez potrebe za ponovnim slanjem. Ova tehnika omogućava ispravljanje grešaka čak i ako se one dogode tokom prenosa podataka.
Na sledecoj slici prikazana je topologija:
Correct Answer
C. Mes
The correct answer is "Mes" because it is a type of network topology that connects devices in a mesh-like structure. In a mesh topology, each device is connected to every other device, creating multiple paths for data to travel. This type of topology provides high redundancy and fault tolerance as there are multiple paths for data to reach its destination.
Osnovni slojevi kod hijerarhijskog modela za projektovanje privatnih mreza su:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Distribucija
B. Jezgro
E. Pristup
The correct answer is Distribucija, Jezgro, Pristup. In the hierarchical model for designing private networks, these are the basic layers. The distribution layer is responsible for connecting the core layer to the access layer and distributing network traffic. The core layer is the backbone of the network and handles high-speed data transfer between different distribution layers. The access layer provides network access to end devices.
Internet protokol funksionise:
Correct Answer
C. Bez uspostavljanja I raskida veze
Internet protocol functions without establishing and terminating a connection. This means that data can be transmitted over the internet without the need for a formal connection setup or termination process. This is achieved through the use of packet switching, where data is divided into small packets and sent individually across the network. Each packet is then independently routed to its destination, allowing for efficient and flexible communication without the need for a continuous connection.
U delove adrese Internet protokola cetvrte verzije spadaju:
Correct Answer(s)
C. Deo koji odredjuje clana mreze
E. Deo koji odredjuje mrezu
The correct answer is "Deo koji odredjuje clana mreze, Deo koji odredjuje mrezu". In the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) address, the part that determines the network is known as the network address, while the part that determines the host within that network is known as the host address. These two parts together make up the complete IPv4 address.
Uzrok gresaka u telekomunikacionim kanalima koji nastaje usled promene analognih signala (amplituda, frekvencija, faza) naziva se:
Correct Answer
D. Dziter
The correct answer is "Dziter". Dziter refers to the distortion that occurs in telecommunication channels due to changes in the analog signals, such as amplitude, frequency, and phase.
Razgovor koriscenjem toki-voki uredjaja predstavlja sledeci tip komunikacije:
Correct Answer
D. Polu-dupleks
The correct answer is "Polu-dupleks". Polu-dupleks komunikacija se odnosi na situaciju u kojoj dve strane mogu da komuniciraju jedna sa drugom, ali samo jedna strana može da šalje poruke u određenom trenutku. Ovo je slično kao kada koristimo toki-voki uređaj, gde samo jedna osoba može govoriti u isto vreme, dok druga osoba mora da sluša. U ovom slučaju, toki-voki uređaj koristi polu-dupleks komunikaciju.
Kod opsteg modela komunikacija, na primeru neposredne glasovne komunikacije izmedju ljudi, prenosni sistem je:
Correct Answer
A. Vazduh
In the context of the communication model, the transfer system refers to the medium through which the message is transmitted. In the case of direct voice communication between people, the transfer system is the air. This is because sound waves, which carry the message, travel through the air from the speaker to the listener. Therefore, the correct answer is "Vazduh" (Air).
Po tipu medija koji koriste racunarkse mreze mogu biti:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Bezicne
D. Zicne
The correct answer is "Bezicne, Zicne". This means that the types of media that can be used on computer networks can be either wireless (bezicne) or wired (zicne). Wireless media refers to the use of wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to connect devices without the need for physical cables. On the other hand, wired media refers to the use of physical cables, such as Ethernet cables, to establish connections between devices.
Uredjaji cija je uloga bila A/D konverzija kod klasicne PSTN mreze zovu se:
Correct Answer
D. Modemi
Modemi are devices that are used for A/D (Analog to Digital) conversion in the classical PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) network. They convert analog signals from telephone lines into digital signals that can be transmitted over digital networks. Modems play a crucial role in enabling communication between analog devices, such as telephones, and digital networks.
Za podelu kolizionog domena mogu se koristiti:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Komutatori
D. Mostovi
Komutatori i mostovi su uređaji koji se koriste za podelu kolizionog domena u mrežama. Komutatori su pametni uređaji koji analiziraju podatke i prosleđuju ih samo na odgovarajuće portove, što omogućava da svaki uređaj u mreži ima svoj nezavisni kanal za komunikaciju. Mostovi su slični komutatorima, ali rade na nižem sloju mrežnog modela i povezuju dve mreže. Oba uređaja omogućavaju efikasniju komunikaciju i smanjuju mogućnost kolizija u mreži.
Which one do you like?
Correct Answer
B. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, ICANN
ICANN is the correct answer because it is the organization responsible for managing and coordinating the Domain Name System (DNS) and IP address allocation. They ensure that every domain name and IP address is unique and properly assigned. The other options listed are also related to telecommunications and internet standards, but they do not specifically handle the assignment and management of domain names and IP addresses like ICANN does.
Komunikacija izmedju racunara koji koriste gigabitni Eternet je sledeceg tipa:
Correct Answer
D. Puni-dupleks
The communication between computers using gigabit Ethernet is full-duplex, meaning that data can be transmitted and received simultaneously. In full-duplex mode, there is a dedicated channel for each direction of communication, allowing for faster and more efficient data transfer. This eliminates the possibility of collisions, as opposed to half-duplex or simplex modes where collisions can occur. Multicast refers to the transmission of data to multiple recipients simultaneously and is not specific to the type of communication between computers using gigabit Ethernet.
Mrezni prolaz (eng. Gateway) ima osnovnu funkciju:
Correct Answer
A. Omogucava komunikacije izmedju susednih racunarskih mreza
The correct answer is "Omogucava komunikacije izmedju susednih racunarskih mreza." This is because a gateway serves as a bridge between different computer networks, allowing them to communicate with each other. It enables the exchange of data and information between neighboring networks.
Jedinice podataka Eternet tehnologije se nazivaju:
Correct Answer
E. Okvirima
The correct answer is "Okvirima" because in Ethernet technology, data is transmitted in the form of frames or packets. These frames contain the source and destination addresses, as well as the actual data being transmitted. Therefore, the units of data in Ethernet technology are referred to as "okviri" or frames.
Modemi tipicno koriste sledece konektore:
Correct Answer
B. RJ11
Modemi typically use RJ11 connectors. RJ11 connectors are commonly used for telephone connections and are smaller in size compared to RJ45 connectors. RJ11 connectors have four pins and are used to connect telephones, fax machines, and modems to telephone lines. They are not compatible with RJ45 connectors, which are used for Ethernet connections. Therefore, RJ11 is the correct answer for the given question.
Sum koji postoji kod svih elektricnih signala, a ne predstavlja problem sve dok ne nadvlada proces prenosa podataka, naziva se:
Correct Answer
F. Beli Gausov sum
The correct answer is "Beli Gausov sum". Beli Gausov sum refers to the white Gaussian noise that exists in all electric signals. It is called white because it has a flat power spectral density, meaning it is spread evenly across all frequencies. Gaussian refers to its probability distribution, which follows a Gaussian or normal distribution. This type of noise is not a problem until it overcomes the data transmission process, as it can interfere with the signal and degrade its quality.
Racunar salje paket koji treba da prime svi clanovi mreze. U pitanju je:
Correct Answer
F. Broadcast
When a computer sends a packet that is intended to be received by all members of a network, it is referred to as a broadcast. This means that the packet is sent to all devices on the network, regardless of their specific addresses. This is often used for tasks such as sending updates or notifications to all connected devices simultaneously.
Primer uredjaja koji radi na trecem sloju je:
Correct Answer(s)
C. Komutator (svic)
D. Ruter
The correct answer is "Komutator (svic), Ruter". A switch (komutator) operates at the third layer of the network, which is the network layer. It is responsible for routing data packets between different networks. A router (ruter) also operates at the network layer and performs similar functions as a switch, but it is more advanced and can make decisions based on the IP addresses of the packets. Both the switch and router play crucial roles in network communication and data transmission.
Najcesce korisceni protokol na mreznom sloju je:
Correct Answer
A. Internet protokol (IP)
The most commonly used protocol at the network layer is the Internet Protocol (IP). This protocol is responsible for addressing and routing data packets across different networks. It ensures that data is delivered to the correct destination by assigning unique IP addresses to devices and breaking data into packets. IP is the backbone of the internet and enables communication between devices connected to different networks. TCP is a transport layer protocol that works in conjunction with IP to provide reliable data transmission, while Ethernet is a data link layer protocol used for wired local area networks.
U neke od opsega adresa internet protokola koji se ne mogu koristiti za javno adresovanje racunara spadaju:
Correct Answer(s)
The given answer is correct because it includes the IP address ranges that cannot be used for public addressing of computers. These ranges are reserved for special purposes. The IP address range is reserved for multicast addresses, which are used for one-to-many communication. The IP address range is also reserved for multicast addresses. The IP address range is a private IP address range, which is used for local area networks and cannot be routed on the internet.
Duzina Eternet adrese je:
Correct Answer
B. 48 bitova
The length of an Ethernet address is measured in bits, not bytes. The given answer, "48 bitova," correctly states that the length of an Ethernet address is 48 bits.
Da bi se smanjilo kasnjenje kod Eternet komutatora potrebno je koristiti:
Correct Answer
C. Cut throught rezim rada
To reduce latency in an Ethernet switch, it is necessary to use the "Cut through" mode of operation. This mode allows the switch to forward data packets as soon as the destination address is known, without waiting for the entire packet to be received. This reduces the processing time and improves the overall performance of the switch. Using higher category TP cables or Gigabit switches may also help in improving the speed and performance of the network, but the specific solution mentioned in the answer is the "Cut through" mode of operation.
Da bi se podigla dostupnost Eternet mreze potrebno je koristiti sledeci protokol:
Correct Answer
To increase the availability of the Ethernet network, it is necessary to use the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) protocol. ARP is responsible for mapping an IP address to a MAC address, allowing devices to communicate with each other on the same network. By using ARP, devices can obtain the MAC address of the destination device and send data packets efficiently. This protocol plays a crucial role in ensuring smooth communication and improving the availability of the Ethernet network.
Za povezivanje kablova sa upredenim paricama sa Eternet interfejsima koristi se:
Correct Answer
A. RJ45
The correct answer is RJ45. RJ45 is a type of connector commonly used for Ethernet connections. It is used to connect twisted pair cables to Ethernet interfaces. RJ45 connectors have 8 pins and are designed to be compatible with various Ethernet standards, such as 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, and 1000BASE-T. They are widely used in networking applications to connect devices such as computers, routers, and switches to a local area network (LAN).
Eternet mreze zasnovane na kablovima sa upredenim paricama I razvodnicima sledecem rezimu rada:
Correct Answer
E. Polu-dupleks
The correct answer is "Polu-dupleks" which translates to "Half-duplex" in English. Half-duplex mode allows communication in both directions, but not simultaneously. In this mode, data can be transmitted in one direction at a time, while the other direction waits. It is commonly used in Ethernet networks where devices take turns to transmit and receive data.
Racunar salje paket koji treba da primi samo jedan od deset clanova mreze, konkrtetno odredjen. U pitanju je:
Correct Answer
B. Unicast
Unicast is the correct answer because it refers to a communication method where a packet is sent from one sender to one specific receiver. In this scenario, the computer is sending a packet to only one specific member of the network out of the ten members, making it a unicast communication.
Racunar salje paket koji treba da primi tri od deset clanova mreze. U pitanju je:
Correct Answer
A. Multicast
The correct answer is Multicast. In this scenario, the computer is sending a packet that needs to be received by three out of ten members of the network. Multicast is a network communication method where a single packet is sent to multiple recipients simultaneously. It allows for efficient distribution of data to a specific group of recipients, reducing network traffic and improving scalability.
Kod detekcije greske zasnovan na operaciji sabiranja koja se vrzi nad karakterima koji treba da se provere naziva se:
Correct Answer
D. Kontrolna suma
The given correct answer is "Kontrolna suma" because a checksum is a detection method that involves performing a mathematical operation (usually addition) on the characters that need to be checked. It is used to verify the integrity of data during transmission and detect any errors that may have occurred. The checksum is calculated at the sender's end and then compared with the checksum calculated at the receiver's end to ensure that the data has been transmitted correctly.
Ukoliko je potrebno da svi poslati paketi stignu u istom redosledu na odrediste, resenje su:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Komutacija paketa
E. Virtualna veza
The correct answer is "Komutacija paketa, Virtualna veza". In packet switching, data is divided into small packets and each packet is sent independently over the network. This allows for more efficient use of network resources and enables packets to take different paths to reach their destination. Virtual circuit switching, on the other hand, establishes a dedicated communication path between the sender and receiver before data transmission. This ensures that packets are delivered in the same order they were sent. Therefore, using packet switching and virtual circuit switching together can ensure that all sent packets arrive at the destination in the same order.