مجموعة من الصفحات المترابطة والمخزنة في أحد أنواع الحاسبات تسمى بالخادم
Correct Answer
C. المواقع الإلكترونية
The correct answer is المواقع الإلكترونية (websites). The explanation is that a group of interconnected and stored pages on a computer is commonly referred to as a website. This term is used to describe a collection of web pages that are accessed through the internet and can contain various types of content such as text, images, videos, and links.
يستطيع الروبوت اتخاذ قرار مناسب اذا بُرمج بشكل صحيح
Correct Answer
A. صح
The explanation for the correct answer is that if a robot is programmed correctly, it has the ability to make appropriate decisions. This means that the robot's programming is accurate and aligns with the desired outcomes and objectives. With proper programming, the robot can analyze information, evaluate options, and select the most suitable course of action based on the given circumstances.
من المواقع التي يمكن تخزين ملفات المشاركة فيها
Correct Answer
C. Www.drive.google.com
One possible explanation for the correct answer is that www.drive.google.com is a website where users can store and share files. It is a cloud storage service provided by Google, allowing users to store files securely and access them from any device with an internet connection.
عبارة عن ميادين يقوم فيها الروبوت بتنفيذ مهام محددة
Correct Answer
A. منصات المسابقات
The given answer "منصات المسابقات" (competition platforms) is the correct answer because the question is asking for a phrase that describes fields or areas where a robot carries out specific tasks. "منصات المسابقات" refers to platforms or arenas where robot competitions or challenges take place, and in these platforms, robots perform specific tasks or complete certain objectives.
المسابقات المفتوحة هي مسابقة شبيهه بكرة القدم
Correct Answer
B. خطأ
The given statement is incorrect. It states that "المسابقات المفتوحة هي مسابقة شبيهه بكرة القدم" which translates to "Open competitions are similar to football competitions." However, this statement is false as open competitions can refer to various types of competitions and are not limited to being similar to football competitions.
أوامر الالتقاط هي
Correct Answer(s)
A. ضع
B. كل
C. التقط
The given answer consists of four Arabic words: ضع (put), كل (all), التقط (capture), and تقدم (advance). These are all commands or instructions that can be given to someone. The word "ضع" means to put or place something, "كل" means all or every, "التقط" means to capture or take a picture, and "تقدم" means to advance or move forward. These words are commonly used in different contexts to give directions or orders.
مسابقة الروبوكوب هي مسابقة لتنفيذ عدة مهام محددة من متسابق فردي
Correct Answer
B. خطأ
برنامج سكايب يستخدم في
Correct Answer
A. المحادثات المرئية والصوتية
The correct answer is "المحادثات المرئية والصوتية" (visual and audio conversations). This is because Skype is a communication platform that allows users to have video and voice calls with others. It enables individuals to see and hear each other in real-time, making it a popular choice for virtual meetings, interviews, and staying connected with friends and family.
آلة ميكانيكة بُرمجت لتكون قادرة على اتخاذ القرار في تنفيذ مهمه او أكثر بشكل تلقائي وبدقة عالية
Correct Answer
B. الروبوت
The given question describes a mechanical machine that has been programmed to make decisions and carry out tasks automatically and with high accuracy. The term "الروبوت" (robot) fits this description perfectly, as robots are machines designed to perform tasks autonomously. Therefore, the correct answer is "الروبوت".
تكرار للعمليات التي يقوم بها الروبوت إذا تتحقق الشرط
Correct Answer
A. التكرار المشروط
The given correct answer is "التكرار المشروط" which translates to "conditional repetition" in English. This term refers to the repetition of actions or operations performed by a robot only if a certain condition is met. It implies that the robot will continue to repeat the specified operations as long as the condition remains true. This type of repetition allows for more efficient and controlled execution of tasks by the robot.
هو تكرار تنفيذ العمليات التي يقوم بها الروبوت دون توقف
Correct Answer
C. التكرار الغير محدود
The given correct answer is "التكرار الغير محدود" which translates to "unlimited repetition" in English. This means that the robot is executing operations continuously without any stop or limit.
مسابقة السومو هي مسابقة يقوم فيها الروبوت بدفع الروبوت الآخر حتى يخرج خارج المنصة
Correct Answer
A. صح
The explanation for the correct answer is that the statement accurately describes the Sumo competition, where robots compete by pushing each other until one robot is pushed out of the platform.
ساهمت التجارة الإلكترونية في خفض مصاريف الشركات
Correct Answer
A. صح
The correct answer is صح (True). Electronic commerce has contributed to reducing the expenses of companies.
الجزء المسؤول عن التحكم بجميع أجزاء الروبوت خلال تنفيذه للأوامر البرمجية المخزنة بداخله
Correct Answer
B. المعالج
The correct answer is "المعالج" because it is responsible for controlling all parts of the robot during the execution of the stored program commands.
الجزء المسؤول عن إدراك البيئة المحيطة بالروبوت
Correct Answer
B. المستشعرات
The correct answer is "المستشعرات" because sensors are responsible for perceiving the surrounding environment of the robot. They gather information about the physical world and send it to the processor for further processing and decision-making. The processor and motors are important components, but they do not directly perceive the environment like sensors do.
من أمثلة الشبكات الإجتماعية
Correct Answer
B. المدونات
The correct answer is "المدونات" because blogs are a form of social networking where individuals can share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences with others. Blogs allow people to connect, interact, and engage with each other through comments and discussions. They provide a platform for people to express themselves, build communities, and share information on various topics of interest. Therefore, blogs can be considered as examples of social networks.
في المواقع الإلكترونية يتم الوصول للصفحة عن طريق كتابة عنوان الصفحة في
Correct Answer
C. برامج التصفح
The correct answer is "برامج التصفح" (browsers). In websites, pages are accessed by typing the page address in browsers.
يمكن عقد المؤتمرات المرئية وذلك باجتماع مجموعة من الناس من الموظفين والطلاب من أماكن مختلفة
Correct Answer
A. صح
The given statement states that it is possible to hold virtual conferences by gathering a group of people, including employees and students, from different locations. This implies that virtual conferences can be conducted with the participation of individuals from various places, making the answer "صح" (correct) appropriate.
من تطبيقات الروبوت في حياتنا
Correct Answer(s)
A. روبوتات تعمل في مجال الطب
B. روبوتات ترفيهية تعمل كدمى للأطفال
C. روبوتات أمنية للحفاظ على البشر
D. روبوتات صناعية لصناعة السيارات والمعدات
The correct answer includes various applications of robots in our lives. These include robots working in the field of medicine, serving as entertainment dolls for children, ensuring human safety through security robots, and manufacturing cars and equipment through industrial robots.
نوع الخدمة في ( مشاهدة مقطع مرئي لشرح برنامج الروبومايند)
Correct Answer
B. الخدمات التعليمية
The correct answer is "الخدمات التعليمية" (educational services). This is because the question is asking about the type of service provided when watching a video explaining the Robomind program. Since the video is for educational purposes and aims to teach or provide information about the program, it falls under the category of educational services.