The process of global warming and the destructive nature of wildfires have created a deadly cycle in which one constantly contributes to the other. Forest fires and global warming have created a dangerous relationship. The link between these two forces has become clear in recent years. As the climate becomes warmer, forests will become drier,spawning the perpect environment for fires. In addition, as forest fires continue and gain intensity, the trees release more carbon into the atmosphere which contributes to the greenhouse and which therefore causes global warming.
The increase in forest fires can now be seen as a factor which contributes to global warming. Trees, in the carbon cycle, are labeled a “sink” or a store for carbon. The ability of trees to store carbon dioxode has helped to reduce the amount of CO2 that is pumped into the atmosphere. But now that more trees are being burned through increased forest fires, this stored carbon is being relesead and the CO2 becomes part of the greenhouse gases that drive the greenhouse effects. So, we belive that extra fires intensify global warming. Furthermore , carbon is released in the decomposition of the trees after the fires. There is no doubt that global warming and forest fires are linked to rising temperatures.
Global warming is process which has been accurring for years and whose effects have been more intensively feit by all of living creatures. Forest fires have also been recorded for years , but as mentioned they are a natural process. Therefore, it would be reasonable to attack global warming first. Much work has been done already to solve this problem. Some plans to reduce greenhouse gas emission, such as. Kyoto protocol has been in place for years , but they have shown tittle result.
Some experts who care about global warming say that the solutions must start at home. People, who suffer from immediate effect of global warming, must realize that most of their day to day activities contribute to climate change. But, reducing what is called a “carbon footprint” is not difficult. It canLeadership from ordinary people is what it will take to fight againt global warming. People must educate each other on 25 these harmful effects and make them known. But , this process will continue to damage forests around the world unless something is done to reduce the effects of global warming.
When I left my office job as a website developer at a small company for a position that allowed me to work full-time from home, I thought I had it made: I gleefully traded in my suits and dress shoes for sweatpants and slippers, my frantic early-morning bagged lunch packing for a leisurely midday trip to my refrigerator. The novelty of this comfortable work-from-home life, however, [5] soon got worn off quickly. Within a month, I found myself feeling isolated despite having frequent email and instant messaging contact with my colleagues. Having become frustrated trying to solve difficult problems, [6] no colleagues were nearby to share ideas. It was during this time that I read an article [7] into coworking spaces. The article, published by Forbes magazine, explained that coworking spaces are designated locations that, for a fee, individuals can use to conduct their work. The spaces are usually stocked with standard office [8] equipment, such as photocopiers, printers, and fax machines.
(1) Semua orang pasti mengenal pendidikan. (2) Pendidikan adalah proses internalisasi budaya ke dalam diri seseorang dan masyarakat sehingga membuat orang dan masyarakat jadi beradab. (3) Pendidikan bukan hanya merupakan sarana transfer ilmu pengetahuan, tetapi lebih luas lagi, yakni sebagai sarana pembudayaan dan penyaluran nilai (enkulturisasi dan sosialisasi). (4) Anak harus mendapatkan pendidikan yang menyentuh dimensi dasar kemanusiaan. (5) Dimensi kemanusiaan itu mencakup sekurang-kurangnya tiga hal paling mendasar.
(6) Pendidikan karakter adalah pendidikan budi pekerti plus, yaitu yang melibatkan aspek pengetahuan, perasaan, dan tindakan. (7) Menurut Lickona, tanpa ketiga aspek itu, pendidikan karakter tidak akan efektif. (8) Dengan pendidikan karakter yang diterapkan secara sistematis dan berkelanjutan, seorang anak akan menjadi cerdas emosinya. (9) Kecerdasan emosi ini adalah bekal penting dalam mempersiapkan anak menyongsong masa depan. (10) Terdapat sembilan pilar karakter yang berasal dari nilai-nilai luhur universal, yaitu karater cinta Tuhan dan segenap ciptaan-Nya; kemandirian dan tanggung jawab; kejujuran/amanah dan diplomatis; hormat dan santun; dermawan, suka menolong, dan gotong royang/kerja sama; percaya diri dan pekerja keras; kepemimpinan dan keadilan; baik dan rendah hati; serta toleran dan cinta damai.
(1) Penafian budaya bernalar di jenjang pendidikan pra universitas berpengaruh pada pendidikan tinggi. (2) Secara informal, sudah wajar diantara pengajar perguruan tinggi terdengar keluhan tentang ketidaksiapan lulusan SMA belajar di perguruan tinggi. (3) Guna memahami situasi ini, diperlukan penelitian ilmiah yang dilakukan secara seksama.
(4) Semua warga bertanggung jawab membangunkan budaya bernalar. (5) Dengan demikian, Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan sebagai kementrian dengan jumlah doktor terbanyak dan mengemban nama kebudayaan tentunya memegang peran sentral. (6) Di kementrian ini guru sebagai garda terdepan pejuang budaya bernalar menghadapi gencarnya perilaku nirnalar.
(7) Guru sulit membudayakan bernalar karena guru tersandera oleh kebijakan dan sistem. (8) Bukan salah guru jika tidak membelajarkan kecakapan itu. (9) Kebijakan pendidikan pada saat ini tidak kondusif terhadap upaya pembudayaan bernalar. (10) Pengakuan terhadap guru yang berinovasi membelajarkan bernalar nyaris tidak ada.
(11) Unsur terpenting dalam pembudayaan bernalar adalah guru. (12) Mematahkan pasung penyanderanya sederhana, yaitu memerlukan rasionalisasi. (13) Guru harus diberdayakan menjadi seseorang intelektual merdeka. (14) Caranya adalah menggelorakan kembali semangat belajar guru terutama untuk mendalami konsep sekaligus budaya keilmuannya.
(15) Di sini mutlak diperlukan kepeloporan perguruan tinggi sebagai lembaga pencetak guru. (16) Juga, sangat diperlukan penggunaan bahasa yang berbudaya saat membangun komunikasi dengan guru. (17) Kemudian, diperlukan penyadaran guru atas peran pentingnya dalam pembangunan negara berdasarkan intelektualitas. (18) Hasrat kejuangan dan semangat kemerdekaan guru akan berimbas langsung pada siswa yang bergairah bernalar.
(Dikutip dengan pengubahan dari Kompas, 20 Februari 2018)
Forests have the ability to regulate water systems, prevent erosion and flood, and maintain soil fertility. The ability of forests is inseparable from the existence of millions and even billions of trees in a forest area. Trees only store water for their own needs, and the land saves water.
Billions of trees with their wide canopies will hold back rain. In this position, rain water does not directly hit the soil surface, but will fall slowly through the leaves and flow through the tree trunk. Then, the soil surface filled with tree trunks will produce quite a lot of litter originating from organic materials in the forms of leaf and dry twigs. Dramatically, littering is heading towards the decay process. The organic materials are collected on the soil surface.
Litter blocks the water falling from the canopy so it does not directly hit the soil. Litter also functions as a place to live for millions of organisms (e.g. worms). This organism punctures the land as a home and place of life. This organism’s behavior causes the soil surface to become loose and porous. When rain drops from the canopy fall onto the litter, the water slowly flows to the soil surface. The loose and porous top layer of soil will absorb the water and then the water will be stored in the aquifer, the underground river.
The soil surface in the forest has high apacity to absorb rainwater. As a result, most of the rainwater seeps into the soil; only a little becomes running water. Running water is the water that cannot be absorbed by the soil surface. This water will go down to a lower area. If running water exceeds the carrying capacity of the river, it can certainly cause flood. Most of the rainwater that falls in the forest area will be absorbed by the soil and stored in the aquifer.
Furthermore, the water stored in the aquifer will come out regularly through springs. From these springs, water flows through rivers that are mostly found in the forest area. In addition, there is also underground water that comes out as a spring in the resident wells.
What is the topic of the text ?
Correct Answer
A. Global warming and forest fires as factors contributing to rising temperatures.
The topic of the text is global warming and forest fires as factors contributing to rising temperatures. The text discusses the relationship between global warming and forest fires and how they both contribute to the increase in temperatures. It implies that these factors are significant in causing the rise in temperatures and highlights their destructive nature.
The text mentions all of following, except ....
Correct Answer
D. The site of global warming
The text discusses various aspects related to global warming such as the factors leading to rising temperatures, the solutions against global warming, the education about global warming, and the effects of forest fires. However, it does not mention the specific location or site of global warming.
The pronoun “They” (line 18) refers to ....
Correct Answer
C. Some plans
The pronoun "They" in line 18 refers to "Some plans." This means that the previous sentence or context must have mentioned or introduced these plans. The pronoun "They" is used to avoid repetition and refers back to the noun it replaces, which in this case is "Some plans."
Which of the following is closest in meaning to word “ decomposition ” (line 12) ?
Correct Answer
D. Depletion
The word "decomposition" refers to the process of breaking down or disintegrating something into its basic elements or components. Similarly, "depletion" means the reduction or exhaustion of something, usually a resource or supply. Both words involve the idea of a gradual decrease or loss, making "depletion" the closest in meaning to "decomposition".
Correct Answer
E. Wore
The correct answer is "Wore." This is the correct past tense form of the verb "wear" in the sentence. The sentence is referring to someone wearing something in the past, so "wore" is the appropriate choice.
Correct Answer
E. I missed having colleagues nearby to consult.
The correct answer is "I missed having colleagues nearby to consult." This answer is the most logical and coherent option among the given choices. It implies that the speaker values the presence of colleagues for the purpose of consultation and suggests that their absence was felt. The other options either contradict the importance of colleagues or do not convey the same sentiment.
Correct Answer
B. About
The correct answer is "about" because it is the most appropriate preposition to use in this context. The other options do not fit grammatically or semantically. "About" is commonly used to indicate the topic or subject of something, which makes sense in the given sentence.
Correct Answer
The correct answer is NO CHANGE because all of the options provided are grammatically correct. The sentence is listing examples of equipment, and the use of a colon or a comma before "such as" is acceptable. The decision to use or not use a comma or a colon depends on the writer's preference and the overall style of the text.
Manakah gagasan utama paragraf ke – 1 ?
Correct Answer
B. Pendidikan adalah internalisasi budaya
The main idea of paragraph 1 is that education is the internalization of culture.
Manakah pertanyaan yang jawabannya ada di paragraf ke – 2 ?
Correct Answer
D. Bagaimana pendapat Lickona tentang aspek pendidikan karakter?
The question asks which question's answer is found in paragraph 2. The answer is "Bagaimana pendapat Lickona tentang aspek pendidikan karakter?" because in paragraph 2, the writer discusses Lickona's opinion about the aspects of character education.
Apa perbedaan gagasan antar paragraf dalam teks tersebut ?
Correct Answer
D. Paragraf pertama memaparkan konsep pendidikan secara umum, sedangkan paragraf kedua memaparkan konsep pendidikan karakter.
The explanation for the given correct answer is that the first paragraph presents the concept of education in general, while the second paragraph specifically presents the concept of character education. This means that the first paragraph provides a broader overview of education, while the second paragraph focuses specifically on character education.
Apa kelemahan paragraf ke – 1?
Correct Answer
C. Penjelasan pendidikan sebagai sarana transfer ilmu (kalimat 3) bertentangan dengan konsep pendidikan (kalimat 2).
The weakness of paragraph 1 is that the explanation of education as a means of transferring knowledge (sentence 3) contradicts the concept of education (sentence 2).
Penggunaan kata yang tidak tepat terdapat pada kata ....
Correct Answer
E. Kejuangan dalam kalimat 18
The word "kejuangan" in sentence 18 is the incorrect usage.
Kesalahan penggunaan ejaan ditemukan pada kalimat ....
Correct Answer
A. 1 dan 4
The correct answer is 1 dan 4.
Bagaimanakah hubungan isi antar paragraf dalam teks tersebut ?
Correct Answer
D. Paragraf 5 merupakan akibat paragraf 4
Paragraf 5 merupakan akibat paragraf 4 karena paragraf 4 memberikan penjelasan tentang suatu situasi atau peristiwa, dan paragraf 5 menggambarkan hasil atau konsekuensi dari situasi atau peristiwa tersebut.
The word ’dramatically’ in paragraph 2 is best replaced by ....
Correct Answer
A. Gradually
The word "dramatically" suggests a sudden or significant change. However, in the given context, it is more appropriate to use a word that indicates a slow or steady change. "Gradually" fits this description as it implies a progression over time, which aligns with the meaning conveyed in the paragraph.
What is the main idea of the passage?
Correct Answer
B. Land stores and releases water through various processes.
The main idea of the passage is that land plays a crucial role in storing and releasing water through different processes. This implies that land acts as a reservoir for water, which is essential for the survival of various organisms in forest areas. The passage does not mention anything about trees storing water for human needs or the benefits of forests for human life.
With the sentence ‘This organism's behavior causes the soil surface to become loose and porous’ in paragraph 3, the writer intends to ....
Correct Answer
E. Explain the causes of soil erosion
The sentence "This organism's behavior causes the soil surface to become loose and porous" indicates that the writer is explaining the cause of soil erosion. The behavior of the organism is directly linked to the loosening and porosity of the soil, which ultimately leads to erosion. Therefore, the writer's intention is to explain the causes of soil erosion.
What most likely motivates the writer in writing the passage?
Correct Answer
D. There is the fallacious concept that trees store large amount of water.
The writer is most likely motivated by the fallacious concept that trees store a large amount of water. This suggests that the writer wants to correct this misconception and provide accurate information about the benefits of water for forests.
What most likely motivates the writer in writing the passage?
Correct Answer
D. There is the fallacious concept that trees store large amount of water.
The writer is most likely motivated by the fallacious concept that trees store a large amount of water. This suggests that the writer wants to correct this misconception and provide accurate information about the role of trees in water storage.