Tanah adalah milik negara, maka rakyat harus menyewa tanah kepada negara. Hal inilah yang melatarbelakangi sistem sewa tanah pada masa pemerintahan . . . .
Correct Answer
B. Raffles
The given statement suggests that the system of land rent during a certain government was influenced by the fact that land is owned by the state and therefore the people have to rent it from the government. The person who implemented this system was Raffles.
Perhatikan pernyataan berikut ini!
1) Kemajuan teknologi yang terjadi dalam bidang pertanian.
2) Penambahan jumlah lahan untuk tanaman ekspor di berbagai daerah.
3) Banyaknya penanaman investasi oleh perusahaan asing di Indonesia.
4) Pembangunan saluran irigasi untuk pengairan pertanian.
Dari pernyataan di atas, alasan penyebab terjadinya perubahan secara besar dalam perkembangan perkebunan di Indonesia pada masa penjajahan Belanda, adalah…
Correct Answer
B. 2
The correct answer is 2 because the addition of land for export crops in various regions would have contributed to a significant change in the development of plantations in Indonesia during the Dutch colonial period. This suggests that the expansion of plantation agriculture for export purposes was a major factor in the development of the plantation sector during this time.
Pelaksanaan Tanam Paksa telah menghancurkan perekonomian Indonesia dan merupakan beban yang berat karena . . . .
Correct Answer
B. Rakyat tidak punya waktu lagi mengerjakan tanah pertaniannya untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya sendiri
The correct answer is "rakyat tidak punya waktu lagi mengerjakan tanah pertaniannya untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya sendiri." This answer suggests that the implementation of Tanam Paksa has negatively affected the economy of Indonesia because the people no longer have time to work on their own agricultural land to meet their own needs. This implies that the forced cultivation of crops for the Dutch colonial rulers has taken away the time and resources that the people could have used for their own sustenance and economic activities.
Perhatikan pernyataan berikut ini!
1) Adanya perluasan dalam penggunaan lahan untuk kegiatan perekonomian pada masa pemerintahan kolonial.
2) Terdapat pembentukan organisasi-organisasi sosial yang membantu dalam kemajuan pemerintahan.
3) Terjadi eksploitasi kekayaan alam besar-besaran dalam menopang perekonomian.
4) Melakukan persebaran penduduk dan urbanisasi untuk memeratakan tenaga kerja yang murah.
Dari pernyataan di atas, perubahan yang terjadi pada masa pemerintahan kolonial adalah….
Correct Answer
B. 1 dan 4
The statement mentions the expansion of land use for economic activities and the dispersal of population and urbanization to equalize cheap labor. These changes indicate the impact of colonial rule on the economy and society. The formation of social organizations that assist in governance and the exploitation of natural resources on a large scale are not specifically mentioned as changes during colonial rule. Therefore, the correct answer is 1 and 4.
Pelaksanaan Politik Etis yang paling dirasakan dalam pergerakan nasional bangsa Indonesia adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
A. Pendidikan dengan munculnya golongan terpelajar
The most felt implementation of the Ethical Policy in the national movement of the Indonesian people is education with the emergence of an educated class. This answer suggests that the implementation of the Ethical Policy led to the development of education and the rise of an educated class in Indonesia. This aligns with the goal of the Ethical Policy, which was to improve the welfare and education of the Indonesian people under Dutch colonial rule.
Perhatikan pernyataan berikut ini!
1) Perluasan penggunaan lahan
2) Pembentukan organisasi-organisasi sosial
3) Eksploitasi kekayaan alam
4) Persebaran penduduk dan urbanisasi
Dari pernyataan di atas, perubahan yang terjadi pada masa pemerintahan Jepang
Correct Answer
C. 2 dan 3
The correct answer is "2 dan 3". The statement mentions the changes that occurred during the Japanese government. Option 2 refers to the formation of social organizations, which implies the establishment of new institutions and structures in society. Option 3 mentions the exploitation of natural resources, indicating that the Japanese government utilized and benefited from the country's wealth of natural resources. Therefore, options 2 and 3 are the changes that occurred during the Japanese government.
Perlawanan rakyat di berbagai daerah seperti Perang Padri, Perang Diponegoro, Perang Banjar, dan sebagainya pada masa penjajahan gagal mengusir penjajah dari Indonesia. Berikut yang merupakan penyebab kegagalan perjuangan pada masa tersebut yaitu . . . .
Correct Answer
B. Tergantung pada satu pemimpin, mengandalkan kekuatan fisik, bersifat kedaerahan
The failure of the people's resistance in various regions during the colonial era, such as the Padri War, Diponegoro War, Banjar War, and others, to expel the colonizers from Indonesia was due to depending on one leader, relying on physical strength, and having a regional nature. This means that the resistance movements were not united under a common goal and strategy, and instead relied on the leadership and physical strength of one individual. Additionally, the resistance movements were fragmented and focused on regional interests rather than a unified national struggle.
Perhatiakn pernyataan berikut ini!
- kelapa sawit
- kopi
- tebu
- padi
Dari pernyataan di atas, yang merupakan tanaman produktif pada masa penjajahan Belanda adalah….
Correct Answer
A. 1 dan 2
The correct answer is 1 and 2 because kelapa sawit (palm oil) and kopi (coffee) were both profitable cash crops during the Dutch colonial period in Indonesia. These crops were extensively cultivated and exported by the Dutch for economic gain. Tebu (sugar cane) and padi (rice) were also important crops, but they were not as commercially successful as kelapa sawit and kopi during that time.
Berikut ini yang bukan karakteristik perjuangan bangsa Indonesia sebelum abad XX, adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
A. tidak tergantung pada satu pemimpin
The correct answer is "tidak tergantung pada satu pemimpin." This is because before the 20th century, the struggle of the Indonesian people was characterized by not relying on one leader. This means that the movement for independence was not centered around a single figure or leader, but rather involved the collective efforts of various individuals and groups. This decentralized approach allowed for a more widespread and diverse resistance against colonial rule.
Perhatikan pernyataan berikut ini!
1) Membentuk organisasi sosial
2) Penemuan tambang-tambang
3) Eksploitasi sumber daya alam
Dari pernyataan di atas, perubahan yang terjadi dalam kebijakan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintahan Jepang adalah….
Correct Answer
D. 3 dan 4
The correct answer is 3 and 4. The given statements talk about forming social organizations, discovering mines, and exploiting natural resources. The change in policy by the Japanese government would involve both the exploitation of natural resources (statement 3) and the formation of social organizations (statement 4). This suggests that the Japanese government has shifted its focus towards utilizing natural resources and establishing social organizations as part of its policy.
Serikat Islam asal mulanya adalah dari Serikat Dagang Islam, yang didirikan oleh pedagang Batik di Solo yang bernama . . . .
Correct Answer
A. Haji Samanhudi
Serikat Islam asalnya berasal dari Serikat Dagang Islam yang didirikan oleh seorang pedagang Batik di Solo bernama Haji Samanhudi.
Perubahan dalam aspek ekonomi yang mengalami kenaikan dan mempengaruhi pemerintahan pada masa penjajahan Belanda adalah….
Correct Answer
D. Kegiatan eksport
During the Dutch colonial period, one of the changes in the economic aspect that experienced an increase and influenced the government was the expansion of export activities. This means that there was a significant growth in the export of goods from the colony to the Netherlands or other countries. This change in the economy had a direct impact on the government as it influenced policies, regulations, and the overall governance of the colony. The increase in export activities also led to the development of infrastructure, trade networks, and economic dependence on the colonial power.
Perhatikan beberapa putusan di bawah ini.
2) Ikrar Sumpah Pemuda tanggal 28 Oktober 1928.
3) Menetapkan presiden dan wakil presiden.
4) Menetapkan lagu Indonesia Raya ciptaan WR Supratman sebagai lagu kebangsaan.
5) Menetapkan bendera merah putih sebagai lambang negara Indonesia.
Yang termasuk putusan Kongres Sumpah Pemuda adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
D. 2, 4 dan 5
The correct answer is 2, 4, and 5. This is because the decisions made during the Sumpah Pemuda Congress included the Ikrar Sumpah Pemuda on October 28, 1928, the declaration of Indonesia Raya as the national anthem composed by WR Supratman, and the adoption of the red and white flag as the national symbol of Indonesia.
Tujuan utama dilaksanakannya transmigrasi pada masa penjajahan Belanda adalah….
Correct Answer
A. Menyebarkan tenaga murah di berbagai perkebunan Sumatra dan Kalimantan
The main purpose of implementing transmigration during the Dutch colonial era was to spread cheap labor to various plantations in Sumatra and Kalimantan. This was done to meet the demand for labor in these regions and to maximize profits for the Dutch colonial government and plantation owners. By relocating people from densely populated areas to less populated regions, the Dutch aimed to alleviate the pressure on land and resources in the overcrowded areas while also ensuring a steady supply of labor for the plantations.
Perjuangan Kemerdekaan Indonesia ditandai dengan era kebangkitan nasional. Kebangkitan nasional yang dimaksud adalah…
Correct Answer
B. Kesadaran untuk membentuk pergerakan nasional
The correct answer is "kesadaran untuk membentuk pergerakan nasional". This is because the era of national awakening in Indonesia was characterized by the awareness and determination of the Indonesian people to form a national movement. This period marked the beginning of the struggle for independence and the mobilization of various organizations and movements towards achieving national sovereignty. The singing of the national anthem, Indonesia Raya, by the youth and the resistance against colonial rule were also important aspects of the independence struggle, but the formation of a national movement was the driving force behind these actions.
Bangsa Jepang mampu mengalahkan sekutu dan mampu menguasai bangsa Indonesia karena adanya……
Correct Answer
C. Perang Pasific
The correct answer is "Perang Pasific". The Japanese were able to defeat the Allies and conquer Indonesia because of their success in the Pacific War. This war, which was part of World War II, saw Japan rapidly expanding its empire in the Pacific region, including Southeast Asia. The Japanese military's strategic victories in the Pacific allowed them to gain control over Indonesia and other territories, weakening the Dutch colonial administration and creating a power vacuum that the Japanese were able to exploit.
Pengerahan tenaga rakyat yang sangat menyengsarakan yang dilakukan pemerintah pendudukan Jepang disebut . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Romusha
The correct answer is "romusha". Romusha refers to the forced laborers that were mobilized by the Japanese government during their occupation. These laborers were subjected to harsh conditions and were forced to work on various projects such as building roads, railways, and other infrastructure. The term "romusha" is derived from the Japanese word "romu" meaning labor and "sha" meaning person. This answer accurately describes the government's actions of mobilizing the suffering population for labor purposes.
Lahirnya jenis pekerjaan baru, seperti guru, administrasi dan pegawai pemerintah pada masa kolonial disebabkan oleh….
Correct Answer
A. Kaum elit intelektual
The correct answer is "kaum elit intelektual." The emergence of new professions such as teachers, administrators, and government officials during the colonial period was caused by the intellectual elite. These individuals, who were part of the educated upper class, played a significant role in shaping and developing these new job opportunities. They were responsible for introducing Western education systems and administrative practices, which led to the establishment of these professions within the colonial society.
Karena Gerakan 3A tidak mendapatkan hasil seperti yang diharapkan, sebagai gantinya pemerintah pendudukan Jepang mendirikan . . .
Correct Answer
The correct answer is PUTERA. This is because the sentence mentions that the 3A Movement did not achieve the expected results, so the Japanese occupation government established PUTERA as an alternative.
Di bawah ini yang menyebabkan munculnya gerakan pendidikan di Indonesia pada masa kolonial adalah….
Correct Answer
C. Diskriminasi pendidikan
The emergence of the education movement in Indonesia during the colonial period can be attributed to the discrimination in education. This suggests that there were unequal opportunities and access to education for the indigenous population. The discriminatory practices by the colonial powers likely fueled the need for a movement to demand equal educational rights and opportunities for all Indonesians.
Pada masa kolonial perguruan tinggi berkembang pesat di Indonesia dari pada masa penjajahan Jepang karena….
Correct Answer
B. Pesatnya pertumbuhan pendidikan di kota-kota kekuasaan Belanda
During the colonial period, the rapid growth of higher education in Indonesia was mainly due to the significant expansion of education in the Dutch-controlled cities. These cities served as centers of power for the Dutch colonial administration, and therefore, saw a rapid increase in educational institutions. This growth was fueled by the establishment of schools, colleges, and universities in these urban areas, which aimed to educate the local population and provide them with skills and knowledge that would benefit the colonial administration. As a result, the development of higher education in Indonesia during the colonial period was largely concentrated in the cities under Dutch control.
Di bawah ini yang merupakan lokasi pendaratan Jepang ketika di Indonesia dan menjadi pusat perkembangan politik dan ekonomi pada masa kolonial adalah….
Correct Answer
A. Tarakan, Palembang, dan Jakarta
Tarakan, Palembang, dan Jakarta merupakan lokasi pendaratan Jepang ketika di Indonesia dan menjadi pusat perkembangan politik dan ekonomi pada masa kolonial.
Penyebab utama kemunduran ekonomi pada masa penjajahan jepang adalah….
Correct Answer
C. Pemutusan hubungan perdagangan dunia
During the Japanese colonization, the main cause of economic decline was the termination of international trade relations. This severed connections with other countries, leading to a decrease in imports and exports. As a result, the economy suffered as it became isolated from global markets. The lack of trade hindered economic growth and development, causing a decline in production and overall economic performance.
Pada masa penjajahan Jepang, rakyat pribumi kesulitan memperoleh bahan pakaian karena….
Correct Answer
B. Sempitnya kegiatan ekonomi
During the Japanese occupation, the native population faced difficulties in obtaining clothing materials due to the limited economic activities. This suggests that there were restrictions or limitations on the production and trade of clothing materials, resulting in a scarcity of resources for the local population. The other options, such as export restrictions, severed trade relations, or high taxes, may also contribute to economic difficulties, but the most direct explanation for the lack of clothing materials would be the limited economic activities during the occupation.
Tingginya pajak dan peraturan wajib setor padi pada masa penjajahan Jepang, mempengaruhi kehidupan rakyat pribumi dan menyebabkan….
Correct Answer
B. Kemiskinan yang luar biasa
The high taxes and mandatory rice contributions imposed by the Japanese colonial government had a significant impact on the lives of the indigenous people, leading to extreme poverty.
Penanaman budaya Jepang menimbulkan penurunan pada pemerintahan Jepang dalam bidang….
Correct Answer
D. Pendidikan
Penanaman budaya Jepang yang kuat dalam pendidikan dapat menyebabkan penurunan dalam pemerintahan Jepang dalam bidang pendidikan. Hal ini dapat terjadi jika penanaman budaya Jepang yang konservatif atau otoriter dalam sistem pendidikan menghambat inovasi dan perkembangan yang diperlukan untuk menghadapi tantangan sosial, politik, dan ekonomi yang terus berubah. Jadi, penanaman budaya Jepang dapat mempengaruhi pemerintahan Jepang dalam bidang pendidikan.
Penggunaan bahasa jepang sebagai bahasa utama dan menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan Jepang merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab….
Correct Answer
B. Penurunan kualitas pendidikan
The use of the Japanese language as the main language and singing the Japanese national anthem is one of the factors causing a decline in the quality of education.
Perubahan yang paling berpengaruh pada masa kolonial dibandingkan pemerintahan Jepang adalah….
Correct Answer
B. Kemajuan sektor pertanian
The most influential change during the colonial period compared to the Japanese government is the advancement in the agricultural sector. This suggests that the colonial government focused on improving and developing the agricultural industry, which could have had significant economic and social impacts on the colony. The emergence of organizations representing native people, changes in the political system, and military changes may have also occurred during this time, but the advancement in the agricultural sector had the most significant impact.
Perubahan yang paling berpengaruh pada masa pemerintahan Jepang dibandingkan pemerintahan kolonial adalah….
Correct Answer
A. Kemajuan bidang kemiliteran
During the Japanese occupation, the most significant change compared to colonial rule was the advancement in the military sector. The Japanese government heavily invested in military infrastructure, technology, and training. They established military bases, expanded their naval fleet, and modernized their army. This militarization had a profound impact on the region, as it allowed Japan to exert control and enforce their policies effectively. The advancements in the military sector also played a crucial role in Japan's expansionist aspirations and their ability to maintain control over the occupied territories.
Angka kematian pada masa kolonial lebih sedikit dibandingkan masa pemerintahan Jepang. Di bawah ini penyebab utama tingginya angka kematian pada masa pemerintahan jepang adalah….
Correct Answer
C. Kesengsaraan rakyat pribumi
The correct answer is "Kesengsaraan rakyat pribumi." During the colonial era, the death rate was lower compared to the Japanese occupation because the native population suffered greatly under the Japanese rule. This could be due to various factors such as forced labor, inadequate access to resources, harsh living conditions, and human rights abuses. These factors led to the suffering and ultimately higher death rates among the native population during the Japanese occupation.