7. Karakteristike stručnog podučavanja su:
Изаберите један или више одговора:
● Može se izvoditi udaljeno
● Može se primeniti na bilo koji sistem
● Ne znam
● Merljivi podaci se prikupljaju
● Ne može se izvoditi udaljeno
● Merljivi podaci se ne prikupljaju
● Ne može se primeniti na bilo koji sistem
Nadji odgovor
Analiza zadatak zasnovana na znanju stavlja akcenat na
Изаберите један одговор:
● Objekte i akcije
● Pravila i akcije
● Nijedno od ponuđenih
● Ne znam
● Samo pravila
● Samo objekte
koji je odgovor?
Pristup analiza zadataka se obavlja na nekoliko tipičnih načina. Označite
netipičnu analizu. Изаберите један одговор:
● Anliza zasnovana na pojmovima i relacijama
Anliza zasnovana na redosledu
● Anliza zasnovana na sličnosti
● Anliza zasnovana na znanju
Nadji odgovor
149. Uz hijerarhijski prikaz akcija dodaju se napomene. Na primer: fiksna sekvenca,
opcioni zadaci, čekanje na događaj, ciklični zadaci,... Sve ovo se naziva:
Изаберите један одговор:
● Pravila plana
● Naznake plana
● Ne znam
● Tipovi plana
● Akcije plana
Nadji odgovor
209. Povezati date opise sa odgovarajućim tipom rezonovanja.
izvodi se generalizacijom slučajeva (primera) koje smo izučivi, a u vezi slučajeva koje nismo
posmatrali induktivno
izvodi se logički iz datih pretpostavki deduktivno
210. Postoje dva načina upravljanja događajima u prozorkim sistemima.
Koji su to?
● Read-evolution loop tacno
● Unix
● Multiple interfaces
● Notification-based tacno
U razmatranjima interakcije čoveka sa računarom, računar treba da
bude posmatran kao centralna figura.
Correct Answer
B. Netacno
In the context of human-computer interaction, the computer should not be seen as the central figure, but rather as a tool or medium through which humans interact with technology. The focus should be on designing interfaces and systems that prioritize the needs and abilities of the human user.
Nedostaci BNF notacija:
Correct Answer(s)
B. ● Nema refleksije u odnosu na korisničku percepciju
C. ● Minimum provera konzistentnosti
E. ● Ista sintaksa za različite semantike
The correct answer is that the disadvantages of BNF notation include the lack of reflection in relation to user perception, minimal consistency checks, and the use of the same syntax for different semantics. This means that BNF notation does not account for how users perceive and understand the language, there are limited checks for ensuring consistency in the language, and the same syntax can be used for different meanings or interpretations.
CCT sadrži dva paralelna opisa. Jedan opis je tranzicione mreže racunara,
a drugi?
Correct Answer
C. Opis pravila
The correct answer is "Opis pravila." This is because the question asks for the other description in CCT (Computer Configuration Table), and the two parallel descriptions mentioned are "Tranzicija iz radne u kratkoročnu memoriju" (Transition from working to short-term memory) and "Opis pravila" (Description of rules). Therefore, "Opis pravila" is the correct answer as it is the other description mentioned in CCT.
DS (dijagrami sekvence) opisuju interakciju pomoću:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Linije života
D. ● Trake aktivnosti
F. Poruke
The correct answer is Linije života, Trake aktivnosti, Poruke. DS (dijagrami sekvence) opisuju interakciju pomoću linija života koje predstavljaju entitete koji učestvuju u interakciji, traka aktivnosti koje opisuju aktivnosti koje se izvršavaju tokom interakcije i poruka koje se razmenjuju između entiteta.
U sistemima gde je obrada poruka tipa“read-evaluation loop” kontrola
dijaloga je:
Correct Answer
A. INterna
The correct answer is "INterna." In systems where message processing is done in a "read-evaluation loop," the control of the dialogue is internal to the system. This means that the system itself handles and manages the flow of the conversation without relying on external factors or inputs.
Označiti tačno tvrđenje / tačna tvrđenja.
Izabерите један или више одговора:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Electronic mail je tipičan primer CSCW interakcije.
B. CSCW odbacuje tezu single user / single computer.
The given answer states that "Electronic mail je tipičan primer CSCW interakcije" (Electronic mail is a typical example of CSCW interaction) and "CSCW odbacuje tezu single user / single computer" (CSCW rejects the thesis of single user/single computer). These statements are correct because CSCW (Computer-Supported Cooperative Work) is a field of study that focuses on how computers can be used to support collaborative work among individuals. Electronic mail is a common tool used for communication and collaboration in CSCW, and CSCW emphasizes the importance of collaboration among multiple users and computers rather than single user/single computer systems.
Osnovna razlika između standardnog ASP.NET-a i MVC Framework-a je:
Correct Answer
D. Zahteve klijenata opslužuju kontroleri.
The basic difference between standard ASP.NET and MVC Framework is that in MVC, client requests are served by controllers instead of pages.
Romb se u dijagramu toka koristi da bi: PROVERI OVO???
Correct Answer
D. Predstavio tačke odlučivanja
The correct answer is "predstavio tačke odlučivanja." In a flowchart, a diamond shape (romb) is used to represent decision points or points where a choice needs to be made. These decision points are represented by conditions or criteria that determine the flow of the process. Therefore, the diamond shape in a flowchart represents decision points or points of branching in the process flow.
Koja arhitektura je mnogo jasnija ali se manje koristi u praksi:
Correct Answer
PAC (Presentation-Abstraction-Control) architecture is clearer but less commonly used in practice compared to the other options (MAC, MVC, KLM). This suggests that while PAC may provide a clear and logical structure for organizing software systems, it may not be as widely adopted or implemented in real-world scenarios.
Karakteristike merenja performansi su:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Merljivi podaci se prikupljaju
E. Može se primeniti na bilo koji sistem
F. Ne može se izvoditi udaljeno
The correct answer is that measurable data is collected and can be applied to any system, but it cannot be remotely executed.
Razdvajanje ulaza od izlaza je specifično za:
Correct Answer
The given correct answer is MVC. MVC stands for Model-View-Controller, which is a software architectural pattern commonly used in web development. In MVC, the input is separated from the output, meaning that the user input is handled by the controller, which then updates the model (data), and the view (user interface) is updated based on the changes in the model. This separation allows for better organization and maintainability of the code.
Vrste obrazlaganja dizajna je orjentisano:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Procesno
B. Strukturno
The correct answer is "Procesno, Strukturno." This suggests that the orientation of explaining design is both process-oriented and structural. This means that when explaining design, the focus is on the steps and stages involved in the design process, as well as the overall structure and organization of the design. This approach helps to provide a clear understanding of how the design was developed and how it is structured to achieve its intended purpose.
Epizodička i semantička memorija čine zajedno strukturu
Correct Answer
B. Deklarativne memorije
The correct answer is "deklarativne memorije." Episodic and semantic memory together form the structure of declarative memory.
CCT karakteristike su:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Linearni model
C. Paralelni model
D. Greške se mogu predstavljati
E. Akcije su u procedurama
The correct answer is "Linearni model, Paralelni model, Greške se mogu predstavljati, Akcije su u procedurama." This means that the characteristics of CCT include a linear model, a parallel model, the ability to represent errors, and actions being in procedures.
Analiza upotrebljivosti i dizajn rešenja projektuju se
Correct Answer
B. Od samog starta
The correct answer is "od samog starta" because the sentence states that the usability analysis and design of the solution are projected from the very beginning. This implies that the analysis and design process start right from the start of the project.
Nedostajuce polje peto po redu
Correct Answer(s)
B. INtegracija
E. Testiranje
The correct answer is "INtegracija, Testiranje" because it is the fifth field missing in the given list. The list starts with "Testiranje delova" and continues with "INtegracija", "Implementacija", "Kodovanje", and "Testiranje". Therefore, the missing fifth field is "INtegracija, Testiranje".
Zaokružiti tačna tvrđenja vezana za dekoraciju.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Uvećava produktivnost
B. Može da utiče na efikasnost
D. Uvećava korisničko zadovoljstvo
The correct answer is that decoration increases productivity, can affect efficiency, and increases user satisfaction. This means that adding decorative elements to an application can have a positive impact on these aspects, making the application more enjoyable and effective for users.
Šta karakteriše staklene interfejse (glass interfaces)?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Jeftiniji i fleksibilniji
B. Precizne vrednosti
Glass interfaces are characterized by being cheaper and more flexible compared to other types of interfaces. They also provide precise values, meaning that they are able to accurately measure and display data. However, the answer does not provide any explanation for the statement "nije moguć gubitak konteksta" (no loss of context) or "fizički locirani" (physically located), so it is unclear why these options are not correct.
Na dijagramu je dat primer analize, koje?
Correct Answer
The correct answer is HTA. The question asks for an explanation of the given correct answer, which is HTA. However, the question itself is incomplete and not readable, making it difficult to provide a specific explanation.
Ako u dijagramu, kojim se opisuje analiza zadatka, stoji na primer
3.1-3.2-3.3 radi se o planu: Изаберите један одговор:
Correct Answer
C. Fiksne sekvence zadataka
The correct answer is "Fiksne sekvence zadataka" because in the given diagram, it is mentioned that the plan is described as 3.1-3.2-3.3. This indicates a fixed sequence of tasks, where each task must be completed in order before moving on to the next task. This implies that there is a predetermined order or sequence that needs to be followed, suggesting that the plan involves fixed sequences of tasks.
Slučaju korišćenja mogu se dodati i sledeće opšte informacije:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Preduslov
C. Garancije
E. Okidač
The given correct answer suggests that in the case of using the design model, the following general information can be added: precondition, guarantees, and trigger.
Kod Normanovog modela u petlji izvršavanje/procena , šta od navedenog
spada u deo procena? Korisnik:
Correct Answer(s)
F. Procenjuje stanje sistema sa aspekta postizanja cilja
G. Vrši interpretaciju
The correct answer is "procenjuje stanje sistema sa aspekta postizanja cilja, vrši interpretaciju". This answer is correct because it states that the evaluation component of Norman's model involves assessing the state of the system in relation to achieving the goal and interpreting the information gathered. This aligns with Norman's model, which includes the evaluation stage as part of the overall process.
Notacija zasnovana na proizvodnim pravilima se sastoji od 3 elementa. Sa oznakama “< >”
se obeležavaju
Correct Answer
D. ● odgovori sistema
The given correct answer is "● odgovori sistema". This is because the question states that the notation based on production rules consists of 3 elements, and then lists four options. Out of these options, "odgovori sistema" is the only one that matches the description of an element in the notation.
Abowd & Beale model interakcije se sastoji od
Correct Answer(s)
D. User
E. Output
F. Input
G. System
The Abowd & Beale model of interaction consists of four components: user, output, input, and system. The user refers to the individual or group who interacts with the system. The output is the information or response provided by the system to the user. The input is the information or commands provided by the user to the system. And the system is the overall structure or framework that processes the user's input and generates output. Together, these components form the basis of the interaction model proposed by Abowd & Beale.
Pravougaonik se u dijagramu toka koristi da bi:
Correct Answer
C. ● predstavio deo unutar jednog procesa
The rectangle in the diagram is used to represent a part within a process.
Struktruirano obrazlaganje (QOC) čine elementi:
Correct Answer(s)
C. Opcije
D. Kriterijumi
The correct answer is "Opcije" because in structured argumentation (QOC), the elements that make up the argument are options and criteria.
Model Human Processor (1983 - Card, Moran, Newel) sastoji se od sistema
opažanja, reakcije i _____.
Correct Answer
C. Kongnitivnog sistema
The Model Human Processor (1983 - Card, Moran, Newel) consists of the observation system, reaction system, and the cognitive system. The cognitive system refers to the mental processes involved in perception, memory, problem-solving, and decision-making. It is responsible for processing and interpreting information received from the observation system and generating appropriate reactions through the reaction system. Therefore, the correct answer is the cognitive system.
The Keystroke Level Model sažima sve perceptualne i kognitivne funkcije.
Correct Answer
B. Tacno
The Keystroke Level Model is a model that summarizes all perceptual and cognitive functions.
157. Koji model je predstavljen tekstom?
draw line ::= select line + choose points + last point
select line ::= pos mouse + CLICK MOUSE
choose points::= choose one | choose
one + choose points choose one ::= pos mouse +
CLICK MOUSE last point ::= pos mouse +
DBL CLICK MOUSE pos mouse ::= NULL
| MOVE MOUSE+ pos mouse
Correct Answer
The correct answer is BNF. BNF stands for Backus-Naur Form, which is a notation used to describe the syntax of programming languages. In the given text, the structure of the model is presented using BNF notation, with rules defined for drawing a line, selecting a line, choosing points, and specifying the last point. BNF is commonly used in computer science to formally define the syntax of programming languages and other formal grammars.
Agenti predstavljaju računarski softver koji postavljeni zadatak izvršava
isključivo uz intervenciju korisnika.
Correct Answer
B. Netacno
The given statement is incorrect. It states that agents are computer software that execute tasks solely with user intervention, which is not true. Agents are computer programs that can perform tasks autonomously without constant user intervention.
Šta označava E u modelu PIE?
Correct Answer
D. ● Odgovor sistema
The correct answer is "Odgovor sistema". In the context of the model PIE, "Odgovor sistema" refers to the response or output of the system. It represents the result or outcome of the system's operation or interaction with its environment. This term is used to describe the behavior or effect of the system in relation to the inputs it receives.
Šta nam omogućuje da proučavamo šta se događa u komunikaciji između računara i
Correct Answer
B. Model interakcije
The correct answer is "model interakcije". This answer suggests that the model of interaction allows us to study what happens in the communication between computers and users. The other options, such as "interfejs", "WIMP", and "stil interakcije", do not specifically refer to studying communication between computers and users.
164. Prednosti obrazlaganja:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Definisanje argumenata protiv drugih rešenja
B. Sakupljanje znanja za potrebe ponovnog korišćenja
C. Omogućava komunikaciju između svih članova tima
The given answer correctly identifies the advantages of reasoning, which include defining arguments against other solutions, gathering knowledge for reuse, and enabling communication among all team members. It also states that the usability of reasoning is not dependent on the context. These advantages highlight the importance of reasoning in problem-solving, decision-making, and collaboration within a team.
GOMS je kognitivni model iz grupe:
Correct Answer
D. Hijerarhijskih
The correct answer is "Hijerarhijskih". The question asks about the cognitive model GOMS and its group. The word "Hijerarhijskih" is the only option that matches the language used in the question. It is also a plausible option as cognitive models often involve hierarchical structures and processes.
Kod indusktrijske - indirektne manipulacije
Correct Answer
B. Korisnik vrši interakciju sa stvarnim objektima kroz interfejs
The correct answer is "korisnik vrši interakciju sa stvarnim objektima kroz interfejs". This means that the user interacts with real objects through an interface. This suggests that the user is physically manipulating or controlling tangible objects using a user interface.
Koji su od navedenih modela fizički modeli i baziraju se na poznavanju čovekovog pokretačkog sistema?
Correct Answer
The correct answer is KLM. KLM is a model that stands for "Keystroke-Level Model" and is based on the understanding of human motor system. It is used to predict the time it takes for a user to perform a task using a computer interface. This model breaks down the task into small subtasks and assigns time values to each action based on the complexity of the action. It is commonly used in human-computer interaction research and design to estimate task completion time and identify potential usability issues.
Metrike upotrbljivosti zavise od:
Correct Answer
D. ● Ciljeva projekta
The correct answer is "● Ciljeva projekta." This means that usability metrics depend on the goals of the project. The goals set for a project will determine the criteria by which usability will be measured and evaluated.
Postoje dve kategorije razmišljanja. Jedna je „rešavanje problema“, a druga
Correct Answer
A. Rezonovanje
There are two categories mentioned: "problem-solving" and "reasoning". The correct answer is "rezonovanje" which translates to "reasoning" in English.
Grafik na slici predstavlja?
Correct Answer
B. ● Hijerarhijsku mrežu prelaza stanja
The correct answer is "Hijerarhijsku mrežu prelaza stanja". The graphic on the picture represents a hierarchical network of state transitions.
174. Kojog grupi notacija pripada primer?
Stanje, Pt
init: → Stanje
move: Pt x Stanje → Stanje
za svako st Stanje, p Pt
1. delete(make ellipse(st)) = unselect(st)
2. unselect(unselect(st)) = unselect(st)
Изаберите један одговор:
Correct Answer
A. Algebarske
The given notation belongs to the algebraic group. This can be inferred from the operations "init" and "move" defined in the notation, which are typical of algebraic notations. Additionally, the aksiome (axioms) provided in the notation also align with the principles of algebraic notation. Therefore, the correct answer is "Algebarske".
U analizi zasnovanoj na znanju (knowledge-based) akcenat je na:
Correct Answer(s)
D. Akcijama
E. Objektima
The analysis focused on actions and objects.
MVC i PAC su primeri:
Correct Answer
User Interface Management Systems
MVC and PAC are examples of User Interface Management Systems.
Komponenta odgovorna za prikaz interfejsa uključujući sve ulazne i
izlazne objekte koji su na raspolaganju korisniku u UIMS (User Interface
Management Systems) je:
Correct Answer
B. Prezentacioni deo
The correct answer is "Prezentacioni deo" (Presentation layer). This layer is responsible for displaying the user interface, including all input and output objects available to the user in User Interface Management Systems (UIMS). It focuses on the visual representation and interaction with the user, ensuring that the interface is presented in a user-friendly and intuitive way.
180. HyperCard predstavlja:
Correct Answer
C. ● Simulaciju sa ograničenom funkcionalsnošću
HyperCard predstavlja simulaciju sa ograničenom funkcionalnošću.
Komponenta koja reguliše komunikaciju između prezentacionog dela i aplikacije u
UIMS (User Interface Management Systems) je:
Correct Answer
A. Dijalog kontrole
The correct answer is "Dijalog kontrole" because in UIMS (User Interface Management Systems), the dialog control component is responsible for regulating the communication between the presentation layer and the application. This component manages the interaction between the user and the system, allowing for input, output, and feedback. It controls the flow of information and ensures that the user interface responds appropriately to user actions.