Jumlah pemain tiap regu dalam permainan sepak bola adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. 11 pemain
The correct answer is 11 players. In a game of soccer, each team consists of 11 players on the field at a time. This is the standard number of players required for a full match.
Di bawah ini yang merupakan teknik dasar dalam permainan sepak bola adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Mengontrol bola
The correct answer is "mengontrol bola" which means ball control in English. Ball control is a fundamental technique in soccer where players use different parts of their body to control the ball, such as their feet, chest, or head. This technique allows players to maintain possession of the ball, pass accurately, and create scoring opportunities.
Berikut tujuan menggiring bola dalam permainan sepak bola kecuali, ...
Correct Answer
C. Untuk merebut bola dari lawan
The purpose of dribbling the ball in soccer is not to take the ball away from the opponent, but rather to bring the ball closer to the target, deceive the opponent's defense, and penetrate the opponent's defense.
Induk organisasi bola voli di Indonesia adalah ...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is PBVSI. PBVSI stands for Persatuan Bola Voli Seluruh Indonesia, which translates to the Indonesian Volleyball Association. This organization is responsible for the development and regulation of volleyball in Indonesia.
Pukulan smash bola voli, perkenaan tangan terhadap bola pada bagian ..
Correct Answer
B. Telapak tangan
The correct answer is "telapak tangan". When performing a smash in volleyball, the contact with the ball is made using the palm of the hand. The palm provides a larger surface area for a stronger and more controlled hit. The wrist is also involved in the motion, but the main point of contact is the palm or the "telapak tangan".
Teknik dalam permainan bola voli adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Pasing dan servis
The correct answer is passing and serving. In the game of volleyball, passing and serving are two essential techniques. Passing refers to the skill of receiving and directing the ball to a teammate, usually done with the forearms. Serving, on the other hand, is the act of initiating the play by hitting the ball over the net to the opposing team. Both passing and serving are crucial for maintaining control and initiating attacks in volleyball.
Permainan Bola Basket diciptakan oleh, ...
Correct Answer
A. Dr. James A. Naismith
Dr. James A. Naismith is credited with inventing the game of basketball. He was a Canadian physical education instructor who created the game in December 1891. Naismith was trying to create a new game to keep his students active during the winter months, and he came up with the idea of basketball. He wrote down 13 basic rules for the game and hung a peach basket on the wall as a goal. The game quickly gained popularity and spread to other schools and countries, becoming one of the most widely played sports in the world.
Teknik dasar menembak bola pada permainan bola basket adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Shooting
The correct answer is "shooting." In basketball, shooting refers to the act of throwing the ball towards the basket in an attempt to score points. It involves using proper technique, such as maintaining a good shooting form, aiming for the basket, and releasing the ball with the correct amount of force and spin. Mastering the basic shooting technique is essential for players to become effective scorers in the game of basketball.
Induk organisasi bulutangkis nasional adalah ...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is PBSI. PBSI stands for Persatuan Bulu Tangkis Seluruh Indonesia, which translates to the All Indonesia Badminton Association. This organization is responsible for the development and promotion of badminton in Indonesia at the national level.
Dibawah ini termasuk pegangan raket pada bulutangkis, kecuali ...
Correct Answer
C. Pegangan Finlandia
The correct answer is "Pegangan Finlandia." The other options mentioned, namely "Pengangan Inggris," "Pegangan Amerika," and "Pegangan Backhand," are all different grips used in badminton. However, "Pegangan Finlandia" is not a recognized grip in the sport.
Lama pertandingan dalam permainan bulutangkis ditentukan oleh ...
Correct Answer
A. Angka
The duration of a badminton match is determined by the score. In badminton, players earn points by successfully hitting the shuttlecock over the net and landing it within the boundaries of the opponent's court. The match continues until one player or team reaches a certain number of points, typically 21 or 30. Therefore, the score or "angka" is the deciding factor in determining the length of a badminton match.
Dibawah ini adalah teknik memukul bola dalam permainan kasti, kecuali ...
Correct Answer
B. Pegangan mendatar
The given answer "pegangan mendatar" is the only option that does not refer to a hitting technique in the game of kasti. "Pukulan rendah" refers to a low hit, "pukulan melambung" refers to a high hit, and "pukulan samping" refers to a side hit. However, "pegangan mendatar" refers to a horizontal grip, which is not a hitting technique but rather a way of holding the bat.
Permainan Kasti tergolong permainan ...
Correct Answer
B. bola kecil
The correct answer is "bola kecil" because Kasti is a traditional Indonesian game that is played with a small ball. The word "kecil" means small in Indonesian, indicating that the ball used in Kasti is small in size.
Berikut ini yang tidak termasuk gerakan dasar permainan kasti adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Menendang
The correct answer is "menendang" because it means "kicking" and it is not a basic movement in the game of "kasti". The other options, "menangkap" (catching), "melempar" (throwing), and "memukul" (hitting), are all basic movements commonly used in the game.
Pandangan mata saat melakukan pukulan kasti adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Kearah bola
The correct answer is "kearah bola" because when performing a kasti hit, the eyes should be focused on the direction of the ball. This is important to accurately aim and hit the ball in the desired direction. By keeping the eyes on the ball, the player can adjust their position and timing to make a successful hit. Focusing on the ball also helps in anticipating the movement and trajectory of the ball, allowing the player to react quickly and effectively.
jumlah pemain regu inti dalam permainan kasti adalah
Correct Answer
C. 12
The correct answer is 12 because in the game of kasti, there are typically 6 players on each team. Therefore, the total number of players in the core team would be 12.
Teknik dasar jalan cepat memperhatikan hal berikut, kecuali ...
Correct Answer
C. Mendarat dengan tumit terlebih dahulu
The basic technique of fast walking involves certain considerations, such as maintaining one foot on the ground at all times, landing with the heel first, and moving as quickly as possible. However, landing with the heel first is not a correct consideration for fast walking.
Pada saat melakukan jalan cepat gerakan lengan harus seirama dengan ...
Correct Answer
D. Langkah kaki
During brisk walking, the movement of the arms should be synchronized with the movement of the legs. This means that as one leg moves forward, the opposite arm should also move forward. This coordination helps to maintain balance and stability while walking, and also helps to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the walking exercise. Therefore, the correct answer is "langkah kaki" which means the movement of the legs.
Induk organisasi atletik nasional adalah ...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is PASI. PASI stands for Persatuan Atletik Seluruh Indonesia, which translates to the Indonesian Athletics Association. This organization is responsible for overseeing and promoting athletics at the national level in Indonesia. They coordinate and organize various athletic events, competitions, and training programs for athletes across the country.
Perbedaan antara jalan dengan lari terletak pada ...
Correct Answer
A. Cara kaki menapak
The difference between walking and running lies in the way the feet make contact with the ground. Walking involves a heel-to-toe motion, where the heel strikes the ground first and then rolls forward onto the toes. Running, on the other hand, involves a mid-foot or forefoot strike, where the foot lands on the middle or front part of the foot. This difference in foot strike is what distinguishes walking from running.
Star yang digunakan dalam lari jarak pendek adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Start jongkok
The correct answer is "start jongkok". In sprint races, athletes typically start in a crouched position known as "start jongkok" or "start berdiri" (standing start). This position allows the athletes to generate more power and explosive force when pushing off the starting blocks, giving them a quicker start and an advantage in the race. The other options, "start melayang" (floating start) and "start duduk" (sitting start), are not commonly used in sprint races.
Dibawah ini adalah gerakan lari jarak pendek, kecuali ...
Correct Answer
A. Start
The given question asks for an exception among the listed movements in short-distance running. The correct answer is "start" because it is not a movement during the actual running process but rather the initial action to begin the race. The other options, such as crossing the finish line, running, and being airborne, all pertain to the physical movements involved in short-distance running.
Prinsip lari jarak cepat adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Ujung kaki
The correct answer is "ujung kaki." This is because when running a short distance, it is more efficient to land and push off from the balls of your feet or the tips of your toes. This allows for a quicker stride and better propulsion, leading to faster running speeds. Landing on the heels or flat feet can slow down the runner and waste energy.
Seorang pelari akan menolakkan kaki sekuat-kuatnya bila mendengar aba-aba ...
Correct Answer
D. Ya
The correct answer is "ya" because it is the only option that indicates willingness or agreement. The other options (awas, bersedia, siap) do not convey the same meaning as "ya".
Yang bukan merupakan komponen kebugaran jasmani adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. intensitas latihan fisik
Intensitas latihan fisik bukan merupakan komponen kebugaran jasmani karena intensitas latihan fisik mengacu pada tingkat kesulitan atau beban yang diberikan pada tubuh selama latihan, bukan merupakan aspek kebugaran jasmani itu sendiri. Komponen kebugaran jasmani meliputi kecepatan, kekuatan, dan kelentukan yang masing-masing merupakan faktor penting dalam meningkatkan kebugaran fisik seseorang.
Salah satu latihan untuk meningkatkan kekuatan otot lengan dan bahu adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Push up
Push up adalah salah satu latihan yang efektif untuk meningkatkan kekuatan otot lengan dan bahu. Dalam push up, tubuh didukung oleh tangan dan kaki, sementara lengan dan bahu bekerja untuk mengangkat dan menurunkan tubuh secara berulang-ulang. Latihan ini melibatkan otot-otot utama seperti trisep, dada, dan bahu, serta otot-otot stabilisator seperti otot inti dan punggung. Dengan melakukan push up secara teratur, kekuatan dan kestabilan otot lengan dan bahu dapat meningkat, membantu meningkatkan kemampuan untuk melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari yang melibatkan penggunaan otot tersebut.
Latihan tubuh yang diciptakan dengan sengaja, disusun secara sistematis dengan tujuan tertentu, disebut ...
Correct Answer
B. Senam
Latihan tubuh yang diciptakan dengan sengaja, disusun secara sistematis dengan tujuan tertentu, disebut senam.
Manfaat fisik dengan melakukan senam lantai adalah sebagai berikut:
Correct Answer
C. Mengembangkan daya tahan otot, kekuatan, power, kelentukan, koordinasi, kelincahan, dan keseimbangannya.
The given answer explains that one of the benefits of doing floor exercises is to develop muscle endurance, strength, power, flexibility, coordination, agility, and balance. This suggests that performing floor exercises can help improve physical fitness by enhancing various physical attributes.
Dalam gerakan roll depan, anggota badan yang terlebih dahulu menyentuh matras adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Kedua tangan
In a forward roll movement, the body parts that touch the mat first are the hands. This is because the hands are used to initiate and guide the roll, providing support and stability as the body moves forward. The hands make contact with the mat before any other body part, allowing for a controlled and smooth execution of the roll.
Berikut yang bukan merupakan cara memberikan bantuan guling ke depan adalah:
Correct Answer
C. Mengangkat panggul dengan menempatkan tangan di sisi kedua paha. Dapat juga menolong berdiri di sisi kamu dengan kedua tangan agak mengangkat panggul kamu dan membawanya ke arah depan pada saat yang sama memperingatkan kamu agar tetap menekuk kepala sedalam-dalamnya.
The given answer is not a way to provide assistance in rolling forward because it does not involve supporting the head or pushing on the knees or hands. Instead, it suggests lifting the hips by placing hands on the sides of the thighs and helping the person stand up by slightly lifting the hips and moving them forward while reminding them to keep their head bent.
Dibawah ini merupakan gaya hidup sehat, kecuali ...
Correct Answer
C. Makan 4 kali sehari
The given options describe healthy lifestyle choices, such as eating nutritious food, practicing healthy behaviors, and avoiding things that can cause illnesses. However, the option "makan 4 kali sehari" (eating 4 times a day) is not necessarily a characteristic of a healthy lifestyle. The number of meals a person consumes in a day may vary depending on individual preferences and dietary needs. Therefore, it cannot be considered as a definitive aspect of a healthy lifestyle.
Hal yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Merokok
Merokok dapat menyebabkan penyakit karena rokok mengandung zat-zat berbahaya seperti nikotin, karbon monoksida, dan tar yang dapat merusak organ-organ tubuh. Merokok dapat menyebabkan berbagai penyakit serius seperti kanker paru-paru, penyakit jantung, stroke, dan penyakit pernapasan lainnya. Selain itu, merokok juga dapat melemahkan sistem kekebalan tubuh dan memperburuk kondisi kesehatan secara umum. Oleh karena itu, merokok merupakan faktor risiko utama dalam penyakit dan sebaiknya dihindari untuk menjaga kesehatan.
Tanda-tanda umum gangguan kesehatan adalah ..
Correct Answer
A. Lekas lelah
The given answer "lekas lelah" is correct because feeling tired or fatigued easily is a common sign of health problems. It can indicate an underlying medical condition or indicate that the body is not functioning optimally. Fatigue can be caused by various factors such as lack of sleep, poor nutrition, stress, or certain illnesses. Therefore, experiencing lekas lelah can be a general indication that there may be an underlying health issue that needs to be addressed.
Salah satu cara menjaga kesehatan, kecuali ...
Correct Answer
A. Tidak berolahraga
Tidak berolahraga adalah salah satu cara menjaga kesehatan. Olahraga memiliki banyak manfaat bagi tubuh, seperti meningkatkan kekuatan otot, menjaga keseimbangan berat badan, meningkatkan sirkulasi darah, dan meningkatkan kesehatan jantung. Dengan tidak berolahraga, tubuh tidak akan mendapatkan manfaat-manfaat tersebut dan dapat mengalami berbagai masalah kesehatan seperti kelebihan berat badan, tekanan darah tinggi, dan risiko penyakit jantung. Oleh karena itu, menjaga kesehatan dengan tidak berolahraga bukanlah pilihan yang tepat.
Berikut adalah zat-zat yang ada didalam makan sehat, kecuali ...
Correct Answer
C. Racun
The given question asks for the substance that is not present in healthy food. The options provided are carbohydrates, protein, poison, and fat. Carbohydrates, protein, and fat are all essential nutrients found in healthy food. However, poison is not a substance that should be present in any food, let alone healthy food. Therefore, the correct answer is "poison."
air minum yang sehat harus ...
Correct Answer
A. Cukup mineral untuk tubuh
Air minum yang sehat harus cukup mineral untuk tubuh. Ini berarti bahwa air minum yang sehat harus mengandung jumlah mineral yang cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tubuh. Mineral seperti zat besi dan fosfor penting untuk fungsi tubuh yang optimal. Air yang mengandung bibit penyakit dan racun tidak dapat dianggap sehat. Kandungan asin dan manis dalam air minum tidak menentukan kesehatannya, tetapi kelebihan garam dan gula dalam air minum dapat berdampak negatif pada kesehatan.
Pola untuk meraih kesehatan jasmani yang pertama adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. olahraga yang teratur
The first step to achieving physical health is regular exercise. Exercise helps to improve cardiovascular health, increase muscle strength and flexibility, and maintain a healthy weight. It also boosts mood, reduces stress, and improves overall mental well-being. Regular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. It is important to incorporate different types of exercise, such as aerobic, strength training, and flexibility exercises, into your routine for optimal health benefits.
Suata gaya hidup dengan memperhatikan faktor-faktor tertentu yang mempengaruhi kesehatan disebut ..
Correct Answer
A. Hakikat pola hidup sehat
The correct answer is "hakikat pola hidup sehat" because it refers to the essence or nature of a healthy lifestyle that takes into account various factors that affect health. The other options do not accurately represent the concept of a healthy lifestyle.
Supaya agar rumah kita tetap bersih dan sehat adalah…
Correct Answer
A. Rutin membersihkan
The correct answer is "Rutin membersihkan" because regularly cleaning our house is important to maintain cleanliness and hygiene. Regular cleaning helps to remove dirt, dust, and other pollutants that can accumulate over time. It also prevents the growth of bacteria and pests, which can cause health issues. By regularly cleaning our house, we can create a clean and healthy living environment for ourselves and our family.
Sebagai upaya memelihara lingkungan,Negara-negara didunia saat ini sedang gencar melakukan gerakan…
Correct Answer
C. Go green/penghijauan
Countries around the world are currently making efforts to preserve the environment through the go green/penghijauan movement. This movement focuses on promoting and implementing practices that are environmentally friendly, such as planting trees, reducing carbon emissions, and conserving natural resources. By going green, countries aim to mitigate the negative impacts of human activities on the environment and create a sustainable future for generations to come.