Ada beberapa tip dalam penelusuran informasi dengan kata kunci tertentu menggunakan mesin pencari google, kecuali....
Correct Answer
A. Penyedia fasilitas pencarian
The other options mentioned in the question are tips for searching information using specific keywords on Google search engine. However, "Penyedia fasilitas pencarian" (Search engine provider) is not a tip, but rather a category or type of tool that provides search facilities.
Pada pencarian dasar google yang digunakan untuk mengaitkan hubungan kata kunci yang saling terkait dengan menggunakan fungsi....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "AND" because it is a logical operator used in Google's basic search to find results that include both of the specified keywords. When using "AND" between two keywords, Google will only display results that contain both of those keywords, narrowing down the search and making it more specific.
Pada pencarian dasar google yang berguna untuk menampilkan informasi tentang dua atau lebih kata kunci yang dicari dengan menggunakan fungsi....
Correct Answer
OR is a useful basic Google search function that allows users to display information about two or more keywords searched. Unlike the AND function, which requires both keywords to be present in the search results, the OR function displays results that contain either one or both of the keywords. This broadens the search and increases the chances of finding relevant information.
Pada pencarian dasar google, Google akan menelusuri kata kunci yang berada di depan simbol .... dengan mengabaikan kata kunci di belakang simbol tanda minus.
Correct Answer
In a basic Google search, Google will search for the keywords in front of the NOT symbol and ignore the keywords behind the NOT symbol. This means that any search results containing the keywords behind the NOT symbol will be excluded from the search results.
Pada pencarian dasar google yang digunakan untuk mencari semua informasi dari kata kunci yang dicari setelah tanda ~ ....
Correct Answer
D. Sinonim
The correct answer is "Sinonim". Sinonim refers to a feature in Google search that allows users to find results related to the searched keywords by using the tilde (~) symbol. This symbol helps to broaden the search by including synonyms or similar terms to the keywords entered. By using this feature, users can find more relevant and diverse search results, expanding their knowledge and understanding of the topic they are searching for.
Pada pencarian dasar google, bisa dikatakan sebagai pengganti kata kunci secara acak dan menyeluruh adalah....
Correct Answer
E. Asterik
The correct answer is "Asterik" because an asterisk (*) is a wildcard character used in Google searches to substitute for any unknown term or word. It can be used to search for variations of a word or to replace a missing word in a phrase. By using an asterisk, you can search for multiple words that have the same root or stem, expanding the search results.
Pada pencarian dasar google, sebagai pengganti huruf yang akan melengkapi kata kunci yang dituliskan sebagai dasar pencarian adalah...
Correct Answer
C. Tanda titik
In a basic Google search, the punctuation mark that is used to replace a missing letter in a keyword is a period (tanda titik). This is commonly known as a wildcard character and is used to broaden the search results by including variations or alternative spellings of a word.
Pada pencarian dasar google, fitur yang dapat mencari informasi dengan google menggunakan tanda (“”) adalah....
Correct Answer
D. Frase
The correct answer is "Frase." In Google's basic search, using quotation marks ("") allows users to search for a specific phrase rather than individual words. By enclosing a phrase in quotation marks, Google will only show results that include that exact phrase, making the search more precise and targeted.
Pada pencarian dasar google, fitur pencarian akan melewati halaman web hasil pencarian yang diarahkan pada web yang paling sering diakses dengan urutan paling awal dengan menekan tombol....
Correct Answer
E. I'm feeling lucky
The correct answer is "I'm feeling lucky". In a basic Google search, the search feature will bypass the search results page and directly take the user to the web page that is most frequently accessed and ranked first. This can be done by clicking on the "I'm feeling lucky" button.
Pada pencarian dasar google, untuk mencari defenisi atau pengertian kata kunci yang diinginkan fungsi dari....
Correct Answer
A. Define
The correct answer is "Define". In a basic Google search, if you want to find the definition or meaning of a desired keyword, you can use the "Define" function. This function allows you to search for the definition of a specific word or phrase. It helps users to quickly find the meaning of a word without having to visit multiple websites or sources.
Mesin pencari Google tidak membedakan huruf kapital, di sebut....
Correct Answer
B. Case insensitive
Google search engine does not differentiate between uppercase and lowercase letters. This means that when searching for a word or phrase, Google will treat uppercase and lowercase letters as the same. For example, if you search for "apple" or "Apple," Google will provide the same search results. This feature is known as case insensitivity.
Menampilkan cache halaman terakhir website yang tersimpan pada cahce server google meskipun sudah tidak aktif, fungsi dari...
Correct Answer
C. Cache
Cache adalah tempat penyimpanan sementara yang digunakan untuk menyimpan data yang sering diakses agar dapat diakses dengan lebih cepat. Cache server Google adalah server yang digunakan oleh Google untuk menyimpan salinan halaman web yang sering diakses oleh pengguna. Meskipun halaman web sudah tidak aktif, cache server Google masih dapat menampilkan halaman terakhir yang tersimpan dalam cache tersebut. Hal ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk melihat konten halaman web tersebut meskipun halaman web aslinya tidak dapat diakses.
Fungsi dari cache pada pencarian dasar google....
Correct Answer
C. Menampilkan cache halaman terakhir website yang tersimpan pada cache server google meskipun sudah tidak aktif
The cache function in Google's basic search is to display the cached version of the last webpage that was stored on Google's cache server, even if it is no longer active. This means that users can still access and view the content of a webpage even if the original website is not currently available.
Pada pencarian dasar google, yang menampilkan informasi daftar link yang mengarah pada sebuah website adalah...
Correct Answer
D. Link
In a basic Google search, the information that displays a list of links that direct to a website is referred to as "Link". This feature allows users to easily navigate through different websites and access the information they are looking for.
Pada pencarian dasar google yang menampilkan informasi situs yang memiliki keterkaitan, kemiripan, atau relasi dengan web yang dicari adalah...
Correct Answer
E. Related
The correct answer is "Related". When conducting a basic Google search, the "Related" option displays websites that have connections, similarities, or relations to the searched web page. This feature helps users to explore additional relevant information and related sources that may be of interest or provide more in-depth knowledge on the topic.
Pada pencarian dasar google yang digunakan untuk memberikan informasi yang dimiliki oleh google terhadap sebuah situs yang di cari adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Info
The correct answer is "Info".
Pada pencarian dasar google yang berguna untuk menampilkan kata kunci dengan deskripsi format file tertentu adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Filetype
The correct answer is "Filetype" because it is a search operator in Google that allows users to search for specific file types. By using the "filetype" operator followed by a file extension (e.g., .pdf, .doc), users can find web pages that contain files of that particular type. This can be useful when searching for specific documents or resources in a particular format.
Pada pencarian dasar google yang berguna untuk menampilkan daftar situs yang menggunakan judul berdasarkan kata kunci tertentu yang dituliskan setelah syntax adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Intitle
The correct answer is "Intitle". This is because when performing a basic Google search, using the "Intitle" syntax allows the search engine to display a list of websites that use the specified keyword in their title. This helps narrow down the search results to websites that are more relevant to the specific keyword being searched for.
Pada pencarian dasar google yang berguna untuk mencari semua kata kunci secara lengkap pada judul postingan web adalah....
Correct Answer
D. Allintitle
The correct answer is "Allintitle". "Allintitle" is a useful basic Google search operator that allows users to search for web page titles that contain all of the specified keywords. This operator is particularly helpful when trying to find web pages that are relevant to a specific topic or keyword. By using "Allintitle", users can ensure that the search results only include web pages with titles that contain all of the specified keywords, providing more accurate and targeted search results.
Pada pencarian dasar google yang sangat berguna untuk menyaring halaman situs dengan akhiran tertentu seperti dengan domain tertentu adalah....
Correct Answer
E. Site
The correct answer is "Site". When conducting a basic Google search, using the "site" operator allows users to filter search results to only include pages from a specific domain. This is useful when looking for information on a particular website or when trying to exclude results from certain domains.
Pada pencarian dasar google yang berguna untuk menelusuri informasi berdasarkan kata kunci yang dicari pada alamat situs tertentu adalah....
Correct Answer
D. Inurl
The correct answer is "Inurl." When conducting a basic Google search, the "Inurl" operator is useful for searching information based on keywords within the URL of a specific website. This allows users to find web pages that contain the specified keyword in the URL, helping to narrow down search results and find more relevant information.
Pada pencarian dasar google yang memiliki cakupan pencarian dengan keyword yang lebih banyak dan detail dibanding dengan syntax inurl adalah...
Correct Answer
E. Allinurl
The correct answer is Allinurl. Allinurl is a Google search operator that allows users to search for web pages that contain all the specified keywords in the URL. This means that the search results will only show pages that have the keywords in their URLs, making the search more specific and targeted. Unlike Inurl, which only searches for a single keyword in the URL, Allinurl allows for multiple keywords to be included in the search. This makes Allinurl a more powerful and comprehensive search operator for finding specific web pages.
Program komputer yang dirancang khusus untuk melakukan pencarian file-file yang tersimpan dalam layanan www (word wide web), FTP, mailing list dan group di sebut....
Correct Answer
E. Search engine
A search engine is a computer program specifically designed to search and retrieve files stored in the World Wide Web (www), FTP, mailing lists, and groups. It is responsible for indexing and organizing web pages and other online content, making it easier for users to find the information they are looking for. Search engines use algorithms to analyze keywords and other factors to provide relevant search results to users.
Komponen yang penting yang merupakan bentuk tampilan atau format situs yang menyediakan fasilitas search engine, bentuk yang paling sederhana adalah tersedianya sebuah kotak kosong di situs dimana user dapat menuliskan data atau informasi yang ingin dicari di sebut....
Correct Answer
A. Query inteface
The correct answer is "query interface" because it refers to the component of a website that provides the facility for users to enter data or information they want to search for. It is the user-friendly interface that allows users to interact with the search engine and submit their queries. This component is crucial in enabling users to easily input their search terms and retrieve relevant results.
Sebuah program yang bertugas menerjemahkan keinginan user (kata yang diketikkan) ke dalam bahasa yang dimengerti oleh mesin komputer, dan juga bertugas melakukan pencarian arsip dan dokumen yang tepat dalam basis data yang bersangkutan di sebut....
Correct Answer
B. Query engine
A query engine is a program that translates user input into a language that can be understood by a computer. It also performs searches for the appropriate archives and documents within the relevant database. It is responsible for executing queries and retrieving the requested information from the database.
Kumpulan dari dokumen dan arsip dari seluruh website yang ada di internet, semakin besar skala internet semakin besar pula kapasitas penyimpanan yang diperlukan disebut....
Correct Answer
C. Database
The correct answer is "Database". A database is a collection of documents and archives from all websites on the internet. As the scale of the internet increases, the storage capacity needed also increases. A database is designed to organize and store large amounts of data efficiently. It allows for easy retrieval and management of information, making it the most suitable option for storing the vast amount of data from the internet.
Model komunikasi daring dibedakan menjadi dua macam yaitu....
Correct Answer
A. Sinkron dan asinkron
The correct answer is "Sinkron dan asinkron." This is because the question is asking for the two types of online communication models, and "sinkron" (synchronous) and "asinkron" (asynchronous) are the correct terms used to describe these models. Synchronous communication refers to real-time communication where participants interact simultaneously, while asynchronous communication refers to communication that does not require all participants to be present at the same time.
Jenis komunikasi digital yang dilakukan secara tidak langsung dan mengalami masa jeda (tunda) merupakan jenis komunikasi....
Correct Answer
B. Asinkron
Asinkron adalah jenis komunikasi digital yang dilakukan secara tidak langsung dan mengalami masa jeda (tunda). Dalam komunikasi asinkron, pesan atau informasi dikirimkan dan diterima oleh penerima pada waktu yang berbeda, tidak secara langsung atau secara real-time. Contoh dari komunikasi asinkron adalah email, pesan teks, atau forum online, di mana pesan dapat dibaca dan ditanggapi oleh penerima pada waktu yang berbeda.
Jenis komunikasi yang dilakukan dalam waktu yang bersamaan oleh pengirim data dan penerima data secara real time, merupakan jenis komunikasi....
Correct Answer
A. Sinkron
Sinkron adalah jenis komunikasi yang dilakukan dalam waktu yang bersamaan oleh pengirim data dan penerima data secara real time. Dalam komunikasi sinkron, pengirim dan penerima data harus berada dalam sinkronisasi yang tepat sehingga informasi dapat dikirim dan diterima secara langsung tanpa adanya penundaan atau jeda waktu.
Fareh mengirim surel kepada zahid, tapi belum tentu zahid langsung melihat dan membalasnya karena notifikasi surel yang tidak diketahui atau belum ada waktu untuk membaca dan membalasnya, hal diatas terssebut termasuk salah satu jenis kominukasi....
Correct Answer
B. Asinkron
The given answer, "Asinkron," is correct because it refers to a type of communication where the participants do not need to be present or engaged in the communication at the same time. In this case, Fareh sending an email to Zahid, but Zahid not immediately seeing or responding to it due to unknown notifications or lack of time, fits the description of asynchronous communication.
Beberapa Persyaratan komponen yang harus disiapkan agar komunikasi daring dapat berjalan dengan baik, kecuali....
Correct Answer
C. Komputer
The given answer is "Komputer". This is because computer is one of the essential components required for successful online communication. It is necessary to have a computer in order to access the internet and engage in online communication. The other options listed, such as hardware, software, brainware, and internet transmission channels, are also important components for online communication.
Lampiran dalam sebuah e-mail biasa disebut ….
Correct Answer
A. Attachment
The correct answer is "Attachment" because an attachment is a file or document that is included with an email. It can be a photo, a document, or any other type of file. Including an attachment allows the recipient to view or download the file directly from the email.
Tombol Reply yang ada saat membuka e-mail, digunakan untuk ... e-mail.
Correct Answer
E. Membalas
The correct answer is "Membalas". The "Reply" button in an email is used to respond or reply to the sender of the email. It allows the recipient to compose and send a response to the original sender, continuing the conversation or addressing any questions or concerns raised in the email.
Blogger adalah salah satu milik....
Correct Answer
D. Google
Blogger is a platform owned by Google that allows users to create and manage their own blogs. It provides a simple and user-friendly interface for writing and publishing blog posts. With Blogger, users can customize the appearance of their blogs, add widgets and gadgets, and even monetize their blogs through advertisements. Google acquired Blogger in 2003, making it one of the popular choices for individuals and businesses looking to start a blog.
Di bawah ini layanan chatting, kecuali....
Correct Answer
E. Sms
The given options are all different chat services except for SMS. SMS stands for Short Message Service, which is a text messaging service that allows users to send and receive short text messages on their mobile devices. The other options listed are all online chat services that require internet connectivity. Therefore, SMS is the correct answer as it is not a chat service that operates over the internet.
Tata krama dalam komunikasi asyncrounus, kecuali....
Correct Answer
A. Berbicara seenaknya sendiri tanpa memandang lawan bicara
The correct answer is "berbicara seenaknya sendiri tanpa memandang lawan bicara". This answer suggests that in asynchronous communication, it is important to consider the other person and not speak without regard for them. This means that one should not dominate the conversation or disregard the other person's perspective. Instead, effective asynchronous communication involves actively listening to the other person and responding appropriately.
Contoh email yang benar adalah....
ExplanationThe given email addresses are all incorrect except for "
[email protected]". This email address follows the correct format of having a username, followed by the "@" symbol, and then the domain name "gmail.com". The username "alwan.2016" does not contain any special characters or spaces, which is also correct. Therefore, "
[email protected]" is the correct email address.
Untuk login ke akun google, caranya dengan memasukan....
Correct Answer
A. Email dan password
The correct answer is "email dan password." When logging into a Google account, the user is required to enter their email address, which serves as their username, and their password. These two pieces of information are necessary to authenticate the user and grant them access to their account.
Untuk menulis email kepada orang lain, caranya klik....
Correct Answer
C. Compose
To write an email to someone, you need to click on the "compose" option. This option allows you to create a new email and enter the recipient's email address, subject, and the body of the email. Once you have composed the email, you can then send it to the intended recipient.
Fasilitas milik google untuk mengupload dan mempublikasikan video adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Youtube
Google memiliki fasilitas bernama YouTube yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengunggah dan mempublikasikan video. YouTube adalah platform berbagi video yang sangat populer dan dimiliki oleh Google.