Syukur secara bahasa artinya adalah terimakasih
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement is true because "syukur" is indeed the Indonesian word for "terimakasih," which means "thank you" in English.
Hal-hal yang menyebabkan seseorang melakukan sujud syukur adalah karena ia mendapat nikmat dan karunia dari Allah swt
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement is true because sujud syukur is a form of expressing gratitude towards Allah for the blessings and favors bestowed upon an individual. When someone receives blessings or favors from Allah, they may feel a deep sense of gratitude and choose to perform sujud syukur as a way of thanking Allah for His benevolence. This act of prostration is a physical manifestation of the person's appreciation and acknowledgment of Allah's blessings and grace.
Hukum Sujud Syukur adalah sunnah muakad
Correct Answer
B. False
The correct answer is False because Hukum Sujud Syukur is not a sunnah muakad. A sunnah muakad is a highly recommended practice in Islam, while Sujud Syukur is a voluntary act of prostration performed to express gratitude to Allah. It is not obligatory or highly recommended but rather a voluntary act that can be performed in specific situations.
Shodaqah yang palig baik adalah shodaqah yang dilakukan dengan cara terang terangan
Correct Answer
A. True
The explanation for the given correct answer is that the best form of charity (shodaqah) is the one that is done openly or publicly. This is because when charity is done openly, it not only helps the intended recipients but also inspires and encourages others to give as well. By publicly giving charity, one sets a positive example and creates a culture of giving and generosity.
- Sujud di luar shalat ketika memperoleh kenikmatan disebut sujud tilawah
Correct Answer
B. False
Sujud di luar shalat ketika memperoleh kenikmatan tidak disebut sujud tilawah. Sujud tilawah merujuk pada sujud yang dilakukan saat membaca atau mendengar ayat-ayat tertentu dalam Al-Quran.
Waktu pelaksanaan sujud syukur adalah ketika mendengar ayat sajdah
Correct Answer
B. False
The correct answer is False. The explanation is that the time for performing sujud syukur (prostration of gratitude) is not specifically when hearing the verse of sajdah (prostration). Sujud syukur can be performed at any time to express gratitude to Allah for blessings received, and it is not limited to a specific verse or situation.
Sujud syukur dilakukan sebanyak dua kali
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because sujud syukur is not performed twice, but rather it is performed once. Sujud syukur is a prostration of gratitude that Muslims perform to express their gratitude to Allah for blessings or answered prayers. It is not a regular part of the daily prayers, but rather a voluntary act that is performed on special occasions or when a person wants to express their gratitude for a specific blessing.
Ibrahim mendapatkan nilai terbaik di kelasnya, maka Ibrahim disunnahkan untuk melakukan sujud Tilawah
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement says that Ibrahim got the highest score in his class, so he is recommended to perform sujud Tilawah. However, there is no connection between getting the highest score and being recommended to perform sujud Tilawah. Sujud Tilawah is a prostration done when reciting or hearing specific verses from the Quran, and it is not related to academic achievements. Therefore, the correct answer is False.
Di dalam Al Qur’an Ayat Sajdah terdapat sebanyak 15
Correct Answer
A. True
The explanation for the correct answer being "True" is that there are indeed 15 verses in the Quran that require prostration (sajdah) when recited. These verses are considered to be of great significance and are meant to invoke a sense of humility and submission to Allah.
Bila imam membaca ayat sajdah dan tidak melakukan sujud tilawah maka kita sebagai makmum melaksanakan sujud tilawah
Correct Answer
B. False
If the reader recites a verse that requires sajdah (prostration) and does not perform the sajdah tilawah, then as a follower (makmum), we do not need to perform the sajdah tilawah.
Salah satu hikmah melakukan sujud tilawah kecuali ....
Correct Answer
A. Menjadi orang yang paling taat dan patuh akan perintah Alla
Salah satu hikmah melakukan sujud tilawah adalah menjadi orang yang paling taat dan patuh akan perintah Allah. This suggests that by performing sujud tilawah, one can strengthen their obedience and submission to Allah's commands.
Ayat Al Qur’an yang menyatakan bahwa kalau kita mengkufuri nikmat Allah maka Allah akan memberi azab yang pedih terdapat dalam surat ....
Correct Answer
A. Ibrohim ayat 7
The correct answer is "ibrohim ayat 7". This ayat states that if we are ungrateful for the blessings of Allah, then Allah will punish us with a severe torment.
Puasa memiliki tujuan secara agama, yaitu ....
Correct Answer
B. Mengendalikan hawa nafsu
Puasa memiliki tujuan secara agama, yaitu mengendalikan hawa nafsu. Dalam konteks agama, puasa dijalankan sebagai bentuk pengendalian diri terhadap keinginan duniawi dan hawa nafsu yang mendorong seseorang untuk melakukan hal-hal yang tidak sesuai dengan ajaran agama. Dengan berpuasa, seseorang belajar untuk mengendalikan keinginan-keinginan tersebut dan fokus pada ibadah serta pemurnian jiwa. Puasa juga dianggap sebagai sarana untuk meningkatkan kesadaran spiritual dan mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan.
Di bawah ini yang termasuk puasa sunah adafah ....
Correct Answer
D. Puasa ayamul bid
Puasa ayamul bid adalah puasa sunah adafah yang dilakukan pada hari-hari tertentu dalam sebulan, seperti pada hari Senin dan Kamis atau pada hari ke-13, 14, dan 15 setiap bulan Hijriyah. Puasa ini dianjurkan untuk dilakukan sebagai bentuk ibadah tambahan selain puasa wajib.
Besarnya Nishab emas adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. 93.6 gr
The correct answer is 93.6 gr because it is the closest option to the Nishab requirement for gold, which is 85 grams. The Nishab is the minimum amount of wealth or assets that a person must possess in order to be obligated to pay Zakat (Islamic alms).
Di antara tanggal – tanggal berikut yang diharamkan puasa adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. 10 dzulhiah
Puasa diharamkan pada tanggal 10 Dzulhijjah karena pada tanggal ini umat Muslim sedang melaksanakan ibadah haji di Mekah. Pada tanggal ini, umat Muslim yang sedang menjalankan ibadah haji akan melaksanakan wukuf di Arafah. Oleh karena itu, puasa pada tanggal ini tidak diperbolehkan agar umat Muslim dapat fokus dalam menjalankan ibadah haji.
Orang yang berhak menenma zakat harta adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. 8 golongan
The correct answer is "8 golongan". This is because zakat harta can be given to eight specific categories of people who are eligible to receive it. These categories include fakir (those who are extremely poor), miskin (those who are needy), amil (those who are appointed to collect and distribute zakat), muallaf (those who have recently converted to Islam), riqab (those who are in bondage or enslaved), ghārimīn (those who are in debt), fi sabilillah (those who are striving in the way of Allah), and ibnus sabil (those who are stranded travelers).
Orang yang berhak menerima zakat harta dijelaskan dalam Alquran surah ....
Correct Answer
A. QS Attaubah ayat 60
The correct answer is QS Attaubah ayat 60. This verse in the Quran explains the categories of people who are eligible to receive zakat (charity) from the wealth of Muslims. It states that zakat should be given to the poor, the needy, those who are in charge of collecting and distributing zakat, those whose hearts are to be reconciled, those in bondage, those in debt, in the cause of Allah, and for the wayfarer. This verse provides guidance on who should be the recipients of zakat and emphasizes the importance of helping those in need.
Hari-hari berikut yang tidak diharamkan puasa adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. Hari arofah
Hari Arofah is the correct answer because it is one of the days in the Islamic calendar that is highly recommended for fasting. It falls on the 9th day of the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah and is considered a significant day for Muslims who are performing the Hajj pilgrimage. Fasting on this day is believed to expiate sins and bring about spiritual purification. Therefore, it is not prohibited to fast on Hari Arofah.
Nama lain zakat tijarah adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Perdagangan
The correct answer is "perdagangan" because zakat tijarah refers specifically to the zakat on trade or business activities. It is a form of zakat that is obligatory on individuals engaged in commercial activities, such as buying and selling goods or providing services for profit. The other options mentioned, such as pertanian (agriculture), peternakan (animal husbandry), and harta temuan (found property), do not relate to zakat tijarah specifically.
Nishab zakat perdagangan sama dengan....
Correct Answer
A. Nisob emas
The correct answer is "nisob emas". In Islamic finance, zakat is a mandatory charitable contribution that Muslims are required to give based on their wealth. The nisab is the minimum amount of wealth that a person must have before they are obligated to pay zakat. The nisab for zakat on trade is based on the value of gold. Therefore, the correct answer is nisob emas, which translates to "gold nisab".
Nishob dalam zakat mal adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Batas minimal harta
The correct answer is "batas minimal harta" because zakat mal refers to the obligation of giving a certain percentage of one's wealth to the poor and needy. Therefore, the minimum limit or threshold of wealth is an essential factor in determining whether an individual is eligible to pay zakat or not.
Batas minimal waktu dalam zakat mal disebut....
Correct Answer
B. Khaul
The correct answer is "khaul". In the context of zakat mal (obligatory charity on wealth), "khaul" refers to the minimum duration of time that must pass before zakat becomes obligatory on certain types of wealth, such as gold, silver, and trade goods. This duration is one lunar year. Therefore, the correct answer is "khaul".
Zakat yang harus dikeluarkan untuk hasil pertanian dengan air hujan adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. 10 %
The correct answer is 10%. In Islam, zakat is a mandatory act of giving a certain portion of wealth to the less fortunate. Zakat on agricultural produce with rainwater is 10% of the total harvest. This means that farmers are required to give 10% of their agricultural produce as zakat to help those in need.
Nishob zakat perak adalah
Correct Answer
A. 624 gr
Besarnya zakat rikaz
Correct Answer
C. 20 %
The correct answer is 20%. This means that the zakat rikaz is calculated at a rate of 20% of the total value. Zakat rikaz refers to the obligatory charity that is given on wealth obtained from buried treasures or minerals that are discovered in the ground. This answer suggests that 20% of the value of the discovered treasures or minerals should be given as zakat.
Harta yang berupa emas, perak, dan mata uang harus dikeluarkan zakatnya apabila telah mencukupi....
Correct Answer
A. Khaul
Zakat on wealth such as gold, silver, and currency is obligatory when it reaches the minimum threshold or nishab. Khaul refers to the completion of one lunar year since the wealth reached the nishab. Therefore, the correct answer is khaul.
Nishab temak kambing adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. 40 ekor
The correct answer is 40 ekor. This suggests that the nishab temak kambing, which refers to the minimum amount of wealth required for zakat (Islamic alms) purposes, is 40 goats.
Tilawah menurut bahasa adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Bacaan
Tilawah adalah istilah dalam agama Islam yang merujuk pada membaca atau mengucapkan ayat-ayat Al-Quran dengan baik dan benar. Dalam konteks ini, bacaan adalah jawaban yang tepat karena tilawah merupakan bentuk membaca atau mengucapkan ayat-ayat Al-Quran.
Ukuran zakat fitrah yang harus dikeluarkan adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. 2,5 kg
The correct answer is 2,5 kg. This is because zakat fitrah is a form of charity that is obligatory for Muslims to give before the celebration of Eid al-Fitr. It is usually given in the form of staple food items, such as rice, wheat, or dates. The amount to be given is 2,5 kg per person, which is equivalent to the average amount of food that a person needs to consume in a day. This ensures that everyone has enough to eat during the festive season.