Mng Investitiilor Feaa

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| By Dinaarsene
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 1,542
Pertanyaan: 152 | Attempts: 1,542

Mng Investitiilor Feaa - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Costul capitalului propriu este dat de:

    • A.

      Marimea relativa a dividendelor cerute de actionari

    • B.

      Marimea relativa a platilor facute de intreprindere pt acces la piata de capital

    • C.

      Marimea ratei rentabilitatii asteptate de actionari

    Correct Answer
    C. Marimea ratei rentabilitatii asteptate de actionari
    The correct answer is "marimea ratei rentabilitatii asteptate de actionari" which translates to "the size of the expected rate of return by shareholders." This answer suggests that the cost of equity capital is determined by the expected return that shareholders anticipate from their investment. In other words, it is the return on investment that shareholders expect to receive in exchange for providing their capital to the company. This expected rate of return is a crucial factor in determining the cost of equity capital for a company.

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  • 2. 

    Relatia A= ( ai- ai no/ n0+ni) n0/ni permite determinarea:

    • A.

      Valorii pierderii din dilutia capitalului ca urmare a mobilizarii rezervelor

    • B.

      Pretului dreptului de subscriere

    • C.

      Dreptul de subscriere

    • D.

      Dreptul de atribuire

    • E.

      Pretului dreptului de atribuire

    Correct Answer
    E. Pretului dreptului de atribuire
    The given equation A = (ai - ai no/ n0 + ni) n0/ni is used to determine the price of the right of attribution.

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  • 3. 

    Prima de risc desemneaza

    • A.

      Un corectiv aplicat costului capitalului in raport de intensitatea riscului

    • B.

      Capacitatea unei investitii de a rezista fata de risc

    • C.

      Un estimator al riscului general corespunzator activitatii intreprinderii

    Correct Answer
    A. Un corectiv aplicat costului capitalului in raport de intensitatea riscului
    The correct answer is "un corectiv aplicat costului capitalului in raport de intensitatea riscului." This answer suggests that the "prima de risc" is a corrective measure applied to the cost of capital based on the intensity of the risk. It implies that the risk premium is a factor that adjusts the cost of capital to account for the level of risk involved in an investment.

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  • 4. 

    Raportul procentual dintre niveelul remunerarii imprumutului pt investitii si marimea respectivului imprumut poarta denumirea de 

    • A.

      Rata a dobanzii

    • B.

      Rata a rentabilitatii cap propriu

    • C.

      Rata a rentabilitatii cap atras

    • D.

      Rata actuariala

    • E.

      Rata a remunerarii detoriei

    Correct Answer
    E. Rata a remunerarii detoriei
    The correct answer is "rata a remunerarii detoriei". This term refers to the percentage ratio between the level of remuneration of the investment loan and the size of the loan. It indicates the rate at which the loan is being repaid or compensated for.

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  • 5. 

    RIR este influentat negativ prin risc atunci cand

    • A.

      Costul capitalului scade

    • B.

      Durata de exploatarescade

    • C.

      Durata de exploatare creste

    • D.

      Nivelul cheltuielilor de exploatare scade

    • E.

      Nivelul cheltuielilor de exploatare creste

    Correct Answer
    D. Nivelul cheltuielilor de exploatare scade
    When the level of operating expenses decreases, RIR (Return on Investment Ratio) is negatively influenced by risk. This means that if the expenses associated with the operation of a business decrease, it can indicate potential risks such as decreased revenue or efficiency. This can result in a lower return on investment, as the business may not be generating enough profit to cover its expenses or meet its financial goals.

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  • 6. 

    Analiza diagnostic pt identificare ideii de proiect trebuie sa cuprinda

    • A.

      Analiza pietei interne si externe

    • B.

      Medul economic si social

    • C.

      Natura activitatii si pozitia actuala a intreprinderii

    • D.

      Conjunctura economica

    • E.

      Perspectivele evolutiei intreprinderii

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Analiza pietei interne si externe
    B. Medul economic si social
    E. Perspectivele evolutiei intreprinderii
    The correct answer includes the analysis of the internal and external market, the economic and social environment, and the perspectives for the evolution of the enterprise. These elements are essential in determining the feasibility and potential success of a project. By analyzing the internal and external market, the project can assess the demand, competition, and potential customers. The economic and social environment analysis helps understand the economic conditions and societal factors that may impact the project. Lastly, evaluating the perspectives for the evolution of the enterprise allows for a long-term assessment of the project's sustainability and growth potential.

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  • 7. 

    Unicitatea proiectelor desemneaza

    • A.

      O caracteristica generala a investitiilor directe de capital

    • B.

      Faptul ca nu se poate realiza decat un singur proiect de investitii 

    • C.

      Specificarea fiecarui proiect de investitii in raport cu altele

    • D.

      Option 4

    Correct Answer
    C. Specificarea fiecarui proiect de investitii in raport cu altele
    The correct answer is "specificarea fiecarui proiect de investitii in raport cu altele." This means that the uniqueness of projects refers to the specification of each investment project in relation to others. In other words, each investment project is distinct and has its own specifications and considerations that differentiate it from other projects. This uniqueness is important in order to properly evaluate and prioritize investment decisions.

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  • 8. 

    Efelctul de levier este pozitiv atunci cand

    • A.

      Rata dividendelor este inferioara ratei demunerarii capitalului atras

    • B.

      Rata indatorarii este subunitara

    • C.

      Rata indatorarii este supraunitara

    • D.

      Rata dobanzii la creditul pe termen mediu si lung este inferioara ratei dividendelor 

    Correct Answer
    D. Rata dobanzii la creditul pe termen mediu si lung este inferioara ratei dividendelor 
    The correct answer is "rata dobanzii la creditul pe termen mediu si lung este inferioara ratei dividendelor". This means that the leverage effect is positive when the interest rate on medium and long-term credit is lower than the rate of dividends. This suggests that a company can benefit from using debt financing if the cost of borrowing is lower than the return on investment through dividends.

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  • 9. 

    Emiterea si vanzarea de noi actiuni caracterizeaza o investitie in sens

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. Financiar
    The emission and sale of new shares characterizes an investment in a financial sense. This means that when a company issues new shares and sells them to investors, it is considered a financial investment. This type of investment involves the allocation of funds in the financial markets with the expectation of generating a return or profit. It is a common practice in the corporate world to raise capital through the issuance and sale of new shares, which helps the company finance its operations and growth.

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  • 10. 

    Valoarea investitiei initiale de capital pt un proiect contine

    • A.

      Valoarea consstructiilor realizate in cadrul proiectului de investitii

    • B.

      Valoarea cheltuielilor de transport, a taxelor vamale si instalarii echipamentelor prevazute prin proiect

    • C.

      Valoarea terenului achizitionat pt amplasarea activelor realizate ptrin proiectul de investitii

    • D.

      Valoarea activitatilor de organizare a santierului pt punerea in opera a proiectului 

    • E.

      Valoarea echipamentelor necesare functionarii intreprinderii dupa punerea in functiune

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Valoarea consstructiilor realizate in cadrul proiectului de investitii
    B. Valoarea cheltuielilor de transport, a taxelor vamale si instalarii echipamentelor prevazute prin proiect
    C. Valoarea terenului achizitionat pt amplasarea activelor realizate ptrin proiectul de investitii
    D. Valoarea activitatilor de organizare a santierului pt punerea in opera a proiectului 
    The correct answer includes all the components that are included in the initial capital investment for a project. This includes the value of the constructions made within the investment project, the value of transportation expenses, customs fees, and equipment installation specified in the project, the value of the land acquired for the placement of assets created by the investment project, and the value of site organization activities for the implementation of the project. Additionally, the value of the equipment necessary for the operation of the enterprise after it is put into operation is also included in the initial capital investment.

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  • 11. 

    Investitii cu venit fix fac [arte din categoria

    • A.

      Inv financiare

    • B.

      Inv interne

    • C.

      Inv cu lichiditate scazuta

    • D.

      Inv externe

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Inv financiare
    D. Inv externe
    The correct answer is "inv financiare, inv externe". This means that fixed income investments are considered as financial investments and external investments. Fixed income investments are financial investments because they involve the purchase of financial assets such as bonds, certificates of deposit, or treasury bills that provide a fixed rate of return. These investments are also considered as external investments because they involve investing in assets or securities that are issued by entities outside of one's own country.

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  • 12. 

    Nivelul potentialului de autofinantare este influentat de 

    • A.

      Politica de imprumut a intreprinderii

    • B.

      Nivelul cifrei de afaceri realizata de intreprindere

    • C.

      Calitatea relatiilor intreprinderii cu tertii

    • D.

      Politica de amortizare a intreprinderii 

    • E.

      Nivelul si calitatea concurentei in domeniu

    • F.

      Politica de distribuire a dividendelor promovata de intreprindere

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Politica de imprumut a intreprinderii
    B. Nivelul cifrei de afaceri realizata de intreprindere
    D. Politica de amortizare a intreprinderii 
    F. Politica de distribuire a dividendelor promovata de intreprindere
    The potential level of self-financing is influenced by the company's borrowing policy, the level of turnover achieved by the company, the company's depreciation policy, and the company's dividend distribution policy. These factors determine the company's ability to generate internal funds and rely less on external financing sources.

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  • 13. 

    Actualizarea unui beneficiu de 100 mil lei , realizabil in al cincilea an de de functionare, la momentul deciziei se realizeaza prin recurs la

    • A.

      Fac de acumulare

    • B.

      Fac de scont

    • C.

      Fac de actualizare

    Correct Answer
    B. Fac de scont
    The correct answer is "fac de scont" because when updating a benefit of 100 million lei that will be realized in the fifth year of operation, the appropriate method to use is the discount factor. This method takes into account the time value of money and adjusts the value of the benefit based on the interest rate or discount rate. By using the discount factor, the future value of the benefit can be calculated and adjusted to its present value at the time of the decision.

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  • 14. 

    Pentru actualizarea valorilor de investitii este obligatorie parcurgerea urmatoarelor etape 

    • A.

      Precizarea nivelului si momentului apartitiei valorilor nominale

    • B.

      Stabilirea relatiei dintre valorile aferente investitiei

    • C.

      Estimarea corectivelor pt valori viitoare

    • D.

      Localizarea valorilor in cadrul perioadelor

    • E.

      Fixarea momentului de referinta

    • F.

      Stabilirea coeficientului de actualizare

    • G.

      Actualizarea propriuzisa

    • H.

      Estimarea corectivelor pt valori trecute

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Precizarea nivelului si momentului apartitiei valorilor nominale
    D. Localizarea valorilor in cadrul perioadelor
    E. Fixarea momentului de referinta
    F. Stabilirea coeficientului de actualizare
    G. Actualizarea propriuzisa
    The correct answer is the sequence of steps necessary for updating investment values. It starts with specifying the level and timing of nominal values, followed by determining the relationship between the investment values. Then, estimating corrections for future values and locating the values within specific periods. After that, fixing the reference point and establishing the adjustment coefficient. Finally, carrying out the actual update and estimating corrections for past values.

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  • 15. 

    Structura de finantare a investitiilor este data de 

    • A.

      Contributiile diferitor surse la formarea fondului pt realizarea unui proiect de investitii

    • B.

      Partea din finantarea unei investitii acoperite prin sursele atrase

    • C.

      Partea din finantarea unei investitii acoperite prin capit propriu

    • D.

      Valoarea totala a investitiei

    • E.

      Nivelul absolut al fondului aferent realizarii unei investitii

    Correct Answer
    A. Contributiile diferitor surse la formarea fondului pt realizarea unui proiect de investitii
    The correct answer is "contributiile diferitor surse la formarea fondului pt realizarea unui proiect de investitii" which translates to "the contributions of different sources in forming the fund for carrying out an investment project." This explanation suggests that the structure of financing investments is determined by the contributions from various sources that come together to create the fund needed for a specific investment project.

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  • 16. 

    Folosirea mijloacelor statistice de culegere si prelucrare a datelor poate fi la originea riscului investitional

    • A.

      In sens dominat obiectiv

    • B.

      Neutru fata de subiectul deciziei de investitie

    • C.

      In sens dominat subiectiv

    Correct Answer
    C. In sens dominat subiectiv
    The correct answer is "in sens dominat subiectiv." This means that the use of statistical methods for data collection and analysis can be influenced by subjective factors. In other words, the interpretation and application of statistical techniques may be biased or influenced by personal opinions or beliefs. This suggests that there is a risk in investment decisions that are based on subjective interpretations of statistical data.

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  • 17. 

    In evaluarea rezultatelor unei investitii , beneficiul de exploatare este element al

    • A.

      Valorii productiei vandute

    • B.

      Valorii de piata a imobilizarilor

    • C.

      Cheltuielilor de exploatare

    • D.

      Valorii adaugate

    Correct Answer
    C. Cheltuielilor de exploatare
    In the evaluation of investment results, the "beneficiul de exploatare" refers to the operating profit or income generated from the investment. It represents the difference between the revenue generated from the sale of products or services and the operating expenses incurred in the production process. Therefore, it is a component of the "cheltuielilor de exploatare" which refers to the operating expenses.

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  • 18. 

    Investitorul institutional realizeaza

    • A.

      Punerea in opera a ideilor de proiect

    • B.

      Transferul de capital intre investitorul elementar si investitorul direct

    • C.

      Colectarea si oferirea de capital

    • D.

      Emiterea de actiuni

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Transferul de capital intre investitorul elementar si investitorul direct
    C. Colectarea si oferirea de capital
    The correct answer is "transferul de capital intre investitorul elementar si investitorul direct, colectarea si oferirea de capital". This answer suggests that institutional investors are involved in transferring capital between the primary investor and the direct investor, as well as collecting and providing capital. This implies that institutional investors play a role in facilitating the flow of funds between different parties in the investment process.

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  • 19. 

    Rata rentabilitatii investitiilor se determina folosind relatia

    • A.


    • B.

      I= suma CF nt

    • C.

      I/ CFn

    • D.

      I-Vr/ CFn

    Correct Answer
    A. Bc/I
    The given answer "Bc/I" is the correct explanation for determining the rate of return on investments. "Bc" represents the benefits or cash flows generated by the investment, while "I" represents the initial investment or cost of the investment. The ratio of benefits to the initial investment gives the rate of return, indicating how profitable the investment is.

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  • 20. 

    Nivelul ratei dividendelor reprezinta

    • A.

      Costul specific de remunerare a capitalului propriu

    • B.

      Costul specific de remunerarea  capitalului atras

    • C.

      Costul de oportunitate al capitalului

    • D.

      Costul mediu de remunerare a capitalului 

    • E.

      Costul specific de remunere a capitalului permanent

    Correct Answer
    A. Costul specific de remunerare a capitalului propriu
    The correct answer is "costul specific de remunerare a capitalului propriu". This means that the dividend rate represents the specific cost of remunerating equity capital. This implies that when a company pays dividends to its shareholders, it is essentially compensating them for their investment in the company's equity. The dividend rate reflects the return that shareholders expect to receive on their investment in the form of dividends.

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  • 21. 

    Analiza diagnostic este folosita

    • A.

      Identificarea unor idei de a investi

    • B.

      Fundamentarea studiului de fezabilitate

    • C.

      Estimarea punctelor tari si a acelora slabe ale realizabilitatii unui proiect de investitii

    • D.

      Determinarea venitului actualizat net al unui proiect de investitii

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Fundamentarea studiului de fezabilitate
    C. Estimarea punctelor tari si a acelora slabe ale realizabilitatii unui proiect de investitii
    The correct answer is "fundamentarea studiului de fezabilitate, estimarea punctelor tari si a acelora slabe ale realizabilitatii unui proiect de investitii." This is because the analysis of the diagnosis is used to identify investment ideas, justify the feasibility study, and estimate the strengths and weaknesses of the feasibility of an investment project. It also helps in determining the net present value of an investment project.

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  • 22. 

    In analiza diagnostic,potentialul uman este exprimat prin

    • A.

      Structura personalului

    • B.

      Cifra de afaceri

    • C.

      Calificarea perrsonalului

    • D.

      Gradul de motivare

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Structura personalului
    C. Calificarea perrsonalului
    D. Gradul de motivare
    In the diagnostic analysis, the potential of the human resources is expressed through the structure of the personnel, the qualification of the personnel, and the degree of motivation. These factors determine the capabilities and skills of the employees, their level of expertise, and their level of engagement and enthusiasm towards their work. By assessing and understanding these aspects, organizations can identify the strengths and weaknesses of their workforce, and take appropriate measures to enhance productivity and performance.

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  • 23. 

    Nivelul ratei indatorarii caracterizeaza

    • A.

      Riscul de evaluare

    • B.

      Riscul conjunctural

    • C.

      Riscul de nerambursare

    • D.

      Riscul patrimonial

    Correct Answer
    D. Riscul patrimonial
    The correct answer is "riscul patrimonial." Nivelul ratei indatorarii refers to the level of indebtedness and is a measure of the financial risk faced by an individual or organization. Riscul patrimonial, or asset risk, refers to the risk of losing or damaging assets. In this context, the nivelul ratei indatorarii caracterizeaza riscul patrimonial means that the level of indebtedness is an indicator of the risk of losing or damaging assets.

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  • 24. 

    Costul de remunerare a datoriei pentru investitii este dat de

    • A.

      Rata rentabilitatii financiare

    • B.

      Rata rentabilitatii economice

    • C.

      Nivelul relativ al platilor la care este obligat investitorul pentru imprumut

    • D.

      Rata dobanzii

    Correct Answer
    D. Rata dobanzii
    The correct answer is "rata dobanzii" which translates to "interest rate" in English. This is the cost of borrowing money for investments and is typically expressed as a percentage. The interest rate represents the amount that the investor is obligated to pay for the loan and is a key factor in determining the profitability of an investment.

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  • 25. 

    Pentru care categorii de idei de proiect este util diagnosticul comercial

    • A.

      Inoirea echipamentelor uzate moral

    • B.

      Dezvoltarea serviciilor de promovare

    • C.

      Inlocuiri de echipamente uzate fizic

    • D.

      Asigurarea conditiilor de munca

    • E.

      Dezvoltarea retelelor de distributie

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Dezvoltarea serviciilor de promovare
    E. Dezvoltarea retelelor de distributie
    The commercial diagnosis is useful for the development of promotional services and the development of distribution networks. It helps in analyzing the market and identifying opportunities for growth and improvement in these areas. By conducting a commercial diagnosis, businesses can understand their target audience, assess the effectiveness of their promotional activities, and identify ways to expand their distribution networks to reach more customers.

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  • 26. 

    Riscul de evaluare este legat de

    • A.

      Modul si precizia estimarilor pentru valorile implicate

    • B.

      Capacitatea de adaptare a structurii intreprinderii la proiect

    • C.

      Variabilitatea cifrei de afaceri si a situatiei financiare a intreprinderii

    Correct Answer
    B. Capacitatea de adaptare a structurii intreprinderii la proiect
    The correct answer is "capacitatea de adaptare a structurii intreprinderii la proiect" because the risk of evaluation is related to the ability of the company's structure to adapt to the project. This means that the company needs to have the necessary flexibility and resources to adjust its operations and processes according to the requirements of the project. If the company's structure is not adaptable, it may face difficulties in effectively evaluating the project and making informed decisions.

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  • 27. 

    Cum ( in ce sens) se modifica rata de remunerarea capitalului propriu in functie de cresterea ratei indatorarii in cazul societatilor comerciale necotate

    • A.

      Creste odata cu rata indatorarii 

    • B.

      Scade dupa un anumit nivel al ratei indatorarii

    • C.

      Ramane constanta, indiferent de modificarea ratei indaatorarii

    • D.

      Option 4

    Correct Answer
    A. Creste odata cu rata indatorarii 
    The correct answer is that the rate of remuneration of equity increases with the rate of indebtedness. This means that as the company takes on more debt, the return on equity also increases. This is because debt financing allows the company to leverage its equity and potentially earn higher returns. As the company becomes more leveraged, the risk to equity holders also increases, so they demand a higher return on their investment. Therefore, the rate of remuneration of equity is directly related to the rate of indebtedness.

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  • 28. 

    Inflatia genereaza risc mai ridicat atunci cand

    • A.

      Este relativ redusa, imprevizibila si puternic variabila in timp

    • B.

      Este crescatoare in timp in maniera explonentiala, cu o aticipare precisa

    • C.

      Este anticipata cu exactitate la nivelul foarte ridicat , pe o perioada viitoare lunga de timp

    Correct Answer
    C. Este anticipata cu exactitate la nivelul foarte ridicat , pe o perioada viitoare lunga de timp
    When inflation is anticipated with high accuracy at a very high level and over a long future period of time, it generates a higher risk. This is because when inflation is accurately predicted to be high in the future, it can lead to expectations of higher prices and wage demands, which can further fuel inflationary pressures. Additionally, if inflation is anticipated with exactness over a long time period, it can create uncertainty and volatility in the economy, making it difficult for businesses and individuals to plan and make informed decisions.

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  • 29. 

    Factorul de com[punere este folosit in actualizarea valorilor de investitii pt

    • A.

      Estimarea valorii actuale a sumei unui sir de valori anuale trecute egale

    • B.

      Estimarea valorii actualizate a unei valori anuale din trecut in prezent

    • C.

      Estimarea valorii actualizate a unei valori anuale din viitoar in prezent

    • D.

      Estimarea valorii actuale a sumei unui sir de valori anuale viitoare egale

    Correct Answer
    B. Estimarea valorii actualizate a unei valori anuale din trecut in prezent
    The correct answer is "estimarea valorii actualizate a unei valori anuale din trecut in prezent." This answer explains that the factorul de com[punere is used to estimate the present value of an annual value from the past. It suggests that the factorul de com[punere is used to adjust the value of an investment or sum of values from the past to the present.

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  • 30. 

    Achizitionarea activelor unei companii, sub forma actiunilor acesteia, este o investitie

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Cu venit variabil

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Directa
    C. Financiara
    D. Cu venit variabil
    The given statement suggests that acquiring the assets of a company in the form of its shares is a direct investment, as it involves directly investing in the company. It is also considered a financial investment, as it involves the purchase of financial assets (shares). Additionally, it is described as having a variable income, indicating that the return on investment can vary depending on the performance of the company.

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  • 31. 

    Nivelul activelor circulante ale intreprinderii se constituie prin 

    • A.

      Recuperarea investitiilor initiale

    • B.

      Remunerarea capitalurilor folosite pt investitii

    • C.

      Investitiile initiale

    Correct Answer
    B. Remunerarea capitalurilor folosite pt investitii
    The correct answer is "remunerarea capitalurilor folosite pt investitii". This means that the level of current assets of the enterprise is constituted by the remuneration of the capital used for investments. In other words, the current assets of a company are generated through the returns or profits earned from the capital invested in the business. This answer suggests that the company's current assets are not solely derived from the recovery of initial investments or the initial investments themselves.

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  • 32. 

    Studiul de fazabilitate cuprinde

    • A.

      Asigurarea cu factori materiali de productie

    • B.

      Tehnica si tehnologia

    • C.

      Cadrul general al intreprinderii 

    • D.

      Piata si comercializarea produselor

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Asigurarea cu factori materiali de productie
    B. Tehnica si tehnologia
    The feasibility study includes ensuring the availability of production factors, technical aspects, and technology. These elements are crucial in determining the viability and potential success of a project or business venture. The study assesses the feasibility of acquiring the necessary resources and equipment, as well as evaluating the technical requirements and technological advancements needed for the project. Additionally, it considers the general framework of the enterprise and the market conditions for the successful commercialization of products.

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  • 33. 

    VAN are semnificatie de

    • A.

      Criteriu de fundamentare a investitiilor bazat pe folosirea valorilor contabile

    • B.

      Venit absolut obtinut de investitor intr-un an oarecare de exploatare a produc

    • C.

      Castig net obtinut de investitor dupa recuperarea tuturor cheltuielilor ocaz

    • D.

      Criteriu de fundamentare a investitiilor prin considerarea valorilor actualizate

    Correct Answer
    A. Criteriu de fundamentare a investitiilor bazat pe folosirea valorilor contabile
    The correct answer is "criteriu de fundamentare a investitiilor bazat pe folosirea valorilor contabile" which translates to "criterion for investment justification based on the use of accounting values." This means that VAN (Net Present Value) is a method used to evaluate investments by considering the present value of future cash flows and comparing them to the initial investment. It takes into account the accounting values of the investment and helps determine whether it is financially viable.

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  • 34. 

    VAN este influientat in sens pozitiv de risc atunci cand

    • A.

      Nivelul  cifrei de afaceri creste

    • B.

      Durata de exploatare scade

    • C.

      Nivelul costului capit creste

    • D.

      Nivelul cheltuielilor de exploatare scade

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Nivelul  cifrei de afaceri creste
    D. Nivelul cheltuielilor de exploatare scade
    When the level of turnover increases, it has a positive influence on the VAN (Net Present Value). This is because a higher turnover indicates higher revenue, which can lead to higher profits and cash flows. On the other hand, when the level of operating expenses decreases, it also has a positive influence on the VAN. This is because lower operating expenses indicate a more efficient use of resources, which can lead to higher profits and cash flows.

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  • 35. 

    Din cap permanent detinut in val 50.000 lei, o intreprindere avea 1/5 angajat prin imprumuturi anterioare pe termen med si lung. pt realizarea unei investitii intreprinderea a angajat un imprumut de 100.000 lei cu rata dob 20%  egala cu cea datorata pt imprumutul anterior. Stiind ca actionarii trebuie remunerati la orata anuala a dividendelor de 22%, la ce nivel va ajunge efectul de levier?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    C. +0.01
    D. 1%
    The effect of leverage can be calculated by comparing the return on equity (ROE) with and without debt. In this case, the company has a permanent capital of 50,000 lei and has borrowed an additional 100,000 lei. The interest rate on the new loan is 20%, which is equal to the interest rate on the previous loan. The shareholders expect a dividend yield of 22% per year. By using debt, the company can amplify its returns. The effect of leverage can be calculated as the difference between the return on equity with debt and the return on equity without debt. In this case, the effect of leverage is +0.01 or 1%.

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  • 36. 

    Costul capitalului reprezinta

    • A.

      Limita inferioara a rentabilitatii investitiei pt care bogatia investitorului poate fi sporita

    • B.

      Marime medie a diferitor costuri specifice

    • C.

      Suma primelor de emisiune si a impozitelor

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Limita inferioara a rentabilitatii investitiei pt care bogatia investitorului poate fi sporita
    B. Marime medie a diferitor costuri specifice
    The correct answer is "limita inferioara a rentabilitatii investitiei pt care bogatia investitorului poate fi sporita, marime medie a diferitor costuri specifice." This answer accurately describes the concept of costul capitalului, which refers to the lower limit of profitability for an investment that can increase the wealth of the investor, as well as the average size of various specific costs.

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  • 37. 

    Costul de remunerare a datoriei pt investitii este dat de

    • A.

      Rata rentabilitatii financiare

    • B.

      Nivelul relativ al platilor la care este obligat investitorul pt imprumut

    • C.

      Rata rentabilitatii economice

    • D.

      Rata dobanzii

    • E.

      Remunerarea cap propriu

    Correct Answer
    D. Rata dobanzii
    The correct answer is "rata dobanzii" because the cost of debt financing is determined by the interest rate. When a company borrows money, they are required to pay interest on the borrowed amount, and this interest rate represents the cost of the debt. The higher the interest rate, the higher the cost of borrowing for the company. Therefore, the interest rate is directly related to the cost of debt financing.

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  • 38. 

    Momente de referinta

    • A.


    • B.

      Inceperea exercitiului

    • C.

      Punerea in functiune

    • D.

      Scoaterea din functiune

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Decizia
    B. Inceperea exercitiului
    C. Punerea in functiune
    D. Scoaterea din functiune
    The given answer lists a series of steps or actions that are typically involved in a process or procedure. These steps are: decizia (decision), inceperea exercitiului (beginning of exercise), punerea in functiune (putting into operation), and scoaterea din functiune (taking out of operation). This suggests that these actions are performed sequentially, with the decision being made first, followed by the beginning of the exercise, putting it into operation, and finally, taking it out of operation.

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  • 39. 

    Pt i=0.1 si beneficiul de 100.000.000 de la al 3-lea an de funct actualizat, la momentul deciziei va fi

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    B. <100.000.000
    The question states that the profit of 100,000,000 will be updated at the third year. The symbol "pt i=0.1" indicates that the profit will be discounted by a factor of 0.1, meaning it will be reduced by 10%. Therefore, the profit at the time of the decision will be less than 100,000,000.

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  • 40. 

    Pt realizarea unui proiect de investitii sunt necesare fonduri. I=700.000 d= 2 ani, din exploatare se obtine rez brute. 500.000 pe o perioada de 10 ani, costul cap = 0.20. care este valoarea investitiei totale actualizate pt punerea in funct

    • A.

      625mii lei

    • B.

      1000mii lei

    • C.

      <700 mii lei

    • D.

      >700mii lei

    Correct Answer
    D. >700mii lei
    The given question is asking for the total present value of the investment for putting it into operation. The information provided states that the initial investment (I) is 700,000 lei and the duration (d) is 2 years. It also mentions that a gross revenue of 500,000 lei will be obtained over a period of 10 years, and the capital cost (costul cap) is 0.20.

    To calculate the total present value of the investment, we need to discount the future cash flows to their present value using a discount rate. However, the discount rate is not provided in the question, so we cannot calculate the exact value.

    Therefore, the answer ">700mii lei" suggests that the total present value of the investment is expected to be more than 700,000 lei.

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  • 41. 

    Pt incasari realizate de o investitie la 3 ani dupa inceperea executiei se face actualizarea la un cost de 0.2. marimea fac de scont folosit sub forma de corectiv de actualizare pt interval de 3 ani aduce nivelul valorii la 57.87. care este valoarea nominala?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. 100
    The given question is in Romanian and it states that the updating cost for the revenue generated by an investment after 3 years of execution is 0.2. The discount rate used as an adjustment for the 3-year interval brings the value level to 57.87. The question asks for the nominal value. Based on the information provided, the correct answer is 100.

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  • 42. 

    Analizarea unui beneficiu de 100 mil lei realizabil in al 5-lea an de funct. a mimentul deciziei se realizeaza prin recurs la 

    • A.

      Fact de actualizare

    • B.

      Fact de acumulare

    • C.

      Fact de scont

    Correct Answer
    C. Fact de scont
    The analysis of a benefit of 100 million lei achievable in the 5th year of the decision-making moment is done by using the concept of "fact de scont" or discount factor. This concept takes into account the time value of money and adjusts the future value of the benefit to its present value. By discounting the future cash flows, the analysis ensures that the value of the benefit is accurately assessed in today's terms, considering the potential risks and uncertainties associated with the investment.

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  • 43. 

    Fata de momentul deciziei, incasarile si beneficiile ca valori semnificative ale investitiei vor fi actualizate prin recurs la

    • A.

      F capitalizare

    • B.

      F acumulare

    • C.

      F scont 

    • D.

      F anterioare pt valori trecute

    Correct Answer
    C. F scont 
    The correct answer is "f scont". In investment analysis, the cash flows and benefits of an investment are often adjusted for the time value of money through discounting. Discounting involves calculating the present value of future cash flows by applying a discount rate. This is done to account for the fact that money received in the future is worth less than money received in the present due to factors such as inflation and opportunity cost. Therefore, the correct answer suggests that the cash flows and benefits of the investment will be adjusted using discounting.

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  • 44. 

    Pt o valoare pozitiva i avem:

    • A.

      Fact de scont este mereu supraunitar

    • B.

      Fact de scont este mereu subunitar

    • C.

      Fact de capitalizare este supraunitar

    • D.

      Fact de acumulare este subunitar

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Fact de scont este mereu subunitar
    C. Fact de capitalizare este supraunitar
    The given answer states that the fact de scont (discount factor) is always subunitary, meaning it is always less than 1. This implies that the value of a future payment is always lower than its present value. On the other hand, the fact de capitalizare (capitalization factor) is stated to be supraunitary, meaning it is always greater than 1. This suggests that the value of an investment or a future payment grows over time.

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  • 45. 

    Din realizarea unui proiect se obt intr-o perioada de exploatare de 10 ani incasari anuale de 500.000 lei, pt cheltuieli anuale de export 350.000lei. Ce val va avea beneficiul anului 3 de exploatare actualizat la mom scoaterii din funct pt i= 0.2

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. >500.000
    The correct answer is ">500.000" because the question asks for the present value of the benefit in year 3 of operation. To calculate the present value, we need to discount the future cash flows using the discount rate (i=0.2). Since the cash flows are positive (500.000 lei), the present value will be greater than the future cash flow. Therefore, the correct answer is ">500.000".

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  • 46. 

    VAN este influientat in sens pozitiv de risc atunci cand

    • A.

      Nivelul cost capital creste

    • B.

      Nivelul cifrei de afaceri creste

    • C.

      Durata de exploatare scade

    • D.

      Nivelul cheltuielilor de exploatare scade

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Nivelul cifrei de afaceri creste
    D. Nivelul cheltuielilor de exploatare scade
    When the level of revenue increases, it has a positive influence on VAN (Value Added Net) because higher revenue indicates better financial performance. On the other hand, when the level of operating expenses decreases, it also positively affects VAN as it indicates cost-saving measures and improved efficiency in operations. Therefore, both increasing revenue and decreasing operating expenses contribute to a positive impact on VAN.

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  • 47. 

    Nivelul VAN este direct influientat de 

    • A.

      Modul de administrare a resurselor

    • B.

      Valoarea estimata a costului capital

    • C.

      Durata de viata a proiectului

    • D.

      Nivelul ratei inflatiei

    • E.

      Nivelul ratei de schimb valutar

    • F.

      Valoarea investitiei

    • G.

      Nivelul fluxurilor de lichiditate generate de investitii (cash flow)

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Valoarea estimata a costului capital
    C. Durata de viata a proiectului
    F. Valoarea investitiei
    G. Nivelul fluxurilor de lichiditate generate de investitii (cash flow)
    The VAN (Value Added Net) level is directly influenced by the estimated cost of capital, the project's duration, the investment value, and the level of cash flow generated by investments. These factors play a crucial role in determining the profitability and financial viability of a project. The estimated cost of capital affects the discount rate used to calculate the present value of future cash flows. The project's duration determines the time period over which cash flows are generated. The investment value represents the initial outlay required for the project. Finally, the level of cash flow generated by investments indicates the project's ability to generate positive cash flows.

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  • 48. 

    Societatea comerciala EFECT Capital social 500.000, val nominala a unei actiuni este de 10 lei, valoarea cotata a  aceleiasi actiuni a ajuns la 28 lei, pt care pretul este 25 lei. care e val primei de emisiune?

    • A.

      2 mil 

    • B.

      5 mil

    • C.

      1.5 mil

    • D.

      1 mil

    Correct Answer
    C. 1.5 mil
  • 49. 

    Pentru i =2.0 valoarea corectivului aplicat pt actualizare este 1.44, ce pozitie are in acest caz valoarea nominala?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. Viitor
    In this case, the correct value is for the future.

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  • 50. 

    Din capitalu permanent detinut in val de 400.000 lei, o intreprindere avea o patrime angajat prin imprumuturi anterioare pe termen mediu si lung. pt realizarea unei investitii intreprinderea a mai angajat un imprumut de 20% egala cu cea datorata pt imprumutul anterior. stiind ca actionarii trebuie remunerati la o rata anuala a dividendelor de 24%, la ce nivel va ajunge ef de levier?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. 2%
    C. +0.02
    The correct answer is +0.02. The question is asking for the level of leverage, which is determined by the ratio of debt to equity. In this case, the company has a permanent capital of 400,000 lei and has taken out a loan equal to 20% of the previous loan amount. This means that the company's total debt has increased, while the equity remains the same. Therefore, the level of leverage will increase, indicating a higher risk for the company. The answer +0.02 represents the increase in leverage.

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