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Autofinantarea neta:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Are ca efect cresterea capitalului permanent
D. Cresterea fondului de rulment
Autofinantarea neta:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Formeaza alaturi de autofinantarea de mentinere, marja bruta de autofinantare
C. Cuprinde partea din profit nedistribuita sub forma dividendelor
Autofinantarea neta formeaza, impreuna cu autofinantarea de mentinere, marja bruta de autofinantare si cuprinde partea din profit nedistribuita sub forma dividendelor. Aceasta inseamna ca autofinantarea neta reprezinta totalitatea resurselor financiare generate intern de o companie, care includ amortizarea mijloacelor fixe si profitul retinut sub forma dividendelor. Prin urmare, aceasta este sinonima cu notiunea de capacitate de autofinantare.
Cuponul/dobanda platit de intreprindere pentru obligatiunile clasice emise se calculeaza in functie de:
Correct Answer
B. Rata cuponului si valoarea nominala a obligatiunii
The coupon rate and the nominal value of the bond are used to calculate the coupon payment made by the company for the issued bonds. The coupon rate is the fixed interest rate that the company pays to bondholders, while the nominal value is the face value or the initial investment amount of the bond. Multiplying the coupon rate by the nominal value gives the annual coupon payment made by the company.
Capitalurile permanente includ:
Correct Answer
B. Datoriile contractate de companie pe termen indelungat
Permanent capital refers to the long-term sources of funding for a company, which includes long-term bank deposits and long-term debts contracted by the company. These are financial obligations that the company has taken on for an extended period. Therefore, "datoriile contractate de companie pe termen indelungat" fits the definition of permanent capital as it represents the long-term debts contracted by the company.
Capitalul social al intreprinderii:
Correct Answer(s)
C. Este inclus in capitalul permanent
D. Este inclus in capitalul propriu
The correct answer is that the capital social al intreprinderii (social capital of the enterprise) is included in both capitalul permanent (permanent capital) and capitalul propriu (equity capital). This means that the social capital of the enterprise is considered a part of both the long-term capital structure of the company and the equity or ownership capital of the company.
Efectul de levier poate scadeaatunci cand:
Correct Answer
D. Scade marimea capitalului imprumutat pe termen lung cu un cost scazut
When the size of long-term borrowed capital decreases at a low cost, the leverage effect can decrease.
Finantarea interna presupune apelul la urmatoarele resurse:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Profitul net sau profitul ramas dupa plata dividendelor
C. Amortizarea activelor imobilizate, sumedin valorificarea activelor imobilizate scoase din functiune sau vanzarea celor de prisos
Internal funding refers to the utilization of various resources such as net profit or profit remaining after dividend payments, depreciation of fixed assets, including the sale of assets that are no longer in use or surplus, and contributions from the government, public collectives, and specialized organizations. These sources allow a company to generate funds from within its own operations and assets, without the need for external borrowing or financing.
Finantarea externa presupune constituirea, iar ulterior sporirea capitalului firmei prin:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Aporturile in natura sau in bani ale viitorilor proprietari
C. Emisiunea si vanzarea de noi actiuni
D. Contractarea de imprumuturi bancare
The correct answer is a combination of three options. External financing involves the establishment and subsequent increase of a company's capital through contributions in nature or in cash from future owners, the issuance and sale of new shares, and the contracting of bank loans. These three methods allow the company to raise funds from external sources to support its operations and growth.
Sporirea capitalului premanent prin contractarea de imprumuturi pe termrn lung poate fi realizata prin:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Obtinerea unui credit bancar
C. Emisiunea de obligatiuni
D. Leasing
The increase in permanent capital through long-term loans can be achieved by obtaining a bank loan, issuing bonds, or through leasing. These options provide a means for the company to secure funds for its long-term capital needs. Obtaining a credit bancar refers to borrowing money from a bank, while emisiunea de obligatiuni refers to issuing bonds, which are debt securities that can be sold to investors. Leasing involves entering into a contract to use an asset in exchange for regular payments. These options allow the company to access funds that can contribute to the increase in its permanent capital.
Principalele avantaje ale leasing ului constau in:
Correct Answer(s)
A. De cele mai multe ori chiria este progresiva, dand posibilitate utilizatorului sa realizaza o rentabilitate acoperitoare
C. Chiria este deductibila prin profitul impozabil, intreprinderea suportand doar diferenta fata de cota de impozitare
The main advantages of leasing are that the rent is often progressive, allowing the user to achieve comprehensive profitability, and the rent is deductible through taxable profit, with the enterprise only bearing the difference from the tax rate.
Ratele ca instrumente de analiza financiara se impart in:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Rata de rentabilitate
B. Rata de gestiune
C. Ratade structura
D. Rata de echilibru financiar
The correct answer is that financial analysis ratios are divided into four categories: profitability ratios, management ratios, structure ratios, and financial equilibrium ratios. These categories help in evaluating different aspects of a company's financial performance. Profitability ratios measure the company's ability to generate profits, management ratios assess the efficiency of management in utilizing resources, structure ratios analyze the composition of the company's capital structure, and financial equilibrium ratios evaluate the company's financial stability and ability to meet its financial obligations.
Efectul de levier reprezinta:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Diferenta dintre rentabilitatea economica si rentabilitatea financiara ale unei intreprinderi
D. Produsul dintre diferenta dintre rentabilitatea economica si rata dobanzii si raportul dintrecapitalul imprumutat si cap propriu
The correct answer is "diferenta dintre rentabilitatea economica si rentabilitatea financiara ale unei intreprinderi, produsul dintre diferenta dintre rentabilitatea economica si rata dobanzii si raportul dintre capitalul imprumutat si cap propriu." This answer suggests that the leverage effect represents the difference between the economic profitability and financial profitability of a company, as well as the product of the difference between economic profitability and the interest rate, and the ratio between borrowed capital and equity.
Efectul de levier poate spori atunci cand:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Costul cap imprumutat scade
B. Costul cap imprumutat creste
C. Rata rentabilitatii ec creste
When the cost of borrowed capital decreases, the leverage effect can increase because the company can borrow more funds at a lower cost, increasing its overall leverage. Similarly, when the cost of borrowed capital increases, the leverage effect can also increase as the company may need to borrow more funds at a higher cost, further increasing its leverage. Additionally, when the rate of return on invested capital increases, the leverage effect can also increase as the company's profitability improves, potentially magnifying the returns on its borrowed funds. Finally, when the size of the company's equity capital increases, the leverage effect can also increase as the company has more equity to support its borrowing, allowing for potentially higher leverage.
Finantarea interna:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Se bazeaza in principal pe profitul net ramas dupa plata dividendelor si amortizarea activelor imobilizate
D. Are in vedere si sumele din valorificarea activelor imobilizate scoase din functiune
Internal financing is primarily based on the net profit remaining after the payment of dividends and the depreciation of fixed assets. It also takes into account the amounts obtained from the disposal of fixed assets that are no longer in use. This means that internal financing relies on the retained earnings of the company, as well as the ability to generate funds from the sale of fixed assets.
Capitalul unei firme este definit ca:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Expresie baneasca a activelor investite de o firma in activitatile desfasurate de aceasta
D. Suma dintre capitalul fix si capitalul circulant al unei firme
The correct answer is "expresie baneasca a activelor investite de o firma in activitatile desfasurate de aceasta,suma dintre capitalul fix si capitalul circulant al unei firme". This answer explains that the capital of a company is defined as the monetary expression of the assets invested by the company in its activities. It also mentions that it is the sum of both fixed capital and working capital of a company.
Incorporarea de rezerve este o metoda de sporire a capitalului social care:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Nu aduce resurse financiare suplimentare pt intreprindere
D. Poate fi pusa in aplicare prin emisiunea de actiuni care se impart gratuit actionarilor vechi
Incorporarea de rezerve este o metoda de sporire a capitalului social care nu aduce resurse financiare suplimentare pentru intreprindere. Aceasta se realizeaza prin emisiunea de actiuni care se impart gratuit actionarilor vechi.
Metoda aportului in bani si emisiunea de noi actiuni au ca efect:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Modificarea structurii financiare
B. Majorarea creantelor intreprinderii
C. Sporirea fondului de rulment
D. Cresterea lichiditatilor firmei
The correct answer is "modificarea structurii financiare, majorarea creantelor intreprinderii, sporirea fondului de rulment, cresterea lichiditatilor firmei." The method of cash contribution and the issuance of new shares have the effect of changing the financial structure, increasing the company's receivables, increasing the working capital, and increasing the company's liquidity.
Autofinatarea presupune:
Correct Answer
D. Angajarea de firma a tuturor resurselor sale
Autofinatarea presupune angajarea de firma a tuturor resurselor sale. This means that a company uses all of its own resources for financing its activities, without relying on external sources such as loans or investments. By utilizing its own resources, the company can maintain control over its operations and avoid incurring debt or diluting ownership through the issuance of shares. This approach allows the company to fund its growth and development without relying on external funding.
Incorporarea de rezerve presupune:
Correct Answer
C. Includrea fondului de rezerva in capitalul social
The correct answer is "includrea fondului de rezerva in capitalul social." This means that the incorporation of reserves involves including the reserve fund in the share capital. This suggests that when reserves are incorporated, they are added to the company's capital, increasing its value.
Finantarea externa presupune folosirea urmat resurse:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Imprumuturilor bancare
B. Incasarile din emisiunea de actiuni si obligatiuni
C. Resurse de la buget
External financing involves the use of various resources such as bank loans, proceeds from the issuance of stocks and bonds, as well as resources from the budget. These sources allow businesses to obtain the necessary funds from external parties to support their operations, investments, and growth. Bank loans provide access to capital that needs to be repaid with interest, while the issuance of stocks and bonds allows companies to raise funds by selling ownership stakes or debt securities to investors. Additionally, resources from the budget can be obtained through government grants or subsidies to support specific projects or initiatives.
Sporire cap permanent poate fi realizata prin:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Contractarea de imprumuturi bancare pe termen mediu si lung
C. Emisiunea de obligatiuni
D. Apelul de credit bail/ leasing
Permanent capital growth can be achieved through the following methods: borrowing from banks for medium and long-term periods, issuing bonds, and using credit bail/leasing. These strategies allow the company to secure funds for investment and expansion, thereby increasing its capital base over time. By utilizing loans, bonds, and credit bail/leasing, the company can access external sources of funding and leverage them to support its growth objectives.
Capitalurile permanente cuprind:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Capitalul social si rezervele firmei
C. Imprumuturile de orice fel pe termen lung
The correct answer is "capitalul social si rezervele firmei, imprumuturile de orice fel pe termen lung." This is because capitalul social si rezervele firmei refers to the equity capital and reserves of the company, which are considered as permanent capital. Imprumuturile de orice fel pe termen lung refers to long-term loans of any kind, which are also considered as permanent capital. Therefore, these two categories make up the permanent capital.
Efectul de levier are ca efect:
Correct Answer
A. O rata a rentabilitatii financiare mai mare decat rata rentabilitatii economice
The effect of leverage is that it results in a higher financial profitability rate compared to the economic profitability rate. This means that the return on investment generated by using borrowed funds is higher than the return on investment generated by using only the company's own funds.
Coeficientul cap propriu se determina ca raport intre:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Cap propriu si cel permanent
B. Cap propriu si cap imprumutat pe termen mijlociu si lung
The coefficient of equity is determined as the ratio between equity and permanent capital, as well as the ratio between equity and medium and long-term borrowed capital.
Criteriilede optimizare a structurii financiare se refera la:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Minimalizarea costului mediu ponderat al capitalului
B. Minimalizarea riscului financiar
C. Asigurarea egalitatii dintre marimea resurselor financiare si marimea investitiilor de efectuat
The criteria for optimizing the financial structure refer to minimizing the weighted average cost of capital, minimizing financial risk, and ensuring equality between the size of financial resources and the size of investments to be made.
Costul cap propriu secalculeaza cu ajutorul:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Coef b(beta) al riscului
C. Rata rentabilitatii investitiilor asa zis "fara risc"
D. Rata medii a rentabilitatii titlurilor emise de formele din aceeasi rezerva si cotate la bursa
The cost of equity is calculated using the beta coefficient of risk, the rate of return on investments considered "risk-free," and the average rate of return on securities issued by firms from the same reserve and listed on the stock exchange. These factors help determine the required rate of return for investors and the cost of equity for the firm.
Din punct de vedere al naturii lor, investitiile se grupeaza in:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Investitii materiale
C. Investitii imateriale
D. Investitii financiare
Investițiile se grupează în funcție de natura lor în investiții materiale, investiții imateriale și investiții financiare. Investițiile materiale se referă la achiziționarea de active fizice, cum ar fi terenuri, clădiri, utilaje etc. Investițiile imateriale se referă la achiziționarea de active intangibile, cum ar fi brevetele, mărcile înregistrate, drepturile de autor etc. Investițiile financiare se referă la achiziționarea de active financiare, cum ar fi acțiuni, obligațiuni, certificate de depozit etc.
Din punctdevedere in legatura cu obiectul principal, investitiile au urmatoarea structura:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Investitii de baza
B. Investitiile colaterale
D. Investitii conexe
The correct answer is the order in which investments are structured in relation to the main object. The investments start with the basic investments, followed by collateral investments, and finally, the related investments.
Criteriile traditionale utilizate in aprecierea eficientei proiectelor de investitii sunt:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Criteriul rentabilitatii
C. Criteriul duratei de recuperare a capitalului investit
D. Criteriul costului
The traditional criteria used to assess the efficiency of investment projects are the profitability criterion, the payback period criterion, and the cost criterion. The profitability criterion measures the return on investment and evaluates whether the project will generate enough profit to make it worthwhile. The payback period criterion calculates the time it takes for the initial investment to be recovered through cash flows generated by the project. The cost criterion assesses the overall cost of the project and compares it to the expected benefits. These three criteria are commonly used to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of investment projects.
Utilizandcriteriul lichiditatii in selecatrea investitiilor, intreprinderea va alege:
Correct Answer
B. Proiectul care ofera un termen de recuperare a investitiilor cat mai mic
The correct answer is "proiectul care ofera un termen de recuperare a investitiilor cat mai mic" because the liquidity criterion in investment selection focuses on the ability to recover the invested capital as quickly as possible. Therefore, the project that offers the shortest payback period is preferred as it allows the enterprise to have access to its funds sooner and reduces the risk of tying up capital for a long period of time. This helps maintain financial flexibility and liquidity in the business.
Valoarea actualizata neta:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Se determina ca diferenta dintre suma fluxurilor de trezorarie viitoare actualizate si valoarea investitiei prezente
D. Reflecta proiectul cel mai rentabil la rate egale de actualizare
The correct answer states that the net present value is determined as the difference between the sum of the discounted future cash flows and the present value of the investment. It also states that the net present value reflects the most profitable project at equal discount rates. This means that the net present value helps in assessing the profitability of an investment by considering the time value of money and comparing it to the initial investment. The higher the net present value, the more profitable the project is considered to be.
Daca rata interna de rentabilitate a unui proiect este mai mica decat renta dobanzii pe piata, atunci:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Rentabilitatea financiara devine mai mica decat rentabilitatea economica a intreprinderii
B. Valoarea actualizataneta a proiectului este negativa
If the internal rate of return of a project is lower than the market interest rate, it implies that the financial profitability of the project is lower than the economic profitability of the enterprise. Additionally, the net present value of the project becomes negative, indicating that the project is not generating enough returns to cover the cost of capital.
Care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii referitoare la criteriul VAN sunt adevarate:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Presupune actuzlizare cash flow urilor viitoare la momentul prezent si compararea diferitelor variante de investitii
D. Un proiectde investitii va fi cu atat mai eficient, cu cat fluxurile viitoare actualizate vor fi mai mari decat cheltuielile de investitie programate
The correct answer states that the criterion for Net Present Value (VAN) involves updating future cash flows to the present moment and comparing different investment options. It also states that a investment project is more efficient if the updated future cash flows are greater than the planned investment expenses. This explanation provides a clear understanding of the concept of VAN and how it is used to evaluate investment projects.
Aratati care dintrevurmatoarele afirmatii sunt adevarate:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Capitalizarea este tehnica cu ajutorul careia se poate calcula nivelul viitor, la o anumita data, a unei sume plasate in momentul actual
D. Actualizarea este tehnica prin intermediul careia se determina valoarea prezenta, in momentul zero, a sumelor capitalizate la momentul "n"
The given answer is correct. It states that capitalization is the technique used to calculate the future level, at a certain date, of a sum invested at the current moment. It also states that updating is the technique used to determine the present value, at time zero, of the sums capitalized at time "n".
Care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii reprezinta dezavantaje ale criteriului lichiditatii:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Nu ia in considerare esantionare in timp a fluxurilor de incasari si plati
B. Elimina de la selectie proiectele de investitie ca o buna rentabilitate
C. Neglijeaza efectele ce se produc dupa recuperarea investitiilor
D. Avantajeaza proiectele care permit acumularea rapida a capitalului in raport cu cele lacare ecest proces serealizeaza pe terioade lungi
The correct answer states that the disadvantages of the liquidity criterion are: it does not consider the timing of cash inflows and outflows, it eliminates investment projects with good profitability, it neglects the effects that occur after the recovery of investments, and it favors projects that allow for rapid accumulation of capital compared to those that take place over long periods of time.
Care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii reprezinta dezavantaje ale criteriului rentabilitatii:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Nu ia in considerare consecintele actiunii factorului timp
C. Nu calculeazaefectele riscurilor inerente oricarui proiect de investitie
The correct answer states that the disadvantages of the profitability criterion are that it does not consider the consequences of the time factor and does not calculate the effects of the inherent risks in any investment project. This means that when using the profitability criterion, the timing of cash flows and the risks associated with the investment are not taken into account, which can lead to inaccurate financial evaluations and decision-making.
Trasaturile caracteristice ale investitiilor sunt:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Cu ocazia desfasurarii investitiei se produce o transformare a valorii din forma baneasca in forme materiale diverse
B. Operatiunile de constituire aactivelor imobilizate , dar mai ales cele de valorificare suporta numeroase riscuri
D. Pe timpul desfasurarii investitiei are lor o imobilizare de mijloace financiare ale carui cost trebuie acoperit in viitor de rezultate nete sperate
Investitiile sunt caracterizate de faptul că în timpul desfășurării lor se produce o transformare a valorii din forma bănească în forme materiale diverse. De asemenea, operațiunile de constituire a activelor imobilizate, dar mai ales cele de valorificare, implică numeroase riscuri. Pe durata investiției, are loc o imobilizare a mijloacelor financiare, iar costurile acestora trebuie acoperite în viitor de rezultatele nete sperate. Aceste caracteristici sunt specifice investițiilor.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Sunt consecinta deciziei de finantare a intreprinderii
B. Reprezinta cheltuieli ce se efectueazapt obtinerea de active imobilizate
C. Reflecta plasamentul de capitaluri lichide in imobilizari de natura corporala, necorporla si participatiuni
Investitiile sunt consecinta deciziei de finantare a intreprinderii si reprezinta cheltuieli ce se efectueaza pentru obtinerea de active imobilizate. Acestea reflecta plasamentul de capitaluri lichide in imobilizari de natura corporala, necorporala si participatiuni. Prin investitii, soldurile de imobilizari se diminueaza, iar soldurile conturilor de lichiditati se sporesc.
In optica financiara, investitiile unei intreprinderi reprezinta:
Correct Answer
C. Concretizarea deciziei de a afectua in prezent cheltuieli in active imobilizate care sa genereze prin exploatare fluxuri de incasari esantionate
The correct answer states that in financial optics, the investments of a company represent the concrete decision to incur expenses in fixed assets in order to generate cash flows through operations. This explanation highlights the concept of investing in long-term assets that will generate future income for the company.
Investitiile executate in antrepriza:
Correct Answer
B. Au in vedere lucrările realizate de firme specializate
The correct answer states that "Investitiile executate in antrepriza" have in vedere lucrările realizate de firme specializate. This means that these investments refer to the works carried out by specialized companies. The other options mentioned in the question, such as being done directly by the beneficiary with their own financial means or being part of intangible investments, are not correct explanations for "Investitiile executate in antrepriza". Therefore, the correct answer is that these investments are related to works carried out by specialized firms.
Care dintre afirmațiile următoare nu este caracteristică investițiilor
Correct Answer(s)
A. Operațiunile de constituire si valorificare a activelor imobilizate comportă un risc scăzut
B. Cu ocazia desfasurarii investitiei se produce o transformare a valorii din forme materiale diverse in forma baneasca
C. Investițiile brute sunt finantate numai din profitul net al firmei
The correct answer is "Investițiile brute sunt finantate numai din profitul net al firmei". This statement is not characteristic of investments because investments can be financed through various sources such as loans, equity financing, or government grants, not just from the net profit of the company.
Investițiile care se realizează in alte întreprinderi sau sectoare ca efect al realizarii investiției de baza sunt denumite investiții?
Correct Answer
C. Conexe
The investments that are made in other enterprises or sectors as a result of the basic investment are called "conexe" (related).
Criteriul rentabilității este aplicat intr o maniera statica
Correct Answer(s)
C. Prin determinarea unei rate ca raport intre beneficiul net si investitia neta si compararea acesteia cu costul capitalelor proprii si imprumutate
D. Prin calcularea unei rate ca raport intre beneficiul mediu anual si investitia neta si compararea acesteia cu costul capitalurilor proprii si împrumutate
The correct answer states that the profitability criterion is applied by determining a rate between net profit and net investment and comparing it with the cost of equity and borrowed capital. Additionally, it mentions calculating a rate between average annual profit and net investment and comparing it with the cost of equity and borrowed capital. This explanation suggests that the profitability criterion involves comparing the returns generated from investments with the costs of financing those investments, both in terms of equity and borrowed capital.
In aprecierea eficienței proiectelor de investitii, criteriul rentabilității prezintă dezavantajul ca
Correct Answer(s)
A. Nu calculeaza efectele riscurilor inerente oricarui proiect de investitie
B. Alegerea bazei de comparatie pentru castigul adus de un proiect la un leu investit, nu este lipsita de echivoc
C. Nu poate realiza esantionarea in timp a incasarilor si platilor
D. Nu ia in considereare consecintele factorului timp
The criterion of profitability has the disadvantage of not calculating the effects of inherent risks in any investment project. It also lacks clarity in choosing the comparison base for the gain brought by a project per invested unit. Additionally, it is unable to sample the cash inflows and outflows over time and does not consider the consequences of the time factor.
Criteriul lichiditatii de selectare a investițiilor
Correct Answer(s)
A. Are in vedere determinarea unei durate de recuperare a capitalului investit
B. Urmareste cat mai rapid recuperarea capitalului investit
D. Prezinta inconvenientul neglijatii efectelor ce se produc dupa recuperarea investitiilor
The criterion of liquidity for investment selection focuses on determining the duration of recovering the invested capital and aims to recover the capital as quickly as possible. However, it presents the disadvantage of neglecting the effects that occur after the investments are recovered.
Durata de recuperare a investitiei
Correct Answer(s)
A. Apare la convergenta dintre marimea investitiei avansate si marimea cumulata a cash flow ului
C. Este preferabil să fie cât mai mare
The correct answer explains that the duration of investment recovery appears when the advanced investment size converges with the cumulative size of cash flow. It also states that it is preferable for the duration to be as long as possible.
Criteriul costului este aplicabil cu precădere în cazul selectării investițiilor
Correct Answer(s)
A. de înlocuire
B. care vizează modernizarea
The correct answer is "de înlocuire, care vizează modernizarea" because the criterion of cost is particularly applicable when selecting investments for replacement that aim to modernize. This means that when considering investments that involve replacing assets, the cost factor becomes crucial, especially when the purpose is to upgrade or improve the existing assets.
Tehnica cu ajutorul căreia se calculează cei mai important si indicatori de apreciere a eficienței investițiilor se numește
Correct Answer(s)
B. actualizare
C. rentabilizare
The technique used to calculate the most important indicators for evaluating investment efficiency is called "actualizare" (discounting) and "rentabilizare" (profitability). These techniques involve adjusting future cash flows to their present value and analyzing the profitability of the investment.
Actualizarea veniturilor viitoare la momentul prezent
Correct Answer(s)
A. Este mai uzuala decât capitalizarea veniturilor prezente la un moment viitor pentru a evalua proiectele de investiții
C. . Servește la determinarea ratei interne de rentabilitate
The given answer states that it is more common to update future revenues at the present moment rather than capitalizing present revenues at a future moment in order to evaluate investment projects. This approach is commonly used in the traditional profitability criterion and is necessary for calculating the net present value. Additionally, it serves the purpose of determining the internal rate of return.