Job adalah sekumpulan tugas yang dapat dilakukan oleh satu atau lebih
Correct Answer
A. True
The given answer is true because a job is indeed a collection of tasks that can be performed by one or more individuals. A job typically involves a set of responsibilities and duties that need to be completed within a specific timeframe or as part of a larger project or organization. Whether it is a single task or a series of tasks, a job requires certain skills, knowledge, and expertise to be successfully accomplished. Therefore, the statement accurately describes the nature of a job.
Posisi adalah sekumpulan tugas yang hanya dilakukan oleh satu orang saja
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement suggests that a position refers to a set of tasks that are performed by only one person. This implies that a position is exclusive to one individual and cannot be shared or performed by multiple people. Therefore, the correct answer is true.
Hasil akhir dari analisa jabatan adalah uraian jabatan
Correct Answer
B. False
The correct answer is False. The final result of job analysis is not the job description, but rather the job analysis report. The job analysis report includes detailed information about the tasks, responsibilities, qualifications, and other aspects of the job, which are then used to create the job description. The job description is a separate document that summarizes the key elements of the job and is typically used for recruitment, performance evaluation, and other HR purposes. Therefore, the statement that the job description is the final outcome of job analysis is incorrect.
Metode yang paling efektif untuk analisa jabatan adalah kombinasi
Correct Answer
A. True
The most effective method for job analysis is a combination of different techniques. This means that using a single method may not provide a comprehensive understanding of the job and its requirements. By combining various methods such as observation, interviews, and questionnaires, a more accurate and complete analysis can be obtained. This allows for a better understanding of the job's tasks, responsibilities, skills, and qualifications needed, which in turn helps in designing effective recruitment, selection, and training processes.
Analisa jabatan bisa dilakukan oleh siapa saja
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement "Analisa jabatan bisa dilakukan oleh siapa saja" translates to "Job analysis can be done by anyone." However, this statement is incorrect. Job analysis requires expertise and knowledge of the job and its requirements. It is typically conducted by professionals such as human resource specialists or industrial-organizational psychologists who have the necessary skills and training to accurately analyze and evaluate job roles and responsibilities. Therefore, the correct answer is False.
Analisa jabatan dilakukan pada saat terjadi perubahan besar dalam perusahaan
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because job analysis is not only conducted during times of significant changes in the company. Job analysis is an ongoing process that helps organizations understand the duties, responsibilities, and requirements of each job within the company. It is used for various purposes such as recruitment, performance evaluation, training, and compensation. Therefore, job analysis can be conducted at any time, regardless of whether there are major changes happening in the company or not.
Spesifikasi jabatan harus dilakukan bersamaan dengan uraian jabatan
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement suggests that job specifications should be done simultaneously with job descriptions. However, the correct answer is false. Job specifications and job descriptions are two separate processes. Job descriptions outline the tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications required for a specific job, while job specifications define the skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to perform the job successfully. Both processes are important for effective recruitment and selection, but they are not done at the same time.
Uraian jabatan berisi tugas utama dan syarat pendidikan yang dimiliki
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement implies that job descriptions include main tasks and educational requirements. However, this is not necessarily true as job descriptions can vary in content and may not always include educational requirements. Therefore, the correct answer is false.
Persyaratan umur, jumlah pekerja dan atasan langsung masuk dalam job spec
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because the given sentence states that age requirements, number of employees, and direct supervisors are included in the job specifications. However, job specifications typically focus on the qualifications, skills, and responsibilities required for a particular job, rather than specific details such as age, number of employees, or direct supervisors. Therefore, the correct answer is false.
Rekruitmen dilakukan sebelum seleksi
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement "Rekruitmen dilakukan sebelum seleksi" translates to "Recruitment is done before selection" in English. This statement implies that the process of recruiting individuals for a job or position occurs before the process of selecting the best candidate among them. Therefore, the correct answer is "True".
Rekruitmen dimulai saat peserta mulai memasukkan lamaran pekerjaan
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement suggests that recruitment starts when job applicants submit their job applications. However, this is not true as recruitment typically involves a series of steps such as job posting, screening resumes, conducting interviews, and making a job offer. Therefore, the correct answer is False.
Tujuan rekruitmen adalah memperoleh pelamar sebanyak-banyaknya
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement suggests that the purpose of recruitment is to obtain as many applicants as possible. This implies that the organization aims to attract a large pool of candidates to choose from during the selection process. By having a larger number of applicants, the organization increases the chances of finding the most suitable candidate for the job.
Efektifitas atau respon emosional terhadap berbagai aspek pekerjaan disebut dengan komitmen kerja
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false. The correct term for the effectiveness or emotional response to various aspects of work is job satisfaction, not work commitment. Work commitment refers to an individual's dedication and loyalty towards their job or organization. Therefore, the given statement is incorrect.
Sikap kerja dikatakan negatif jika kita membenci semua hal yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because a negative work attitude is not defined by hating everything related to work. It is possible to have a negative work attitude even if one does not hate everything about their job. Factors such as lack of motivation, low productivity, and constant complaining can also contribute to a negative work attitude. Therefore, hating everything related to work is not the sole indicator of a negative work attitude.
Salah satu yang mampu meningkatkan motivasi kerja adalah kehidupan sosial
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement suggests that social life can enhance work motivation. This implies that having a healthy social life, engaging in social activities, and maintaining positive relationships with colleagues can positively impact an individual's motivation at work. This is because social interactions can create a sense of belonging, support, and camaraderie, which can contribute to job satisfaction and overall motivation.
Motivasi dapat ditingkatkan dengan meningkatkan pendapatan
Correct Answer
A. True
Increasing income can be a motivation factor for individuals as it provides financial security, the ability to fulfill personal needs and desires, and a sense of achievement. When people have a higher income, they may feel more motivated to work harder, take on additional responsibilities, and strive for success. Therefore, it can be said that motivation can be enhanced by increasing income.
Semakin berpengalaman maka orang akan semakin permisif
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement "Semakin berpengalaman maka orang akan semakin permisif" translates to "The more experienced a person becomes, the more permissive they will be." The correct answer is False because this statement is not universally true. While some people may become more permissive as they gain experience, others may become more strict or conservative. The level of permissiveness can vary greatly depending on individual values, beliefs, and personal growth. Therefore, it cannot be generalized that everyone will become more permissive with more experience.
Pengalaman yang tidak menyenangkan dapat menjadi pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan sikap yang positif dalam bekerja
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement suggests that unpleasant experiences can lead to positive attitudes in work. However, this is not necessarily true as unpleasant experiences can have a negative impact on a person's mindset and attitude. It is more likely that positive experiences and constructive feedback would be more effective in improving one's attitude towards work. Therefore, the correct answer is false.
Penilaian karakter individu tidak memiliki dampak terhadap performansi kerjanya
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement suggests that individual character assessment does not affect job performance. However, this is not true. Individual character, such as integrity, work ethic, and attitude, can greatly impact job performance. Employers often consider these traits when evaluating an employee's performance and potential for growth within the company. Therefore, the correct answer is False.
Faktor yang dapat menurunkan komitmen kerja
Correct Answer
A. Kesempatan demosi
Kesempatan demosi dapat menurunkan komitmen kerja karena beberapa orang mungkin merasa tidak termotivasi atau tidak puas dengan pekerjaan mereka jika mereka merasa bahwa mereka tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk naik pangkat atau mendapatkan promosi. Jika seseorang merasa bahwa tidak ada ruang untuk perkembangan karir mereka, mereka mungkin kehilangan minat dan komitmen dalam pekerjaan mereka. Oleh karena itu, kesempatan demosi dapat menjadi faktor yang menurunkan komitmen kerja seseorang.
Bentuk sikap kerja positif
Correct Answer
OCB stands for Organizational Citizenship Behavior, which refers to voluntary actions that are not part of an employee's formal job description but contribute to the overall effectiveness of an organization. It involves going above and beyond the call of duty, such as helping colleagues, being punctual, showing initiative, and being a team player. OCB demonstrates a positive work attitude and contributes to a positive work environment. Therefore, OCB is the correct answer as it aligns with the given statement about positive work attitudes.
Rangkaian proses sikap
Correct Answer
B. Kognitif, afektif, perilaku
The correct answer is "Kognitif, afektif, perilaku". This is because the term "sikap" refers to attitude, and attitudes are typically composed of cognitive (knowledge and beliefs), affective (emotions and feelings), and behavioral (actions and behaviors) components. Therefore, in order to fully understand and analyze attitudes, all three components - cognitive, affective, and behavioral - need to be considered.
Faktor yang dapat menghambat sikap kerja positif
Correct Answer
B. Pengalaman
Pengalaman dapat menghambat sikap kerja positif karena seseorang yang memiliki pengalaman buruk dalam pekerjaan sebelumnya mungkin akan membawa beban emosional atau trauma yang dapat mempengaruhi sikap kerjanya di tempat kerja saat ini. Pengalaman negatif juga dapat mengurangi motivasi dan minat seseorang dalam bekerja dengan baik. Selain itu, pengalaman buruk juga dapat menciptakan sikap skeptis atau kurang percaya terhadap lingkungan kerja dan rekan kerja, yang dapat menghambat sikap kerja positif.
Sikap dapat terbentuk dari hal berikut, kecuali.......
Correct Answer
C. Keturunan
Sikap dapat terbentuk dari berbagai faktor seperti budaya, keturunan, dan pengalaman. Namun, seksualitas tidak dapat menjadi faktor yang membentuk sikap. Seksualitas cenderung mempengaruhi preferensi dan orientasi seksual seseorang, bukan sikap mereka terhadap suatu hal.
Faktor yang dapat menghambat sikap kerja positif
Correct Answer
B. Pengalaman
The correct answer is "Pengalaman" because pengalaman (experience) can sometimes hinder a positive work attitude. Negative experiences in the past may affect a person's mindset and make them less inclined to have a positive work attitude. These experiences could include previous failures, conflicts, or disappointments that have shaped their perception and behavior in the workplace.
Dipegang, dibersihkan dan diperbaiki biasanya pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan alat
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement suggests that tasks such as holding, cleaning, and repairing are usually associated with tools. This implies that these actions are commonly performed in relation to tools. Therefore, the answer "True" is correct, as it aligns with the information provided in the statement.
Memberikan sesuatu merupakan tahap tertinggi saat berhubungan dengan manusia
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement suggests that giving something is the highest stage in human relationships. However, this is not necessarily true. Building trust, understanding, and emotional connection are also important aspects of a strong relationship. Giving something can be a gesture of kindness or generosity, but it does not guarantee a deep and meaningful connection between individuals. Therefore, the correct answer is False.
Struktur organisasi harus direvisi setiap tahun
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement is "Struktur organisasi harus direvisi setiap tahun" which translates to "The organizational structure must be revised every year." The correct answer is False. This means that the statement is incorrect and the organizational structure does not need to be revised every year. There could be various reasons for this, such as if the current structure is efficient and effective, or if there are no significant changes or developments that require a revision.