Si quhet libri i gjuhes shqipe me gjuhe latine por me nje pasthenie shqipe e cila fliste per shqiptaret
Correct Answer
C. Meshari
The given question is asking for the name of a book written in Albanian language but with a Latin script and containing a prayer for Albanians. The correct answer is "Meshari".
Veprat letrare:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Ushqejne imagjinaten
B. Krijohen nga vete imagjinata
The given answer states that literary works feed the imagination and are created by imagination itself. It further emphasizes that these works are always based entirely on facts. This suggests that literary works stimulate and nourish the imagination, allowing it to create its own unique ideas and stories. These works are not limited by reality but are still grounded in factual elements, creating a balance between imagination and truth.
Tekstet kreative jane pjese e :
Correct Answer
D. Eshte lloj teksti ne vete(as letrar,as joletrar)
The correct answer is "Eshte lloj teksti ne vete (as letrar, as joletrar)". The given options suggest that creative texts can be either literary or non-literary, but the correct answer states that creative texts are a type of text in themselves, separate from both literary and non-literary texts. This implies that creative texts have their own distinct characteristics and cannot be categorized solely as literary or non-literary.
Lajmi eshte kryesori tek:kemi me shume se nje opsion
Correct Answer(s)
B. Tekstet joletrare
C. Gazetari
The correct answer is "Tekstet joletrare, Gazetari." This is because the question states that "Lajmi eshte kryesori tek: kemi me shume se nje opsion" which translates to "News is mainly found in: we have more than one option." The options "Tekstet letrare" and "Ne shkrimin kreativ" do not primarily focus on news, while "Tekstet joletrare" (non-literary texts) and "Gazetari" (journalism) are more closely associated with news.
Teksti informativ ka 7 pyetje:cka,kush,ku,kur-pytje kryesore dhe pse,perse,si-opsionale:
Correct Answer
B. E pasakte
The given answer states that the answer is incorrect. However, without the complete question or context, it is not possible to provide a specific explanation for why the answer is incorrect.
Kush dhe cfare jane pyetjet keyesore tek:
Correct Answer
B. Ideja krysesore
The correct answer is "Ideja krysesore." In the context of news, the key questions would revolve around the main idea or central theme of the news article. In an interview, the key questions would focus on the main topic or purpose of the interview. In arguments, the key questions would center around the main arguments being presented and their validity or effectiveness. Therefore, "Ideja krysesore" is the most appropriate answer as it captures the essence of the key questions in each of these contexts.
Sa faza nevojiten per te krijuar nje tekst argumentues
Correct Answer
D. 5
The given options are a series of numbers. The pattern in the series is not immediately clear, as there is no obvious mathematical relationship between the numbers. However, upon closer inspection, it can be observed that the numbers are listed in ascending order. The missing number in the series should therefore be the next number in the sequence, which is 5.
Logosi,patosi dhe etosi perfshin:
Correct Answer
B. Trekendeshin retorik
The correct answer is "trekendeshin retorik." This is because "retorik" is the Albanian word for "rhetoric," which refers to the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing. Therefore, "trekendeshin retorik" would mean "rhetorical triangle," which is a concept in rhetoric that represents the relationship between the speaker, the audience, and the subject matter.
Mimika shpreh:
Correct Answer
C. Levizjet dhe shprehjet e kokes
The given answer states that the topic being discussed is "levizjet dhe shprehjet e kokes" which translates to "movements and expressions of the head" in English. This suggests that the previous statements in the question are discussing different body parts and their respective movements and expressions.
Sa lloje te gjestikulacionet (kemi me shume se nje opsion)
Correct Answer(s)
B. 3
C. Shume lloje
The correct answer is 3, shume lloje. This is because the question is asking about the number of types of gestures, and the correct answer states that there are many types of gestures.
Sa forma kemi te komunikimit?
Correct Answer
A. 2
This question is asking about the form of communication. The correct answer is 2, which suggests that the form of communication is verbal. This means that communication is happening through spoken words or language.
Teknikat e shkrimit kreativ jane:(kemi me shume se 1 opsion)
Correct Answer(s)
A. 6 teknika
D. Reflektimi,ekspozeu,shpjegimi,argumentimi,narracioni,pershkrimi
The correct answer is 6 teknika. The explanation is that the question asks for the number of creative writing techniques, and the options provided include different techniques such as ekspozeu, pershkrimi, analiza, kreativiteti, gramatika, reflektimi, shpjegimi, argumentimi, narracioni, and pershkrimi. Among these options, there are a total of 6 techniques mentioned, which are reflektimi, ekspozeu, shpjegimi, argumentimi, narracioni, and pershkrimi. Therefore, the correct answer is 6 teknika.
Cka jane tekstet praktike
Correct Answer
B. Tekste qe praktikohen ne menyre joformale dhe formale
The correct answer is "Tekste qe praktikohen ne menyre joformale dhe formale" because it states that practical texts can be used in both formal and informal ways. This implies that practical texts can be applied in various contexts and settings, depending on the formality required.
Nje perralle(me shume se nje opsion
Correct Answer(s)
A. Figurat mitologjike
C. Personazhet
The correct answer is "figurat mitologjike, Personazhet." This answer suggests that the given text is about mythological figures and characters. It implies that the text may be discussing or presenting these mythological figures and characters in some way.