Obiectul impozitului,ca element tehnic al acestuia
Correct Answer
B. Este cunoscut și sub denumirea de materie impozabilă
The correct answer is "este cunoscut și sub denumirea de materie impozabilă" because it states that the object of the tax, as a technical element of the tax, can sometimes be confused with the subject of the tax. It also mentions that in the case of the profit tax, the net profit represents the object of the tax. Additionally, it states that the object of the tax is sometimes the monetary evaluation of sold goods.
Politica financiar-monetară a autorităților publice
Correct Answer
A. Prin conținut, reprezintă o componentă a politici financiare în accepțiune extinsă
The correct answer states that "prin conținut, reprezintă o componentă a politici financiare în accepțiune extinsă" which means that it represents a component of financial policy in an extended sense. This suggests that the financial-monetary policy of public authorities is a part of the broader concept of financial policy, indicating that it encompasses more than just budget policy. Therefore, the correct answer explains that the financial-monetary policy is a subset of financial policy in a broader sense.
În sens juridic conceptul de cheltuială publică se referă la :
Correct Answer
A. Plățile efectuate pentru funcționarea instituțiilor publice
The correct answer is "plățile efectuate pentru funcționarea instituțiilor publice." In the legal sense, the concept of public expenditure refers to the payments made for the functioning of public institutions. This includes expenses such as salaries, utilities, maintenance, and other costs associated with the operation of government entities.
În cazul impozitelor directe :
Correct Answer
A. Destinatarul impozitului coincide cu subiectul
In the case of direct taxes, the recipient of the tax is the same as the subject. This means that the person or entity who is responsible for paying the tax is the same as the one who receives the benefits or services funded by the tax. This is in contrast to indirect taxes, where the burden of the tax may be passed on to someone else. In direct taxes, the individual or entity who is subject to the tax is also the one who bears the financial burden of the tax.
Taxa pe valoare adăugată se încadrează în categoria:
Correct Answer
B. Impozitelor indirecte
The correct answer is "impozitelor indirecte". The question asks about the category in which the value-added tax (VAT) falls into. VAT is a type of tax that is imposed on the value added at each stage of the production and distribution process. It is an indirect tax because it is ultimately passed on to the consumer through the price of goods and services. Therefore, it falls under the category of "impozitelor indirecte".
Sunt considerate contrare principiilor de echitate fiscală, următoarele:
Correct Answer
B. Impunerea în sume fixe pe persoană
The correct answer is "impunerea în sume fixe pe persoană". This is because imposing fixed amounts per person does not take into account the individual's income or ability to pay taxes, which goes against the principles of tax equity. Progressive proportional rates, progressive simple rates, and proportional rates are all based on the principle of taxing individuals based on their income or wealth, which is considered more equitable. Regressive rates, on the other hand, impose higher tax rates on lower-income individuals, which is also considered unfair.
Cheltuielile publice bugetare cu plata ajutorului de șomaj se încadrează în categoria cheltuielilor:
Correct Answer
D. De transfer
The correct answer is "de transfer." Cheltuielile publice bugetare cu plata ajutorului de șomaj se încadrează în categoria cheltuielilor de transfer. This means that these expenses are related to the transfer of funds from the government to individuals who are unemployed and receiving assistance. Cheltuielile de transfer refer to government spending that is aimed at redistributing income or providing support to specific groups or individuals. In this case, the government is transferring funds to those who are unemployed to help them financially.
În care din situațiile de mai jos se produc încălcări ale principiului anualității bugetului:
Correct Answer
D. întocmirea de bugete plurianuale
The correct answer is "întocmirea de bugete plurianuale". This violates the principle of annuality of the budget because it involves preparing budgets for multiple years instead of just one year. The principle of annuality states that the budget should be prepared and executed on an annual basis to ensure accountability and transparency in financial planning and spending. By preparing budgets for multiple years, it becomes difficult to accurately predict and allocate resources, and it may also lead to inflexibility in adjusting the budget to changing circumstances.
Care dintre următoarele afirmații sunt adevărate :
Correct Answer
B. Folosirea de bugete autonome reprezintă o abatere de la principiul unității bugetului
The correct answer is "folosirea de bugete autonome reprezintă o abatere de la principiul unității bugetului". This statement is true because the use of autonomous budgets goes against the principle of budget unity, which states that all revenues and expenditures should be included in a single budget. Autonomous budgets create separate budgets for specific activities or entities, which can lead to fragmentation and lack of transparency in the budgeting process.
Care dintre următoarele atribuțiuni corespund funcției de bancher a trezoreriei publice:
Correct Answer
D. Efectuarea operațiunilor privind finanțarea deficitului bugetar
The correct answer is "efectuarea operațiunilor privind finanțarea deficitului bugetar" because the function of a treasury banker includes managing the financing of the budget deficit. This involves activities such as issuing government bonds, borrowing from financial institutions, and implementing fiscal policies to cover the deficit.
În cazul impozitelor directe:
Correct Answer
C. în sfera lor pot fi respectate principiile de echitate fiscală
The correct answer is "în sfera lor pot fi respectate principiile de echitate fiscală" which translates to "the principles of tax fairness can be respected in their sphere". This means that direct taxes have the potential to be fair and equitable in their application, ensuring that individuals or entities with higher incomes or greater wealth contribute a larger share of taxes. Unlike indirect taxes, direct taxes can be designed to take into account the ability to pay and redistribute wealth in a more equitable manner.
Printre factorii demografici de influență asupra evoluției cheltuielilor publice, se numără :
Correct Answer
C. Creșterea duratei medii de viață
The increase in average life expectancy can have a significant impact on public spending. As people live longer, they require more healthcare services and pensions, which can put a strain on public finances. Governments need to allocate more funds to support the aging population, including healthcare costs and social security benefits. This can lead to an increase in public spending and potentially require adjustments in budget priorities to accommodate these additional expenses.
Pentru satisfacerea cerințelor de echitate fiscală în impunere sunt necesare următoarele
Correct Answer
A. Mobilizarea resurselor sub forma să se facă cu cheltuieli de administrare cât mai mici
The answer states that in order to satisfy the requirements of tax equity, it is necessary to mobilize resources with minimal administrative expenses. This means that the government should strive to collect taxes efficiently and effectively, minimizing the costs associated with tax administration. By doing so, the burden of taxation can be distributed more fairly among taxpayers, ensuring that everyone pays their fair share without excessive administrative costs.
Subiectul impozitului, ca element tehnic al acestuia
Correct Answer
B. Este persoana fizică sau juridică în sarcina căreia este stabilită prin lege obligația de plată a impozitului
The correct answer is "este persoana fizică sau juridică în sarcina căreia este stabilită prin lege obligația de plată a impozitului." This answer explains that the subject of the tax is the individual or legal entity who is legally obligated to pay the tax. It clarifies that the subject of the tax is not the source of the tax or any specific value or activity that may be subject to taxation.
Ce asemănare între emisiune de monedă, folosită ca resursă financiară publică extraordinară, și impozitul indirect:
Correct Answer
B. Caracter voalat
The correct answer is "character veiled". The term "character veiled" refers to the fact that both the issuance of currency and indirect taxation are not easily visible or transparent to the public. In both cases, the impact on individuals and businesses may not be immediately apparent, as they may not directly perceive the effects of these actions. This similarity highlights the hidden nature of both the issuance of currency and indirect taxation.
Impozitele care au în vedere pe lângă existența materiei impozabile situația familială ce gravează asupra puterii contributive a subiecților sunt reprezentate de :
Correct Answer
B. Impozite directe personale
The correct answer is "impozite directe personale" because these taxes are based on the personal circumstances and financial ability of the individuals. They take into account factors such as income, property ownership, and family situation to determine the amount of tax owed. This type of taxation is considered to be more progressive as it takes into account the ability to pay, ensuring that those with higher incomes or more assets contribute a larger share of their income or wealth.
Care dintre următoarele afirmații referitoare la controlul bugetar sunt adevărate:
Correct Answer
D. Controlul politic se exercită de către Parlament
The correct answer is that controlul politic se exercită de către Parlament. This means that political control is exercised by the Parliament. The statement implies that the Parliament has the authority to analyze the justifications and legality of recorded operations in the accounting records. This control is important in ensuring that the government's financial activities align with the overall objectives of the state's policies.
Care din următoarele variante sunt adevărate
Correct Answer
B. în sens larg în sfera piețelor financiare se încadrează piețele monetare, valutare și cele financiare propriu-zise
The correct answer is that in the broad sense, the financial market includes the money market, foreign exchange market, and the actual financial markets themselves. This means that all three options mentioned in the answer are true. The money market refers to the market for short-term borrowing and lending, the foreign exchange market deals with the trading of currencies, and the financial markets encompass various types of securities and financial instruments. Therefore, these options correctly describe the different components of the financial market.
Având în vedere clasificația financiară, cheltuielile publice se structurează în
Correct Answer
A. Definitive, temporare și virtuale
Based on the given question, it can be inferred that the cheltuielile publice (public expenses) are structured into three categories: definitive (definitive), temporare (temporary), and virtuale (virtual). Therefore, the correct answer is "definitive, temporare și virtuale."
Taxele speciale de consumație
Correct Answer
B. Manifestă sensibilitate scăzută la conjunctura economică
Special consumption taxes have a low sensitivity to economic conditions. This means that these taxes do not fluctuate significantly based on changes in the economy. They remain relatively stable regardless of the economic situation.
Finanțare temporară ca modalitate de procurare a resurselor financiare necesare unei întreprinderi
Correct Answer
A. Se asigură,în principal, pe baza creditelor bancare acordate de bănci pentru activitatea de exploatare
Temporary financing is primarily obtained through bank loans granted for operational activities. This means that the necessary financial resources for the company are mainly secured through credit facilities provided by banks specifically for the purpose of funding day-to-day operations. This form of financing allows the company to meet its immediate financial needs while awaiting more stable and long-term sources of funding.
În evaluarea eficienței cheltuielilor publice pentru educație, în aprecierea efectelor acestora sunt luate în considerare
Correct Answer
D. Veniturile suplimentare obținute de indivizi ca urmare a instruiri suplimentare
The evaluation of the efficiency of public spending on education takes into consideration the additional income obtained by individuals as a result of additional training. This means that when assessing the effects of public spending on education, one of the factors considered is whether individuals are able to increase their income through further training. This suggests that the evaluation is not solely focused on the direct costs and benefits of education, but also takes into account the potential economic returns for individuals.
Ciclul de exploatare în desfășurarea activității unei întreprinderi
Correct Answer
D. Se referă la activitățile de producție în cadrul cărora se prelucrează materii prime și materiale, se obțin produse finite care se livrează beneficiarilor interni și externi
The correct answer states that the "ciclul de exploatare" refers to the production activities in which raw materials and materials are processed, resulting in finished products that are delivered to internal and external beneficiaries. This explanation aligns with the information provided in the question, which mentions the phases of procurement, production, and delivery of goods and services.
Cheltuielile publice cu acordare de subvenții sectorului privat
Correct Answer
A. Nu erau acceptate în concepția clasică despre cheltuielile publice
The correct answer is "nu erau acceptate în concepția clasică despre cheltuielile publice". This means that in the classical conception of public expenditure, subsidies to the private sector were not accepted. This suggests that the traditional view of public expenditure did not include the provision of subsidies to the private sector as a legitimate use of public funds.
Cheltuielile publice temporare
Correct Answer
D. Sunt cheltuieli care se pot finaliza cu plata la scadență certă
Temporary public expenses are expenses that can be finalized with a certain due date for payment.
Piețe financiare derivate sunt reprezentate de
Correct Answer
B. Piețele futures și opțiunilor
Financial derivative markets are represented by futures and options markets. These markets involve the trading of contracts that derive their value from an underlying asset, such as stocks, commodities, or currencies. Futures contracts obligate the buyer to purchase the underlying asset at a predetermined price and date, while options contracts give the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell the underlying asset at a predetermined price within a specified time period. These derivative markets provide investors with opportunities to hedge risks, speculate on price movements, and diversify their investment portfolios.
Fondul de rulment brut se poate determina ca diferența dintre
Correct Answer
B. Resursele totale și activele imobilizate
The correct answer is "resursele totale și activele imobilizate". This is because the gross working capital can be calculated by subtracting the total resources and fixed assets from the total assets.
La care dintre următoarele variante ale politicii de dividend, mărimea dividendelor de acordat acționarilor nu depinde de mărimea profitului
Correct Answer
A. Politici de stabilizare
The correct answer is "politici de stabilizare". In this type of dividend policy, the amount of dividends to be paid to shareholders is not dependent on the size of the profit. Instead, the company aims to stabilize dividend payments over time, regardless of fluctuations in profitability. This policy is often adopted by companies that prioritize providing a consistent income stream to their shareholders, even during periods of lower profitability.
Care din următoarele operațiuni reflectă ipostaza de casier atribuit trezoreriei publice
Correct Answer
B. Organizarea și efectuarea tuturor operațiunilor de încasări și plăți care privesc bugetul de stat
The correct answer is "organizarea și efectuarea tuturor operațiunilor de încasări și plăți care privesc bugetul de stat". This option states that the cashier is responsible for organizing and carrying out all the operations related to the collection and payment of funds concerning the state budget. This includes managing the cash flow and ensuring that all financial transactions are properly recorded and accounted for. The cashier plays a crucial role in maintaining the financial stability and integrity of the public treasury.
Contractarea de către autoritățile publice de resurse financiare împrumutate pe termen scurt reprezintă o coordonată a politicii
Correct Answer
C. Bugetare
The correct answer is "bugetare". The given statement is discussing the contracting of short-term financial resources by public authorities, which is a coordinate of fiscal policy. The term "bugetare" refers to budgetary enterprises, which suggests that the contracting of financial resources is related to the financing of these enterprises.
Sistemul de gestiune în execuția bugetului presupune
Correct Answer
C. închiderea execuției bugetului la finele exercițiului bugetar, indiferent de faptul că unele dintre cheltuieli sau venituri au rămas neefectuate/ neîncasate
The correct answer states that the budget execution is closed at the end of the budget year, regardless of whether some expenses or revenues remain unrealized or uncollected. This means that all financial transactions and activities related to the budget are finalized and accounted for by the end of the budget year, even if there are outstanding items.
Documentația depusă la Parlament, de către Guvern, în vederea dezbaterii și aprobării bugetului conține
Correct Answer
A. Anexele de la proiectul de lege bugetară
The correct answer is "anexele de la proiectul de lege bugetară." This is because the question asks for the content of the documentation submitted to Parliament by the Government for the discussion and approval of the budget. The answer states that the documentation includes the annexes from the budget bill, which are additional documents providing detailed information and supporting data related to the budget proposal.
Pentru satisfacerea cerințelor de echitate fiscală impunere sunt necesare următoarele
Correct Answer
A. Asigurarea unui venit minim impozabil pentru fiecare contribuabil
The correct answer is "asigurarea unui venit minim impozabil pentru fiecare contribuabil" which means "ensuring a minimum taxable income for each taxpayer". This is necessary for achieving tax equity as it ensures that every taxpayer, regardless of their income level, contributes a certain minimum amount towards taxes. This helps to distribute the tax burden more fairly and ensures that everyone is contributing to the funding of public services and government expenses.
Caracterul echitabil ca trăsătură a impozitelor indirecte se referă la faptul că
Correct Answer
C. Asigură un volum relativ constant de resurse financiare publice
Impozitele indirecte asigură un volum relativ constant de resurse financiare publice. Aceasta înseamnă că aceste impozite sunt colectate într-un mod constant și nu sunt influențate în mod semnificativ de fluctuațiile volumului vânzărilor sau de situația economică și socială a subiecților impozitului. Astfel, indiferent de variațiile în economie, impozitele indirecte vor continua să aducă un flux relativ constant de resurse financiare către sectorul public.
Care dintre următoarele afirmații cu privire la politica de stabilizare (prudență), componentă a politicii de dividend a întreprinderii sunt adevărate
Correct Answer
D. Presupune asigurarea unui dividend constant sau o rată de creștere anuală a dividendului, indiferent de mărimea profitului obținut
The correct answer states that the policy of prudential stabilization assumes the provision of a constant dividend or an annual growth rate of the dividend, regardless of the size of the profit obtained. This means that the company aims to maintain a consistent or increasing dividend payout to its shareholders, regardless of fluctuations in profitability. This policy ensures that shareholders receive a predictable return on their investment and helps to build investor confidence in the company.
Obiectul impozitului, ca element tehnic al acestuia
Correct Answer
A. Este cunoscut și sub denumirea de materie impozabilă
The correct answer states that "obiectul impozitului" is also known as "materie impozabilă" (taxable matter). This means that the object or subject of taxation is referred to as the taxable matter. In certain situations, it can be confused with the subject of taxation. In the case of profit tax, the taxable matter is the net profit. It is sometimes the monetary evaluation of goods sold.
Ca principiu de impunere, randamentul impunerii
Correct Answer
C. Presupune ca prin modul de aplicare și încasare a impozitului să nu se permită sustragerea de la impunere a materiei impozabile și nici evitarea plăți impozitului
The correct answer states that the principle of taxation requires that the method of applying and collecting taxes does not allow for the avoidance or evasion of paying taxes. This means that the tax system should be designed in a way that prevents individuals or entities from escaping their tax obligations or finding loopholes to avoid paying taxes. The principle aims to ensure that everyone contributes their fair share to the tax system and that there is no unfair advantage or inequality in the taxation process.
Identificarea și evaluarea materiei impozabile, respectiv stabilirea sumei impozitului de încasat pe categorii de impozite, ca operațiune specifică execuției bugetului din partea de venit este specifică
Correct Answer
B. Așezări
The correct answer is "așezări". This is because the sentence mentions the identification and evaluation of taxable matter, as well as the determination of the amount of tax to be collected. These activities are specifically related to the process of "așezări" or settlements, which involves the calculation and collection of taxes.
Piața pe care prețul se stabileste prin regruparea ordinelor de cumparare si vanzare se umeste si
Correct Answer
C. Piata interdealeri
The correct answer is "piata interdealeri". This is because the phrase "regruparea ordinelor de cumparare si vanzare" suggests that the market is being organized or facilitated by intermediaries who act as intermediaries between buyers and sellers. These intermediaries are often referred to as interdealers, hence the term "piata interdealeri".
Accizele se incadreaza in categoria
Correct Answer
B. Taxelor specifice de consumatie
Accizele se incadreaza in categoria taxelor specifice de consumatie. Acestea sunt impozite indirecte care se aplica asupra bunurilor cu consum mare, cum ar fi alcoolul, tutunul, carburantii sau produsele de lux. Accizele au rolul de a creste pretul acestor bunuri si de a descuraja consumul excesiv sau nesanatos. Astfel, ele reprezinta o sursa importanta de venit pentru stat, dar si o modalitate de a controla anumite comportamente consumatorilor.
Dintre urmatoarele afirmatii, privind sociatatile de administrare a investitiilor sunt adevarate
Correct Answer
C. Trebuie sa indeplineasca cerintele de capital prevazute pentru activitatea de administrare
Societatile de administrare a investitiilor trebuie sa indeplineasca cerintele de capital prevazute pentru activitatea de administrare. This means that investment management companies must meet the capital requirements set for their management activities. This ensures that they have sufficient financial resources to effectively carry out their duties and responsibilities in managing investment funds.
Contractarea de catre autoritatile publice de resurse financiare imprumutate pe termen scurt reprezinta o coordonata specifica
Correct Answer
B. Politicii financiare a intreprinderii in acceptiune extinsa
Caracterul regresiv al sarcinii fiscale, in cazul impozitelor indirecte , presupune
Correct Answer
C. In cazul acestor impozite nu opereaza criteriul venitului neimpozabil
The regressive nature of indirect taxes means that the tax burden is higher for individuals with low incomes. Those who support these taxes become taxpayers to the extent that they purchase and consume goods and services that include these taxes in their price. The non-taxable income criterion does not apply to these taxes, and it also implies lower collection expenses.
Cheltuielile publice pentru apărarea națională
Correct Answer
B. Pot fi directe și indirecte
The correct answer is "pot fi directe și indirecte". This is because the statement "Cheltuielile publice pentru apărarea națională se particularizează prin ponderea foarte ridicată a cheltuielilor de capital" indicates that defense expenditures have a high proportion of capital spending, which implies that they can be direct. Additionally, the statement "pot fi directe și indirecte" means that defense expenditures can be both direct and indirect, which aligns with the information provided in the question.
Caracterul voalat, ascuns, ca trasatura a impozitelor indirecte, se refera la faptul ca
Correct Answer
C. Acestea se manifesta in contextul cheltuielilor de consum care vizeaza bunuri si servicii cu regim diferit de impozitare de pret
The correct answer states that the veiled, hidden character of indirect taxes refers to the fact that they manifest in the context of consumer spending that targets goods and services with a different taxation regime from the price. This means that indirect taxes are not explicitly stated or visible in the price of goods and services, but rather hidden within the overall cost of consumption.
Bursa de valori
Correct Answer
B. Ofera investitorilor garantie morala si securitate financiara
The correct answer is "ofera investitorilor garantie morala si securitate financiara." This statement explains that the stock exchange provides investors with moral guarantee and financial security. This implies that the stock exchange ensures that investors' investments are protected and that they can trust the integrity of the market.
Speculatia ”a la hausse” pe piata financiara
Correct Answer
A. Reflecta cumpararea titlurilor de valoare de pe piata la vedere si vanzarea titlurilor la un curs mai mare
Speculatia "a la hausse" pe piata financiara se refera la cumpararea titlurilor de valoare de pe piata la vedere si vanzarea acestora la un pret mai mare. Aceasta strategie este utilizata de catre traderi care anticipeaza o crestere a pretului titlurilor de valoare si doresc sa profite de aceasta crestere. Prin vanzarea titlurilor la un pret mai mare, ei obtin un profit.
Care din urmatoarele afirmatii sunt adevarate
Correct Answer
A. Folosirea de bugete autonome reprezinta o abatere de la principiul unitatii bugetului
The statement states that the use of autonomous budgets represents a deviation from the principle of budget unity. This means that autonomous budgets are separate from the main budget and are not integrated into it, which goes against the principle of budget unity where all budgets should be consolidated into one.
Capacitatea unei intreprinderi private de a-si acoperi doar partial necesitatile de dezvoltare pe seama profitului defineste
Correct Answer
A. Autofinantarea partiala neta in sens restrans
The correct answer is "autofinantarea partiala neta in sens restrans." This is because the statement describes the ability of a private enterprise to partially cover its development needs using its profits. "Autofinantarea partiala neta" refers to partial self-financing, which means that the enterprise is able to cover only part of its needs. "In sens restrans" indicates that this definition is specific and narrow, focusing on the partial aspect of self-financing.
Mediul economic al intreprinderii
Correct Answer
A. Delimiteaza activitatea de productie si de schimb a bunurilor si serviciilor
The correct answer is that the economic environment of the enterprise delimits the production and exchange of goods and services. This means that the economic conditions and factors surrounding the enterprise define the boundaries and limitations within which the production and exchange activities can take place. The economic environment includes factors such as market demand, competition, government regulations, and economic trends, which all influence the organization and operations of the enterprise.