In ce an a fost publicata Moara cu Noroc de Ioan Slavici?
Correct Answer
B. 1881
The correct answer is 1881. This is the year in which the novel "Moara cu Noroc" by Ioan Slavici was published.
Moara cu Noroc de Ioan Slavici a fost publicata in volumul ...?
Correct Answer
C. Novele din Popor
The correct answer is "Novele din Popor". "Moara cu Noroc" is a novel written by Ioan Slavici and it was published in the volume "Novele din Popor". This volume is a collection of short stories and novels that Slavici wrote based on the lives and struggles of the common people. It is considered to be one of his most important works and a significant contribution to Romanian literature.
Nuvela Moara cu noroc de Ioan Slavici este o nuvelă ... ?
Correct Answer
C. Psihologică
The correct answer is "Psihologică." The reason for this is that the short story "Moara cu noroc" by Ioan Slavici focuses on the psychological aspects of the characters. It delves into their thoughts, emotions, and motivations, particularly the main character's descent into moral corruption and obsession with wealth. The story explores themes of guilt, conscience, and the psychological effects of one's actions. Therefore, it can be categorized as a psychological narrative.
Nuvela Moara cu Noroc de Ioan Slavici este alcătuită din ... capitole?
Correct Answer
A. 17
The correct answer is 17. The novella "Moara cu Noroc" by Ioan Slavici is composed of 17 chapters.
Ce anume hotărește personajul principal in Expozițiunea nuvelei Moara cu noroc de Ioan Slavici ?
Correct Answer
B. Să ia in arendă cârciuma de la Moara cu Noroc.
The main character in the novel "Moara cu noroc" by Ioan Slavici decides to take the lease of the inn at Moara cu Noroc.
Intriga nuvelei Moara cu noroc de Ioan Slavici este declanșată de ...?
Correct Answer
C. Apariția lui Lică Sămădăul, șeful porcarilor și al turmelor de porci din împrejurimi, la Moara cu noroc
In the novel "Moara cu noroc" by Ioan Slavici, the intrigue is triggered by the appearance of Lică Sămădăul, the chief of the pig breeders and the pig herds in the surrounding area, at Moara cu noroc. This event sets in motion a series of events and conflicts that drive the plot forward. Lică Sămădăul's presence disrupts the balance and harmony of the mill, leading to a chain of unfortunate events and ultimately, tragedy.
Ce anume ilustreaza desfășurarea acțiunii Moarei cu noroc de Ioan Slavici ?
Correct Answer
C. Ilustrează procesul înstrăinării cârciumarului Ghiță față de familie, care dornic să facă avere, se îndepărtează treptat de soția sa Ana și devine complicele lui Lică la diverse nelegiuiri.
The correct answer explains that the action of the story "Moara cu noroc" illustrates the process of alienation of the innkeeper Ghiță from his family. Ghiță, driven by the desire to become wealthy, gradually distances himself from his wife Ana and becomes an accomplice to Lică in various illegal activities. This showcases the theme of Ghiță's dehumanization and his transformation into a morally compromised character.
Punctul culminant din nuvela Moara cu noroc de Ioan Slavici ilustrează ...?
Correct Answer
B. Dezumanizarea lui Ghiță
The high point in the novella "Moara cu noroc" by Ioan Slavici illustrates the dehumanization of Ghiță. Throughout the story, Ghiță becomes increasingly corrupted by his desire for wealth and power. He is willing to betray and manipulate others, ultimately losing his humanity in the process. The high point of the story represents the culmination of Ghiță's transformation into a ruthless and morally bankrupt individual, highlighting the theme of dehumanization.
În care moment apare Deznodamântul nuvelei Moara cu noroc de Ioan Slavici ?
Correct Answer
A. În momentul în care oamenii lui Lică provoacă un incendiu care mistuie cârciuma de la Moara cu noroc
In the given options, the correct answer is the first one, which states that the climax of the story "Moara cu noroc" by Ioan Slavici occurs when Lică's men set fire to the inn at Moara cu noroc. This event marks a turning point in the story and leads to the resolution or "deznodamânt" of the plot. The fire symbolizes the destruction of the corrupt and oppressive system represented by Lică, and ultimately brings justice to the characters involved.
De ce anume incipitul și finanul nuvelei Moara cu noroc de Ioan slavici se află în raport de simetrie?
Correct Answer
C. Deoarece înfățișează drumul care ajunge la Moara cu noroc, locul desfășurării acțiunii
The correct answer is "deoarece înfățișează drumul care ajunge la Moara cu noroc, locul desfășurării acțiunii." This is because the incipitul and finanul of the story "Moara cu noroc" by Ioan Slavici describe the road that leads to the Moara cu noroc, which is the setting of the story. The symmetry in their description helps to establish the importance of this location and sets the stage for the events that will unfold in the story.