Diketahui jumlah penduduk Indonesia pada tahun 2008 adalah 365,9 juta jiwa. Angka kelahiran, yaitu 39 perseribu penduduk, sedangkan angka kematian 19 perseribu penduduk. Berapakah angka pertumbuhan penduduk Indonesia?
Tuliskan tujuan didirikannya VOC oleh kolonial Belanda!
Tuliskan enam hak octroi yang diberikan pemerintahan Hindia Belanda kepada VOC!
Jelaskan menurut kalian apa yang harus dilakukan pemerintah untuk mengatasi permasalahan lingkungan hidup. (kerusakan hutan, tanah longsor, polusi udara, dan banjir)!.
Jelaskan dua macam sensus penduduk!
Wilayah Indonesia paling barat adalah . . .
Correct Answer
C. Sabang
Sabang is the correct answer because it is located in the westernmost part of Indonesia. It is a city located on Weh Island, which is part of the Aceh province. Sabang is known for its beautiful beaches and is also the gateway to the Andaman Sea. Being situated in the westernmost part of Indonesia, Sabang is often referred to as "Kota Sabang di ujung Indonesia" (Sabang City at the edge of Indonesia).
Berdasarkan letak astronomisnya, Indonesia terletak di daerah . . . .
Correct Answer
A. Tropis
Indonesia terletak di daerah tropis berdasarkan letak astronomisnya. Daerah tropis terletak di sekitar khatulistiwa, yang memiliki iklim panas sepanjang tahun. Indonesia terletak di antara garis lintang 6°LU dan 11°LS sehingga sebagian besar wilayahnya berada di dalam daerah tropis. Wilayah tropis memiliki suhu yang relatif tinggi sepanjang tahun dengan musim hujan dan musim kemarau yang cenderung stabil.
Indonesia dilewati oleh sirkum mediteran dan pasifik, hal ini menyebabkan Indonesia memiliki bentuk muka bumi berupa . . . .
Correct Answer
B. Gunung dan pegunungan
Indonesia is crossed by the circum-Mediterranean and Pacific tectonic plates, resulting in a diverse topography. This includes both mountains and mountain ranges, as well as other landforms such as plains and lowlands. The presence of these tectonic plates has led to the formation of numerous volcanoes and mountainous areas in Indonesia. Therefore, the correct answer is "gunung dan pegunungan" (mountains and mountain ranges).
Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang perairan darat disebut . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Hidrologi
The correct answer is hidrologi. Hidrologi is the study of water, including its distribution, movement, and properties on the Earth's surface, underground, and in the atmosphere. It specifically focuses on freshwater resources, such as lakes, rivers, and groundwater. Therefore, hidrologi is the appropriate term to describe the study of inland waters.
Sungai terpanjang di Indonesia adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
A. Kapuas
The correct answer is Kapuas. Kapuas River is the longest river in Indonesia, stretching approximately 1,143 kilometers in length. It is located in the province of West Kalimantan on the island of Borneo. The river plays a significant role in the transportation and irrigation systems of the region, as well as being home to diverse flora and fauna.
Perbandingan antara jumlah penduduk dengan luas wilayah disebut . . . .
Correct Answer
A. Kepadatan penduduk
The comparison between the population and the area is referred to as population density. This term describes the number of individuals per unit of area, indicating how crowded or densely populated an area is. It is calculated by dividing the total population by the total area. In this context, the correct answer is "kepadatan penduduk," which translates to "population density" in English.
Di bawah ini wilayah di Indonesia yang memiliki iklim hutan hujan tropis, kecuali . . .
Correct Answer
C. Madura
Madura is not a region in Indonesia that has a tropical rainforest climate. Sumatera, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi Utara are known for their tropical rainforests and high levels of rainfall throughout the year. Madura, on the other hand, is an island located off the coast of Java and does not have the same climate as the other regions mentioned.
Pendapatan rata – rata setiap orang pada suatu negara dalam satu tahun disebut . . . .
Correct Answer
B. Pendapatan perkapita
Pendapatan perkapita refers to the average income of each individual in a country in one year. It is calculated by dividing the total income of the country by its population. This measure helps to understand the economic well-being of the individuals in a country and is often used to compare the standard of living between different countries.
Adanya daerah permukiman kumuh merupakan dampak dari . . . .
Correct Answer
A. Urbanisasi
The presence of slum settlements is a consequence of urbanization. Urbanization refers to the process of people moving from rural areas to cities in search of better job opportunities and living conditions. As a result, cities become overcrowded, and inadequate housing and infrastructure lead to the development of slums. Therefore, urbanization is the most plausible explanation for the existence of slum settlements.
Masalah kependudukan yang paling khas di Indonesia adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Pengangguran yang tinggi
The most typical population problem in Indonesia is high unemployment. This means that a significant number of people in the country are unable to find jobs or are underemployed. High unemployment can lead to various social and economic issues, including poverty, inequality, and social unrest. It is a critical challenge for the government to address in order to improve the overall well-being and stability of the population.
Dilihat dari aspek jumlah, penduduk Indonesia saat ini menempati urutan . . . .
Correct Answer
B. Keempat
The correct answer is "keempat". This is because the question is asking about the current population ranking of Indonesia. "Keempat" means fourth in Indonesian, indicating that Indonesia is currently the fourth most populous country.
Cara memperoleh data kependudukan yang paling dapat dipercaya kebenarannya dan lengkap adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
A. Sensus
A census is the most reliable and comprehensive method to obtain population data. It involves collecting information from every individual in a specific geographical area, ensuring a complete and accurate representation of the population. Surveys and registrations may not capture data from the entire population, leading to potential inaccuracies and biases. Researchers studying the population may also rely on census data for their studies, further highlighting its credibility and completeness.
Metode sensus penduduk yang mencatat penduduk yang bertempat tinggal di daerah tersebut dinamakan metode . . . .
Correct Answer
D. De jure
The correct answer is "de jure". De jure refers to something that is recognized or established by law. In the context of the question, the method of population census that records the residents in a particular area is recognized and established by law. Therefore, de jure is the appropriate term to describe this method.
Apabila di suatu daerah memungkinkan didatangkan berbagai produk industri dan jasa, maka orientasi kegiatan ekonominya adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Industri dan jasa
If a region allows for the importation of various industrial and service products, then the orientation of its economic activities would be towards industries and services. This means that the region's economy would primarily focus on the production and provision of goods and services, rather than being primarily agricultural or focused on fishing or plantation activities.
Berikut ini yang tidak termasuk indikator kualitas penduduk yang bersifat fisik adalah . . .
Correct Answer
A. Ekonomi
The answer is ekonomi because it is not a physical indicator of population quality. Physical indicators of population quality typically refer to factors such as health and education, which directly relate to the physical well-being and development of individuals. Economic indicators, on the other hand, are more related to financial aspects and do not directly measure physical well-being.
Rumus pertumbuhan penduduk migrasi adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
A. P = I - E
The given answer, P = I - E, represents the formula for population growth through migration. In this formula, P represents the population growth, I represents the number of immigrants, and E represents the number of emigrants. By subtracting the number of emigrants from the number of immigrants, we can determine the net population growth due to migration.
Perpindahan penduduk yang sifatnya sementara karena suatu tugas pekerjaan disebut . . .
Correct Answer
C. Forentisme
The correct answer is "forentisme". Forentisme refers to temporary population movements due to job assignments. This term is commonly used to describe the movement of people who temporarily relocate to another place for work purposes, such as expatriates or individuals on short-term work assignments. This is different from tourism, which involves traveling for leisure or recreational purposes, and migration, which refers to the permanent or long-term relocation of individuals or groups. Evakuasi, on the other hand, refers to the process of moving people from a dangerous or emergency situation to a safer location.
Sasaran program KB yaitu . . . .
Correct Answer
D. Pasangan usia subur
The correct answer is "pasangan usia subur." This means that the target of the family planning program (KB) is couples of reproductive age. This suggests that the program aims to provide contraception and reproductive health services to couples who are capable of having children. The program likely focuses on promoting responsible family planning and empowering couples to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.
Hasil sensus penduduk yang erat hubungannya dengan perencanaan transmigrasi ialah penduduk yang memberikan gambaran tentang susunan penduduk menurut . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Jenis kelamin
The correct answer is "jenis kelamin" (gender). The census data is closely related to transmigration planning as it provides information about the composition of the population according to gender. This information is crucial for determining the needs and resources required for transmigration programs, as different genders may have different migration patterns, opportunities, and challenges. Understanding the gender composition of the population helps in developing targeted policies and programs to address the specific needs and ensure the success of transmigration efforts.
Angka yang menunjukkan jumlah bayi lahir hidup dari setiap 1.000 orang penduduk dalam waktu satu tahun . . . .
Correct Answer
The correct answer is CBR. CBR stands for Crude Birth Rate, which is the number of live births per 1,000 population in a year. It is an important demographic indicator that helps to understand the fertility level of a population.
Kelompok makhluk hidup yang sejenis dan berkembang biak pada suatu daerah disebut . . . .
Correct Answer
B. Populasi
Populasi adalah kelompok makhluk hidup yang sejenis dan berkembang biak pada suatu daerah. Populasi terdiri dari individu-individu yang memiliki karakteristik yang sama dan dapat saling berinteraksi dalam hal reproduksi dan perubahan genetik. Dalam suatu populasi, individu-individu ini dapat mempengaruhi satu sama lain melalui persaingan, kerjasama, dan interaksi lainnya.
Wilayah peralihan dibatasi oleh dua garis, yaitu . . . .
Correct Answer
A. Garis weber dan wallace
Wilayah peralihan dibatasi oleh dua garis, yaitu garis Weber dan Wallace. These two lines, known as the Weber and Wallace lines, mark the boundaries of the transition zone. This zone is where the flora and fauna of two different regions overlap and mix, resulting in a unique blend of species. The Weber line separates the Oriental and Australian regions, while the Wallace line separates the Oriental and Australian regions from the Palearctic region. These lines are significant in understanding the distribution of species and the biogeography of different regions.
Manusia dan hewan dalam suatu ekosistem berfungsi sebagai . . . .
Correct Answer
D. Konsumen
In an ecosystem, both humans and animals play the role of consumers. They obtain their energy and nutrients by consuming other organisms. As consumers, they are part of the food chain and depend on producers (plants) for their food supply. They do not produce their own energy but rely on consuming other organisms for their survival. Therefore, the given answer "konsumen" accurately describes the role of humans and animals in an ecosystem.
Badai siklon dapat merusak lingkungan hidup. Pengaruh badai siklon terbesar dapat terjadi di daerah . . . .
Correct Answer
B. Tropis
Badai siklon dapat merusak lingkungan hidup karena dapat menyebabkan angin kencang, hujan lebat, banjir, dan gelombang tinggi. Pengaruh badai siklon terbesar biasanya terjadi di daerah tropis, di mana suhu permukaan laut cukup tinggi untuk menyediakan energi yang diperlukan untuk pembentukan dan penguatan badai siklon. Daerah kutub cenderung memiliki suhu yang lebih rendah dan tidak mendukung pembentukan badai siklon yang kuat.
Negara dengan penyuplai oksigen terbesar di dunia adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Brasil
Brazil is the correct answer because it is known for having the largest oxygen supplier in the world, mainly due to the vast Amazon rainforest that produces a significant amount of oxygen through photosynthesis. The Amazon rainforest is often referred to as the "lungs of the Earth" because it plays a crucial role in maintaining the planet's oxygen levels.
Permasalahan lingkungan di dunia baru mulai terasa pada tahun . . . .
Correct Answer
A. 1970
The environmental issues started to become noticeable around the year 1970. This may be due to various factors such as the increasing industrialization, population growth, and the recognition of the negative impacts of human activities on the environment. The 1970s marked a turning point in environmental awareness and the beginning of significant efforts to address and mitigate these issues globally.
Undang – undang yang mengatur tentang ketentuan – ketentuan pokok pengelolaan lingkungan hidup adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
A. UU No.4 Tahun 1982
The correct answer is UU No.4 Tahun 1982 because it is the law that specifically governs the basic provisions for environmental management.
Dalam suatu daerah aliran sungai (DAS) sebaiknya mempunyai luas hutan minimal . . . .
Correct Answer
D. 30%
In a watershed area (DAS), it is recommended to have a minimum forest area of 30%. This is because forests play a crucial role in maintaining the health and balance of the ecosystem. They help in regulating the water cycle, preventing soil erosion, and providing habitat for various species. Additionally, forests act as a natural filter, improving water quality by reducing sedimentation and filtering pollutants. Therefore, maintaining at least 30% forest cover in a watershed area is essential for the sustainability of the ecosystem and the well-being of the communities relying on it.
Salah satu cara pelestarian udara adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
A. Reboisasi dan penghijauan
Reboisasi dan penghijauan adalah salah satu cara pelestarian udara karena dengan menanam lebih banyak pohon dan tumbuhan hijau, jumlah oksigen di udara akan meningkat. Pohon-pohon juga dapat menyerap karbon dioksida yang ada di udara dan menghasilkan oksigen melalui proses fotosintesis. Hal ini dapat membantu mengurangi polusi udara dan menjaga kualitas udara yang baik.
Zat hidup dalam sel yang terdiri atas senyawa organik seperti protein disebut . . . .
Correct Answer
A. Protoplasma
Protoplasma refers to the living substance within a cell that consists of organic compounds such as proteins. It is responsible for carrying out various cellular functions and is essential for the survival and functioning of the cell. Therefore, the correct answer for the given question is protoplasma.
Tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk Indonesia tertinggi terjadi pada tahun . . . .
Correct Answer
B. 1980
The correct answer is 1980. This is because the highest population growth rate in Indonesia occurred in the year 1980.
Jumlah penduduk Indonesia setiap tahun terus meningkat. Hasil sensus penduduk tahun 2010 jumlahnya adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
C. 230 - 240 juta
The correct answer is 230 - 240 juta. The question states that the population of Indonesia has been increasing every year. The answer choice of 230 - 240 juta indicates that the population count in the 2010 census falls within this range. Therefore, it is a reasonable estimate for the population size in that year.
Program keluarga berencana (KB) menyebabkan laju pertumbuhan penduduk Indonesia . . . .
Correct Answer
A. Turun
The correct answer is "turun" which means "decrease" in English. The explanation for this is that the family planning program (KB) in Indonesia has resulted in a decrease in the population growth rate. This program aims to educate and provide access to contraception methods, which in turn helps in controlling the population growth by reducing the number of births. Therefore, the correct answer is "turun" or "decrease" as the family planning program has led to a decline in the population growth rate.
Laju pertumbuhan penduduk Indonesia tahun 2010 adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
D. 1,49
The correct answer for the growth rate of Indonesia's population in 2010 is 1.49. This means that the population of Indonesia increased by 1.49% in that year.
Dengan adanya program keluarga berencana (KB), maka kesejahteraan penduduk Indonesia . . . .
Correct Answer
B. Meningkat
The correct answer is "meningkat." The explanation for this answer is that with the implementation of a family planning program (KB), the welfare of the Indonesian population is expected to improve. This is because family planning allows individuals to have better control over their reproductive choices, which can lead to smaller family sizes and better allocation of resources. With fewer dependents and improved access to education and healthcare, the overall well-being of the population is likely to increase.
Pernyataan yang bukan merupakan masalah fisik sebagai akibat dari jumlah penduduk yang besar adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
B. Lahan pertanian semakin luas
The statement "lahan pertanian semakin luas" is not a physical problem caused by a large population. This statement suggests that the expansion of agricultural land is not a direct consequence of the population size. It may be a result of other factors such as technological advancements or government policies.
Gubernur jenderal VOC yang pertama adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Pieter Both
Pieter Both was the first Governor-General of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). He served from 1610 to 1614. Both was a Dutch explorer and trader who played a significant role in establishing Dutch colonial presence in the East Indies. He was known for his strong leadership and successful navigation of the challenges faced by the VOC during its early years. Both's tenure as Governor-General laid the foundation for the VOC's future expansion and dominance in the region.
Tugas pokok Daendels adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
D. Mengisi kas negara yang kosong
Daendels' main task was to fill the empty state treasury.
Berikut ini yang bukan merupakan hak dan kekuasaan VOC adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
D. Memilih gubernur jenderal VOC yang baru
The VOC did not have the authority to choose a new governor general because the appointment of the governor general was made by the Dutch government. The other options listed, such as making agreements with local kings, forming their own military, and appointing necessary officials, were within the rights and powers of the VOC.
Faktor paling menonjol yang mendorong orang Eropa datang ke Asia adalah keinginnan untuk . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Mencari rempah - rempah
The most prominent factor that drove Europeans to come to Asia was their desire to seek spices. During the 15th and 16th centuries, spices such as pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves were highly valued in Europe for their flavoring and preserving properties. These spices were not readily available in Europe and were mainly found in Asia, particularly in the Indonesian archipelago. The European nations, such as Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, and England, sought to establish trade routes and colonies in Asia to gain direct access to these valuable spices and establish a monopoly in the spice trade.
Kapal Belanda yang mendarat di Banten pertama kali dipimpin oleh . . . .
Correct Answer
D. Cornelis de Houtman
Cornelis de Houtman is the correct answer because he was the leader of the first Dutch expedition to land in Banten. He was a Dutch explorer and merchant who played a significant role in establishing the Dutch East India Company's presence in the region. He arrived in Banten in 1596 and negotiated trade agreements with the local rulers. His expedition paved the way for future Dutch colonial activities in the Indonesian archipelago.
VOC menggunakan hak ekstirpasi untuk mengamankan memonopoli rempah – rempah di Maluku. Hak ekstripasi adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Hak mencetak dan mengedarkan uang sendiri
The correct answer is "hak mencetak dan mengedarkan uang sendiri." VOC used the right of expropriation to secure a monopoly on spices in the Maluku Islands. The right of expropriation refers to the authority to print and distribute its own currency. This allowed VOC to control the spice trade and maintain its dominance in the region.
Pengganti Daendels sebagai gubernur jenderal di tanah jajahan Hindia Belanda adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
A. Yanssen
Yanssen is the correct answer because after Daendels, the next governor general of the Dutch East Indies was H.W. Yanssen. He served as the governor general from 1816 to 1826.
Penguasa dari East India Company (EIC) yang berkedudukan di India adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
B. Lord Minto
Lord Minto is the correct answer because he was the Governor-General of India from 1807 to 1813 during the time of the East India Company's rule. He played a significant role in expanding British influence in India and implementing various administrative and economic reforms. His tenure witnessed important events such as the Anglo-Maratha War and the Gurkha War. Therefore, Lord Minto is the appropriate choice as the ruler of the East India Company in India during that period.
Kebijakan yang diterapkan oleh Raffles disebut . . . .
Correct Answer
D. Jawaban a dan b benar
The policy implemented by Raffles is called the land rent system. This system involves the renting of land to individuals for a specified period of time, after which the land reverts back to the government. This policy was aimed at generating revenue for the colonial government and promoting agricultural development in the region. The correct answer is "jawaban a dan b benar" because both options a (sistem sewa tanah) and b (landrentsystem) refer to the same policy.