Sebagai makhluk hidup, manusia selalu memerlukan makanan dan kebutuhan lainnya. Keadaan manusia seperti ini disebut ....
Correct Answer
B. Homo economicus
The correct answer is homo economicus. This term refers to the concept that humans are rational beings who make decisions based on maximizing their own self-interest and utility. It suggests that humans are driven by economic motivations and seek to maximize their economic well-being through their choices and actions. This concept is often used in economics to understand and predict human behavior in economic systems.
Pada hakikatnya, kebutuhan manusia ....
Correct Answer
D. Tidak terbatas
The correct answer is "Tidak terbatas". This answer suggests that in reality, human needs are not limited or restricted. Human needs are constantly evolving and expanding, and there is always a desire for more. This implies that there is an unlimited demand for resources and goods to fulfill these needs.
Segala sesuatu yang harus dipenuhi karena menyangkut kelangsungan hidup manusia disebut ....
Correct Answer
B. Kebutuhan
The correct answer is "Kebutuhan" because it refers to the things that are necessary for the survival and well-being of humans. These are the basic necessities such as food, water, shelter, and clothing that are essential for human existence. Keinginan (desires) may not be essential for survival, kepentingan (interests) may vary for individuals, and keperluan (requirements) may refer to specific needs or obligations.
Penyaluran koran kepada pelanggan melalui loper koran keliling dapat digolongkan ke dalam…
Correct Answer
D. Distribusi tidak langsung
Distribusi tidak langsung refers to the distribution method where the product is not directly delivered to the customers. In this case, the newspapers are distributed to the customers through newspaper carriers who go around delivering the newspapers to the customers' homes. This method does not involve direct delivery from the publisher to the customers, hence it can be classified as distribusi tidak langsung.
Berdasarkan sifatnya kebutuhan dibedakan menjadi, kecuali ….
Correct Answer
D. Kebutuhan Jasmani
The given options categorize different types of needs, such as primary needs, secondary needs, and tertiary needs. However, "kebutuhan jasmani" does not fit into any of these categories. It is likely that "kebutuhan jasmani" refers to physical needs or bodily needs, which are different from the other categories mentioned.
Obat bagi orang yang sakit merupakan kebutuhan ….
Correct Answer
B. Kebutuhan Primer
The correct answer is "Kebutuhan Primer" because obat (medicine) is a basic necessity for someone who is sick. Kebutuhan primer refers to primary needs or basic necessities that are essential for survival and well-being. In this context, obat is considered a primary need for individuals who are ill.
Kebutuhan manusia terus meningkat terutama untuk kebutuhan pokok. Semakin banyak jumlah anggota keluarga maka kebutuhan pokoknya semakin besar. Peningkatan kebutuhan manusia seperti yang dicontohkan diatas dipengaruhi oleh….
Correct Answer
A. Pendapatan
The correct answer is "Pendapatan". The passage states that human needs, especially basic needs, continue to increase. It also mentions that the more family members there are, the greater the basic needs. This implies that the increase in human needs is influenced by income, as a larger family would require more financial resources to meet their basic needs.
Jas hujan akan berguna pada waktu musim hujan. Contoh tersebut sesuai dengan kegunaan.....
Correct Answer
B. Waktu
Jas hujan akan berguna pada waktu musim hujan. Ini menunjukkan bahwa kegunaan jas hujan terkait dengan waktu, yaitu saat musim hujan. Jas hujan tidak akan berguna pada waktu lain seperti musim panas atau musim semi. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah "waktu".
Pernyataan yang tidak termasuk motif ekonomi ialah ...
Correct Answer
D. Keinginan menjadi juara kelas
The statement "keinginan menjadi juara kelas" does not include an economic motive because it is focused on personal achievement and academic competition rather than financial gain or improvement of well-being. The other statements, such as "keinginan memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga," "keinginan menimbun harta," and "keinginan meningkatkan kesejahteraan sesama," all involve economic motives related to meeting family needs, accumulating wealth, and improving the well-being of others.
Dalam melakukan tindakan ekonomi, manusia selalu berpedoman pada .......
Correct Answer
A. Prinsip ekonomi
When performing economic actions, humans always rely on principles of economics. These principles guide individuals in making rational decisions regarding the allocation of scarce resources to fulfill their unlimited wants and needs. Principles of economics include concepts such as supply and demand, cost-benefit analysis, opportunity cost, and incentives. By following these principles, individuals can make informed choices that maximize their overall well-being and optimize the utilization of resources.
Contoh tindakan ekonomi rasional dibawah ini yaitu......
Correct Answer
D. Pak Hasan pedagang pakaian, mendapat keuntungan menjelang lebaran, dan keuntungannya tersebut digunakan untuk membeli makanan dan pulang kampung.
The given answer is an example of rational economic action because Pak Hasan, as a clothing merchant, is maximizing his profit during the festive season of Lebaran. He uses his profit to purchase food and return to his hometown, which is a rational decision based on his economic interests and preferences.
Tindakan seseorang dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya guna mencapai kemakmuran disebut ......
Correct Answer
C. Tindakan ekonomi
Tindakan ekonomi refers to the actions that individuals take to fulfill their needs and achieve prosperity. It encompasses the decisions and behaviors related to production, consumption, and distribution of resources. This term is commonly used in the field of economics to describe the various economic activities undertaken by individuals, businesses, and governments in order to allocate scarce resources efficiently and effectively.
Pak Rudi seorang pengusaha terbesar di kotanya. Keuntungan usahanya mencapai nilai milyaran. Sebagian keuntungannya dimanfaatkan untuk mendirikan tempat ibadah. Tindakan ekonomi yang dilakukan Pak Rudi didasari oleh motif ...
Correct Answer
C. Sosial
The correct answer is "Sosial" because the passage states that Pak Rudi, as a successful entrepreneur, uses some of his profits to establish a place of worship. This action reflects his motivation to contribute to the social well-being of his community and to fulfill his social responsibilities.
Pada pemilu mendatang banyak artis-artis yang mencalonkan diri sebagai anggota Legislatif (DPR), motif yang mendorong artis tersebut adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Memperoleh kekuasaan
The correct answer is "Memperoleh kekuasaan." Many artists may choose to run for legislative positions in order to gain power and influence. They may believe that being a part of the legislative body will give them the ability to make significant changes and have a say in important decisions. Additionally, being in a position of power can also provide them with opportunities to further their personal goals and agendas.
Mendapatkan bahan baku dan upah tenaga kerja yang murah termasuk prinsip ekonomi seorang ...
Correct Answer
C. Produsen
The correct answer is "Produsen" because one of the principles of economics for a producer is to obtain cheap raw materials and labor costs. This allows them to reduce production costs and increase their profit margins. By sourcing materials and labor at a lower cost, producers can offer their products at competitive prices in the market, attracting more customers and increasing their sales volume.
Memberikan pengorbanan yang sekecil-kecilnya dengan maksud mendapatkan keuntungan yang sebesar-besarnya dalah merupakan pengertian dari ....
Correct Answer
B. Prinsip ekonomi
The correct answer is "Prinsip ekonomi". This is because the principle of economics involves making sacrifices or giving up something in order to gain the maximum benefit or profit. It is about making rational choices and considering the costs and benefits of different options. This principle guides individuals, businesses, and governments in their economic decision-making processes.
Tiga kegiatan pokok ekonomi yang dilakukan manusia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya adalah.....
Correct Answer
A. Konsumsi, produksi, distribusi
The correct answer is konsumsi, produksi, distribusi. These three activities are the main economic activities that humans engage in to meet their needs. Konsumsi refers to the consumption of goods and services, where individuals use and enjoy the products they acquire. Produksi involves the process of creating goods and services, which can be done through manufacturing, farming, or providing services. Distribusi refers to the distribution or allocation of goods and services to different individuals or markets, ensuring that they reach the consumers who need them.
Contoh tenaga kerja yang tidak terlatih dan tidak terdidik adalah........
Correct Answer
C. Buruh bangunan, pekerja rumah tangga, tukang sapu jalan
The correct answer is buruh bangunan, pekerja rumah tangga, tukang sapu jalan. These occupations are typically associated with unskilled and uneducated labor. They do not require specialized training or education, and individuals in these roles often perform manual labor tasks that do not require advanced knowledge or skills.
Hasan membeli sepotong roti, kemudian ia makan roti tersebut dengan lahap. Kegiatan yang dilakukan Hasan termasuk kegiatan…
Correct Answer
B. Konsumsi
Hasan membeli sepotong roti dan kemudian ia makan roti tersebut dengan lahap. Tindakan ini tergolong dalam kegiatan konsumsi. Konsumsi merujuk pada tindakan menggunakan atau mengonsumsi barang atau jasa untuk memenuhi kebutuhan atau keinginan pribadi. Dalam hal ini, Hasan mengonsumsi roti yang telah dibelinya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi atau keinginan untuk makan.
Contoh dari barang setengah jadi adalah . . . . .
Correct Answer
A. Tepung Terigu
Tepung terigu is an example of a semi-finished product because it is a raw material that has undergone some processing but is not yet a final product. Tepung terigu is made from wheat that has been milled and refined, but it still needs to be further processed and combined with other ingredients to become a finished product such as bread or cake. Therefore, tepung terigu is considered as a semi-finished product.