Који референтни модел је стандардизован од стране ISO одганизације?
Correct Answer
The correct answer is c. OSI. The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model is a standardized reference model that was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It provides a framework for understanding and describing how different networking protocols and technologies interact and communicate with each other. The model consists of seven layers, each with its own specific functions and responsibilities.
Главна карактеристика физичког слоја је:
Correct Answer
C. C. Механичка, електрична, функционална и процедурална
The main characteristic of the physical layer is that it encompasses mechanical, electrical, functional, and procedural aspects. This means that it deals with the physical components and operations of the network, such as the cables, connectors, and hardware devices. It also includes the electrical signals and transmission protocols used to transfer data. Additionally, the physical layer defines the procedures and rules for establishing and terminating connections.
Протокол је скуп правила који омогућава размену података између:
Correct Answer
B. B. Две парњак целине
The correct answer is b. "Две парњак целине". This suggests that a protocol is a set of rules that allows data exchange between two counterparts or entities. This explanation aligns with the given options and provides a clear understanding of the concept of a protocol.
Скуп конвенција назива се
Correct Answer
B. B. Протокол
A "протокол" refers to a set of rules or guidelines that determine how data is transmitted and received between devices in a network. It specifies the format and order of messages exchanged, as well as the actions to be taken in various situations. In the context of the given question, a "скуп конвенција" refers to a set of rules or protocols, so the correct answer is "b. Протокол".
Какви протоколи постоје у рачунарским мрежама намењени преносу података?
Correct Answer
C. C. Протоколи са и без успоставе везе
The correct answer is c. Протоколи са и без успоставе везе (protocols with and without established connection). This answer suggests that there are two types of protocols used for data transmission in computer networks: protocols that require an established connection between the sender and receiver before data can be transmitted, and protocols that do not require an established connection and can transmit data immediately.
Функција сваког слоја је да обезбеди услугу слоју:
Correct Answer
B. B. Изнад себе
Each layer in a network architecture is responsible for providing services to the layer above it. Therefore, the correct answer is b. "Изнад себе" which translates to "above itself".
Протоколи између крајних страница су протоколи:
Correct Answer
C. C. 4, 5 ,6 и 7 слоја
The correct answer is c. 4, 5, 6, and 7 layers. This means that the protocols between the end pages are protocols that operate at layers 4, 5, 6, and 7 of the OSI model. These layers include the transport layer, session layer, presentation layer, and application layer. Therefore, the protocols used between the end pages are likely to include protocols such as TCP, UDP, HTTP, FTP, etc., which operate at these layers.
На ком слоју OSI модела ради IP протокол ?
Correct Answer
C. C. На трећем слоју
IP протокол ради на трећем слоју OSI модела, poznatom kao mrežni sloj. Ovaj sloj je odgovoran za uspostavljanje, održavanje i prekid veza između različitih mrežnih uređaja. IP protokol je ključni protokol na ovom sloju, koji omogućava usmeravanje podataka kroz mrežu i identifikaciju uređaja na mreži pomoću IP adresa.
Кључни елементи сваког протокола су
Correct Answer
B. B. Синтакса, семантика и временска синхронизација
The correct answer is b. Синтакса, семантика и временска синхронизација. This answer states that the key elements of every protocol are syntax, semantics, and temporal synchronization. Syntax refers to the structure and format of the protocol's messages, semantics refers to the meaning and interpretation of the messages, and temporal synchronization refers to the coordination of timing between the sender and receiver of the messages. These three elements are crucial for the proper functioning and understanding of any protocol.
Шта од наведеног представља скуп стандарда за локалне рачунарске мреже ?
Correct Answer
A. A. IEEE 802.X
The correct answer is a. IEEE 802.X. IEEE 802.X represents a set of standards for local computer networks.
Који је први слој у OSI референтном моделу ?
Correct Answer
C. C. Физички слој
The correct answer is c. Физички слој (Physical layer). The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) reference model is a conceptual framework that standardizes the functions of a communication system into seven different layers. The Physical layer is the first layer in this model and is responsible for the transmission and reception of raw bit streams over a physical medium. It deals with the physical characteristics of the transmission medium, such as voltage levels, timing, and physical connectors. This layer establishes and terminates the physical connection between network devices and handles the transmission of the raw data.
Који се скуп комуникационих протокола користи на интернету ?
Correct Answer
The correct answer is b. TCP/IP. TCP/IP is a set of communication protocols that are used to connect devices on the internet. It stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol and is responsible for the reliable transmission of data packets over networks. TCP/IP is the foundation of the internet and allows for the seamless communication between different devices and networks.
OSI референтни модел је :
Correct Answer
C. C. Подлога за дефинисање стандарда за повезивање хетерогених мрежа
The correct answer is c. The OSI reference model is a framework for defining standards for connecting heterogeneous networks. It provides a conceptual structure for understanding and designing network protocols and services. The model consists of seven layers, each responsible for specific functions in the network communication process. By defining standards for connecting heterogeneous networks, the OSI reference model ensures interoperability and seamless communication between different types of networks.
Према OSI моделу, слој N на једној машини комуницира са слојем:
Correct Answer
D. D. Са слојем N на другој машини
According to the OSI model, layer N on one machine communicates with layer N on another machine.
Како се означавају приступне тачке услуге?
Correct Answer
SAP stands for Service Access Point. It is used to designate the access point or interface through which a service is made available in a network. In this context, SAP is used to indicate the access points of services. The other options, PDU, SDU, and NAP, do not refer specifically to access points of services.
Шта је протокол?
Correct Answer
B. B. Скуп конвенција
A protocol is a set of conventions that define how data is transmitted and received in a network. It specifies the rules and procedures that devices on the network must follow to communicate effectively. Protocols ensure that data is transmitted in a consistent and reliable manner, allowing different devices and systems to understand and interpret the information being exchanged. Therefore, the correct answer is b. Скуп конвенција, as it accurately describes the nature and purpose of a protocol in the context of computer networks.
Ако N –ти слој једне машине шаље податке директно N –том слоју друге машине:
Correct Answer
A. A. Реч је о физичком слоју
The given question is in Serbian language and it asks about the layer of a machine that directly sends data to another machine. The correct answer is "a. Реч је о физичком слоју" which translates to "a. It is about the physical layer". This means that when the data is sent directly from one layer of a machine to another layer of another machine, it is referring to the physical layer.
Где је неопходно адресирање?
Correct Answer
A. A. У било ком слоју где постоји више одредишта
Addressing is necessary in any layer where there are multiple destinations. This means that in a network with multiple possible destinations, addressing is required to specify the intended recipient or destination. This ensures that the data is sent to the correct location and reaches the intended recipient.
Колико је комуникационих портова потребно страници за комуникацију у бродкаст комуникационим мрежама
Correct Answer
D. D. 1 порт
In broadcast communication networks, each page requires only one port for communication. The number of ports needed does not depend on the number of nodes or pages.
Комуникација преко Интернета се остварује:
Correct Answer
B. B. Комутацијом пакета
Communication over the Internet is achieved through packet switching. Packet switching is a method of transmitting data in which messages are divided into small packets, sent individually, and then reassembled at the destination. This allows for efficient use of network resources and enables data to be transmitted in a more flexible and reliable manner.
Који слој обезбеђује дијалог између апликација?
Correct Answer
C. C. Слој сесије
The correct answer is c. Слој сесије (Session layer). The session layer is responsible for establishing, maintaining, and terminating sessions between applications. It provides mechanisms for session establishment, synchronization, and session management. This layer ensures that communication between applications is reliable and orderly, allowing for a dialogue between them. The network layer (a) handles routing and forwarding of data packets, the physical layer (b) deals with the physical transmission of data, and the presentation layer (d) is responsible for data formatting and encryption.
Референтни OSI модел се односи на :
Correct Answer
D. D. 7 слојева
The correct answer is d. 7 слојева. The OSI model refers to a conceptual framework that standardizes the functions of a communication system into seven different layers. These layers, from bottom to top, are: Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application. Each layer has its own specific functions and responsibilities, and they work together to ensure that data is transmitted smoothly and efficiently between devices on a network.
Код OSI референтног модела, уколико дође до промене на једном слоју
Correct Answer
C. C. Промена не утиче на остале слојеве
According to the OSI reference model, if there is a change in one layer, it does not affect the other layers. Each layer in the OSI model has its own specific functions and responsibilities, and changes in one layer should not have any impact on the other layers. Therefore, the correct answer is c. Промена не утиче на остале слојеве.
TCP протокол је протокол :
Correct Answer
A. A. Са успоставом везе
TCP протокол је протокол са успоставом везе. То значи да пре него што се подаци пренесу, мора бити установљена веза између два рачунара. Ова веза се успоставља преко тројстраног руковања (three-way handshake) између пошаљиоца и примаоца података. Овај протокол гарантује исправан пренос података и контролује да ли су сви подаци примљени без грешке.
Наброј три мрежне архитектуре
Correct Answer
The correct answer is d. OSI, TCP/IP, ATM. This answer lists three different network architectures: OSI (Open Systems Interconnection), TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), and ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode). OSI is a conceptual framework that standardizes the functions of a communication system into seven layers. TCP/IP is a protocol suite that enables communication between devices over the internet. ATM is a switching technology that allows the transmission of voice, video, and data over a single network.
Шта представља SAP (Service Access Point) ?
Correct Answer
C. C. Место где слој N може приступити понуђеном сервису слоја N+1
SAP (Service Access Point) представља место где слој N може приступити понуђеном сервису слоја N+1. Овај термин се користи у контексту компјутерских мрежа и означава тачку на којој један слој мрежног протокола може приступити сервисима које нуди слој изнад њега. На овај начин се омогућава комуникација између различитих слојева мреже и обезбеђује ефикасно и сигурно пренос информација.
Која је главна улога протокола ?
Correct Answer
A. A. Размена података између две целине на различитим системима
The main role of a protocol is to facilitate the exchange of data between two entities on different systems. It ensures that the data is transmitted accurately and efficiently, enabling communication between the entities.
Навести функцију апликационог слоја.
Correct Answer
D. D. Апликациони слој омогућава апликационом процесу да приступи OSI окружењу
The application layer enables an application process to access the OSI environment. This means that it provides the necessary protocols and services for applications to communicate with each other over a network. It is responsible for tasks such as data formatting, encryption, and compression, as well as managing user authentication and session management. The application layer acts as a bridge between the application and the underlying network infrastructure, allowing applications to interact with the network in a standardized and efficient manner.
Временска синхронизација укључује:
Correct Answer
A. A. Подешавање брзина и секвенционирање
Временска синхронизација укључује подешавање брзина и секвенционирање. Овај процес се односи на усаглашавање временских интервала и темпа преноса података у комуникационом систему. Подешавање брзина се односи на подешавање брзине преноса података тако да се подудара са брзином примаоца. Секвенционирање се односи на усаглашавање редоследа преноса података, тако да се примају и обрађују у правилном редоследу. Ово омогућава ефикасан и правилан пренос података у комуникационом систему.
Процес парњак размишља о својој комуникацији као да је:
Correct Answer
A. A. Хоризонтална
The correct answer is a. Хоризонтална (horizontal). This means that the parking process considers its communication as horizontal, implying that it involves communication between individuals who are at the same hierarchical level or have similar roles and responsibilities. This suggests that the parking process does not involve vertical communication, which would involve communication between individuals at different hierarchical levels.
Мрежни слој обезбеђује сервис :
Correct Answer
C. C. Транспортном слоју
The correct answer is c. Транспортном слоју (Transport layer). The transport layer is responsible for ensuring the reliable delivery of data between two hosts on a network. It provides services such as segmentation and reassembly of data, error detection and correction, flow control, and congestion control. The transport layer receives data from the session layer and breaks it into smaller units called segments. It then adds necessary information to these segments, such as sequence numbers and checksums, before sending them to the network layer for transmission.
Синтакса протокола се односи на:
Correct Answer
B. B. Формате података и нивое сигнала
The syntax of a protocol refers to the formats of data and levels of signals used in the protocol. It determines how the data is structured and the rules for exchanging information between devices. This includes the organization of data fields, the order in which they are transmitted, and the encoding of data. The syntax ensures that the data is correctly interpreted by the receiving device.
Пarњак целине (PEER)су:
Correct Answer
D. D. Исти слојеви на различитим машинама
The correct answer is d. Исти слојеви на различитим машинама (The same layers on different machines). This means that PEER (Парњак целине) refers to having the same layers on different machines. It implies that the layers are replicated across multiple machines, allowing for redundancy and fault tolerance in case one machine fails.
Колико слојева има АТМ стандард ?
Correct Answer
C. C. 3 слоја
ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) standard has 3 layers: the AAL (ATM Adaptation Layer), the ATM layer, and the Physical layer. These layers are responsible for different functions in the ATM network, such as adapting data for transmission, handling cell switching and routing, and managing the physical transmission of cells. Therefore, the correct answer is c. 3 слоја.
Шта обезбеђује слој везе ?
Correct Answer
B. B. Начин да се успостави, одржи и раскине веза
The correct answer (b) explains that the link layer provides a way to establish, maintain, and terminate connections. This means that it is responsible for setting up and managing the communication link between two devices. It handles tasks such as addressing, framing, error detection, and flow control.
Који од наведених стандарда се односи на физички слој?
Correct Answer
A. A. RS-232
The correct answer is a. RS-232. RS-232 is a standard that defines the electrical and physical characteristics of communication between computers and peripheral devices. It specifies the voltage levels, signal timing, and connector pinouts for serial communication. TCP/IP, OSI, and X.25 are all network protocols and standards, but they do not specifically relate to the physical layer of communication.
Скуп слојева и протокола назива се :
Correct Answer
A. A. Слојевита архитектура
The correct answer is "a. Слојевита архитектура" which translates to "layered architecture" in English. This term refers to a design approach in which a system is divided into different layers or levels, each responsible for a specific set of functions. This allows for modular and organized development, as well as easier maintenance and troubleshooting. In the context of computer networks, layered architecture refers to the division of network protocols and functions into different layers, such as the OSI model.
Који су то виши слојеви у OSI референтном моделу ?
Correct Answer
C. C. Транспортни слој и сви слојеви изнад њега
The correct answer is c. The transport layer and all the layers above it. In the OSI reference model, the transport layer is responsible for the reliable delivery of data between end systems. It provides services such as segmentation, reassembly, and error recovery. All the layers above the transport layer, including the session layer, presentation layer, and application layer, rely on the services provided by the transport layer for their functionality. Therefore, the transport layer and all the layers above it can be considered as the higher layers in the OSI reference model.
Семантика протокола се односи на :
Correct Answer
C. C. Управљање информације и вођење рачуна о грешкама
The correct answer is c. Управљање информације и вођење рачуна о грешкама (Managing information and error handling). This refers to the management and control of information flow in a protocol, as well as the handling of errors that may occur during communication. This includes error detection, correction, and retransmission mechanisms to ensure reliable data transmission.
Информација настаје када се подаци :
Correct Answer
D. D. Интерпретирају
The correct answer is "d. Интерпретирају". This means that information is created when data is interpreted. Data on its own is just raw facts and figures, but when it is interpreted and given meaning, it becomes information. This process of interpretation involves analyzing and understanding the data in a specific context or situation.