Program yang berjalan pada background komputer dinamakan .....
Correct Answer
B. Operating System
The correct answer is Operating System. The operating system is a program that runs in the background of a computer and manages all the hardware and software resources. It provides a platform for other programs to run on and coordinates the execution of these programs. It also controls input and output devices, manages memory and storage, and provides security and protection for the computer system.
Yang termasuk metode firewall adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Security level gateway
Metode firewall yang termasuk adalah security level gateway. Security level gateway merupakan jenis firewall yang bekerja pada tingkat jaringan dan dapat memantau dan mengontrol lalu lintas data yang masuk dan keluar dari jaringan. Metode ini menggunakan aturan dan kebijakan keamanan yang ketat untuk melindungi jaringan dari ancaman dan serangan yang mungkin terjadi. Metode firewall lainnya seperti programming level gateway, software level gateway, run level gateway, dan circuit level gateway tidak termasuk dalam metode firewall yang dimaksud dalam pertanyaan.
Firewall yang dipasang pada komputer, yang menghubungkan komputer dengan modem, dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
A. Software Firewall
A software firewall is a type of firewall that is installed on a computer to protect it from unauthorized access and malicious activities. It acts as a barrier between the computer and the internet, monitoring incoming and outgoing network traffic and blocking any suspicious or potentially harmful connections. Unlike a hardware firewall that is a separate physical device, a software firewall is a program or application that runs on the computer's operating system. It can be customized to allow or block specific applications or services, providing an additional layer of security to the computer's network connection.
Yang termasuk konfigurasi Firewall adalah
Correct Answer
E. Screened Host Firewall system
The correct answer is "Screened Host Firewall system". This answer is correct because a screened host firewall system is a type of firewall configuration that involves placing a firewall between an internal network and an external network. This configuration allows the firewall to filter and control incoming and outgoing network traffic, providing an additional layer of security for the internal network. The other options listed (Screen Saver, Print Screen, Subnet Mask, and Gateway) are not configurations of a firewall.
Dibawah ini adalah langkah menentukan policy atau kebijakan, kecuali......
Correct Answer
B. Menentukan individu atau kelompok-kelompok yang akan dikenakan policyatau kebijakan tersebut
The correct answer is "Menentukan individu atau kelompok-kelompok yang akan dikenakan policy atau kebijakan tersebut." This answer is correct because it is the only option that does not directly relate to determining the services or configurations needed for the policy or determining the scope of the policy based on the individuals or groups using the network. The answer "Berdasarkan Undang-Undang ITE" is not correct as it is not mentioned in the provided information.
Program yang dibuat dengan bahasa pemrograman yang berisi perintah melakukan perubahan di luar kewajaran sistem komputer dinamakan .....
Correct Answer
E. Malware
A program that is created with a programming language and contains commands to perform abnormal changes outside the normal behavior of a computer system is called malware. Malware refers to malicious software that is designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system. It includes various types of harmful programs such as viruses, worms, trojans, ransomware, and spyware. These programs are intentionally created to exploit vulnerabilities in a system and can cause significant harm to the user's data, privacy, and overall system functionality.
Dibawah ini adalah Jenis Malware yang biasa dikenal, kecuali ......
Correct Answer
E. Brainware
The given options are all types of malware except for "Brainware". Brainware is not a type of malware, but rather refers to the human intellect or cognitive abilities. The other options, such as virus, adware, worm, and Trojan, are all forms of malicious software that can harm computer systems or compromise user privacy.
Perangkat lunak (Software) yang masuk ke dalam komputer tanpa disadari dan menjalankan aksi memata-matai komputer korban, dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
E. Spyware
Spyware adalah perangkat lunak yang dapat masuk ke dalam komputer tanpa disadari pengguna dan melakukan aksi memata-matai. Perangkat lunak ini dapat mengumpulkan informasi pribadi, seperti riwayat penjelajahan, kata sandi, dan data sensitif lainnya, kemudian mengirimkannya ke pihak ketiga tanpa izin pengguna.
Sistem Operasi Windows memiliki Sistem yang teratur dan saling berkaitan (seperti rantai). Konfigurasi ini dapat dengan mudah kita ubah dengan menggunakan .....
Correct Answer
A. Regedit.doc
The correct answer is "Regedit.doc" because the question states that the Windows operating system has a system that is organized and interconnected like a chain. This system can be easily modified or changed using a specific tool or program. The file extension ".doc" is commonly associated with Microsoft Word documents, which are often used for editing and modifying text-based documents. Therefore, "Regedit.doc" is the most appropriate option as it suggests using the "Regedit" tool to modify or change the system configuration in the Windows operating system.
Dalam memprogram virus, seorang VM (Virus Maker = Programmer/ Pembuat Virus) sering memasukkan teknik ini agar tidak dapat dilihat & tidak dicurigai oleh pengguna komputer. Intinya virus tetap ingin eksis. Tekniknya dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
D. Menambah diri
The correct answer is "Menambah diri" (Self-replication). In programming a virus, a Virus Maker often includes this technique to make the virus undetectable and not suspicious to computer users. The virus wants to continue to exist and spread, so it replicates itself to infect other files or systems. This technique allows the virus to multiply and increase its presence without being easily noticed.
Melakukan proses pengerasan suatu lapisan yang lembut sehingga lapisan tersebut menjadi lebih kuat dan lebih tahan terhadap kerusakan, dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
E. Hardenning Server
Hardenning Server refers to the process of strengthening a soft layer to make it stronger and more resistant to damage. This process involves implementing security measures and configurations to protect the server from potential vulnerabilities and attacks. By hardening the server, it becomes more secure and less prone to breaches, ensuring the integrity and availability of the system.
Server yang mempunyai sebuah program untuk menangani berbagai operasi aplikasi antara user dan database (misalnya aplikasi bisnis dari organisasi), dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
D. Application Server
An application server is a server that has a program to handle various application operations between users and databases. It is specifically designed to run applications and provide services to client computers. This server is responsible for managing the execution of applications and ensuring that they run smoothly. It acts as an intermediary between the user and the database, handling requests and processing data. Therefore, an application server is the correct answer in this context.
Jenis kerawanan yang cukup sering terjadi sehingga akan menimbulkan masalah/kerusakan yang sangat serius, dinamakan .....
Correct Answer
C. Denial of Service Attacks
Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks are a type of vulnerability that occurs frequently and can result in serious problems or damage. DoS attacks aim to overwhelm a system or network with excessive traffic or requests, causing it to become unavailable to legitimate users. This can lead to service disruptions, loss of data, and financial losses. Therefore, DoS attacks can cause significant harm and are considered a major concern in terms of vulnerability and security.
Dibawah ini adalah kerentanan aplikasi, kecuali .....
Correct Answer
E. Proxy Server
A proxy server is not considered a vulnerability but rather a security measure. It acts as an intermediary between a client and a server, providing anonymity and enhancing security by filtering requests and blocking malicious traffic. It can help protect against various types of attacks, including unvalidated input, broken access control, modification attacks, and denial of service attacks. Therefore, it does not fit the category of vulnerabilities mentioned in the question.
Orang yang mempelajari sistem yang biasanya sukar dimengerti untuk kemudian mengelolanya dan men-share hasil ujicoba yang dilakukannya,
Correct Answer
A. Virus Maker
A virus maker is someone who studies and understands computer systems, specifically the vulnerabilities and weaknesses in them, in order to create and distribute malicious software known as viruses. They may find it difficult to be understood by others due to the complexity of their knowledge and skills. They use their expertise to develop viruses and share the results of their experiments, which can cause harm to computer systems and compromise the security and privacy of users.
Tindakan memperoleh akses ke komputer atau jaringan komputer untuk mendapatkan atau mengubah informasi tanpa otorisasi yang sah, dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
E. Hacking
Hacking refers to the act of gaining unauthorized access to a computer or computer network in order to obtain or alter information. It involves bypassing security measures and exploiting vulnerabilities in the system. Hacking can be done for various purposes, such as stealing sensitive data, causing damage to the system, or gaining control over the network.
Sekumpulan teknik untuk memanipulasi orang sehingga orang tersebut membocorkan informasi rahasia, dinamakan ......
Correct Answer
D. Malicious code
Tindakan pemalsuan terhadap data / identitas resmi yang dilakukan untuk hal yang berkaitan dengan pemanfaatannya. Phising diawali dengan mencuri informasi personal melalui Internet, dinamakan .....
Correct Answer
E. Phising
Phishing is a type of cyber attack where the attacker steals personal information through the internet by tricking the victim into providing sensitive data such as passwords or credit card numbers. This stolen information can then be used for fraudulent purposes. The given correct answer, "Phishing," accurately describes this process of stealing personal information through deceptive means.
Program yang sepertinya bermanfaat dan/atau tidak berbahaya tetapi sesungguhnya memiliki fungsi merusak seperti unloading hidden program atau command scripts yang membuat sistem rentan gangguan, dinamakan ......
Correct Answer
A. Worm
A worm is a type of malicious program that can replicate itself and spread from computer to computer. It may appear to be useful or harmless, but it actually has a destructive function, such as unloading hidden programs or command scripts that make the system vulnerable to disruptions. Unlike viruses, worms do not need to attach themselves to an existing program or file in order to spread. They can spread through network connections or by exploiting vulnerabilities in operating systems. Therefore, a worm is the correct answer for this question.
Pencurian data terhadap identitas perbankan seseorang, misalnya pencurian nomor kartu kredit, digunakan untuk memanfaatkan saldo yang terdapat pada rekening tersebut untuk keperluan belanja online, dinamakan ........
Correct Answer
D. Carding
The correct answer is "Carding." Carding refers to the theft of someone's banking identity, such as credit card numbers, to exploit the balance in their account for online shopping purposes.