Pada masyarakat sederhana, pemenuhan kebutuhan dilakukan dengan sistem …
Correct Answer
A. Barter
Moon is round because of formed and collapsed under the force of their own gravity.
Salah satu syarat dalam sistem barter, yaitu …
Correct Answer
C. Rasa saling membutuhkan pada barang yang ditukarkan
Dalam sistem barter, salah satu syarat yang diperlukan adalah adanya rasa saling membutuhkan pada barang yang ditukarkan. Hal ini berarti bahwa kedua pihak yang terlibat dalam transaksi barter harus merasakan kebutuhan dan ketergantungan terhadap barang yang mereka tukar. Dengan adanya rasa saling membutuhkan ini, barter dapat dilakukan dengan saling menguntungkan dan memenuhi kebutuhan masing-masing pihak.
Nilai yang tertulis pada setiap mata uang disebut nilai …
Correct Answer
B. Nominal
The correct answer is "nominal." The question asks for the term used to describe the value written on each currency. The term "nominal" refers to the face value or the stated value of the currency, which may not necessarily reflect its actual worth or purchasing power. It is the value that is assigned to the currency by the issuing authority.
Jenis uang yang beredar dalam masyarakat dan berfungsi sebagai alat pembayaran yang sah menurut UU dinamakan …
Correct Answer
B. Uang emas
During the night the high contrast between the bright moon and the night's dark skies make the Moon look white.
Yang bukan tugas Bank Sentral adalah …
Correct Answer
E. Penyediakan dana terakhir Baank umum
The correct answer is "penyediakan dana terakhir Baank umum". This is because providing the last source of funds for commercial banks is not a task of the Central Bank. The other options mentioned, such as implementing monetary policy, maintaining the stability of the rupiah, supervising banks, and ensuring the smoothness of the payment system, are all responsibilities of the Central Bank.
6. Pelayanan Bank dalam pengiriman uang kepada pihak lain disebut …
Correct Answer
C. Transfer
The correct answer is "Transfer". Transfer refers to the service provided by a bank to send money to another party. This service allows individuals to electronically transfer funds from their bank account to another bank account. It is a convenient and quick way to send money without the need for physical cash or checks.
Kestabilan nilai uang dapat ditetapkan dengan cara menetapkan tingkat bunga pinjaman melalui kebijakan …
Correct Answer
C. Kredit selektif
Kredit selektif refers to the practice of selectively granting loans to certain individuals or businesses based on their creditworthiness. By implementing a policy of kredit selektif, the central bank can control the amount of money circulating in the economy, which in turn affects the stability of the currency. By carefully choosing who receives loans, the central bank can manage inflation and ensure the value of the currency remains stable.
8. Jika pemerintah membeli surat-surat berharga, berarti perekonomian sedang mengalami …
Correct Answer
B. Inflasi
If the government is buying securities, it means that the economy is experiencing inflation. This is because when the government buys securities, it increases the money supply in the economy, leading to an increase in overall prices and a decrease in the value of money. Inflation is characterized by a general rise in prices and a decrease in the purchasing power of money.
9. Jika jumlah uang beredar dimasyarakat meningkat maka akan terjadi …
Correct Answer
B. Inflasi
If the amount of money circulating in society increases, it will lead to inflation. Inflation occurs when there is an increase in the general price level of goods and services over a period of time. This can happen when there is too much money in circulation, leading to an increase in demand for goods and services, which in turn drives up prices. Therefore, the correct answer is "inflasi".
Yang bukan instrumen kebijakan moneter adalah …
Correct Answer
D. Pembujukan moral
The correct answer is "pembujukan moral". Pembujukan moral refers to moral suasion, which is a non-monetary policy instrument. It involves persuading or convincing individuals or institutions to take certain actions in line with the objectives of monetary policy, rather than using direct monetary tools like open market operations, discount rate, reserve requirements, or cash reserves.
Berdasarkan lembaga yang mengeluarkannya, uang dapat dibagi menjadi …
Correct Answer
D. Uang kartal dan uang giral
The correct answer is "uang kartal dan uang giral". Kartal money refers to physical currency such as coins and banknotes that have intrinsic value and are widely accepted as a medium of exchange. On the other hand, giral money refers to non-physical forms of money such as bank deposits and electronic transfers that are represented by checks, debit cards, or online transactions.
Jumlah uang yang ingin dipegang oleh masyarakat dan perusahaan secara keseluruhan disebut …
Correct Answer
B. Permintaan uang
Permintaan uang adalah jumlah uang yang ingin dipegang oleh masyarakat dan perusahaan secara keseluruhan. Ini mencerminkan keinginan individu dan perusahaan untuk memegang uang tunai atau aset likuid lainnya sebagai alat pembayaran atau cadangan nilai. Permintaan uang dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor seperti tingkat suku bunga, tingkat pendapatan, ekspektasi inflasi, dan preferensi individu terhadap likuiditas.
Teori permintaan yang dikenal dengan prefensi likuidasi atau hasrat menahan uang tunai dikemukakan oleh …
Correct Answer
C. John. M. Keynes
John M. Keynes is associated with the theory of demand known as liquidity preference or the desire to hold cash. This theory suggests that individuals have a preference for holding money rather than investing or spending it, especially during uncertain economic times. Keynes argued that this preference for liquidity can lead to a decrease in aggregate demand and contribute to economic recessions. He believed that government intervention, such as fiscal policy and monetary policy, was necessary to stimulate demand and overcome economic downturns.
Motif menyimpan uang untuk kegiatan berjaga-jaga disebut …
Correct Answer
B. Precautionary motive
The correct answer is precautionary motive. A precautionary motive refers to the act of saving money for future uncertainties or emergencies. In this context, Motif is saving money as a precautionary measure to be prepared for unexpected events or expenses. This motive is characterized by the desire to have a financial buffer to avoid financial difficulties in the future.
Milton Friedman mengemukakan bahwa salaah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi permintaan uang adalah …
Correct Answer
A. Motif transaksi
Milton Friedman suggested that one of the factors that influences the demand for money is the motive for transactions. This means that people hold money for the purpose of conducting everyday transactions such as buying goods and services. The motive for transactions is an important factor in determining the demand for money as it reflects the need for liquidity to facilitate economic activities. Other factors such as the structure of the economy, per capita income, motive for speculation, and interest rates and stocks may also play a role in influencing the demand for money, but in this case, the correct answer is the motive for transactions.
Fungsi utama Bank Sentral secara umum adalah …
Correct Answer
A. Mengawasi penambahan dan pengurangan jumlah uang yang beredar
The main function of a central bank is to oversee the addition and reduction of the money supply. This means that the central bank is responsible for monitoring the amount of money in circulation and ensuring that it remains stable. By doing so, the central bank can help to control inflation and maintain the overall stability of the economy. Additionally, by overseeing the money supply, the central bank can also influence interest rates and the overall level of economic activity.
UU yang mengatur tentang Bank Indonesia adalah …
Correct Answer
C. UU no 7 tahun 1999
The correct answer is UU no 7 tahun 1999 because it is the only option that matches the given question. The question asks for the law that regulates Bank Indonesia, and UU no 7 tahun 1999 is the only law listed that is related to Bank Indonesia.
18. Indonesia memproduksi mobil dalam setahun menghasilkan 1.000 unit dengan harga perunit Rp. 120.000.000 sedangkan volensitas uang 15 kali dalam setahun. Berapakan jumlah uang yang dibutuhkan …
Correct Answer
B. 80
The question asks for the amount of money needed, given that Indonesia produces 1,000 cars in a year with a price of Rp. 120,000,000 per unit. The question also states that the velocity of money is 15 times per year. To calculate the amount of money needed, we multiply the number of cars produced (1,000) by the price per unit (Rp. 120,000,000) to get Rp. 120,000,000,000. Then, we divide this amount by the velocity of money (15) to get Rp. 8,000,000,000. Therefore, the correct answer is 80.
Penawaran uang dalam arti sempit terdiri dari …
Correct Answer
E. Uang kartal dan uang giral
Penawaran uang dalam arti sempit terdiri dari uang kartal dan uang giral. Uang kartal merujuk pada uang tunai yang berupa kertas dan logam yang beredar di masyarakat. Sementara itu, uang giral adalah uang yang berada dalam bentuk tidak tunai, seperti saldo di rekening bank dan pembayaran elektronik. Kedua jenis uang ini merupakan komponen utama dalam penawaran uang dalam arti sempit.
Mengapa Bank mencetak uang logam yang nilai intrisiknya lebih mahal dari uang kertas …
Correct Answer
C. Perputaran uang di Indonesia sangat cepat
The correct answer is "perputaran uang di Indonesia sangat cepat." This is because the fast circulation of money in Indonesia requires the use of coins with higher intrinsic value compared to paper money. Coins are more durable and can withstand frequent use, ensuring that they remain in circulation for a longer period of time. This helps to meet the high demand for currency in a fast-paced economy like Indonesia's.