Sta se podrazumeva po arhitekturom softvera?
Correct Answer
C. Struktuiranje soft Sistema sa fokusom na soft komponente koji cine funkcionalnost Sistema
The correct answer explains that software architecture involves structuring the software system with a focus on the software components that make up its functionality. This means that the architecture of the software system is designed to define the organization and arrangement of these components, ensuring that they work together effectively to achieve the desired functionality of the system.
Koji UML dijagrami se kreiraju u fazi analize sistema?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Dijagram slucajeva koriscenja
B. Dijagram aktivnosti
C. Dijagram sekvenci
D. Dijagram komunikacije
E. Konceptualni dijagram klasa
The correct answer is: Dijagram slucajeva koriscenja, Dijagram aktivnosti, Dijagram sekvenci, Dijagram komunikacije, Konceptualni dijagram klasa.
These UML diagrams are created during the analysis phase of the system. Use case diagrams are used to represent the interactions between actors and the system, activity diagrams depict the flow of activities and actions within the system, sequence diagrams show the sequence of messages exchanged between objects, communication diagrams illustrate the interactions between objects, and conceptual class diagrams provide a high-level view of the classes and their relationships in the system.
Koji su koraci faze analize sistema?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Logicki prikaz arhitekture sistema
B. Analiza slucajeva koriscenja
The correct answer is "Logicki prikaz arhitekture sistema" and "Analiza slucajeva koriscenja". These two steps are part of the analysis phase in system analysis. The logical representation of the system architecture helps in understanding the overall structure and components of the system. The analysis of use cases helps in identifying and understanding the various ways in which the system will be used by different users. Both these steps are crucial in analyzing and understanding the system requirements and designing an effective solution.
Koje vrste arhitektura softvera postoje?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Slojevita
C. Model-view-controller
The correct answer is Slojevita (Layered) and Model-view-controller.
Layered architecture is a software design pattern where the system is divided into several layers, each responsible for a specific functionality. This allows for better organization, maintainability, and reusability of code.
Model-view-controller (MVC) is a software architectural pattern commonly used for designing user interfaces. It separates the application logic into three interconnected components: the model (data and business logic), the view (presentation layer), and the controller (handles user input and updates the model and view).
Singleton and Remote method invocation are not types of software architectures, but rather design patterns and mechanisms used in software development.
Koji model arhitekture je pogodan za razvoj web aplikacija?
Correct Answer
B. Model-view-controller arhitektura
The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture is suitable for developing web applications because it separates the application into three interconnected components: the model, the view, and the controller. The model represents the data and business logic, the view handles the presentation and user interface, and the controller manages the communication between the model and the view. This separation of concerns allows for easier maintenance, scalability, and reusability of code, making MVC a popular choice for web development.
Koji su koraci analize slucajeva koriscenja?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Kreiranje dijagrama aktivnosti
B. Identifikovati klase sistema na osnovu inicijalnog use case dijagrama
C. Modelovanje interakcije izmedju klasa
D. Analiza mehanizma arhitekture
The steps for use case analysis are: 1) Creating an activity diagram, 2) Identifying system classes based on the initial use case diagram, 3) Modeling the interaction between classes, and 4) Analyzing the architecture mechanism. Additionally, creating a physical class diagram is also a step in the use case analysis process.
Koji od navedenih UML dijagrama modelu je interakcija izmedju klasa?
Correct Answer(s)
C. Dijagram sekvenci
D. Dijagram komunikacije
The correct answer is "Dijagram sekvenci" and "Dijagram komunikacije". These two UML diagrams, sequence diagram and communication diagram, both represent interactions between classes. In a sequence diagram, the interactions are shown in a chronological order, depicting the messages exchanged between objects. On the other hand, a communication diagram illustrates the interactions in a more abstract and simplified manner, focusing on the relationships between objects and the messages exchanged. Both diagrams are used to model the dynamic behavior and interactions between classes in a system.
U koji tip klasa se mapiraju akteri sa use case dijagrama?
Correct Answer
A. Klasa tipa entiteta
The correct answer is "Klasa tipa entiteta." In the context of use case diagrams, actors are mapped to entity classes. Entity classes represent the objects or concepts that the actors interact with in the system. These classes typically contain attributes and methods to represent the behavior and properties of the entities.
Koji tip klasa je rezultat relacije asocijacije izmedju aktera I use case na use case dijagramu?
Correct Answer
B. Granicna (interfejs) klasa
The correct answer is "Granicna (interfejs) klasa". In a use case diagram, the association relationship represents a communication or interaction between an actor and a use case. A boundary (interface) class is responsible for handling the communication between the actor and the use case. It acts as an intermediary, receiving input from the actor and passing it to the use case, and vice versa. Therefore, a boundary class is the result of the association relationship between an actor and a use case in a use case diagram.
Koji tip klasa je rezultat use case na use case dijagramu?
Correct Answer
C. Kontrolna klasa
The correct answer is "Kontrolna klasa" (Control class). In a use case diagram, a control class represents the behavior or logic that coordinates the flow of activities and interactions between other classes. It encapsulates the control flow and decision-making processes of the system. It is responsible for receiving inputs from the user, invoking appropriate methods, and coordinating the execution of use cases. This class helps in achieving the desired functionality of the system by controlling and managing the interactions between different classes.
Sta je namena dijagrama komunikacije?
Correct Answer
A. Da se uoce veze I poruke koje razmenjuju klase
The purpose of a communication diagram is to show the connections and messages exchanged between classes. It helps to visualize the interactions between classes and understand how they communicate with each other.
Sta je namena dijagrama sekvenci?
Correct Answer
B. Da hronoloski opise interakcije koje se javljaju izmedju klasa
The purpose of a sequence diagram is to chronologically describe the interactions that occur between classes. It provides a visual representation of the order in which messages are exchanged between objects, allowing for a better understanding of the flow of interactions in a system. The diagram helps in identifying the sequence of events and the order in which methods are called and executed, aiding in the analysis and design of the system.
Na osnovu cega se uocavaju metode koje ce klasa izvrsavati
Correct Answer(s)
A. Na osnovu poruka koje klase razmenjuju, a prikazane su na dijagramu sekvenci
B. Na osnovu sagledavanja svih stanja jedne klase prikazanih na dijagramu stanja
The correct answer is "Na osnovu poruka koje klase razmenjuju, a prikazane su na dijagramu sekvenci" and "Na osnovu sagledavanja svih stanja jedne klase prikazanih na dijagramu stanja". These two options suggest that the methods a class will execute can be determined based on the messages exchanged between classes shown on the sequence diagram and by considering all the states of a class depicted on the state diagram.
Kakve veze mogu biti izmedju klasa na use case dijagramu?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Asocijacija
D. Generalizacija
E. Include
F. Extend
The given correct answer includes the types of relationships that can exist between classes on a use case diagram. Asocijacija represents a simple relationship between two classes. Generalizacija represents an inheritance relationship where one class is a specialization of another. Include represents a relationship where one use case includes another. Extend represents a relationship where one use case extends another. The answer does not include Agregacija and Kompozicija, which are types of relationships that are typically used in class diagrams rather than use case diagrams.
Kakve veze mogu biti izmedju klasa na dijagramu klasa?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Asocijacija
B. Agregacija
C. Kompozicija
D. Generalizacija
The given answer includes all the possible relationships that can exist between classes in a class diagram. These relationships are commonly used in object-oriented programming to represent different types of connections between classes. "Asocijacija" (Association) represents a basic relationship where one class is connected to another. "Agregacija" (Aggregation) represents a relationship where one class is a part of another class. "Kompozicija" (Composition) represents a stronger form of aggregation where the parts cannot exist without the whole. "Generalizacija" (Generalization) represents an inheritance relationship where one class is a specialized version of another class.
U koliko su dve klase zavisne jedna od druge (tj. Zivotni vek zavisne klase ce zavisiti od zivotnog veka klase o koju zavisi), koji tip veze cete prikazati na dijagramu klasa?
Correct Answer
C. Kompozicija
The correct answer is "Kompozicija" (Composition). In object-oriented programming, composition is a strong form of association where one class is composed of one or more instances of another class. In this scenario, the lifespan of the dependent class is directly dependent on the lifespan of the class it depends on. This relationship is represented by a filled diamond arrow on a class diagram.
Koji tip veza izmedju klasa na dijagramu klasa prikazuje odnos izmedju celine I njenih delova bez uticaja na zivotni vek klase?
Correct Answer
B. Agregacija
Agregacija je tip veze između klasa na dijagramu klasa koji prikazuje odnos između celine i njenih delova bez uticaja na životni vek klase. Ovo znači da delovi mogu postojati i nezavisno od cele, i da jedan deo može pripadati više celina istovremeno. Agregacija se često koristi kada se jedan objekat koristi kao deo drugog objekta, ali ne zavisi od njega.
Cemu sluzi objektni dijagram?
Correct Answer
A. Da proveri da li je dijagram klasa dobro postavljen prolazeci kroz neki realni scenario
The object diagram is used to verify whether the class diagram is correctly set up by going through a real scenario. It helps in understanding how objects interact with each other and whether the relationships and attributes defined in the class diagram are accurately represented in the scenario. By simulating a real scenario, the object diagram ensures that the class diagram is practical and functional.
Koji su koraci projektovanja inforimacionih Sistema?
Correct Answer(s)
C. Identifikovanje dizajn paterna
D. Projektovanje slucajeva koriscenja
The correct answer is "Identifikovanje dizajn paterna, Projektovanje slucajeva koriscenja." In the process of designing information systems, identifying design patterns and designing use cases are important steps. Identifying design patterns involves recognizing common solutions to recurring problems in system design, which can help in creating efficient and effective solutions. Designing use cases involves identifying and documenting the different ways in which users will interact with the system, which helps in understanding the system's functionality and requirements.
Koji uml dijagrami se razvijaju u fazi projektovanja Sistema
Correct Answer(s)
C. Dijagram komponenti
D. Dijagram uvodjenja
E. Fizicki dijagram klasa
The given answer lists three types of UML diagrams that are developed during the design phase of a system: Component diagram, Deployment diagram, and Physical class diagram. These diagrams are used to represent the structure and deployment of components, the physical architecture of the system, and the physical implementation of classes, respectively. These diagrams help in visualizing and understanding the system's design and its components.
Sta se podrazumeva pod teminom “dizajn patern”?
Correct Answer
A. Ponovo upotrebljiv softverski kod koji nudi opste resenje za ucestale problem u razvoju aplikacije
The term "design pattern" refers to reusable software code that provides a general solution for common problems in application development. Design patterns are not specific to a particular software system or component, but rather offer a solution that can be applied to various situations. They help developers save time and effort by providing proven solutions to recurring problems.
Koji od ponudjenih dizajn paterna se koristi sa instanciranje klasa?
Correct Answer
B. Singleton dizajn patern
The correct answer is Singleton design pattern. The Singleton design pattern is used when we want to ensure that only one instance of a class is created and that it can be accessed globally. This is useful in scenarios where we need a single point of access to a shared resource or when we want to limit the number of instances of a class. The Singleton design pattern provides a global point of access to the instance and ensures that only one instance is created throughout the application.
Koji od ponudjenih dizajn paterna resave problem provere razlicitih stanja u kojima klasa moze da se nadje?
Correct Answer
B. State dizajn patern
The State design pattern is used to solve the problem of checking different states in which a class can be found. It allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. This pattern is useful when an object's behavior depends on its state and needs to change dynamically at runtime. By encapsulating each state in a separate class, the State pattern promotes better code organization and makes it easier to add new states without modifying the existing code.
Sta je interfejs?
Correct Answer
B. Obezbedjuje difoltna ponasanja za klase koje ga realizuju
An interface in programming is a way to define a contract or a set of rules that a class must follow. It provides a blueprint for implementing classes and does not have any implementation of its own methods. By implementing an interface, a class agrees to adhere to the rules defined by that interface and provide the required behavior. The correct answer states that an interface provides default behaviors for the classes that implement it, which is an accurate explanation of interfaces in programming.
Koji od elemenata dizajna realizuje interfejs, obezbedjuje odredjenu funkcionalnost tj. Ponasanje I lako moze biti zamenljiv?
Correct Answer
B. Podsistem
A subsystem in design implements an interface, provides a specific functionality, and can easily be replaced with another subsystem.
Sta opisuje dijagram stanja?
Correct Answer
C. C) Opisuje zivotni vek objekata u vidu dogadjaja koji dovode do promena u stanjima objekata
The correct answer is c) It describes the life cycle of objects in terms of events that lead to changes in the states of objects.
Komponente koje se prikazuju na dijagramu komponenti mogu biti
Correct Answer(s)
A. Komponenta izvornog koda
C. Izvrsne komponente
The correct answer is "Komponenta izvornog koda, Izvrsne komponente." This is because the question is asking about the components that can be displayed on a component diagram. The components mentioned in the answer options, "Komponenta izvornog koda" (source code component) and "Izvrsne komponente" (executable components), are both valid types of components that can be represented on a component diagram. The other options, "Granicne komponente" (boundary components) and "Kontrolne komponente" (control components), are not mentioned in the question and therefore cannot be considered as correct answers.
Namena dijagrama komponenti je
Correct Answer
A. Opisivanje fizicke implementacije Sistema prikazivanjem softverskih komponenti I njihovih medjusobnih relacija
The correct answer is "Opisivanje fizicke implementacije Sistema prikazivanjem softverskih komponenti I njihovih medjusobnih relacija" which means "Describing the physical implementation of the System by showing software components and their interrelationships". This explanation suggests that the component diagram describes the physical implementation of the system by representing the software components and their relationships with each other.
Koje su karakteristike komponenata Sistema koje se prikazuju na dijagramu komponenti?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Autonomnost
B. Ponovna upotrebljivost
C. Obezvedjuje jedan ili vise interfejsa
D. Lako se mogu zameniti drugom komponentom
The characteristics of components that are displayed on the component diagram are autonomy, reusability, providing one or more interfaces, ease of replacement with another component, and the ability to act as both a client and a server. These characteristics define the behavior and functionality of the components within the system.
Sta se podrazumeva pod temirnom “debeli klijent” (fat client)?
Correct Answer
B. Vise funkcionalnosti se izvrsava na klijent masini
The correct answer suggests that a "debeli klijent" or "fat client" refers to a situation where more functionalities are executed on the client machine. This means that the client machine is responsible for processing and executing a larger portion of the functionalities, rather than relying heavily on the server.
Sta se podrazumeva pod terminom “debeli server” (fat server)?
Correct Answer
A. Vise funkcionalnosti se obradjuje na strani servera
The term "debeli server" or "fat server" refers to a server that handles multiple functionalities or processes on its own, without relying heavily on the client machine. In other words, more functionalities are processed on the server side rather than on the client machine. This implies that the server is responsible for performing complex tasks and computations, reducing the workload on the client and allowing for a more efficient and streamlined user experience.
Sta se podrkoji tip arhitekture odgovara cloud aplikaciji kojoj klijent pristupa putem web browsera?
Correct Answer
C. Peer-to-peer
The correct answer is "Peer-to-peer" because a cloud application accessed through a web browser does not require a thick client or a thick server. In a peer-to-peer architecture, the resources and responsibilities are distributed among the participating peers, allowing them to communicate and share data directly with each other without the need for a central server. This type of architecture is suitable for cloud applications accessed through web browsers as it allows for decentralized communication and data sharing.
Posmatrajuci viseslojnu arhitekturu sofrt, na kom sloju se nalaze servisi koji su nezavisni od aplikacije I platform gde ce se system izvrsavati?
Correct Answer
C. Middleware sloj
The correct answer is the Middleware layer. The Middleware layer is responsible for providing communication and integration between the presentation layer, business service layer, and data layer. It acts as a bridge between the different layers and handles tasks such as request processing, data transformation, and security. This layer is independent of the application and platform where the system will be executed, making it the appropriate layer for housing services that are independent of the application and platform.
Koje korake je nepohodno uraditi da bi se kreirao dijagram uvodjenja?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Prikazati fizicko okruzenje mreze npr prikazati topologije mreze, sirinu opsega svakog segmenta
B. Opisati konfig cvorova na mrezi npr. Primarna svrha cvora, velicina prostora na disku, proc, sta je sve instalirano na cvoru
C. Prikazati nacin rasporedjivanje soft komponenata aplikacije po cvorovima na mrezi
To create a deployment diagram, it is necessary to show the physical network environment, such as network topologies and the bandwidth of each segment. Additionally, it is important to describe the configuration of network nodes, including their primary purpose, disk space, processor, and installed software. The diagram should also illustrate how software components of the application are distributed across the network nodes. Furthermore, it should depict the use cases executed on specific nodes and the classes executed on each layer of the network. Lastly, the diagram should show the method of testing components on the network nodes.
Sta se podrazumeva pod cvorovima na mrezi prikazanih na dijagramu ovodjenja?
Correct Answer
B. Fizicki objekat koji predstavlja resurs obrade I odgovoran je za jednu ili vise soft komponenti
The correct answer states that the nodes on the network diagram represent physical objects that serve as processing resources and are responsible for one or more software components. In other words, the nodes represent physical entities that perform processing tasks and are responsible for executing software components.
Da li uredjaj kao sto je stampac moze da predstavlja cvor na mrezi prikazanog na dijagramu uvodjenja?
Correct Answer
A. Da
Yes, a device like a printer can be considered a node on the network shown in the deployment diagram. This means that the printer can be connected to the network and communicate with other devices on that network.
Sta se kreira tokom faze implementacije Sistema?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Izvorni kod
B. Izvestaj o bagovima u sistemu
D. Prirucnici za obuku
During the implementation phase of a system, several things are created. The source code is developed, which is the set of instructions that the computer will execute to perform the desired functions. A bug report is also generated, which documents any issues or errors encountered during the implementation process. Training manuals are created to provide guidance and instructions for users to effectively use the system. Therefore, the correct answer includes the creation of the source code, bug report, and training manuals.
Koju metadologiju za implementaciju sap poslovnog resenja poznajete?
Correct Answer
C. Asap
ASAP (Accelerated SAP) is a methodology for implementing SAP business solutions. It is a structured approach that ensures a quick and efficient implementation process. ASAP provides a step-by-step guide for project planning, business blueprinting, realization, final preparation, and go-live. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration between the project team and stakeholders, as well as the need for thorough testing and training. By following the ASAP methodology, organizations can streamline their SAP implementation and achieve faster time-to-value.
Koji su koraci uvodjenja resenja u realno okruzenje?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Priprema okruzenja (npr. Nabavka hardvera, licenci)
B. Azuriranje dokumentacije
C. Obucavanje korisnika
The correct answer includes the steps involved in introducing a solution into a real environment. These steps include preparing the environment by acquiring hardware and licenses, updating documentation, training users, designing the system, creating project documentation, and creating deployment diagrams. These steps are essential for a successful implementation of a solution in a real environment.
Sta je asap?
Correct Answer
C. Metadologija brze implementacije sap poslovnog Sistema
The correct answer is "Metadologija brze implementacije sap poslovnog Sistema" which translates to "Methodology for fast implementation of the sap business system". This answer aligns with the question, which asks for the meaning of "asap" and this option provides a clear explanation of what "asap" stands for in this context.
Sta se podrazumeva pod teminom “nula bagova”
Correct Answer
B. Tacka u kojoj broj bagova koji se pronalazi je isti broj bagova koji se razresava
"Nula bagova" refers to a point in a project where the number of bugs being discovered is equal to the number of bugs being resolved. This means that the development team is effectively addressing all the bugs that are being found during the testing phase. It indicates a state of stability and efficiency in bug resolution.
Sta je SAP CRM?
Correct Answer
C. Softverska resenja koje automatizuje process proizvodnje u organizaciji
Sta je SAP?
Correct Answer
B. Softverska kuca koja se bazi razvojem poslovnih Sistema
The correct answer is "Softverska kuca koja se bazi razvojem poslovnih Sistema." This answer states that SAP is a software company that focuses on developing business systems.
Sta se podrazumeva pod pojmom kastimizacije poslovnog Sistema?
Correct Answer
A. Prilagodjavanje gotovog poslovnog Sistema realnom okruzenju organizacije
The correct answer is "Prilagodjavanje gotovog poslovnog Sistema realnom okruzenju organizacije". This means that the concept of business system customization refers to adapting an existing business system to the real environment of an organization. It involves making modifications and adjustments to ensure that the system meets the specific needs and requirements of the organization. This process allows the organization to optimize the use of the business system and make it more effective in its operations.
Sta je ABAP?
Correct Answer
A. Programski jezik
ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) je programski jezik koji se koristi za razvoj i održavanje SAP aplikacija. Ovaj jezik omogućava programerima da kreiraju i prilagode funkcionalnosti SAP sistema. ABAP se koristi za pisanje programa koji obavljaju različite zadatke, kao što su obrada podataka, upravljanje bazama podataka, izveštavanje i integracija sa drugim sistemima. Dakle, ABAP je programski jezik i to je tačan odgovor na pitanje.