Tamadun Islam Dan Tamadun Asia

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| By Azrina_unikl
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Tamadun Islam Dan Tamadun Asia - Quiz


Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Tamadun berasal dari kata bahasa iaitu tamaddana atau madana yang bererti  __________                                         

    • A.

      Lokasi tempat tinggal yang membangun dari segi cara kehidupan dan adat yang diamalkan.

    • B.

      Perubahan cara kehidupan dari nomad kepada kehidupan yang lebih maju.

    • C.

      Perubahan adat istiadat masyarakat sesebuah tamadun.

    • D.

      Pembangunan dari segi rohani, intelek dan teknologi sains.

    Correct Answer
    A. Lokasi tempat tinggal yang membangun dari segi cara kehidupan dan adat yang diamalkan.
    Tamadun berasal dari kata bahasa iaitu tamaddana atau madana yang bererti lokasi tempat tinggal yang membangun dari segi cara kehidupan dan adat yang diamalkan. This means that civilization refers to the development of a location in terms of the way of life and customs practiced by its inhabitants.

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  • 2. 

     Semua yang berikut terdapat dalam pengertian tamadun, KECUALI                                

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Tingkahlaku
    The correct answer is "Tingkahlaku" because it is not included in the definition of civilization. Civilization refers to the development of societies, including their social, political, and economic structures, as well as their cultural achievements. Tingkahlaku, which means behavior or conduct, is a component of culture but not a defining characteristic of civilization itself.

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  • 3. 

    Berikut merupakan istilah yang membicarakan konsep tamadun dalam bahasa arab KECUALI                                                          

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Makiyah
    The term "Makiyah" does not discuss the concept of civilization in Arabic. The other three terms, "Umran," "Hadarah," and "Madaniyah," are all related to the concept of civilization. Therefore, "Makiyah" is the correct answer as it is the only term that does not fit the given criteria.

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  • 4. 

    Yang manakah antara berikut merupakan sumber asas tamadun Islam……. 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Al-ijmak
    Al-ijmak is the correct answer because it refers to the consensus of the Muslim scholars on a particular issue. In Islamic civilization, the consensus of the scholars played a significant role in shaping the development of Islamic law and other aspects of Islamic civilization. It was considered as one of the fundamental sources of Islamic jurisprudence alongside the Quran, Hadith, and reasoning. The consensus was reached through scholarly discussions and debates, and it carried a strong weight in determining the correct interpretation and application of Islamic teachings.

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  • 5. 

    Setelah berakhirnya era pemerintahan khulafak ar-Rasyidin maka bermulalah sistem pemerintahan secara _____________dalam kerajaan Bani Umayyah.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Monarki
    After the end of the era of the righteous caliphs, the Umayyad kingdom began implementing a monarchy system of governance.

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  • 6. 

    Khalifah Abu Bakar As-Siddiq dilantik menjadi pemerintah berdasarkan sistem  ______                                                                  

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Bai’ah
    Khalifah Abu Bakar As-Siddiq was appointed as a leader based on the system of "Bai'ah". Bai'ah refers to the act of pledging allegiance or loyalty to a leader. In this case, it means that the people acknowledged and accepted Abu Bakar As-Siddiq as their leader through a formal process of giving their consent and support to him.

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  • 7. 

    Diantara berikut yang manakah BUKAN ciri-ciri tamadun.                                                                           

    • A.

      Bermula daripada kehidupan desa kepada kehidupan bandar.

    • B.

      Bermula daripada kehidupan sederhana kepada kehidupan mewah.

    • C.

      Bermula daripada masyarakat ‘simple’ kepada masyarakat kompleks

    • D.

      Bermula daripada kehidupan berpindah randah kepada kehidupan tetap.

    Correct Answer
    C. Bermula daripada masyarakat ‘simple’ kepada masyarakat kompleks
    The correct answer is "Bermula daripada masyarakat ‘simple’ kepada masyarakat kompleks". This option suggests that civilization does not progress from a simple society to a complex one. However, the other options indicate a progression or change in different aspects of civilization, such as from rural to urban living, from a simple lifestyle to a luxurious one, and from a nomadic lifestyle to a settled one.

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  • 8. 

    Yang manakah antara berikut SALAH berkaitan dengan interaksi antara tamadun.                                              

    • A.

      Berlaku secara misi politik samada penaklukan, penjajahan atau kerjasama.

    • B.

      Melalui proses hubungan dua hala dalam perdagangan antara negara-negara.

    • C.

      Perkahwinan antara pasangan yang berlainan etnik, bangsa dan budaya iaitu asimilasi.

    • D.

      Kedudukan tanah tinggi yang strategik memudahkan berlakunya interaksi antara tamadun.

    Correct Answer
    D. Kedudukan tanah tinggi yang strategik memudahkan berlakunya interaksi antara tamadun.
    The incorrect option is "Kedudukan tanah tinggi yang strategik memudahkan berlakunya interaksi antara tamadun." This statement suggests that the strategic location of highlands facilitates the interaction between civilizations. However, it is not the location of the land that facilitates interaction but rather factors such as trade, political missions (conquest, colonization, or cooperation), and intermarriage between different ethnic groups, races, and cultures that promote cultural interaction between civilizations.

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  • 9. 

    Manakah antara berikut faktor kemunculan tamadun dunia?                                                             

    • A.

      Budaya masyarakat yang tinggi.

    • B.

      Keluasan sesuatu sungai.

    • C.

      Pengalaman masyarakat.

    • D.

      Sistem pemikiran masyarakat.

    Correct Answer
    A. Budaya masyarakat yang tinggi.
    The correct answer is "Budaya masyarakat yang tinggi." This suggests that a high level of culture within a society is a factor in the emergence of civilization. A society with a rich cultural heritage is more likely to develop complex social, political, and economic systems, as well as advancements in art, science, and technology. Cultural values, beliefs, and practices shape the way a society functions and progresses, making it an important factor in the emergence of civilization.

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  • 10. 

    Ibnu Khaldun yang terkenal dengan teori kitaran sejarahnya telah membahagikan perkembangan sesuatu tamadun kepada empat peringkat iaitu ___________________. 

    • A.

      nomad – maju – mewah – runtuh

    • B.

      nomad – bandar – mewah – merosot

    • C.

      awal – pertengahan – puncak – jatuh

    • D.

      permulaan – perkembangan – maju – mati

    Correct Answer
    C. awal – pertengahan – puncak – jatuh
    Ibnu Khaldun's theory of the cyclical nature of history divides the development of a civilization into four stages: beginning, middle, peak, and decline. This suggests that civilizations go through a cycle of growth and decline, with a peak period of prosperity before eventually falling into decline. This theory implies that no civilization can maintain its peak indefinitely and will eventually experience a decline.

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  • 11. 

    Manakah antara berikut menjelaskan perspektif Barat mengenai tamadun? 

    • A.

      Mementingkan aspek keadilan dan kesempurnaan.

    • B.

      Mengutamakan aspek kemanusiaan dan kebendaan.

    • C.

      Memfokuskan unsur pembangunan lahiriah dan kerohanian.

    • D.

      Menekankan unsur kepentingan dan pembangunan lahiriah.

    Correct Answer
    D. Menekankan unsur kepentingan dan pembangunan lahiriah.
    The correct answer suggests that the Western perspective on civilization emphasizes the importance of interests and material development. This perspective focuses on the external aspects of civilization, such as economic growth and infrastructure development, rather than prioritizing justice, humanity, or spirituality.

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  • 12. 

    Diantara berikut yang manakah BUKAN kepentingan ilmu tamadun? 

    • A.

      Pemahaman kepada ilmu tamadun menjadikan masyarakat mahir dalam mengenali sejarah.

    • B.

      Kegagalan memahami konsep tamadun akan menyebabkan masyarakat tidak mempunyai matlamat dan tujuan hidup

    • C.

      Pemahaman kepada konsep tamadun menjadikan manusia mempelajari pembinaan sesebuah tamadun.

    • D.

      Mempelajari ilmu tamadun menjadikan masyarakat dapat melihat kemajuan dari aspek pandangan dunia dengan merujuk kepada kerangka teori.

    Correct Answer
    A. Pemahaman kepada ilmu tamadun menjadikan masyarakat mahir dalam mengenali sejarah.
    The correct answer is "Pemahaman kepada ilmu tamadun menjadikan masyarakat mahir dalam mengenali sejarah." This is not a kepentingan ilmu tamadun because understanding the concept of civilization does not necessarily make a society proficient in understanding history. While knowledge of civilization may provide some context for historical events, it does not directly contribute to a deep understanding of history itself.

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  • 13. 

    Yang manakah antara berikut TIDAK termasuk dalam prinsip tamadun Islam?                                

    • A.

      Adil dan saksama.

    • B.

      Benar dan amanah.

    • C.

      Kedudukan yang strategik

    • D.

      Keimanan dan pengabdian diri kepada Allah.

    Correct Answer
    C. Kedudukan yang strategik
    The principle of "Kedudukan yang strategik" (strategic position) is not included in the principles of Islamic civilization. The other three principles mentioned, namely "Adil dan saksama" (justice and fairness), "Benar dan amanah" (truthfulness and trustworthiness), and "Keimanan dan pengabdian diri kepada Allah" (faith and devotion to Allah), are all important principles in Islamic civilization. However, the concept of strategic positioning is not explicitly mentioned as a principle in Islamic civilization.

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  • 14. 

    Yang manakah antara berikut sumbangan Khalifah Umar al Khattab semasa zaman pemerintahan beliau.                I.             Menubuhkan kuttab                II.            memperluaskan kerajaan Islam ke Afrika.                III.           Menubuhkan jabatan-jabatan pentadbiran.                IV.          menubuhkan pasukan tentera laut pertama.  

    • A.

      I, II.

    • B.

      II, III

    • C.

      I, II, III.

    • D.

      I, II, III, IV.

    Correct Answer
    C. I, II, III.
    During the reign of Khalifah Umar al Khattab, he made several contributions. Firstly, he established kuttab, which were schools for children to learn the Quran and basic literacy. Secondly, he expanded the Islamic empire into Africa, spreading the influence of Islam. Lastly, he created administrative departments to effectively govern the empire. These contributions show Khalifah Umar's efforts in education, territorial expansion, and efficient administration. Therefore, the correct answer is I, II, III.

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  • 15. 

    Apakah elemen penting yang menggambarkan kualiti kehidupan manusia yang bertamadun menurut perspektif Islam? 

    • A.

      Berakidah, beramal dan berharta.

    • B.

      Bertawakal dan memiliki keilmuan yang tinggi.

    • C.

      Mempunyai kepercayaan dan mematuhi syariat.

    • D.

      Beriman, mematuhi syariat dan berakhlak mulia.

    Correct Answer
    A. Berakidah, beramal dan berharta.
    The elements that depict the quality of civilized human life from an Islamic perspective are having faith (berakidah), performing good deeds (beramal), and possessing wealth (berharta). These elements are important as they encompass the spiritual, physical, and material aspects of life. Faith provides guidance and a moral compass, good deeds contribute to the well-being of society, and wealth enables individuals to fulfill their needs and support others. By incorporating these elements, individuals can lead a balanced and fulfilling life in accordance with Islamic teachings.

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  • 16. 

      Penghayatan nilai-nilai murni telah dilihat wujud pada hampir semua  tokoh tamadun silam. Yang manakah antara padan di bawah SALAH?                                            

    • A.

      Tamadun Yunani - Aristotle

    • B.

      Tamadun Nil - Samsara

    • C.

      Tamadun China - Kung Fu Tze

    • D.

      Tamadun India - Kautilya

    Correct Answer
    B. Tamadun Nil - Samsara
    The given answer is incorrect because Samsara is not associated with the civilization of Nil. Samsara is a concept in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism that refers to the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. It is not a specific figure or belief associated with the civilization of Nil.

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  • 17. 

    Mengapakah masyarakat  Jahiliyyah dikatakan tidak bertamadun mengikut pandangan Islam? 

    • A.

      Akhlak anggota masyarakat mereka amat buruk.

    • B.

      Mereka tidak dapat menerima kenabian Nabi Ibrahim.

    • C.

      Mereka saling berperang sesama sendiri merebut kuasa.

    • D.

      Kehidupan mereka tersasar jauh daripada panduan agama.

    Correct Answer
    D. Kehidupan mereka tersasar jauh daripada panduan agama.
    The reason why the Jahiliyyah society is considered uncivilized according to Islamic views is because their way of life deviated far from the guidance of religion.

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  • 18. 

    Apakah elemen penting yang menggambarkan kualiti kehidupan manusia yang bertamadun menurut perspektif Islam? 

    • A.

      Berakidah, beramal dan berharta.

    • B.

      Bertawakal dan memiliki keilmuan yang tinggi.

    • C.

      Mempunyai kepercayaan dan mematuhi syariat.

    • D.

      Beriman, mematuhi syariat dan berakhlak mulia.

    Correct Answer
    D. Beriman, mematuhi syariat dan berakhlak mulia.
    The correct answer is "Beriman, mematuhi syariat dan berakhlak mulia." This answer aligns with the perspective of Islam as it emphasizes the importance of faith (beriman), obedience to religious laws (mematuhi syariat), and having noble character (berakhlak mulia) as essential elements in portraying a civilized human life. These qualities are believed to contribute to a person's overall well-being and quality of life according to Islamic teachings.

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  • 19. 

    Apakah maksud ‘madana’ yang biasa digunakan dalam ilmu ketamadunan? 

    • A.

      Penempatan tepi sungai.

    • B.

      Agama dan kepercayaan.

    • C.

      Kawasan bercucuk tanam.

    • D.

      Membina bandar atau kota.

    Correct Answer
    D. Membina bandar atau kota.
    Madana yang biasa digunakan dalam ilmu ketamadunan adalah untuk membina bandar atau kota.

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  • 20. 

    Penyelewengan dan keruntuhan akhlak pemerintah akan memberi kesan terhadap kelangsungan tamadun sesebuah negara. Apakah kesan tersebut?I.         Ekonomi negara tidak stabil.II.        Pentadbiran negara menjadi lemah.III.       Perkembangan ekonomi semakin meningkat.IV.       Musuh luar dan dalam akan mengenakan tekanan. 

    • A.

      I, II, IV.

    • B.

      I, III, IV.

    • C.

      II, III, IV.

    • D.

      I, II, III, IV.

    Correct Answer
    A. I, II, IV.
    When there is a deviation and collapse of the government's morality, it will have an impact on the continuity of a nation's civilization. The effects of this include an unstable economy, weakened governance, and external and internal enemies exerting pressure. Therefore, options I, II, and IV are correct as they accurately reflect the consequences of moral corruption and collapse of the government. Option III, on the other hand, is incorrect as it suggests that economic development will increase, which is not consistent with the given information.

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  • Mar 07, 2016
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