Perhatikan pernyataan di bawah ini! - Membantu teman dalam belajar kelompo
- Melaksakan piket menyapu dirumah
- Gotong royong membersihkan selokan
- Melaksanakan piket menyapu di ruang kela
Dari pernyataan di atas yang merupakan kewajiban seorang anak di rumah ditunjukkan oleh nomor....
Correct Answer
B. 2
The correct answer is 2 because it states "Melaksanakan piket menyapu dirumah" which means "Doing the duty of sweeping the house". This indicates that it is the obligation of a child at home.
Perhatikan pernyataan di bawah ini! - menunggu tetangga di rumah sakit
- memberikan anak uang sekolah
- mengikuti giliran ronda malam
- mengerjakan pekerjaan kantor
Dari pernyataan di bawah kewajiban sebagai warga di masyarakat di tunjukan oleh nomor....
Correct Answer
B. 3
The correct answer is 3 because the statement "mengikuti giliran ronda malam" indicates the obligation of participating in the night patrol duty, which is a responsibility as a member of the community.
Kewajiban kita sebagai warga masyarakat adalah…..
Correct Answer
D. Gotong royong bersama warga membersihkan selokan
As citizens, it is our responsibility to participate in communal activities, such as cleaning the drainage system together with other community members. This not only helps maintain cleanliness in our surroundings but also promotes a sense of unity and cooperation among the residents. By working together to clean the drains, we contribute to the overall well-being of our community and ensure a healthier environment for everyone.
Berikut yang merupakan tindakan yang tidak mematuhi aturan tata tertib di masayarakat adalah…
Correct Answer
D. Mehentikan kendaraan saat lampu hijau
Stopping the vehicle when the traffic light is green is a clear violation of traffic rules and regulations. When the traffic light is green, it means that it is safe to proceed and continue driving. Stopping at this point can disrupt the flow of traffic and cause inconvenience to other drivers. It is important to follow traffic signals and rules to ensure the safety and smooth operation of the road.
Perilaku yang sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku di lingkungan masyarakat adalah ….
Correct Answer
C. Membuang sampah pada tempatnya
The behavior that is appropriate according to the prevailing rules in the community is to dispose of trash in its proper place.
Manfaat adanya keberagaman suku bangsa di antara siswa di sekolah adalah ….
Correct Answer
A. Dapat berbagi informasi mengenai tarian daerah
The correct answer is "dapat berbagi informasi mengenai tarian daerah". The benefit of having ethnic diversity among students in schools is that they can share information about regional dances. This promotes cultural exchange and understanding among students from different backgrounds. By sharing information about their respective ethnic dances, students can learn about and appreciate the diversity of their peers' cultures.
Manfaat adanya keberagaman sifat dan watak di antara anggota keluarga di rumah adalah ….
Correct Answer
C. Belajar saling memaafkan dalam perbedaan
The presence of diversity in traits and characteristics among family members at home allows for the opportunity to learn and practice forgiveness in the face of differences. This means that when family members have different personalities, preferences, or opinions, it provides a chance for individuals to develop the ability to forgive and accept these differences. This can lead to stronger relationships and a more harmonious family dynamic.
Di bawah ini merupakan contoh kerjasama dalam keberagaman di lingkungan sekolah adalah....
Correct Answer
D. Melaksanakan piket kelas bersama dengan teman yang berbeda agama
The correct answer is "Melaksanakan piket kelas bersama dengan teman yang berbeda agama". This answer suggests that promoting diversity and inclusivity in the school environment involves working together with classmates from different religious backgrounds during class duty. This activity encourages students to interact and collaborate with individuals who have different beliefs, fostering mutual understanding and respect among students of diverse religious backgrounds.
Bentuk kerjasama dalam keberagaman di masyarakat adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Belajar bersama tarian - tarian daerah
The correct answer is "belajar bersama tarian - tarian daerah". This answer suggests that one form of collaboration in diversity within a community is to learn and engage together in traditional dances from different regions. This activity allows individuals from various backgrounds to come together, appreciate each other's cultures, and foster a sense of unity and understanding. By learning and performing these regional dances, people can celebrate diversity and promote cultural exchange within the community.
Sifat keteladanan para pahlawan yang ditunjukkan dengan menjawab soal ujian sesuai kemampuan adalah wujud perilaku ….
Correct Answer
C. Percaya diri
The correct answer is "percaya diri". The question is asking about the exemplary behavior of heroes who answer exam questions according to their abilities. Having confidence in oneself is an important characteristic of heroes as it shows their belief in their own abilities and their ability to trust themselves to perform well in any situation.
Salah satu contoh perilaku berani meminta maaf di bawah ini adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Mengakui kesalahan yang pernah kita perbuat
Asking a friend to acknowledge their mistake is not an example of brave behavior. However, admitting the mistakes we have made shows courage and accountability. It requires us to confront our own wrongdoings and take responsibility for them. By acknowledging our past mistakes, we demonstrate humility and a willingness to grow and improve as individuals.
Contoh perilaku cinta tanah air Indonesia dalam kehidupan di masyarakat adalah ….
Correct Answer
A. Menjaga dan merawat fasilitas umum
The correct answer is "menjaga dan merawat fasilitas umum" because it shows a behavior of love for the homeland by taking care of public facilities. This behavior reflects a sense of responsibility and pride in maintaining and preserving the common spaces that are beneficial for the community.
Perhatikan pernyataan di bawah ini1. menyumbang ke panti lanjut usia2. ikut lomba memancing di sekolah3. mengikuti kegiatan lomba gerak jalan4. mengantar teman berobat ke puskesmasDari pernyataan di atas yang termasuk perilaku cinta tanah air Indonesia di sekolah di tunjukan oleh nomor....
Correct Answer
C. 3
The statement "mengikuti kegiatan lomba gerak jalan" (participating in a walking competition) shows a behavior that promotes the love for the homeland in school. This activity involves actively participating in a school event that showcases physical movement and coordination, which can be seen as a way of expressing patriotism and love for one's country.
Sikap bangga terhapad produk dalam negeri adalah….
Correct Answer
C. Menggunakan batik saat pertemuan resmi
The correct answer is "menggunakan batik saat pertemuan resmi". This is because wearing batik during official meetings shows pride and support for local products. Batik is a traditional Indonesian fabric that represents the country's cultural heritage and wearing it during formal occasions demonstrates a sense of national identity and appreciation for local craftsmanship.
Arti dari rantai pada symbol Pancasila adalah….
Correct Answer
setiap manusia, laki-laki dan perempuan, membutuhkan satu sama lain dan perlu bersatu sehingga menjadi kuat
The meaning of the chain in the Pancasila symbol is that every human, regardless of gender, needs each other and must unite to become strong.
Contoh perillaku rela berkorban dalam keluarga di bawah ini adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Mau berbagi apapun dengan saudara
The correct answer is "mau berbagi apapun dengan saudara" because it shows a willingness to share anything with siblings, which demonstrates a selfless and sacrificing behavior within the family. This behavior involves putting the needs and wants of others before one's own, fostering a sense of unity and care within the family unit.
Contoh sikap rela berkorban dalam lingkungan sekolaha adalah….
Correct Answer
C. Membantu teman yang sedang melaksanakan piket
The correct answer is "Membantu teman yang sedang melaksanakan piket" because helping a friend who is on duty shows a willingness to sacrifice one's own time and effort for the benefit of others. It demonstrates a selfless attitude and a sense of responsibility towards the school community.
Nilai-Nilai yang Terkandung dalam Pancasila sila kedua adalah….
Correct Answer
C. Tidak semena-mena terhadap orang lain.
The correct answer is "Tidak semena-mena terhadap orang lain." This is because the second principle of Pancasila is about not being arbitrary towards others. It emphasizes the importance of treating others with fairness, respect, and equality. This principle promotes harmony and social cohesion within society by discouraging any form of oppression or abuse towards others.
Nilai-nilai persatuan yang diperlukan pada masa pergerakan nasional adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. Tumbuhnya kesadaran akan pentingnya kerjasama
During the national movement, the values of unity were necessary. This is reflected in the option "tumbuhnya kesadaran akan pentingnya kerjasama" which translates to "the growing awareness of the importance of cooperation." This implies that during the national movement, there was a recognition among the people of the significance of working together and collaborating towards a common goal. This value of unity was crucial in achieving the objectives of the national movement.
Berikut yang bukan merupakan organisasi di sekolah adalah…
Correct Answer
KPN is not an organization in school because it is not a commonly known abbreviation or acronym for any school organization. Pramuka is the Indonesian scouting organization, Osis refers to the student council, and UKS stands for Unit Kesehatan Sekolah (School Health Unit). However, KPN does not have a known meaning in the context of school organizations.
Berikut yang bukan merupakan organisasi di masyarakat adalah…
Correct Answer
The correct answer is UKS. UKS stands for Unit Kesehatan Sekolah, which translates to School Health Unit. It is not an organization in society, but rather a unit within schools that focuses on promoting health and providing health services to students. KPN refers to Kwartir Pramuka Nasional, which is the national scout organization in Indonesia. PMI stands for Palang Merah Indonesia, which is the Indonesian Red Cross. Karang Taruna is a youth organization in Indonesia.
Perhatikan pernyataan di bawah ini!1. anggota organisasi banyak dari kalangan pejabat2. biaya, waktu dan tenaga yang dibutuhkan3. organisasi yang kita ikuti sudah terkenal4. banyaknya teman yang telah bergabungDari pernyataan di atas pertimbangan dalam memilih organisasi di tunjukan oleh nomor....
Correct Answer
C. 2
The given statement suggests that the consideration in choosing an organization is based on the cost, time, and effort required. This is indicated by statement number 2, which mentions the factors of cost, time, and effort needed.
Dalam perumusan Pancasila sikap yang perlu diteladani dari para tokoh PPKI adalah mau menghargai pendapat yang berbeda atau bahkan bertentangan dengan pendapat kita. Sikap ini disebut ….
Correct Answer
D. Toleransi
The correct answer is "toleransi". In the formulation of Pancasila, the attitude that needs to be emulated from the PPKI figures is the willingness to respect different opinions or even those that contradict our own. This attitude is known as "tolerance".
Peran Indonesia pada era globalisasi di bidang sosial budaya antaralain ….
Correct Answer
C. Memberikan bantuan kemanusian
The correct answer is "memberikan bantuan kemanusian" because in the era of globalization, Indonesia plays a role in providing humanitarian assistance. This can include providing aid and support to other countries in times of crisis or natural disasters, participating in international relief efforts, and contributing to global humanitarian initiatives. This role reflects Indonesia's commitment to social and cultural cooperation on a global scale.
Contoh nilai-nilai persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa yang perlu terus dijaga adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Gotong-royong
Gotong-royong is an important value of unity and togetherness in a nation. It refers to the spirit of cooperation and working together for the common good. By practicing gotong-royong, individuals contribute their time and effort to help others and work towards a shared goal. This value promotes solidarity, social harmony, and a sense of community among the people.
Patuh terhadap tata tertib disekolah terlihat dalam perilaku ….
Correct Answer
A. Menggunakan pakaian seragam sesuai yang di tetapkan
The correct answer is "menggunakan pakaian seragam sesuai yang di tetapkan" because being obedient to the school rules is reflected in following the dress code and wearing the assigned uniform.
Contoh perilaku patuh terhadap peraturan lalu lintas di bawah ini adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Menggunakan helm setiap berkendara
The correct answer is "menggunakan helm setiap berkendara". This is because wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle is a rule that is enforced by traffic regulations. It is important to wear a helmet for safety reasons and to comply with the law. Wearing a helmet protects the head in case of an accident and reduces the risk of severe injuries or fatalities.
Hasil keputusan dalam musyawarah harus dilasanakan dengan ….
Correct Answer
A. Penuh tanggung jawab
In a musyawarah (meeting or discussion), the decisions made should be implemented with full responsibility. This means that the individuals involved should take ownership of the decisions and ensure that they are carried out effectively. The other options, keterpaksaan diri (self-compulsion), penuh beban (full burden), and rasa kecewa (disappointment), do not align with the concept of taking responsibility for the decisions made in a musyawarah.
Setiap keputusan yang telah diambil dalam musyawarah harus kita laksanakan dengan ….
Correct Answer
A. Tanggung jawab
Dalam musyawarah, setiap keputusan yang telah diambil harus dilaksanakan dengan tanggung jawab. Ini berarti bahwa setelah memutuskan sesuatu dalam musyawarah, kita harus bertanggung jawab untuk menjalankannya dengan baik. Tanggung jawab adalah sikap yang penting dalam menjalankan keputusan yang telah diambil bersama-sama.
Perilaku patuh dalam menjalankan hasil keputusan bersama dalam kehidupan sehari-hari contohnya adalah ….
Correct Answer
membayar iuran pembangunan di desa
The correct answer is "membayar iuran pembangunan di desa" because it demonstrates compliance in following the joint decision to contribute to the development of the village. This behavior shows obedience and adherence to the agreed-upon decision, which is an example of being compliant in daily life.
Perhatikan pernyataan di bawah ini!1. bergotong-royong membersihkan ruang kelas2. bergotong-royong membangun poskamling3. bekerjasama dengan teman membuat PR4. bekerjasama membersihkan rumahNilai-nilai persatuan dan kesatuan di masyarakat di tunjukkan oleh nomor....
Correct Answer
C. 2
The correct answer is 2 because "bergotong-royong membangun poskamling" reflects the value of unity and togetherness in the community. This activity involves working together with others to build a community post or guardhouse, which requires cooperation and collaboration among the members of the community.
Bersama sama menata ruang UKS adalah perbuatan yang mencerminkan nilai-nilai persatuan dan kesatuan di lingkungan ….
Correct Answer
C. Sekolah
The correct answer is "sekolah". The sentence mentions "bersama-sama menata ruang UKS" which means organizing the UKS room together. This action reflects the values of unity and togetherness in the environment. The UKS room is commonly found in schools, where it serves as a health and welfare center for students. Therefore, the answer "sekolah" is the most appropriate choice.
Perilaku saling memenuhi keperluan hidup contohnya adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. Membantu ibu berbelanja
One example of behavior that fulfills the needs of life is helping the mother with shopping. This behavior can be seen as fulfilling the need for food and other necessities, as shopping often involves buying groceries and household items. By assisting the mother in shopping, one is contributing to meeting the family's needs and ensuring that they have the necessary resources for a good quality of life.
Perhatikan gambar di bawah ini!Dampak positif globalisasi dari gambar di atas adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Dengan internet kita menjelajah pengetahuan dunia
The correct answer is "dengan internet kita menjelajah pengetahuan dunia" because the image shows a person using a laptop and accessing the internet. This implies that globalization has allowed individuals to access a vast amount of knowledge and information from all around the world through the internet.
Budaya asing yang tidak perlu ditiru karena tidak sesuai dengan kepribadian bangsa Indonesia yaitu ….
Correct Answer
D. Minum minuman beralkohol
Minum minuman beralkohol dianggap sebagai budaya asing yang tidak perlu ditiru karena bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai dan norma-norma sosial bangsa Indonesia. Minum minuman beralkohol dianggap tidak sesuai dengan kepribadian bangsa Indonesia yang dikenal dengan budaya yang menjunjung tinggi kesopanan, kebersamaan, dan kekeluargaan. Selain itu, minum minuman beralkohol juga dianggap dapat merusak kesehatan dan mengganggu stabilitas sosial. Oleh karena itu, minum minuman beralkohol tidak disarankan dan dianggap sebagai budaya asing yang tidak perlu ditiru oleh bangsa Indonesia.
Contoh persiapan Indonesia menghadapi globalisasi yang semakin cepat adalah ….
Correct Answer
A. Menanamkan nilai-nilai pergaulan yang sesuai dengan kepribadian bangsa
The correct answer suggests that one of the preparations Indonesia can make to face globalization is to instill values of social interaction that align with the nation's character. This implies that by promoting and nurturing positive social values, Indonesia can better adapt and integrate into the global community while maintaining its cultural identity and values.
Contoh saling ketergantungan dalam membangun kehidupan kebangsaan adalah ….
Correct Answer
C. Polri membantu keamanan guru mengajar di daerah konflik
The correct answer is "Polri membantu keamanan guru mengajar di daerah konflik." This answer suggests that the police force (Polri) plays a role in ensuring the safety and security of teachers who are teaching in conflict areas. This demonstrates interdependence in building national life, as the police force supports the education sector by providing a safe environment for teachers to carry out their duties.
Contoh prilaku yang menunjukkan bangga sebagai bangsa Indonesia adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. Turut serta dalam promosi budaya daerah
The behavior of participating in the promotion of local culture shows pride as an Indonesian nation. This behavior demonstrates a sense of appreciation and support for the diverse cultural heritage of Indonesia. By actively engaging in the promotion of local culture, individuals contribute to preserving and celebrating the uniqueness of their own country. This behavior also helps to showcase the richness and diversity of Indonesian culture to both domestic and international audiences, fostering a sense of national identity and pride.
Keutuhan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia sangat penting karena ….
Correct Answer
B. Banyak kemajemukan yang dimiliki dan kemerdekaan yang dicapai penuh pengorbanan
The answer suggests that the unity of the Republic of Indonesia is important because it has a diverse population and the achievement of independence required sacrifices. This implies that maintaining the unity of the country is necessary to preserve the diversity and freedom that have been hard-won.
Peraturan perundang-undangan tingkat pusat sangat penting dibuat karena ….
Correct Answer
A. Memberikan rasa keadilan bagi warga negara
The correct answer is "memberikan rasa keadilan bagi warga negara" because laws and regulations at the central level are important in ensuring fairness and justice for all citizens. These laws serve as a framework for governing the country and protecting the rights and interests of individuals. They provide a sense of justice and equality by establishing rules and standards that apply to everyone, regardless of their social status or background.
Contoh peraturan perundang – undangan yang berlaku di tingkat pusat adalah ….
Correct Answer
C. UU No. 30 Tahun 2002 tentang Tindak Pidana Korupsi
The correct answer is UU No. 30 Tahun 2002 tentang Tindak Pidana Korupsi because it is a law at the central level that deals with the criminal offense of corruption. The other options, Perda No. 4 Tahun 1998 tentang pajak hiburan and Perda No. 19 Tahun 1998 tentang pajak restoran, are local regulations related to entertainment tax and restaurant tax respectively. UU No. 32 Tahun 2004 tentang lalu lintas dan angkutan jalan is a law about traffic and transportation.
Contoh peraturan perundang-undangan tingkat daerah adalah ….
Correct Answer
A. Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Cianjur Nomor 1/2004tentang Wajib Daftar Perusahaan
The correct answer is "Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Cianjur Nomor 1/2004 tentang Wajib Daftar Perusahaan" because it is a regulation specific to the local government of Kabupaten Cianjur. It addresses the requirement for companies to register with the local government, indicating that it is a regulation at the regional level. The other options include a national tax regulation, a national education standard, and a national regulation for villages, which do not fit the criteria of being a local regulation.
Berikut yang merupakan contoh keputusan bersama di sekolah adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. Memberikan sanksi sesuai peraturan yang disepakati
The correct answer is "memberikan sanksi sesuai peraturan yang disepakati" because it refers to the act of giving sanctions in accordance with agreed rules. This demonstrates a shared decision-making process in the school, where the sanctions are not arbitrary but based on agreed-upon regulations.
Bentuk keputusan bersama di masyarakat, contohnya ….
Correct Answer
fasilitas umum digunakan dengan baik
This answer is correct because the question is asking for an example of a joint decision in society, and the option "fasilitas umum digunakan dengan baik" fits this criteria. In a society, decisions regarding the use of public facilities are usually made collectively, taking into account the needs and opinions of the community members. This ensures that the facilities are used in a fair and efficient manner for the benefit of everyone.
Berikut yang merupakan contoh perilaku mematuhi keputusan bersama di keluarga adalah ….
Correct Answer
Rina mengepel lantai setiap hari Minggu
The correct answer is Rina mengepel lantai setiap hari Minggu. This behavior demonstrates compliance with a shared decision in the family because Rina consistently cleans the floor every Sunday. This suggests that there is an agreement or understanding within the family that Rina is responsible for this task on a regular basis.
Contoh perilaku mematuhi keputusan bersama di masyarakat adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. Bekerja bakti memperbaiki saluran irigasi
Bekerja bakti memperbaiki saluran irigasi adalah contoh perilaku mematuhi keputusan bersama di masyarakat karena melibatkan kerjasama dan partisipasi aktif dari anggota masyarakat dalam melakukan perbaikan saluran irigasi yang bermanfaat bagi semua. Ini menunjukkan ketaatan terhadap keputusan bersama untuk meningkatkan kondisi infrastruktur yang penting bagi kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat.
Peran Indonesia dalam lingkungan negara-negara di Asia Tenggara adalah ….
Correct Answer
A. Menjaga keamanan di Kamboja dengan mengirim pasukan perdamaian
Indonesia's role in the countries of Southeast Asia is to maintain peace and security in Cambodia by sending peacekeeping forces.
Latar belakang diterapkannya politik luar negeri Indonesia adalah ….
Correct Answer
keinginan dari bangsa Indonesia untuk menunjukkan negeri sendiri
The correct answer suggests that the background for the implementation of Indonesia's foreign policy is the desire of the Indonesian people to showcase their own country. This implies that Indonesia wants to assert its sovereignty and independence on the international stage.
Perhatikan pernyataan di bawah ini!- untuk memperkaya pendapatan dalam negeri
- Indonesia mampu menunjukkan kekayaan alamnya
- untuk menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia memiliki kekuatan
- Indonesia tidak lagi menjadi obyek dalam percaturan dunia
Dari pernyataan di atas manfaat politik luar negeri bagi bangsa dan negara Indonesia di tunjukan oleh nomor....….
Correct Answer
D. 4
The correct answer is 4 because the statement "Indonesia tidak lagi menjadi obyek dalam percaturan dunia" suggests that Indonesia has gained political power and influence in the international arena. This indicates that Indonesia's foreign policy has been successful in asserting its national interests and protecting its sovereignty.