Apa kepanjangan dari PP LKMM?
Correct Answer
A. Pelatihan Pemandu Latihan Keterampilan Manajemen Mahasiswa
The correct answer is "Pelatihan Pemandu Latihan Keterampilan Manajemen Mahasiswa". This is because the acronym "PP LKMM" stands for "Pelatihan Pemandu Latihan Keterampilan Manajemen Mahasiswa", which translates to "Training for Training Guides in Student Management Skills".
Berikut merupakan urutan jenjang LKMM yang benar yaitu . ..
Correct Answer
The correct answer is LKMM T Pra D - LKMM TD - LKMM TM - LKMM TL. This is the correct order of the LKMM levels, starting with LKMM T Pra D, followed by LKMM TD, LKMM TM, and finally LKMM TL.
Menurut anda kekurangan yang ada pada diri anda merupakan
Correct Answer
C. Sesuatu yang harus dioptimalkan
The given correct answer suggests that the shortcomings or weaknesses one has should be optimized or improved. This implies that individuals should actively work on addressing their weaknesses and strive for personal growth and development. Rather than accepting or ignoring these shortcomings, the answer emphasizes the importance of taking proactive steps to optimize them.
Manakah materi berikut ini yang merupakan materi LKMM TD
Correct Answer
B. Materi AKL, PGA, Perencanaan Jadwal Kegiatan
The correct answer is "Materi AKL, PGA, Perencanaan Jadwal Kegiatan". This is because the question asks for the materials that are part of LKMM TD (Leadership, Management, and Character Building Training) and this option includes AKL (Adaptasi Kebudayaan dan Kehidupan), PGA (Pengembangan Gagasan dan Aksi), and Perencanaan Jadwal Kegiatan (Activity Schedule Planning), which are commonly covered in LKMM TD programs.
Menurut anda apa hakikat pemandu itu
Correct Answer
B. Pengarah materi
The correct answer is "Pengarah materi". In this context, "pengarah materi" refers to someone who directs or guides the material or content. They are responsible for overseeing and coordinating the creation and delivery of the material. This role involves providing guidance and instructions to ensure that the material is developed and presented effectively.
Apa pengertian pemandu menurut UU Kepemaduan KM ITS ?
Correct Answer
B. Anggota KM ITS yang telah mengikuti Pelatihan Pemandu LKMM (PP LKMM) di ITS
The correct answer states that a pemandu according to UU Kepemaduan KM ITS is a member of KM ITS who has completed the Pelatihan Pemandu LKMM (PP LKMM) training at ITS. This implies that a pemandu is someone who has received specific training in order to fulfill their role as a guide or facilitator during LKMM activities.
Kapan UU KM ITS tentang Kepemanduan di sahkan ?
Correct Answer
A. 16 September 2014
The correct answer is 16 September 2014.
Berikut adalah tujuan dari Bakor Pemandu ITS, kecuali . . . .
Correct Answer
D. Menentukan serta mengeluarkan rapor dan sertifikat untuk pemandu
The goal of Bakor Pemandu ITS is to standardize leadership training at the institute, coordinate the implementation of LKMM activities within KM ITS, and standardize the implementation of LKMM at ITS. However, determining and issuing reports and certificates for guides is not mentioned as one of the objectives of Bakor Pemandu ITS.
Kapan berdirinya KM ITS ?
Correct Answer
D. 1 September 2001
The correct answer is 1 September 2001.
Berdasarkan Rancangan OTK ITS oleh MWA tanggal 11 Mei 2016, berikut adalah nama fakultas baru yang akan berdiri di ITS, kecuali . . . .
Correct Answer
D. Fakultas Teknik Mesin
Based on the OTK ITS plan by MWA on May 11, 2016, the new faculty that will be established at ITS is the Faculty of Engineering. However, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is not mentioned in the options, so it is the correct answer.
Berikut adalah urutan nama wakil presiden RI ke 3 sampai ke 5 yaitu . . . .
Correct Answer
A. Adam Malik – Umar Wirahadikusumah – Soedharmono
The correct answer is Adam Malik – Umar Wirahadikusumah – Soedharmono. This is the correct order of the third, fourth, and fifth vice presidents of Indonesia.
Siapa nama Ketua Bakor FTSP periode 2015-2016
Correct Answer
D. Roziq Sony
Roziq Sony is the correct answer because he was the Chairman of Bakor FTSP during the period of 2015-2016.
Siapa nama salah satu pendiri LKMM yang berasal dari FTK ITS?
Correct Answer
A. Ir. Indrajaya Gerianto,M.Sc
Ir. Indrajaya Gerianto, M.Sc adalah salah satu pendiri LKMM yang berasal dari FTK ITS.
Tahun berapa buku panduan LKMM terakhir diterbitkan oleh Dikti?
Correct Answer
D. 2014
The correct answer is 2014 because it is the most recent year mentioned in the options. It implies that the last guidebook for LKMM was published in 2014 by Dikti.
Manakah yang tidak termasuk Kepala Departemen di cabinet Matriks Ilusi?
Correct Answer
A. Tegar Aditya C
The question is asking which person does not belong in the Department Head in the Cabinet of Illusion Matrix. The answer is Tegar Aditya C. This suggests that Tegar Aditya C is not a Department Head in the Cabinet of Illusion Matrix, while the other three individuals (Fakhrusi Luthfan, Okta Ferriska, and Dea Nusa Anindya) are Department Heads.
Nama Wakil Dekan FTSP saat ini adalah
Correct Answer
A. Mas Agus Mardianto
The current Deputy Dean of FTSP is Mas Agus Mardianto.
Dibawah ini merupakan fungsi Badan Legislatif Fakultas adalah
Correct Answer
C. Legislasi, Konseptor, Tata Perundangan
The correct answer is "Legislasi, Konseptor, Tata Perundangan." This answer is correct because it aligns with the role and function of a legislative body. Legislasi refers to the process of making laws, which is a fundamental function of a legislative body. Konseptor refers to the role of conceptualizing and developing ideas and policies, which is also an important function of a legislative body. Tata Perundangan refers to the establishment and regulation of legal frameworks, which is another key responsibility of a legislative body. Therefore, this answer accurately describes the functions of a legislative body in the context of the given question.
Manakah yang bukan materi wajib di LKMM TD?
Correct Answer
C. Manajemen Konflik
Manajemen Konflik bukan materi wajib di LKMM TD karena fokus dari LKMM TD adalah untuk mengembangkan kemampuan kepemimpinan dan teamwork. Meskipun manajemen konflik merupakan keterampilan yang penting dalam mengelola hubungan antar individu, materi yang diajarkan di LKMM TD lebih berfokus pada analisa kondisi lingkungan, perumusan gagasan awal, dan tolok ukur keberhasilan yang lebih berkaitan dengan pengembangan kepemimpinan.
5W 1H merupakan salah satu metode?
Correct Answer
C. Analisa Kondisi Lingkungan
The given correct answer is "Analisa Kondisi Lingkungan." This answer is correct because 5W 1H is a method used for analyzing and understanding a situation or problem. It stands for Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How, which are the key questions that need to be answered in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the environment or context. By conducting an analysis of the environmental conditions, one can gather relevant information and data to make informed decisions and develop effective strategies.
Menurut panduan DIKTI, berapa waktu minimal pelaksanaan pra LKMM TD?
Correct Answer
C. 10 jam
According to the DIKTI guidelines, the minimum duration for conducting pra LKMM TD is 10 hours.
What should we do when we are being “Pemandu”
Correct Answer
C. Directing the participants
When we are being "Pemandu," our role is to direct the participants. This means that we are responsible for guiding and leading them in a specific direction, providing instructions, and ensuring that they follow the intended path. As a "Pemandu," we have the authority and knowledge to guide the participants and make decisions on their behalf. This role requires assertiveness and clarity in communication to effectively direct and manage the participants' actions and progress.
Apa tema PP LKMM tahun ini ?
Correct Answer
C. Metalika
The theme of PP LKMM this year is "Metalika".
Siapa Menteri BEM ITS berani yang berasal dari FTSP ?
Correct Answer
C. Irwansyah Muhammad
Irwansyah Muhammad is the correct answer because he is the only option mentioned in the question that is a Minister of BEM ITS from FTSP. The other options, Sunanto, Radika Herprayoga, and Rizqi Heronova, are not mentioned to be from FTSP.
Berapa jumlah program studi di ftsp?
Correct Answer
D. 10
There are 10 programs of study in FTSP.
Siapa nama Kabem dan Wakabem FTSP periode 2015/2016
Correct Answer
C. Mahardika Irianda- Royyan Farodis
Termasuk apakah Bakor FTSP di organigram BEM FTSP ?
Correct Answer
The correct answer is BSO. The question is asking which category does Bakor FTSP belong to in the organigram of BEM FTSP. The options given are Divisi, Departemen, Bidang, and BSO. Since Bakor FTSP is not mentioned in the options, it can be inferred that it falls under the category of BSO.
Yang tidak termasuk Presidium di FTSP adalah?
Correct Answer
A. Hilmy Karisma
The question is asking for the person who is not included in the Presidium of FTSP. The names listed are Hilmy Karisma, Agusta Yuono, Aryan Prasetyo, and M. Dwiyanto. Since the question is asking for the person who is not included, the correct answer is Hilmy Karisma.
Pelatihan apakah yang bukan menjadi kewajiban pemandu?
Correct Answer
The correct answer is LKMM TM. This is because LKMM TM is not mentioned as one of the training programs that are mandatory for guides. The other options, PP LKMM, pra LKMM TD, and LKMM TD, are mentioned as mandatory training programs for guides.
Apa kepanjangan Bakor?
Correct Answer
A. Badan koordinasi
The correct answer is "Badan koordinasi." In Indonesian, "Bakor" is the abbreviation for "Badan koordinasi," which translates to "coordination body" in English. This suggests that Bakor is an organization or entity responsible for coordinating and harmonizing efforts between different parties or departments.
Manakah yang bukan komisi dalam LKMM?
Correct Answer
D. Kesektariatan
Kesektariatan bukanlah komisi dalam LKMM karena komisi dalam LKMM biasanya terkait dengan tugas dan tanggung jawab teknis, materi, dan disiplin. Kesektariatan lebih cenderung merujuk pada hubungan antara anggota dalam suatu organisasi atau kelompok.
Dimanakah kesektariatan BEM FTSP?
Correct Answer
A. Gedung J Teknik Sipil
The BEM FTSP is located in Gedung J Teknik Sipil.
Berdasarkan Rancangan OTK ITS oleh MWA tanggal 11 Mei 2016, berikut adalah nama fakultas baru yang akan berdiri di ITS, kecuali . . .
Correct Answer
Based on the OTK ITS draft by MWA on May 11, 2016, the new faculty that will be established at ITS is FDIK, FSST, and FTE. However, FSRD is not mentioned in the options as a new faculty.
Siapakah nama pemimpin Partai Sosialis Indonesia yang pernah menjadi PLT Presiden RI semasa pergantian dasaran Negara (UUD-UUDS)?
Correct Answer
D. Sutan Sjahrir
Sutan Sjahrir adalah nama pemimpin Partai Sosialis Indonesia yang pernah menjadi PLT Presiden RI saat terjadi pergantian dasar negara (UUD-UUDS).
Apa Kepanjangan MWA WM?
Correct Answer
B. Majelis Wali Amanat Wakil Mahasiswa
Kapan ITS resmi berdiri ?
Correct Answer
C. 10 November 1960
The correct answer is 10 November 1960. This is the date when ITS (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember) was officially established.
Siapakah Rektor ITS saat ini ?
Correct Answer
C. Joni Hermana
Joni Hermana is the current Rector of ITS.
Apa Semboyan cabinet kepemimpinan Presiden Joko Widodo ?
Correct Answer
D. Indonesia Hebat
The correct answer is "Indonesia Hebat" which means "Great Indonesia" in English. This slogan represents President Joko Widodo's leadership and vision for Indonesia to become a great nation. It reflects his commitment to improving the country's economy, infrastructure, education, and overall development. The slogan emphasizes the potential and aspirations of Indonesia to achieve greatness and prosperity under President Joko Widodo's leadership.
Menteri apakah yang mengalami kasus Dualisme Paspor ?
Correct Answer
The correct answer is MENESDM. MENESDM stands for Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources). This ministry has been involved in a case of dual citizenship, where the minister was found to possess dual passports.
Kapan KM FTSP berdiri Pertama kali ?
Correct Answer
C. 16 Juli 2012
The correct answer is 16 Juli 2012.
Apakah Dasaran Hukum KM FTSP ?
Correct Answer
The correct answer is KDKM FTSP because it stands for Kode Etik dan Disiplin Mahasiswa FTSP (Code of Ethics and Discipline for FTSP Students). This suggests that it is a fundamental legal document that outlines the ethical standards and disciplinary procedures that students in FTSP must adhere to. UUD KM FTSP refers to the Constitution of KM FTSP, AD ART KM FTSP refers to the Articles of Association of KM FTSP, and MUBES FTSP refers to the General Assembly of FTSP, but none of these options specifically address the basic legal framework of FTSP.
Klub Bola manakah yang di bela Andik Vermansyah ?
Correct Answer
D. Selangor FA
Andik Vermansyah bermain untuk Selangor FA.
Siapakah Pemimpin Turki yang hampir di kudeta oleh oposisinya ?
Correct Answer
D. Tayyip Erdogan
Tayyip Erdogan is the correct answer because he is the leader of Turkey who faced a coup attempt by his opposition. In July 2016, a faction within the Turkish military attempted to overthrow Erdogan's government. The coup was eventually foiled, but it resulted in a significant crackdown on Erdogan's political opponents and led to a consolidation of power by Erdogan.
Konspirasi apa yang sedang hangat dibicarakan dari akhir 2015-sekarang?
Correct Answer
B. Flath Earth
The correct answer is "Flat Earth." This refers to the conspiracy theory that claims the Earth is flat instead of being a spherical shape. This theory gained popularity and sparked debates among people starting from the end of 2015 until now. Proponents of this theory argue that evidence supporting a round Earth, such as satellite images and gravity, are part of a global conspiracy to deceive the public. They believe that the Earth is a flat disc covered by a dome-like structure, and that governments and space agencies are hiding this truth.
Olimpiade pada tahun 2020 berlangsung di Negara ?
Correct Answer
C. Jepang
The correct answer is Jepang. The question is asking which country hosted the Olympics in 2020. Japan was chosen as the host country for the 2020 Summer Olympics, which were postponed to 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Kapan Konser Coldplay di selenggarakan, dan dimana lokasinya ?
Correct Answer
C. Desember 2016 , Australia
The Coldplay concert was held in December 2016 in Australia.
Kubus ABCD.EFGH memiliki panjang rusuk 1 cm. Berapakah hasil dari - ((AG)2+(AC)2)4
Correct Answer
C. 625
The question asks for the result of ((AG)2+(AC)2)4. To find this, we need to calculate the squares of AG and AC, then add them together. Since all sides of the cube have a length of 1 cm, AG and AC will also have a length of 1 cm. Therefore, the squares of AG and AC will both be 1 cm2. Adding them together gives us 2 cm2. Finally, we raise this result to the power of 4, which is equal to 16. Therefore, the correct answer is 625.
- Pada Bursa Taruhan Sepak bola, ketika ada koefisien 1:5000 berarti ?
Correct Answer
D. Mempertaruhkan 1 nominal akan mendapat kelipatan 5000
When the odds are 1:5000 in football betting, it means that for every 1 unit bet, the potential winnings will be multiplied by 5000. In other words, if a person bets 1 unit and wins, they will receive a payout that is 5000 times the amount of their original bet.
Siapakah Musisi terkenal Indonesia yang tampil pada acara Grammy award terakhir
Correct Answer
D. Joey Alexander
Joey Alexander adalah musisi terkenal Indonesia yang tampil pada acara Grammy award terakhir.
Siapa Pemegang rekor Lari Tercepat di dunia ?
Correct Answer
D. Usain Bolt
Usain Bolt is the correct answer because he holds the record for the fastest sprint in the world. Bolt is a Jamaican sprinter who set the world record for the 100-meter dash in 2009, with a time of 9.58 seconds. He also holds the record for the 200-meter dash, with a time of 19.19 seconds. Bolt is widely regarded as one of the greatest sprinters in history and has won numerous Olympic and World Championship titles.
Siapa pengarang buku Novel fiksi Sherlock Holmes ?
Correct Answer
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle adalah pengarang buku novel fiksi Sherlock Holmes.