Mung aya kahanjakal nu katingal di sakola abdi, nya éta upami tengah-tengah taun téh sok seueur siswa anu ka luar ti sakola. Ari alesanna mah teu gaduh biaya. Éta ogé ari bayaran sakola mah gratis henteu aya, mung pédah apan sakola téh kedah gaduh acuk saragam, kedah mésér kantong, kedah mésér buku tulis, buku pangajaran sareng kanggo jajan.
Aya bantosan ti pamaréntah mung teu sadayana siswa kénging. Abdi ogé kénging bantosan ti pamaréntah nu disebat BAGUS nya éta Bantuan Gubernur Untuk Siswa. Artos BAGUS téh ku Apa sareng ku Ema sok dipésérkeun kana buku tulis, kantong, sareng acuk saragam. Sésana disimpen kanggo bekel sakola abdi sadidinten.
Harepan abdi kanggo pamaréntah nya éta supados bantosan téh diseueuran jumlahna. Da geuning anu ayeuna aya mah henteu nyekapan kanggo sadaya siswa SMP. Réréncangan abdi anu teu kénging bantosan, sakapeung mah sok sirik ka abdi. Pajarkeun téh guru pilih kasih masihan artos ka siswa. Padahal ku guru-guru parantos dijelaskeun yén bantuan téh kawatesanan jumlahna, kitu ogé sanés ti sakola tapi ti gubernur, kapan tos jelas namina ogé BAGUS nya éta Bantuan Gubernur Untuk Siswa
Abdi ogé kénging bantosan ti pamaréntah nu disebat BAGUS nya éta ……………………………….
Correct Answer
C. Bantuan Gubernur Untuk Siswa
The passage mentions that the government provides assistance to students in the form of Bantuan Gubernur Untuk Siswa (BAGUS), which translates to Governor's Assistance for Students. This assistance includes providing school supplies such as books, bags, and uniforms. The author also expresses hope that the government will increase the amount of assistance provided. Therefore, the correct answer is Bantuan Gubernur Untuk Siswa.
Mung aya kahanjakal nu katingal di sakola abdi, nya éta upami tengah-tengah taun téh sok seueur siswa anu ka luar ti sakola. Ari alesanna mah teu gaduh biaya. Éta ogé ari bayaran sakola mah gratis henteu aya, mung pédah apan sakola téh kedah gaduh acuk saragam, kedah mésér kantong, kedah mésér buku tulis, buku pangajaran sareng kanggo jajan.
Aya bantosan ti pamaréntah mung teu sadayana siswa kénging. Abdi ogé kénging bantosan ti pamaréntah nu disebat BAGUS nya éta Bantuan Gubernur Untuk Siswa. Artos BAGUS téh ku Apa sareng ku Ema sok dipésérkeun kana buku tulis, kantong, sareng acuk saragam. Sésana disimpen kanggo bekel sakola abdi sadidinten.
Harepan abdi kanggo pamaréntah nya éta supados bantosan téh diseueuran jumlahna. Da geuning anu ayeuna aya mah henteu nyekapan kanggo sadaya siswa SMP. Réréncangan abdi anu teu kénging bantosan, sakapeung mah sok sirik ka abdi. Pajarkeun téh guru pilih kasih masihan artos ka siswa. Padahal ku guru-guru parantos dijelaskeun yén bantuan téh kawatesanan jumlahna, kitu ogé sanés ti sakola tapi ti gubernur, kapan tos jelas namina ogé BAGUS nya éta Bantuan Gubernur Untuk Siswa.
Naon harepan abdi kanggo program BAGUS téh dumasar wacana di luhur?
Correct Answer
D. Supados bantosan téh diseueuran jumlahna
The passage suggests that the author hopes that the assistance program (BAGUS) will be distributed equally among all students. The author expresses disappointment that the program seems to be selective and not reaching all students, as some teachers are favoring certain students over others. Therefore, the correct answer is "supados bantosan téh diseueuran jumlahna," which means "so that the assistance program is distributed equally."
Mung aya kahanjakal nu katingal di sakola abdi, nya éta upami tengah-tengah taun téh sok seueur siswa anu ka luar ti sakola. Ari alesanna mah teu gaduh biaya. Éta ogé ari bayaran sakola mah gratis henteu aya, mung pédah apan sakola téh kedah gaduh acuk saragam, kedah mésér kantong, kedah mésér buku tulis, buku pangajaran sareng kanggo jajan.
Aya bantosan ti pamaréntah mung teu sadayana siswa kénging. Abdi ogé kénging bantosan ti pamaréntah nu disebat BAGUS nya éta Bantuan Gubernur Untuk Siswa. Artos BAGUS téh ku Apa sareng ku Ema sok dipésérkeun kana buku tulis, kantong, sareng acuk saragam. Sésana disimpen kanggo bekel sakola abdi sadidinten.
Harepan abdi kanggo pamaréntah nya éta supados bantosan téh diseueuran jumlahna. Da geuning anu ayeuna aya mah henteu nyekapan kanggo sadaya siswa SMP. Réréncangan abdi anu teu kénging bantosan, sakapeung mah sok sirik ka abdi. Pajarkeun téh guru pilih kasih masihan artos ka siswa. Padahal ku guru-guru parantos dijelaskeun yén bantuan téh kawatesanan jumlahna, kitu ogé sanés ti sakola tapi ti gubernur, kapan tos jelas namina ogé BAGUS nya éta Bantuan Gubernur Untuk Siswa.
Kunaon teu sadaya siswa dipaparin BAGUS? …………………….
Correct Answer
D. Kumargi batosan BAGUS kawatesan ku jumlahna
The correct answer is "kumargi batosan BAGUS kawatesan ku jumlahna". This means that not all students receive the BAGUS assistance because it is limited by the number of students. The assistance is given based on the number of students, so it is not provided to all students.
Umumna rumpaka tembang disanggi dina wangun pupuh. Nu kaasup wanda papantunan nyaéta……………...
Correct Answer
D. Pangapungan
The given answer "pangapungan" is the correct answer because it is the only option that fits the description of "wanda papantunan" which means the melody or tune of a song. "Pangapungan" is a term used in Sundanese music to refer to the specific melody or tune of a song. The other options, "goyong," "kinanti degung," and "salaka domas," do not have the same meaning and are not related to the concept of melody or tune in music.
Umumna Kritik téh dina enas-enasna mah sarua jeung…………………
Correct Answer
D. Nyawad
Umumna rumpaka tembang disanggi dina wangun pupuh. Nu kaasup wanda jejemplangan nyaéta……………...
Correct Answer
C. Jemplang karang
The question is asking for the missing word in the sentence that describes the characteristics of a pupuh. The correct answer is "jemplang karang" because it is a type of melody or tune that is used in pupuh.
Kritik téh hartina nepikeun pamanggih hiji hal nu teu……………...
Correct Answer
D. Saluyu jeung palanggeran
Umumna rumpaka tembang disanggi dina wangun pupuh. Nu kaasup wanda rarancagan nyaéta……………...
Correct Answer
A. Bayubud
Umumna rumpaka tembang disanggi dina wangun pupuh. Nu kaasup wanda kakawén nyaéta……………...
Correct Answer
A. rajah
The correct answer is "rajah." In the context of the given sentence, the word "rajah" fits logically as it is commonly used in the context of pupuh, which is a traditional form of Javanese poetry. It is likely that the sentence is asking for a term related to pupuh, and "rajah" is the most appropriate option among the given choices.
Umumna rumpaka tembang disanggi dina wangun pupuh. Nu kaasup wanda Panambih nyaéta……………...
Correct Answer
B. Toropongan
The correct answer is "toropongan". The question is asking for the term that is included in the Panambih section of the pupuh form of poetry. The other options, kinanti degung, papatét, and mupu kembang, do not fit this description. Therefore, "toropongan" is the correct answer.
……….........................ogé barang loakan mah, moal nyaruaan barang ti toko.
Correct Answer
C. Saalus-alusna
The correct answer is "Saalus-alusna." This is because the phrase "sagalus-alusna" means "very gentle" or "extremely polite" in Sundanese, a language spoken in West Java, Indonesia. The other options do not convey the same meaning of being extremely polite.
Pupuh dina sastra Sunda aya 17 pupuh, dibagi dua Sekar Ageung jeung Sekar Alit.
Nu kaasup Sekar Ageung nyaéta pupuh………………..
Correct Answer
C. Dangdanggula
The given question is incomplete and does not provide enough information to generate an explanation for the correct answer.
Pupuh dina sastra Sunda aya 17 pupuh, dibagi dua Sekar Ageung jeung Sekar Alit.
Nu kaasup sekar Alit nyaéta pupuh………………..
Correct Answer
C. Gurisa jeung lambang
The correct answer is "gurisa jeung lambang" because it is mentioned in the passage that there are 17 pupuh in Sundanese literature, divided into two categories: Sekar Ageung and Sekar Alit. The pupuh "gurisa jeung lambang" is part of the Sekar Alit category.
……………………………….ogé cicing di batur, moal cara di imah sorangan.
Correct Answer
A. Sangenah-ngenahna
Kabupatén Purwakarta ayeuna taun 2013 ngawengku sabaraha kacamatan?
Correct Answer
A. 17
The given answer, 17, is the correct answer because it is the only unique number among the options provided. The other options, 16 and 18, are repeated twice. Therefore, the correct answer is 17.
“Ulah bosenan ari diajar téh, sok sing leukeun da éngké ogé moal burung bisa,asal urangna leukeun ngeureuyeuh bari keyeng kana diajar, geuning ceuk paribasa ogé………………………
Correct Answer
A. Cikaracak ninggang batu, laun-laun jadi legok
The correct answer is "Cikaracak ninggang batu, laun-laun jadi legok". This phrase means that even though someone starts with a small or insignificant task, they can eventually achieve something great or significant. It implies that one should not underestimate the potential or abilities of others based on their initial appearance or actions.
Si Dul téh katabrak mobil, nya dirawat di Rumah Sakit “ Bayu Asih”. Pikeun kaperluan operasi, indungna ngajual perhiasan.
Correct Answer
A. Banda tatalang raga
The phrase "banda tatalang raga" means a group of people who are skilled in physical activities or sports. In the given context, it suggests that when Si Dul had an accident and needed an operation, a team of skilled individuals or medical professionals at Rumah Sakit "Bayu Asih" took care of him. The phrase implies that the hospital has a competent team capable of handling such situations.
Sangkan henteu méngpar tina katangtuan nu geus padanyaluyuan, dina nepikeun kritik boh
sacara lisan boh tulisan kudu dirojong ku.............................................
Correct Answer
C. Pamahaman ngeunaan hal nu dikritikna
The correct answer is "pamahaman ngeunaan hal nu dikritikna." This answer is supported by the information provided in the question. The question states that when providing criticism, whether orally or in writing, it should be supported by a good understanding of the subject being criticized. Therefore, the answer "pamahaman ngeunaan hal nu dikritikna" aligns with this requirement as it means "understanding of the subject being criticized."
Lamun aya kahayang téh........................ngomong anu bener, ulah buad-baeud kitu!
Correct Answer
C. Pok
The correct answer is "pok". In the given sentence, the word "pok" is used to emphasize the speaker's frustration or annoyance towards someone who talks without thinking or without considering the consequences of their words. The word "pok" is a colloquial expression in Sundanese language, which means "careless" or "thoughtless". It is used to criticize someone's behavior of speaking without being mindful of the impact their words may have.
Waktu jumatan bedug nu di tajug téh ditakol ku................... Istilah patukangan nu merenah pikeun ngalengkepan kalimah nyaéta……..............................
Correct Answer
A. Muazin
The correct answer is "muazin". In Islamic tradition, the muazin is the person who calls the adhan (the Islamic call to prayer) from the minaret of a mosque. The adhan is usually called before the Friday prayer (jumatan), and the sound of the bedug (a traditional drum) is often used to signal the start of the prayer. Therefore, it makes sense that the muazin would be the one responsible for striking the bedug in the mosque's minaret.
Upama diwincik deui mah kecappamyeluk téh aya anu patalina jeung rasa. Pikeun ngebréhkeun rasa tingtrim nyaéta……..
Correct Answer
A. alhamdulillah
The correct answer is "alhamdulillah" because it is the only option that makes sense in the given context. The phrase "Upama diwincik deui mah kecappamyeluk téh aya anu patalina jeung rasa" is in Indonesian language and translates to "If you think about it, there is something that is related to taste and feeling." Out of the given options, "alhamdulillah" is the most appropriate response as it is an Arabic phrase commonly used by Muslims to express gratitude and thankfulness.
Ubur-ubur téh hirupna teu netep, salawasna ………………… kabawa ombak laut.
Correct Answer
A. pundah-pindah
The correct answer is "pundah-pindah" because it is the only option that makes sense in the given sentence. The sentence talks about jellyfish not staying in one place and being carried by ocean waves. "Pundah-pindah" means moving or changing places frequently, which fits the context of the sentence. The other options do not convey the same meaning.
Ari kana ngojay mah bisaeun ubur-ubur téh, tapi (laun). Kecap laun upama maké rajékan dwipurwa + - an, jadi ....
Correct Answer
B. Lalaunan
The passage mentions that the jellyfish is beautiful, so the word that follows should also describe something beautiful. "Lalaunan" is the only option that fits this description, as it means "beautiful" in Sundanese. Therefore, "lalaunan" is the correct answer.
Ubur-ubur kaasup sato nu kadaharan (sapoé) sabangsa daging. Kecap sapoé upama
maké rajékan dwimadya + - na, jadi ....
Correct Answer
C. Sapopoéna
The given sentence is in Sundanese language, and it translates to "Jellyfish is a type of animal that has no bones. If jellyfish is cooked with spices + and - then it becomes ...." The correct answer "sapopoéna" means "delicious" in Sundanese. Therefore, when jellyfish is cooked with spices, it becomes delicious.
Kamari abdi ………………. ........... buku pakét basa Sunda di Toko “Buku Labil Ekonomi.”
Correct Answer
D. Mésér
The correct answer is "mésér". This is because the sentence is in the Indonesian language, and "mésér" is the Indonesian word for "buy". The sentence is saying that Kamari Abdi is buying a package of Sundanese language books at the "Buku Labil Ekonomi" bookstore.
Buku ti perpustakaan téh tos ……................ ku abdi, bade diwangsulkeun dinten ayeuna.
Correct Answer
D. Dibantun
The correct answer, "dibantun," is the past tense form of the verb "bantun" which means "to help" in Indonesian. The sentence structure suggests that the book in the library was helped or assisted by the speaker, and it will be returned today.
Nilik kana wanguna jeung gunana, kecap panyeluk téh bisa mangrupa pangajak. Nu kaasup pangajak nyaéta……..
Correct Answer
D. Mangga
The correct answer is "mangga." The given question is in Indonesian language and it asks about the meaning of the word "panyeluk." The options provided are "Ambuing," "Hatur nuhun," "Wilujeng sumping," and "mangga." Out of these options, "mangga" is the most appropriate answer as it means "invitation" in Indonesian.
Sanggeus ngadéngé beja yén indungna maot, manéhna ngarumpuyuk leuleus lir .............
Correct Answer
A. kapuk kaibunan
The correct answer is "kapuk kaibunan". This is because the sentence mentions that the mother is sick, and the word "kapuk kaibunan" means "to take care" or "to nurse" in Sundanese, which implies that the speaker will take care of their mother.
Raray budak kembar téh mani sarupa pisan lir .............
Correct Answer
A. Beubeulahan terong
The correct answer is "beubeulahan terong" because the sentence is comparing twin children to something that is similar to them. "Beubeulahan terong" means "like eggplant" in Sundanese language. So the sentence is saying that the twin children are similar to eggplant.
Sing alus atuh tulisan téh, ulah kawas ………………..… kitu!
Correct Answer
C. cékér hayam